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Bu çal›flmalarda incelenen de¤iflkenler, yafl, cinsi- yet, medeni durum, e¤itim durumu, alkol al›nan y›l, ilk hastâne yat›fl›ndaki gün say›s›, hastanede yat›fl
A typical radiographic appearance of OP includes multiple symmetrical foci of dense radio-opaque spots in the spongious bone tissue, and in the inner bone cortex located in the
Oral antispastik ajanlar›n en az etkili oldu¤u hasta grubu inmeli hastalard›r.. ‹nmeli hastalar ilaçlar›n kognitif yan etkilerine daha duyar- l›d›r ve bu ajanlar›n
Are incentive spirometry, intermittent positive pressure breathing, and deep breathing exercises effective in the prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications after
Alkol bağımlılığı olan bireylerin ve kontrol grubunun bellek işlevleri WMS ve SBST ile değerlendirilmiştir.. Kontrol ve bağımlı grupları arasında anlamlı farklılık
Biseps lezyonlar›n›n da içinde oldu¤u yumuflak doku köken- li omuz a¤r›s›nda eklem hareket aç›kl›¤› (EHA) k›s›tl›l›¤›n›, a¤r›- y› ve sonuç
duction of apoptosis in cancer cells through cytotoxic proteins secreted by NK cells such as perforin and granzyme B and cell death receptor and ligand inter- action
Some cancer studies have demonstrated that intensive local therapy could prolong overall survival (OS) in untreated de novo metastatic cancer patients.[14,15,23,24] This concept