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First Report of Enteromyxum leei (Myxozoa) in the Black Sea in a Potential Reservoir Host Chromis chromis


Academic year: 2021

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(1)魚病研究 Fi shPat hol ogy ,49( 2) ,57–60,2014.6. Shor tcommuni cat i on. Fi r stRepor tofEnt er omy x um l eei ( Myxoz oa)i nt heBl ackSeai na Pot ent i alReser voi rHost Chr omi schr omi s *,Tür AhmetÖz er k ayÖzt ür k,Hak anÖzk an andAr zuÇam Si nopUni ver si t y ,Facul t yofFi sher i esandAquat i c Sci ences,57000Si nop,T ur k ey ( Recei v edJ anuar y25,20 14). ABSTRACT—Damsel f i shChr omi schr omi scol l ect edf r om t heBl ac kSeacoast sofSi nop,Tur k ey ,wer eex ami nedf or t hy myx ospor eansi nJ uneandJ ul y20 13. Oneof25heal f i shand2deadf i shhadi nf ect i onswi t hEnt er omyxum l eei . Devel opi ngpl asmodi aandf ul l ydevel opedspor eswer e numer ousl yobser vedi nt hei nt est i neandgal lbl adderof i nf ect ed f i sh. Thi sf i ndi ng suggest st hatE.l eeican devel opnor mal l yi nt hi sf i shspeci es. Absenceoff i sh f ar mscl oset ot hesampl i ngsi t esuggest st hatt hepar asi t e wasnotor i gi nat edf r om f ar medf i sh. Thi si st hef i r str epor t eeii nt heBl ac kSea. ofE.l Keywor ds: Ent er omyxum l eei ,Chr omi schr omi s,Bl ack Sea,T ur k ey ,r eser v oi rhost. Dur i ngapar asi t ol ogi calsur veyoft hedamsel f i sh Chr omi schr omi sf r om t heBl ackSeacoast sofSi nop, Tur k ey ,wher et her ei snoaquacul t ur ef aci l i t i esnear by , i nt hemont hsJ uneandJ ul y20 13,andf r om ar esear ch f aci l i t yi nt heFacul t yofFi sher i esandAquat i cSci ences i nJ une20 13,amy x os por eanpar as i t ewasenc ount er ed. Numer ousy oungpl asmodi aandspor eswer eobser v ed i nt hegal lbl adderandi nt est i neofheavi l yi nf ect ed2 deadf i sh,pr evi ousl ycol l ect edf r om t heBl ac kSea,hel d i nanaquar i um andonl yi nt hei nt est i neofsl i ght l y i nf ect edoneof25wi l df i sh. Fr eshpar asi t eswer e exami nedwi t hanOl ympusBX51mi cr oscopeusi ng phasecont r ast ,andphot ogr aphedbyDP25di gi t al c amer aus i ngdat apr oc es s i ngs of t war eDP2BSW. I nt hegal lbl adder s,numer ousyoungpl asmodi a wi t hi mmat ur espor eswer eobser vedandveget at i ve asmodi a st ageswer edi spor i cpl asmodi a( Fi g.1A) . Pl ( n=20)measur ed17 . 6mm ( 14. 7–20. 0mm)i nl engt h and15. 5mm ( 14. 0–17 . 3mm)i nwi dt h. *Cor r espondi ngaut hor Emai l :aoz er @s i nop. edu. t r. © 20 14TheJ apaneseSoci et yofFi shPat hol ogy. Ty pi c almat ur es por esi nt hei nt es t i neandgal lbl adderofi nf ec t edf i s hwer ei nanar c uat e,al mos ts emi c i r c ul arshape( Fi g.1B–D) . Pol arcapsul eswer eel ongat ed, t aper i ngt ot hei rdi st alends,openatonesi deoft he spor e,di ver gi ng atan angl e ofabout90° . Pol ar f i l ament s coi l ed 7 t i mes on aver age ( r ange 6–8) . Spor eandpol arcapsul edi mensi onsar epr ovi dedi n Tabl e1 . Basedont heov er al lmor phol ogyandspor e di ment i ons ,t hepar asi t ewasi dent i f i edasamyx oz oan, Ent er omy x um l eei . Thephy l um My x oz oai sc ompos edent i r el yofendopar asi t es,i ncl udi ngsomet hatcausedi seaseswhi ch subst ant i ali mpactonaquacul t ur eandf i sher i esar ound t hewor l d( Kentetal . ,200 1) ospor eani nf ect i on . Myx occur si nawi der angeofbot hmar i neandf r eshwat er f i shspeci es. Somer evi ewshav est r essedt hei mpor t anceoft hosespeci est hatar eassoci at edwi t hpat hol ogyi nmar i cul t ur e( Al v ar ez Pel l i t er oandSi t j àBobadi l l a, 1993;Al var ez Pel l i t er oetal . ,1995)andi nf r eshwat er f ar mi ng( El Mat boul ietal . ,1992) . Ent er omyxum l eeii s cer t ai nl yonespeci esofsuchconcer n. Toourknowl edge,t hegenusEnt er omyxum i ncl udes3speci esof asi t esi nmar i ne hi st ozoi candent er i cmyxozoanpar cul t ur ed f i sh:t he af or ement i oned E.l eei( f or mer l y Myxi di um l eei )f r om seabr eams ,wi t hwi dehostr ange, Ent er omyxum scopht hal mif r om cul t ur ed t ur bot s, Scopt hal musmaxi mus( Pal enzuel aetal . ,2002)and Ent er omyxum f ugu( f or mer l yMyxi di um f ugu)f r om cul t ur edt i gerpuf f er ,T aki f ugur ubr i pes( Yanagi daetal . , 2004) . Awi dehostr angeofE.l eei ,seemsr at herunusual tal so among t he Myxozoa ( Padr ósetal . ,200 1) . I seemsr at herunusualt hatt hegal lbl adderwasheavi l y i nf ect ednotonl ybydev el opi ngst agesbutal somat ur e spor esofE.l eeii nt hepr esentst udyasi twasr ecor ded onl ybyLeBr et onandMar ques( 1995) . Thi ssuggest s t hatt hegal lbl adderi st heor i gi nalhabi t atf orE.l eei . I nt hel astdecades,si gni f i cantpr obl emsduet o myx ospor eani nf ect i oni nMedi t er r aneanmar i cul t ur e have emer ged ( Le Br et on and Mar ques, 1995; At hanassopoul ouetal . ,1998,1999;Ri gosetal . ,1999) andE.l eeii sof t eni mpl i c at edi ns i gni f i c antl os s esi nc ul t ur edshar psnoutseabr eam ( Di pl oduspunt azz o)and gi l t headseabr eam ( Spar usaur at a)( At hanassopoul ou etal . ,1999) . Thei mpactoft hedi seasei snotl i mi t ed t odi r ectmor t al i t y ,butal sot owei ghtl oss ,poorconv er k et abi l si onef f i ci enc y ,del ay edgr owt handr educedmar i t y( Gol omazouetal . ,2004,Pal enzuel a,2006;Ri gos andKat har i os,20 10) . Si ncet hef i r stdescr i pt i onof Ent er omyxum l eeiasMyxi di um l eeii ncul t ur edgi l t head sea br eam Spar us aur at af r om sout her n Cypr us ( Di amantetal . ,1994) ,t hepar asi t ehasbeenr epor t ed al ongt heent i r eMedi t er r aneanbasi n,t heRedSeaand J apanandt odat e>46f i shspeci esr epor t edt obesus cept i bl et ot hi s par asi t e( Est ensor o etal . ,20 10) . Padr ósetal .( 200 1)r epor t edE.l eeii nf ect i onsi nt he.

(2) 58. A.Öz er ,T .Öz t ür k,H.Öz k anandA.Çam. Fi g.1 . Di f f er entdev el opment alst agesofEnt er omyxum l eeii nt hegal lbl adderandi nt est i neofChr omi schr omi s. A.Numer ousdi spor i cpl asmodi acont ai ni ngi mmat ur espor esi nt hegal lbl adder ,B.Numer ousspor esi nt hei nt est i ne,C.Sev er aldev el opi ng pl asmodi a( ar r ows)andmat ur espor es( ar r owheads)i nt hei nt est i ne,D.Ful l ydev el opedspor e( ar r ow)wi t hpr omi nentpol ar capsul esandchar act er i st i cspor eshape.. Tabl e1 . Compar i sonofmor phomet r i caldat af r om di f f er entr epor t sofEnt er omy xum l eei Spor e Pol arcapsul e Ref er ence Wi dt h Lengt h Wi dt h Lengt h Spar usaur at a 6. 9( 5. 6–7 . 8) 14. 7( 13. 2–15. 2) 3. 2( 2. 8–3. 8) 7. 4( 6. 2–8. 8) Di amantetal .( 1994) Sci aenopsocel l at us 7 . 4( 7 . 0–8. 7) 17 . 5( 15. 5–19. 5) 3. 8( 3. 3–4. 5) 8. 4( 7. 0–9. 8) Di amant( 1998) Or eochr omi smossambi cus 9. 0( 8. 0–10. 6) 17 . 8( 16. 5–18. 9) 3. 3( 3. 0–3. 5) 8. 9( 8. 3–10. 0) Di amantetal .( 2006) Di pl oduspunt azz o 5. 0–7 . 0 15. 0–19. 0 2. 5–4. 0 6. 5–9. 0 LeBr et onandMar ques( 1995) Pagr usmaj or 5. 0–7 . 0 15. 0–19. 0 2. 5–4. 0 6. 5–9. 0 LeBr et onandMar ques( 1995) Di pl odussar gus 6. 3–6. 9 14. 4–17 . 3 2. 3–3. 5 6. 9–8. 1 Padr ósetal .( 200 1) T aki f ugur ubr i pes 7 . 9–1 1 . 0 15. 9–19. 1 2. 1–3. 6 6. 1–7 . 2 Yanagi daetal .( 2004) Chei l i nusundul at us 6. 3–9. 7 12. 9–16. 9 3. 2–5. 9 5. 1–9. 0 Kat har i osetal .( 20 1 1) 8. 29 17 . 07 Spar i somacr et ense 4. 17( 3. 39–5. 50) 8. 29( 6. 62–9. 99)Kat har i osetal .( 20 14) ( 8. 91–10. 88) ( 16. 0–18. 35) Chr omi schr omi s 7 . 3( 6. 7–7 . 7) 14. 7( 13. 3–16. 0) 2. 7( 2. 6–2. 8) 6. 4( 6. 0–6. 6) Thi sst udy Fi shspeci es. Av er agev al ues( mm)ar egi v enwi t hr angev al uesi npar ent heses .. exhi bi t i onandquar ant i net anksofaquar i umr ear ed f i s hesi nc l udi ngC.chr omi spr ev i ous l yc apt ur edf r om NE Spani s hMedi t er r aneanc oas t . Thecur r entknowl edgeont hemyx oz oanl i f ecy cl e suggest sani ndi r ectcycl ewi t hanal t er nat emyx ospor eanf or mi nf i shandanact i nospor eanf or mi nol i gochet es( ÖzerandWoot t en,2000;Özeretal . ,2002) . Whi l et heal t er nat ehostandt heact i nospor eanf or m of E.l eeihav enoty etbeeni dent i f i ed,Di amant( 1997)has demonst r at edexper i ment al l yadi r ectf i sht of i sht r ans mi ssi oni nseabr eam bycohabi t at i on,i ngest i onof. i nf ect edi nt est i nalmucosaandbywat er bor necont ami nat i onwi t houtt hepar t i ci pat i onofanal t er nat ehost . Thi si si mpor t antwhenconsi der i ngt hespr eadofE.l eei i nt heMedi t er aneanbecausedi r ectt r ansmi ssi onmi ght ac c el er at et hes pr eadoft hi spar as i t e. Thedamsel f i shChr omi schr omi si samemberof Pomacent r i daeanddi st r i but edi nt heeast er nAt l ant i c, Medi t er r anean Sea,Bal t i cSea and t he Bl ackSea ( Qui gnar dandPr as,1986;Zai t sevandAl exandr ov , 1998;Dul ci c ,2005) . I tpr ef er sl i vi ngi nschool si nmi dwat er ,aboveornearr ockyr eef s,oraboveseagr ass.

(3) Fi r str epor tofEnt er omy xum l eeii nt heBl ac kSea. meadows ,mai nl yatadept hof3–35m ( J ar das ,1996) . Despi t ei t swi despr eaddi st r i bul t i on,st udi esont he myx ospor eanpar asi t esoft hi sf i shspeci esi sv er yl i mi t ed( Lubatetal . ,1989;Padr ósetal . ,200 1) . Absence ofaquacul t ur ef aci l i t i escl oset ot hesampl i ngsi t eofC. chr omi si nt hi sst udysuggest st hatt hepar asi t ewas notor i gi nat ed f r om f ar med f i sh butf r om nat ur al env i r onment . I ti swel l knownt hatE.l eeii soneoft hemostser i ouspat hogensf orS.aur at aandD.punt azz oandal so r epr esent saser i oust hr eatt oot herspar i df i shest hat twasexper i ment al l yshownby hav ecul t ur epot ent i al . I Si t j àBobadi l l aetal .( 2007)t hats eabas sDi cent r ar chus l abr axcoul dbeahostf ort hi spar asi t eandconsi der i ng i t sr ecentf ar mi ngi nt heTur ki shcoast sofBl ac kSea,i t ghtbeaf act ori nf l uenci ngnegat i vel yt hegr owt hof mi t hi sf i shspeci esi nt hef ut ur e. Di pl oduspunt azzoi s al sopr esenti nt heBl ackSeai ncl udi ngSi nopcoast s wher et hi sst udywasconduct edandi tshoul dbek ept i nmi ndt hatE.l eeimaycausenegat i veef f ect swhen t hi sf i shi scul t ur edcommer ci al l yi nt heBl ackSea. Mor eover ,C.chr omi si sknownt osur vi veandr epr oducei nt heBl ackSeaandhaspot ent i alf oraquar i um ,i tmi ghtal sobeat hr eatf ort r ansmi ssi on t r ade. Thus oft hi spar asi t et oot heror nament alandnat i vef i sh s pec i esi nhabi t edi nt hes ameenv i r onment . I t ss pont aneoust r ansmi ssi onbet weenf i shi nnat ur easadi r ect f i sht of i sht r ansmi ssi onamongsomef i shspeci eshav e al r eadybeenachi evedbycohabi t at i on,i ngest i onof i nf ect ed i nt est i nal mucosa and by wat er bor ne cont ami nat i on. Thus,mor er esear chst udi esar ewar r ant edt oev al uat et hi sassumpt i on-aswel lasst udy i ng t hi spar asi t easanemer gi ngdi seaseagenti nt heBl ac k SeanearT ur k ey . I nconcl usi on,wer epor t edt hepr esenceofan emer gi ngpar asi t eE.l eeii nanent i r el ynew geogr aphi calr egi on,t heBl ac kSea,f ort hef i r stt i measwel lasi t s s f i r stpr esencei nC.chr omi si nt heBl ackSea. Thi par asi t ei sal soanew r ecor df orTur ki shf auna. The pr esentst udysuggest st hatC.chr omi si soneoft he nat ur alhos t sf orE.l eei .. Ref er ences Al v ar ezPel l i t er o,P .andA.Si t j àBobadi l l a( 1993) :Pat hol ogyof myx ospor eai nmar i nef i shcul t ur e. Di s.Aquat .Or g. ,17 , 229–238. 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