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Limitations of the Research and Further Studies


6.1. Limitations of the Research and Further Studies

Within the scope of the thesis study, residential production processes were analyzed with a socio-spatial approach. While the stated analysis was carried out, the unique relations network of the space production processes was revealed. In line with this aim, interviews with actors who are actively involved in spatial shaping processes are realized and the shaping story of the space is made sense. Since the thesis focusing on the formalization of the process rather than making sense of urban space through quantifications, fills an important gap in the literature.


From this perspective, the extent to which consumer preferences can be driven by design can be the subject of another studies in terms of housing production processes which are argued to be shaped by the influence of consumer society. In other words, has spatial design been reduced to a function that manipulates (lies to) user preferences in the housing sector? In this sense, renderings of sample housing projects and images served to the user must be analyzed extensively. It is critical of the conditions under which the produced space is offered to users.

All of the spatial designers analyzed in the thesis study have the awareness that they can be considered ‘star architects’. Another issue that can be examined is the situation of housing projects produced by design offices which cannot be counted as star architects. As a natural consequence of this situation, the perception of housing quality for those living in produced residential areas is another issue that needs to be discussed.

As expressed from the beginning of the thesis study, spatial production processes are in a dialectical structure that commutes between objects and concepts and is constantly re-fictionalized according to context. In this sense, it is hoped that the thesis work has made a promise to be questioned, discussed and criticized in the new thesis work.


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