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Temperature dependent density profiles and collective oscillations of dipolar droplets


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a thesis submitted to

the graduate school of engineering and science

of bilkent university

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the degree of

master of science




Enes Aybar



By Enes Aybar September 2019

We certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science.

Mehmet ¨Ozg¨ur Oktel(Advisor)

Ceyhun Bulutay

Hande Toffoli






Enes Aybar M.S. in Physics

Advisor: Mehmet ¨Ozg¨ur Oktel September 2019

Dipolar droplets are a novel form of Bose gas that form in a regime where the mean field theory predicts collapse. In the literature, the beyond mean field effects in the form of the Lee–Huang–Yang correction to the local chemical potential are used to explain the stability of these droplets. We employ the Hartree–Fock– Bogoliubov theory to include the beyond mean field terms in a systematic manner that also allows finite temperature calculations. In this thesis, we derive the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation and the Bogoliubov–de Gennes equations, then solve the latter with a local density approximation and the former with a Gaussian variational anzats. We show that Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov theory reproduces the zero temperature results found in the literature, and indicates that the density profile and the collective oscillation of dipolar droplets depend on the temperature. We find that experimentally relevant temperatures (T ∼ 100nK) may significantly alter the transition between low and high density phases, and change the collective oscillation frequencies of the system.







YO ˘



Enes Aybar Fizik, Y¨uksek Lisans

Tez Danı¸smanı: Mehmet ¨Ozg¨ur Oktel Eyl¨ul 2019

Dipolar damlacıklar Bose gazının ortalama alan teorisinin ¸c¨okme bekledi˘gi bir rejimde olu¸san yeni bir halidir. Literat¨urde, bu damlacıkların kararlılı˘gını g¨ostermek i¸cin ortalama alanın ¨otesindeki etkiler, Lee–Huang–Yang d¨uzeltmesi ¸seklinde kullanılmı¸stır. Biz Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov teorisini kullanarak or-talama alanın ¨otesindeki etkileri sistematik bir ¸sekilde hesaba katıp, ¸su ana kadar sadece sıfır sıcaklıkta ¸calı¸sılan sistemin sonlu sıcaklardaki davranı¸sını in-celiyoruz. Bu tezde, Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov teorisiyle de˘gi¸stirilmi¸s Gross– Pitaevskii denklemini ve Bogoliubov–de Gennes denklemlerini t¨uretip, sonrakini yerel yo˘gunluk yakla¸sımı (LDA) ve ¨oncekini Gaussiyen varyasyonel anzats ile ¸c¨oz¨uyoruz. Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov teorisinin literat¨urdeki sıfır sıcaklık den-klemini yeniden t¨uretti˘gini ve sıcaklı˘gın yo˘gunluk profilini ve toplu salınımları etkiledi˘gini g¨osteriyoruz. Deneylerde kar¸sıla¸sılan sıcaklıkların d¨u¸s¨uk yo˘gunluklu fazdan y¨uksek yo˘gunluklu faza ge¸ci¸ste ¨onemli etkileri olabilece˘gini ve toplu salınım frekanslarını ciddi bir ¸sekilde de˘gi¸stirebilece˘gini buluyoruz.



This project is supported by T¨urkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Ara¸stırma Kurumu (T ¨UB˙ITAK) Grant No. 116F215.

I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. ¨Ozg¨ur Oktel, for his guidance and support through each stage of the process. My comrade Fırat always helped me in academic and personal matters, I am extremely grateful to him. Equally, I am sincerely thankful to my collegue Akif, who at all times supported me. I also would like to thank Furkan for our work together that taught me a lot.

I would like to thank my friends in my cohort: Onur, Engin, Efekan, and Muhamet. Their presence made the time I spent at work immeasurably more enjoyable. I also am especially grateful to my friends outside of the work: Tomris, Ya˘gmur, Murat, and Ba¸saran. They provided me the happy distraction I needed to rest my mind.

Finally, I want to acknowledge the unwavering support of my family. I would like to call out my little nieces: S¨umeyye, and Bet¨ul, who bring joy into my life. I want to thank my elder sister Elif, and my little sister Ebrar for their unconditional support and love. Lastly, I want to express my enormous gratitude for my mother Ay¸se, and my father B¨unyamin. I love them so much, and I dedicate this thesis to them.



1 Introduction 1

2 The Hamiltonian 5

3 Modified Gross–Pitaevskii Equation 8 3.1 Correction terms . . . 11 4 Bogoliubov–de Gennes Equations 12 5 Semi-Classical and Local Density Approximations 16 5.1 Correction terms within the local density approximation . . . 18 6 Variational Solution of the Modified Gross–Pitaevskii Equation 24 7 Results and Conclusion 29



B.1 The Lagrangian of the Gaussian Anzats . . . 44

B.1.1 Terms of |Ψ|n form . . . . 45

B.1.2 Trap energy term . . . 46

B.1.3 Interaction term . . . 46

B.1.4 Time derivatives . . . 48

B.1.5 |∇Ψ|2 term . . . . 49

B.2 The Euler–Lagrange Equations . . . 50

B.2.1 EL equations (q ≡ wη) . . . 50

B.2.2 EL equations (q ≡ βη) . . . 51


List of Figures

5.1 k-space cutoffs used in this work, and in the literature (see text). 19 5.2 Temperature dependence of the correction term for different cutoff

options for dd = 1.43. . . 20

5.3 Non-condensate density as a function of dimensionless temperature. 23 7.1 Droplet widths in dysprosium experiment. . . 30 7.2 Droplet widths in erbium experiment. . . 32 7.3 Temperature dependence of the two collective oscillations in

dys-prosium experiment. . . 33 7.4 Temperature dependence of the two collective oscillations in


Chapter 1


Bose–Einstein condensation is one of the biggest achievements of modern physics, from its theoretical proposition [1, 2] to its experimental observation [3, 4]. Bosons, whole-spin particles, have the symmetry property that allows them to have same quantum wavefunction. Therefore, at low temperatures, a system of bosons is expected to condense in a way that all particles occupy the same state (in other words, have the same wavefunction). Continual efforts of high-level re-search resulted in the experimental observation(s) of Bose–Einstein condensation in optically trapped ultracold atoms seventy years after its prediction [3, 4].

In ultracold atom experiments effective Hamiltonian of the system has two parts. The first part is the single particle Hamiltonian, which is comprised of kinetic energy and trapping potential energy. The second part is the interaction Hamiltonian where the interaction is usually the contact interaction between atoms. Methodically prepared in a certain quantum (hyperfine) state, the atoms normally interact via a single channel, where this interaction can be tuned with the help of Feshbach resonances [5]. This allows the interaction potential to be


the short range (contact) and the long range (dipole-dipole) interaction, where often the dipoles are aligned with an external magnetic field. Dipolar interaction is anisotropic where the interaction is governed not only by the distance between atoms, but also by the alignment of the two dipole moments. Moreover, its anisotropy is such that the interaction may be attractive or repulsive depending on the configuration of the two dipoles.

For weakly interacting bosons, Gross and Pitaevskii have derived an equation, that describes the condensate wavefunction within the aforementioned description [7]. Gross–Pitaevskii mean field theory remained valid for a long time for ultra cold atom experiments. In 2015, however, the Stuttgart group led by Tilman Pfau reported the observation dipolar droplets, which exist in a parameter regime where the mean field theory predicts collapse [8].

Systems, for which the dipolar interaction is dominant over the contact re-pulsion, are expected to collapse since two dipoles arranged in the head-to-tail configuration attract and come together overcoming the contact repulsion. Nev-ertheless, a formation of stable condensates is observed for dysprosium atoms whose scattering length is reduced below a dipolar interaction scattering length [8]. This condensate was labeled: ”dipolar droplet”, echoing the two component droplets1. The Stuttgart group later reported that these droplets are indeed a condensed state of matter having the same phase [11], and the droplets can form without an external trapping potential [12]. In 2016, Innsbruck group led by Francesca Ferlaino showed droplet formation in another magnetic atom, erbium [13].

Not conforming to mean field theory, these droplets are explained by beyond mean field effects. It is demonstrated that the beyond mean field corrections may explain the droplet formation and calculate the density to the correct order of magnitude observed in experiments [11]. In the mean field approximation, total interaction energy scales with the-condensate-density-squared with a coefficient


negative (as in the droplet experiments), the system tends to increase the density without a bound leading to a collapses. Beyond mean field correction (Lee– Huang–Yang correction) to total interaction energy scales with the condensate density to power 5/2 with a coefficient that is always positive. Hence, it results in a finite value for the condensate density and arrests the collapse.

Although the Lee–Huang–Yang correction, is a correction to the total energy, in the current literature it is patched onto the Gross–Pitaevskii equation describ-ing the condensate wavefunction. This treatment is borrowed from the work of Dmitry Petrov on two component Bose gases, where a special stability condition is studied with regard to interaction strengths (inter- and intra- species) [9]. For dipolar droplets, the Hannover group led by Luis Santos and the Otago group led by Blair Blakie were the first to employ the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation, and concurrently reported the stability of the droplets as a function of the relative dipolar strength and the trap aspect ratio [14, 15, 16].

We believe the introduction of the correction term in the Gross–Pitaevskii equation is not transparent about the assumptions made in the calculation. The Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov theory is developed to handle beyond mean field (fluc-tuation) effects [17, 18]. Treating the fluctuation operators with the Hartree– Fock–Bogoliubov theory, we derive the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation. The correction terms we derive are compatible with the Lee–Huang–Yang correction term used in the literature. Moreover, it is expressed in terms of the non-condensate densities, which provide a better understanding of the system, and can be calculated at non-zero temperatures.

The non-condensate densities are a result of quantum fluctuations and thermal excitations in the system. Excitation spectrum of the condensate is given by the Bogoliubov–de Gennes equations [19], a set of coupled differential equations re-quiring prior knowledge of the condensate wavefunction. Therefore, exact solution


first method is the semi-classical approximation for the Bogoliubov amplitudes. Together with a local density approximation for the condensate wavefunction, we calculate the correction terms as a function of not only the condensate density and the relative dipolar interaction strength but also temperature. One of the problems in calculating these terms is the collapsing modes at large wavelengths. These modes are a byproduct of the approximations used, and can be eliminated by a suitable cutoff which excludes the modes with wavelengths longer than a characteristic length of the condensate. Semi-classical approximation being bet-ter suited for the short wavelength modes further justifies such a cutoff. Although this procedure involves a somewhat arbitrary choice of cutoff wavelength, it re-sults in a correction term which is of the correct order of magnitude. Second problem is the temperature dependence being not so straightforward to deal with because of the convoluted Bose–Einstein distribution function. We solve this with a second order which still allows for a thermal correction within the confidence levels of all the approximations made.

With the temperature dependent correction terms added, the modified Gross– Pitaevskii equation can be solved for the condensate wavefunction. One route is the full numerical solution for the equation, which will grant a precise wavefunc-tion albeit limited by the approximawavefunc-tions. The other route to estimate the effects of the correction terms on the condensate wavefunction is employing a Gaussian variational anzats. Scanning the parameter space of the condensate widths for the Gaussian anzats, we find the minimum of the energy functional corresponding to the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation. Additionally, using the total energy functional, we write the corresponding Lagrangian density for the wavefunction. Then, we study the equation of motion for the condensate widths derived from the Lagrangian of the system, hence the collective oscillation frequencies of the system.

We focus on two systems of dipolar droplets that replicate the experimental conditions in dysprosium [8] and erbium [13] experiments. Both systems clearly


Chapter 2

The Hamiltonian

The second quantized Hamiltonian for the interacting many body system is: ˆ H = Z d3x ˆψ†(x)  −~ 22 2M + Utr(x)  ˆ ψ(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0ψˆ†(x) ˆψ†(x0)Vint(x − x0) ˆψ(x0) ˆψ(x), (2.1)

where ˆψ†(x) and ˆψ(x) are creation and annihilation operators, respectively, satisfying the commutation relationh ˆψ(x), ˆψ†(x0)i= δ(x − x0). M is the mass of the bosons, Utr(x) is the trapping potential, and Vint(r) is the interaction potential

between bosons. In this thesis, the interaction potential is comprised of the short range repulsion Vshort(r) = gδ(r) with g = 4π~

2a s

M , where asis the s-wave scattering

length; and the dipole-dipole interaction Vlong(r) = µ0µ


1−3 cos2θ r

|r|3 , where µ is the

dipole moment polarized along z axis, and θr is the angle between r and the z

axis. Instead of using s-wave scattering length and dipole moments separately, we define dd = add/as where add is the dipolar length given by add = M µ0µ2/12π~2.

Then, the interaction potential becomes: Vint(r) = g

 δ(r) + 3dd 4π 1−3 cos2θ r |r|3  .


(in the eigenbasis of the density matrix), therefore the field operator can be split into condensate and non-condensate parts: ˆψ(x) = ψ0(x)ˆa0 + ˆφ(x). ˆφ(x),

called the fluctuation operator. The fluctuation satisfies the commutation relation h ˆφ(x), ˆφ(x0)i = δ(x − x0) − ψ

0(x)ψ0∗(x 0).

Assuming N − ¯n0  N , where ¯n0 = hˆa †

0ˆa0i is the number of particles in the

condensate state, we notice [ˆa0, ˆa †

0] = 1  ¯n0. Therefore the action of the

conden-sate operator on the many body wavefunction can be approximated by identity operator, ˆa0, ˆa † 0 → √ ¯ n01 ≈ √

N 1. Defining the function Ψ(x) =√N ψ0(x), which

satisfiesR d3(x)Ψ(x) = N , we write the field operator as ˆψ(x) = Ψ(x) + ˆφ(x).

This prescription violates the particle number conserving nature of the Hamil-tonian. Hence, the grand canonical Hamiltonian must be used ˆH → ˆH − µ ˆN , where ˆN is the total particle number operator ˆN =R d3x ˆψ(x) ˆψ(x), and µ is the

chemical potential. The Hamiltonian can be expanded in orders of fluctuation operators ˆH = ˆH0+ ˆH1+ ˆH2+ ˆH3+ ˆH4, where ˆ H0 = Z d3xΨ∗(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)  Ψ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x), (2.2) ˆ H1 = Z d3xΨ∗(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)  ˆ φ(x) + Z d3x ˆφ†(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)  Ψ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0φˆ†(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x) ˆφ†(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0) ˆφ(x0)Ψ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0) ˆφ(x), (2.3)


ˆ H2 = Z d3x ˆφ†(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)  ˆ φ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0φˆ†(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0) ˆφ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x) ˆφ†(x0)Vint(x − x0) ˆφ(x0)Ψ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0φˆ†(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0) ˆφ(x0)Ψ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x) ˆφ†(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0) ˆφ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0) ˆφ(x0) ˆφ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0φˆ†(x) ˆφ†(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x), (2.4) ˆ H3 = 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x) ˆφ†(x0)Vint(x − x0) ˆφ(x0) ˆφ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0φˆ†(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0) ˆφ(x0) ˆφ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0φˆ†(x) ˆφ†(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0) ˆφ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0φˆ†(x) ˆφ†(x0)Vint(x − x0) ˆφ(x0)Ψ(x), (2.5) and ˆ H4 = 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0φˆ†(x) ˆφ†(x0)Vint(x − x0) ˆφ(x0) ˆφ(x). (2.6)

In this thesis, we will derive the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation from ˆH1


Chapter 3

Modified Gross–Pitaevskii


Once the Hamiltonian is expressed in orders of fluctuation operator, we notice that terms have the order of magnitudes: N2, N3/2, N ,N and 1. Therefore,

to diagonalize the Hamiltonian, one neglects the third and fourth order terms ( ˆH3, ˆH4). Of the remaining terms, ˆH0 is the ground state energy of the system.


H1 involves the first order terms in fluctuation operator, which must vanish in the

ground state. With this observation, the equation for the condensate wavefunc-tion (Ψ) is obtained from ˆH1 [7]. Finally, ˆH2 is diagonalized using Bogoliubov

transformation (see the section on Bogoliubov–de Gennes equations).

A way to improve this treatment is to include terms of higher orders. This can be done via the Hartree–Fock factorization. It states the operator ˆxˆy ˆz can be approximated by [17]



Applying this treatment to ˆH3 yields: ˆ H3 ≈ 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ(x0) ˆφ(x)i ˆφ†(x0) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ(x0) ˆφ(x)i ˆφ†(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ(x0)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ†(x0) ˆφ(x)i ˆφ†(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ†(x0) ˆφ(x0)i ˆφ†(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ†(x0) ˆφ(x)i ˆφ(x0) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ†(x) ˆφ(x)i ˆφ(x0) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ(x0)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ†(x) ˆφ(x)i ˆφ†(x0) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ†(x) ˆφ(x0)i ˆφ†(x0) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ†(x0) ˆφ(x0)i ˆφ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ†(x) ˆφ(x0)i ˆφ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ(x0)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ†(x) ˆφ†(x0)i ˆφ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)h ˆφ†(x) ˆφ†(x0)i ˆφ(x0). (3.2)

Here, the non-condensate densities are introduced ˜ n(x, x0) = h ˆφ†(x) ˆφ(x0)i, (3.3) ˜ n(x) = h ˆφ†(x) ˆφ(x)i, (3.4) ˜ m(x, x0) = h ˆφ(x) ˆφ(x0)i, (3.5) where ˜n is the direct non-condensate density, and ˜m is the anomalous non-condensate density. Hence, the first and the third order Hamiltonians can be


combined, and the term that includes ˆφ† can be written as: ˆ H1&3→1{ ˆφ†(x)} = Z d3x ˆφ†(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)  Ψ(x) + Z Z d3xd3x0φˆ†(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x) + Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0) ˜m(x0, x) ˆφ†(x) + Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ(x0)Vint(x − x0)˜n(x0, x) ˆφ†(x) + Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)˜n(x0) ˆφ†(x). (3.6)

Note that the 1/2 fractions disappeared because of the x ↔ x0 symmetry of the terms.

Since the first order terms in fluctuations in the Hamiltonian must vanish. " −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Z d3x0Vint(x − x0)|Ψ(x0)|2 # Ψ(x) + Z d3x0Vint(x − x0)˜n(x0)  Ψ(x) + Z d3x0n(x˜ 0, x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0) + Z d3x0m(x˜ 0, x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0) = 0. (3.7)

This is the Gross–Pitaevskii equation modified by the correction terms arising from the non-condensate densities. At zero temperature this equation is equiv-alent to what is being used in the literature where the correction term is the Lee–Huang–Yang energy [14, 15, 16]. Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov theory allows for non zero temperature calculations of the system as the non-condensate densities are linked to quasi particle excitations.



Correction terms

The modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation contains three correction terms. The first one is the Hartree potential due to non-condensate atoms:

Φ1(x) =


d3x0Vint(x − x0)˜n(x0). (3.8)

This term is absent in the current literature involving the Lee–Huang–Yang cor-rection.

The second and third correction terms are Ωn and Ωm, which are defined as:

Ωn(x)Ψ(x) = Z d3x0n(x˜ 0, x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0), (3.9) and Ωm(x)Ψ(x) = Z d3x0m(x˜ 0, x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0). (3.10)

In the following chapters, we show that Ωn(x) + Ωm(x) is equivalent to the Lee–

Huang–Yang correction ∆µ(x) found in the literature. To calculate the correc-tion terms which depend on the non-condensate densities, we derive the govern-ing equations for excitations called Bogoliubov–de Gennes equations in the next chapter.


Chapter 4

Bogoliubov–de Gennes Equations

Excitation spectrum is obtained by the diagonalization of the second order terms in fluctuations. In an interacting boson system, the ground state can be described as a large number of particles occupying the condensate state but with some particles filling non-condensate states even at zero temperature. This is called quantum fluctuations. Since the number of particles in the condensate state is saturated, not only removing a particle from the condensate state results in an excitation, but also putting a particle into the condensate state does result in an excitation. Therefore, a single (quasi) particle excitation operator can be outlined as a linear combination of the two fluctuation operators: ˆα = R . . . ˆφ + . . . ˆφ†. Hence, the fluctuation operators can be expressed in terms of quasi particle ex-citation operators, ˆ φ(x) = X j  uj(x) ˆαj − vj∗(x) ˆα † j  (4.1) ˆ φ†(x) =X j  u∗j(x) ˆαj†− vj(x) ˆαj  , (4.2) where {uj(x), vj(x)} are Bogoliubov amplitudes, and the quasi particle operators

obey the usual commutation relations: [ ˆαj, ˆαk] = [ ˆα † j, ˆα † k] = 0 and [ ˆαj, ˆα † k] = δj,k.


With this transformation, called the Bogoliubov transformation, ˆH2 becomes: ˆ H2 = X j,k Z d3xu∗j(x) ˆα†j− vj(x) ˆαj  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)   uk(x) ˆαk− v∗k(x) ˆα † k  +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0uj∗(x) ˆα†j− vj(x) ˆαj  Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)  uk(x) ˆαk− v∗k(x) ˆα † k  +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)u∗j(x0) ˆα†j − vj(x0) ˆαj  Vint(x − x0)  uk(x0) ˆαk− vk∗(x 0 ) ˆα†kΨ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0uj∗(x) ˆα†j− vj(x) ˆαj  Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)  uk(x0) ˆαk− v∗k(x 0 ) ˆα†kΨ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)u∗j(x0) ˆα†j − vj(x0) ˆαj  Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)  uk(x) ˆαk− vk∗(x) ˆα † k  +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)  uj(x0) ˆαj − vj∗(x 0 ) ˆαj† uk(x) ˆαk− v∗k(x) ˆα † k  +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0  u∗j(x) ˆα†j− vj(x) ˆαj   u∗k(x0) ˆα†k− vk(x0) ˆαk  Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x). (4.3) If the Bogoliubov amplitudes satisfy the following coupled differential equations called the Bogoliubov–de Gennes equations [19]:

−~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x) ! uj(x) + Z d3x0Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)uj(x0) − Z d3x0Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)vj(x0) = Ejuj(x), (4.4) −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x) ! vj(x) + Z d3x0Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)vj(x0) − Z d3x0Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)uj(x0) = −Ejvj(x), (4.5)


the Hamiltonian becomes, ˆ H2 = X j,k 1 2 Z d3xu∗j(x)uk(x) Ej∗+ Ek  ˆ α†jαˆk  − 1 2 Z d3xvj(x)v∗k(x) (Ej+ Ek∗)  ˆ αjαˆ † k  +1 2 Z d3xvj(x)uk(x) (Ej− Ek) ( ˆαjαˆk) − 1 2 Z d3xu∗j(x)v∗k(x) Ej∗− Ek∗ ˆ αj†αˆ†k. (4.6) Multiplying the Bogoliubov–de Gennes equations with the pairs {u∗k(x), vk∗(x)}, {vk(x), uk(x)}, and integrating over space yields

(Ej − Ek∗) Z d3x [uj(x)u∗k(x) − vj(x)v∗k(x)] = 0, (4.7) (Ej + Ek) Z d3x [uj(x)vk(x) − vj(x)uk(x)] = 0, (4.8)

respectively. Since the normalization constant is nonzero, j = k case indicates that Ej are real, and the normalization condition is


d3x [uj(x)u∗k(x) − vj(x)vk∗(x)] = δj,k. (4.9)

Thus, the Hamiltonian is diagonalized in terms of the quasi particle excitation operators ˆ H2 = X j Ejαˆ † jαˆj− X j Ej Z d3x|vj(x)|2. (4.10)

The excitation modes are decoupled, and can be viewed as free quasi particle excitations. Therefore, the population of each excitation mode is given by the Bose statistics h ˆα†jαˆki = δj,kNB(Ej), (4.11) h ˆα†jαˆ†ki = h ˆαjαˆki = 0, (4.12) where NB(E) = 1 . exphkE BT i − 1.


Bo-˜ m(x0, x) = −X j uj(x0)vj∗(x) + NB(Ej)vj∗(x 0 )uj(x) + uj(x0)vj∗(x) . (4.14)

Although the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation contains non-condensate densities, it is derived with a large condensate fraction assumption. Therefore, it is reliable at temperatures well below Bose–Einstein critical temperature. Never-theless, there is another temperature scale (other than the critical temperature) at which the thermal depletion (the first term in Eq. 4.10) is comparable to the quantum depletion at zero temperature in interacting systems (the second term in Eq. 4.10). Therefore, the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation is valid for this temperature range as it is valid for the zero temperature.


Chapter 5

Semi-Classical and Local Density


The Gross–Pitaevskii and the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations represent a self consistent picture of the condensate and the excitations, as the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation includes the non-condensate densities. To solve the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations, the condensate wavefunction must be known. In an ideal case, these equations are solved numerically. However, an insight into the physics of the system can be obtained by solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations with a semi-classical approximation for the Bogoliubov amplitudes and a local density approximation for the condensate wavefunction. With the as-sumption that the condensate density is a slowly varying function of position, we solve the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations locally with substitution [20]

uj(x) → u(x, k)eik·x, Ej → E(x, k),

X j → Z d3k (2π)3, (5.1)

where u(x, k) is also a slowly varying function of position, and E(x, k) is the continuous excitation spectrum. This substitution yield the new orthonormality


condition for the Bogoliubov amplitudes X k Z d3x [uj(x)u∗k(x) − vj(x)vk∗(x)] = 1 Z d3k0 (2π)3 Z

d3xei(k−k0)·x[u(x, k)u∗(x, k0) − v(x, k)v∗(x, k0)] = 1

|u(x, k)|2− |v(x, k)|2 = 1, (5.2)

where the term in the square brackets in the second row is thought to be constant as opposed to rapidly varying exponential term.

We note that within the local density approximation the chemical potential (excluding the non-condensate terms) is µ ≈ Utr(x) + Φ0(x) (Thomas–Fermi

approximation). Hence, we substitute the semi-classical Bogoliubov amplitudes in the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations, and multiply these equations with e−ik·x for convenience. The first term in these equations become

e−ik·x −~


2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x) !

u(x, k)eik·x ≈ εku(x, k), (5.3)

where εk= ~


2M . The terms including the following integral become

Ψ(x) Z

d3x0Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)u(x0, k)e−ik·(x−x

0) = Ψ(x) Z d3k0 (2π)3 Z

d3x0V˜int(k0)Ψ(x0)u(x0, k)e−i(k−k


≈ n0(x) ˜Vint(k)u(x, k), (5.4)

where n0(x) = |Ψ(x)|2 (with the assumption that the condensate wavefunction is

real). Therefore, the Bogoliubov–de Gennes equations simplify to the algebraic form:


The energy spectrum given by the equation above contains modes with imaginary energy for long wavelengths when dd > 1. This is because the excitation spectrum

is highly discrete for low energy excitations, which is not captured within the continuous spectrum. Moreover, for a finite size system the wavelengths of the low lying excitations is determined by the system size.

Therefore, we use an isotropic cut off, k(I)c = π/2ξ, which omits modes with

longer wavelength than 4ξ, where ξ is the coherence length of the condensate given by ξ = ~/√2M gn0. In the literature, there are two other cut off choices:

[16] uses an elliptical cut off, k(II)c (ϑ) = 1/



c,ρ+ cos2ϑ/kc,z2 ; and [14] uses

the cutoff, kc(III)(ϑ) =

q k2


2ϑ + k2

c,zcos2ϑ, where {kc,ρ, kc,z} = {1.5, 0.25}ξ−1.

Another method is to only take the real part into account. However, the density of states at zero energy for dd > 1 is finite, resulting in a divergence in

non-zero temperature calculations. Our cut off choice also remedies this.

In Fig. 5.1, we plot these cutoff choices as well as the region of imaginary modes in the k-space. We see in Fig. 5.2 all of these cutoff choices yield similar results.


Correction terms within the local density


The correction terms can be expressed within the same local density approxima-tion: Ωn(x) = Z d3k (2π)3V˜int(k)|v(x, k)| 2+ Z d3k

(2π)3V˜int(k)NB(E(x, k))|u(x, k)|

2 + |v(x, k)|2 , (5.8) Ωm(x) = − Z d3k (2π)3V˜int(k)u(x, k)v ∗ (x, k)− Z d3k

(2π)3V˜int(k)2NB(E(x, k))u(x, k)v ∗


0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6


0 2 4 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 5.2: Temperature dependence of the correction term for different cutoff options for dd = 1.43.


Basic algebraic manipulations yield the Bogoliubov amplitudes: |u(x, k)|2 = εk+ n0(x) ˜Vint(k) 2E(x, k) + 1 2 |v(x, k)|2 = εk+ n0(x) ˜Vint(k) 2E(x, k) − 1 2 u(x, k)v∗(x, k) = n0(x) ˜Vint(k) 2E(x, k) . (5.10) Therefore, the correction terms become:

Ωn(x) = Z d3k (2π)3V˜int(k) nεk+ n0(x) ˜Vint(k) − E(x, k) 2E(x, k) +NB(E(x, k)) εk+ n0(x) ˜Vint(k) E(x, k) o (5.11) Ωm(x) = Z d3k (2π)3V˜int(k) n −n0(x) ˜Vint(k) 2E(x, k) + n0(x) ˜Vint(k) 2εk −NB(E(x, k)) n0(x) ˜Vint(k) E(x, k) o , (5.12) where Ωm(x) is properly renormalized by the second term in the brackets. Hence

the total correction, ∆µ(x) = Z d3k (2π)3V˜int(k) ( εk 2E(x, k)+ n0(x) ˜Vint(k) 2εk − 1 2 + 1 exp [E(x, k)/kBT ] − 1 εk E(x, k) ) . (5.13) Using ξ(x) = s ~2 2M gn0(x) , (5.14) k = q/ξ, cos ϑ = u, f (u) = 1 + dd(3u2− 1), and t(x) = gnkB0(x)T , one can write

∆µ(x) = g 4π2ξ3(x) Z 1 −1 du Z ∞ qc q2dqf (u) ( q2 2pq2(q2+ 2f (u)) + f (u) 2q2 − 1 2 + 1 exphpq2(q2+ 2f (u))/t(x)i− 1 q2 pq2(q2+ 2f (u)) )


dimensionless functions Q5 and R are given by Q5(dd; qc) = 1 4√2 Z 1 0

duf (u)h 4f (u) − q2c p2f (u) + q2

c − 3f (u)qc+ qc3 i (5.17) R(dd, t; qc) = 3 4√2 Z 1 0 du Z ∞ q2 c dQ Qf (u) pQ + 2f(u) 1 exp[pQ (Q + 2f(u))/t] − 1. (5.18) Within the same local density approximation, the non-condensate density is given by ˜ n(x) = Z d3k (2π)3 |v(x, k)| 2+ N B(E(x, k))|u(x, k)|2+ |v(x, k)|2 . (5.19)

Using the Bogoliubov amplitudes given in Eq. 5.10, one finds ˜ n(x) = 8 3 r a3 s π (Q3(dd) + P(dd, t(x))) |Ψ(x)| 3, (5.20) where Q3(dd; qc) = 1 √ 2 Z 1 0

duf (u)h f (u) − q2c p2f (u) + q2 c + q 3 c i (5.21) P(dd, t; qc) = 3 √ 2 Z 1 0 du Z ∞ q2 c dQ Q + f (u) pQ + 2f(u) 1 exp[pQ (Q + 2f(u))/t] − 1. (5.22) The non-condensate density increases with increasing temperature due to ther-mal depletion. In Fig. 5.3, temperature dependence of the non-condensate density is plotted. It is important to note that, near the edge of the condensate the dimen-sionless temperature (t) increases as the condensate density decreases. Although the fraction of the non-condensate to the condensate density increases near the edge, total number of depleted atoms can remain small. Therefore, we neglect the non-condensate density and the correction term Φ1(x). Keeping ˜n is also


0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


Chapter 6

Variational Solution of the

Modified Gross–Pitaevskii


To estimate the temperature effects on the condensate, we employ a Gaussian variational anzats. Energy functional corresponding to the modified Gross– Pitaevskii equation is similar to what is used in Ref. [16]. However, the thermal fluctuation term, R, depends on condensate density through the dimensionless temperature. To get an analytical form for energy functional in Ψ, we used a power law fit for the R function. A tn curve for n > 2.5 results in a divergence

near the condensate edge where the condensate density is low and the dimen-sionless temperature is high. This divergence is a byproduct of the Gaussian variational method, where the condensate extends to infinity. We find that a t2 fit captures the trend of the R function for numerically obtained values within 0 < t < 10, and results in a finite correction when integrated over all space. In Fig. 5.2 of the text, we plot this fit with the function R1.


the condensate density, the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation reads:  ~2 2M∇ 2 + U tr(x) + Z d3x0Vint(x − x0)|Ψ(x0)|2+ γ|Ψ(x)|3+ θT2 1 |Ψ(x)|  Ψ(x) = µΨ(x), (6.1) where γ = 32 3g q a3 s πQ5(dd), and θ = 32 3g q a3 s π k2 B

g2S(dd), and S is found from the t2


We study dipolar Bose–Einstein condensates in two cases: static, and dynamic. In the static case, we use a time independent Gaussian variational anzats, and minimize the energy functional corresponding to the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation: E[Ψ] = Z d3xΨ∗(x)  − ~ 2 2M∇ 2 + Utr(x)  Ψ(x) +1 2 Z d3x Z d3x0|Ψ(x)|2V int(x − x0)|Ψ(x0)|2 +2 5 Z d3xγ|Ψ(x)|5 + 2 Z d3xθT2|Ψ(x)|. (6.2) In the dynamic case, we utilize the Lagrangian of the system [15] with a time dependent Gaussian variational anzats. We derive the Euler–Lagrange equations for the widths, and investigate the collective oscillations of the condensate. Since the time dependent case is more general, it suffices to work only with the La-grangian as it includes the time independent solution.

Lagrangian density corresponding to the finite temperature equation in 6.1, L =i~ 2  Ψ(x, t)∂Ψ ∗(x, t) ∂t − Ψ ∗ (x, t)∂Ψ(x, t) ∂t  + ~ 2 2M|∇Ψ(x, t)| 2 + Utr(x)|Ψ(x, t)|2


The time dependent Gaussian anzats is Ψ(x, y, z, t) = √ N π3/4(w x(t)wy(t)wz(t))1/2 × exph−1 2  x2 wx(t)2 + y 2 wy(t)2 + z 2 wz(t)2  + i x2βx(t) + y2βy(t) + z2βz(t) i , (6.4) where wi (width of the Gaussian wavefunction)2 and βi are the variational


The total Lagrangian, L = R d3xL, is obtained by inserting the Gaussian

anzats given by Eq. 6.4 into the Lagrangian density equation. The Lagrangian reads (see: Appendix B):

L(wx, wy, wz, βx, βy, βz) =N ~ 2  wx2β˙x+ wy2β˙y+ w2zβ˙z  +~ 2N 4M  1 w2 x + 1 w2 y + 1 w2 z + 4w2xβx2+ 4w2yβy2+ 4wzz2  +1 4M N ω 2 xw 2 x+ ω 2 yw 2 y + ω 2 zw 2 z  +gN 2 2 1 23/2π3/2w xwywz  1 − ddF  wx wz ,wy wz  + 4 √ 2 25√5π9/4 N5/2γ (wxwywz)3/2 + 4√2π3/4θT2N1/2(wxwywz)1/2, (6.5)

where F (κx, κy) is the anistropy function calculated in Appendix B. We write the

Lagrangian per particle as, 1 NL = ~ 2  wx2β˙x+ wy2β˙y+ w2zβ˙z  + ~ 2 M w 2 xβ 2 x+ w 2 yβ 2 y + w 2 zβ 2 z + G(wx, wy, wz), (6.6) 2In figures σ i= 2wi are used.


where G(wx, wy, wz) = ~ 2 4M  1 w2 x + 1 w2 y + 1 w2 z  +1 4M ω 2 xw 2 x+ ω 2 yw 2 y + ω 2 zw 2 z  + gN 2 1 23/2π3/2w xwywz  1 − ddF  wx wz ,wy wz  + 4 √ 2 25√5π9/4 N3/2γ (wxwywz)3/2 + 4√2π3/4θT2N−1/2(wxwywz)1/2 (6.7) Solving the Euler–Lagrange equations for the parameters wη and βη, we find the

equation of motion for the width of the condensate. d2w η dt2 = − 2 M ∂ ∂wη G(wx, wy, wz). (6.8)

First, we find the equilibrium via ∂G ∂wη wη(0) = 0. (6.9) Then, we expand G(wx, wy, wz) around the minimum,

G(wx(0)+ δx, wy(0)+ δy, wz(0)+ δz) =G(wx(0), wy(0), wz(0)) + 1 2δ 2 x ∂2G ∂w2 x (0) + 1 2δ 2 y ∂2G ∂w2 y (0) + 1 2δ 2 z ∂2G ∂w2 z (0) + δxδy ∂2G ∂wx∂wy (0) + δyδz ∂2G ∂wy∂wz (0) + δzδx ∂2G ∂wz∂wx (0) . (6.10) Defining kη = ∂ 2G ∂w2 η (0), λα,β = ∂2G ∂wα∂wβ

(0), and the matrix

M = 2 M     kx λxy λzx λxy ky λyz     , (6.11)


oscillations, thus the nature of the collective oscillation modes. In a cylindrically symmetric trap, one eigenvector is always [1/√2, −1/√2, 0]. This is called the x − y mode. The other two are monopole and quadrupole oscillations. The eigen-vectors corresponding to these two modes are of the forms [1, 1, −v] and [1, 1, +v], respectively. Pictorially, quadrupole mode, also called axial mode, is when height (width in z direction) changes opposite to radius (width in ρ direction). Monopole mode, also called breathing mode, is when all three widths change in phase.


Chapter 7

Results and Conclusion

We study the two systems reported in [8] and [13] in both static and dynamic cases. In the static case, we focus on the widths of these droplets. In the dynamic case, using the Lagrangian machinery, we calculate the oscillation frequencies of condensate widths.

The first system that we investigate is similar to what is reported in [8], where 2000164Dy atoms are confined by the trapping potential {ω

ρ, ωz} = {45, 133} s−1.

Dipolar length is add = 132 a0, and the s-wave scattering length is as = 93 a0,

where a0 = 5.29 × 10−11 m is the Bohr radius.

This system favors lower density phase at zero temperature, but as temperature increases cigar shaped high density (droplet) phase become energetically favorable Fig. 7.1. In most other conditions, this behavior is absent because the condensate strongly favors one of the two phases. However, near bi-stability, where at zero temperature two solutions both exist, condensate shape may be temperature dependent. This transition to droplet phase occurs near 100nK which is relevant in the experimental setups that these droplets are observed.


0 50 100 150 200 250 0 1 2 3 4


is near as = 60 a0 in the reported droplet experiment [13]. The only phase

supported in this trap is the droplet phase. Still, as temperature increases to 300nK, the condensate shrinks in size in about %20(Fig. 7.2). As absolute control of temperature is not possible in experiments, this change in size may be lost in the imaging resolution in the experiments.

Collective oscillations of these two systems also show the temperature de-pendency. The dysprosium droplet’s collective oscillation frequencies are highly temperature dependent Fig. 7.3. However, since this condensate is fairly small, and hard to image, the collective oscillations may not be observed as easily as the condensate shape.

In the case of a large droplet, monitoring the collective oscillation of the droplet along its long axis is possible [13]. Fig. 7.4 shows that the axial mode frequency increases by about %40 in a temperature range 0 − 300nK.

This study on the shape and the collective oscillations of the dipolar droplets can be made more rigorous in a couple of ways. First, the correction term may be calculated with a better approximation which will not need an arbitrary choice of cut off. Second, the fourth order terms in the Hamiltonian can be incorporated into the Bogoliubov–de Gennes equations making them self-consistent, albeit non-linear. Third, a numerical solver can be implemented to self-consistently solve the modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation and the modified Bogoliubov–de Gennes equations. Furthermore, since the beyond mean field effects are prevalent, a non-perturbative picture may be needed to fully understand the system.

We conclude that temperature fluctuations are important in determining the condensate shape and the collective oscillations. In the future, a more precise investigation may provide a means to probe temperature in Bose–Einstein con-densates.


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2


0 50 100 150 200 250 0 200 400 600 800

Figure 7.3: Temperature dependence of the two collective oscillations in dyspro-sium experiment.


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 35 40 45 50 55 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 300 400 500 600 700



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Appendix A

Derivation of the Bogoliubov–de

Gennes Equations

With the Bogoliubov transformation, the ˆH2 becomes:

ˆ H2 = X j,k Z d3xu∗j(x) ˆα†j− vj(x) ˆαj  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)   uk(x) ˆαk− v∗k(x) ˆα † k  +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0  u∗j(x) ˆα†j− vj(x) ˆαj  Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)  uk(x) ˆαk− v∗k(x) ˆα † k  +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)u∗j(x0) ˆα†j − vj(x0) ˆαj  Vint(x − x0)  uk(x0) ˆαk− vk∗(x 0) ˆα† k  Ψ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0uj∗(x) ˆα†j− vj(x) ˆαj  Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)  uk(x0) ˆαk− v∗k(x 0 ) ˆα†kΨ(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)u∗j(x0) ˆα†j − vj(x0) ˆαj  Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)  uk(x) ˆαk− vk∗(x) ˆα † k  +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)  uj(x0) ˆαj − vj∗(x 0 ) ˆαj† uk(x) ˆαk− v∗k(x) ˆα † k  +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0uj∗(x) ˆα†j− vj(x) ˆαj   u∗k(x0) ˆα†k− vk(x0) ˆαk  Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x). (A.1)


To diagonalize the Hamiltonian above, we dissect it in terms of the quasi particle operator combinations: ˆ H2{ ˆα † jαˆk} = X j,k Z d3xu∗j(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)  uk(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0u∗j(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)uk(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)u∗j(x0)Vint(x − x0)uk(x0)Ψ(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0u∗j(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)uk(x0)Ψ(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)u∗j(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)uk(x) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)vj∗(x 0 )uk(x) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0u∗j(x)vk(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x) ! ×αˆ†jαˆk  , (A.2) ˆ H2{ ˆαjαˆ † k} = X j,k Z d3xvj(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)  vk∗(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vj(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)v∗k(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)vj(x0)Vint(x − x0)v∗k(x 0)Ψ(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vj(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)v∗k(x 0 )Ψ(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)vj(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)v∗k(x) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)uj(x0)v∗k(x) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vj(x)u∗k(x 0 )Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x) ! ×αˆjαˆ † k  ,


ˆ H2{ ˆαjαˆk} = X j,k − Z d3xvj(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)  uk(x) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vj(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)uk(x) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)vj(x0)Vint(x − x0)uk(x0)Ψ(x) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vj(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)uk(x0)Ψ(x) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)vj(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)uk(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)uj(x0)uk(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vj(x)vk(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x) ! × ( ˆαjαˆk) , (A.4) ˆ H2{ ˆα † jαˆ † k} = X j,k − Z d3xu∗j(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x)  vk∗(x) −1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0u∗j(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)vk∗(x) −1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)uj∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)vk∗(x 0)Ψ(x) −1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0u∗j(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)vk∗(x 0 )Ψ(x) −1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)u∗j(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)vk∗(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0Ψ∗(x)Ψ∗(x0)Vint(x − x0)vj∗(x 0 )vk∗(x) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0u∗j(x)u∗k(x0)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)Ψ(x) ! ×αˆ†jαˆ†k. (A.5) Using R d3xf (x)∇2g(x) = R d3xg(x)∇2f (x) for square integrable functions f


we rewrite the terms above in a symmetrical manner ˆ H2{ ˆα † jαˆk} = X j,k 1 2 Z d3xu∗j(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x)  uk(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0u∗j(x)Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)uk(x0) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0u∗j(x)Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)vk(x0) + 1 2 Z d3xuk(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x)  u∗j(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0uk(x)Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)u∗j(x 0 ) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0uk(x)Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)v∗j(x 0 ) ! ×αˆ†jαˆk  , (A.7) ˆ H2{ ˆαjαˆ † k} = X j,k 1 2 Z d3xvj(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x)  vk∗(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vj(x)Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)v∗k(x 0 ) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vj(x)Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)u∗k(x 0 ) + 1 2 Z d3xv∗k(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x)  vj(x) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0v∗k(x)Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)vj(x0) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vk∗(x)Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)uj(x0) ! ×αˆjαˆ † k  , (A.8)


ˆ H2{ ˆαjαˆk} = X j,k −1 2 Z d3xvj(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x)  uk(x) −1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vj(x)Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)uk(x0) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vj(x)Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)vk(x0) −1 2 Z d3xuk(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x)  vj(x) −1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0uk(x)Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)vj(x0) +1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0uk(x)Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)uj(x0) ! × ( ˆαjαˆk) , (A.9) ˆ H2{ ˆα † jαˆ † k} = X j,k −1 2 Z d3xu∗j(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x)  vk∗(x) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0u∗j(x)Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)vk∗(x 0 ) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0u∗j(x)Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)u∗k(x 0 ) − 1 2 Z d3xvk∗(x)  −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x)  u∗j(x) − 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0vk∗(x)Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)u∗j(x 0 ) + 1 2 Z Z d3xd3x0v∗k(x)Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)v∗j(x 0 ) ! ×αˆ†jαˆ†k. (A.10) It is now apparent that, if u and v obey the coupled equations, called Bogoliubov– de Gennes equations: −~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x) ! uj(x) + Z d3x0Ψ(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)uj(x0) Z


−~ 22 2M − µ + Utr(x) + Φ0(x) ! vj(x) + Z d3x0Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ(x0)vj(x0) − Z d3x0Ψ∗(x)Vint(x − x0)Ψ∗(x0)uj(x0) = −Ejvj(x), (A.12) the Hamiltonian is diagonalized (see Chapter 4).


Appendix B

Calculation of the Lagrangian

with the Gaussian Anzats


The Lagrangian of the Gaussian Anzats

We start with the time dependent Gaussian anzats: Ψ(x, y, z, t) = √ N π3/4(w x(t)wy(t)wz(t))1/2 × exph−1 2  x2 wx(t)2 + y 2 wy(t)2 + z 2 wz(t)2  + i x2βx(t) + y2βy(t) + z2βz(t) i , (B.1)


where wi (width of the Gaussian wavefunction) and βi are the variational

param-eters. Lagrangian density is, L =i~ 2  Ψ(x, t)∂Ψ ∗(x, t) ∂t − Ψ ∗ (x, t)∂Ψ(x, t) ∂t  + ~ 2 2M|∇Ψ(x, t)| 2 + Utr(x)|Ψ(x, t)|2 + 1 2 Z d3x0|Ψ(x, t)|2V int(x − x0)|Ψ(x0, t)|2 + 2 5γ|Ψ(x, t)| 5 + 2θT2|Ψ(x, t)|.

The Lagrangian, L =R d3xL, is obtained inserting the Gaussian anzats into the

Lagrangian density equation.


Terms of |Ψ|



|Ψ|n reads: |Ψ(x, t)|n= Nn/2 π3n/4(w xwywz) n/2 exp  −n 2  x2 w2 x + y 2 w2 y + z 2 w2 z  . (B.2) Therefore, Z d3x|Ψ(x, t)|n= N n/2 π3n/4(w xwywz)n/2  2π n 3/2 wxwywz. (B.3) Hence, Z d3x2 5γ|Ψ(x, t)| 5 = 4 √ 2 25√5π9/4 N5/2γ (wxwywz)3/2 , (B.4) and Z d3x2θT2|Ψ(x, t)| = 4√2π3/4θT2N1/2(wxwywz)1/2. (B.5)



Trap energy term

With the trap potential given by Utr(x) = 12M ωx2x2+ ω2yy2+ ωz2z2,

Z d3xUtr(x)|Ψ(x, t)|2 = Z d3x1 2M ω 2 xx 2 + ωy2y2+ ωz2z2 N π3/2w xwywz × exp  −x 2 w2 x − y 2 w2 y − z 2 w2 z  . (B.6) Therefore, Etr = 1 4M N ω 2 xw 2 x+ ω 2 yw 2 y+ ω 2 zw 2 z  (B.7)


Interaction term

In the calculation of the interaction term, the following integral will be useful: I(η, λ) = Z d3x exp− ηx2+ η−1y2+ λ2z2 z 2 x2+ y2+ z2. (B.8) Note, I(η, λ) = − ∂ ∂λ2 Z d3xexp [− (ηx 2+ η−1y2+ λ2z2)] x2+ y2+ z2 . (B.9) Defining, J (η, λ) = Z d3xexp [− (ηx 2+ η−1y2+ λ2z2)] x2+ y2+ z2 = Z ∞ 0 r2dr Z 2π 0 dφ Z 1 −1 d cos θexp−r

2 sin2θ η cos2φ + η−1sin2φ + λ2cos2θ r2 = Z 2π 0 dφ Z 1 −1 d cos θ Z ∞ 0

dr exp−r2 sin2θ η cos2φ + η−1sin2φ + λ2cos2θ = Z 2π 0 dφ Z π 0 dθ sin θ √ π 2 1 q

sin2θ η cos2φ + η−1sin2φ + λ2cos2θ

=√π Z 2π dφq 1 tanh−1   q λ2− η cos2φ + η−1sin2φ λ  .


Let µ =pη cos2φ + η−1sin2φ, then ∂ ∂λ2 tanh−1hpλ2− µ2/λ2i pλ2− µ2 = 1 2   1 λ(λ2− µ2)− tanh−1hpλ2− µ2/λ2i (λ2− µ2)3/2  . (B.10) Hence, I(η, λ) = √ π 2 Z 2π 0 dφ

tanh−1hqλ2− η cos2φ + η−1sin2φ/λ2i

λ2− η cos2φ + η−1sin2φ3/2 − 1 λ λ2− η cos2φ + η−1sin2φ ! . (B.11) If κ = 1/λ, I(η, 1/κ) = √ π 2 Z 2π 0 dφ

κ3tanh−1hq1 − κ2 η cos2φ + η−1sin2φi 1 − κ2 η cos2φ + η−1sin2φ3/2 − κ 3 1 − κ2 η cos2φ + η−1sin2φ ! . (B.12) The interaction energy,

Eint = 1 2 Z d3x Z d3x0|Ψ(x, t)|2V int(x − x0)|Ψ(x0, t)|2 =1 2 Z d3x Z d3x0 N 2 π3w2 xw2ywz2 exp  −x 2 w2 x − y 2 w2 y − z 2 w2 z  Vint(x − x0) exp  −x 02 w2 x − y 02 w2 y − z 02 w2 z  =1 2gN 2 Z d3k (2π)3exp  −1 2 k 2 xw 2 x+ k 2 yw 2 y+ k 2 zw 2 z    1 + dd  3k2 z k2 x+ k2y + kz2 − 1  . (B.13) Let q =qwxwy 2 k, then Eint = 1 2gN 2 23/2 (wxwy) 3/2 Z d3q (2π)3 exp− q 2 x(wx/wy) + qy2(wy/wx) + qz2(w 2 z/wxwy)  ×  1 +   3q2 z − 1 


where F (κx, κy) = 1 − 3κxκy Z π 0 dφ π tanh−1hq1 − κ2 xcos2φ + κ2ysin2φ i 1 − κ2 xcos2φ + κ2ysin2φ 3/2 − 1 1 − κ2 xcos2φ + κ2ysin 2φ ! . (B.15)


Time derivatives

For the first term in the Lagrangian density, one needs to evaluate: ∂Ψ(x, y, z, t) ∂t = ∂ ∂t √ N π3/4√w xwywz exp  −1 2  x2 w2 x + y 2 w2 y + z 2 w2 z  + i x2βx+ y2βy + z2βz  ! (B.16) ∂Ψ(x, y, z, t) ∂t = ∂ ∂t √ N π3/4√w xwywz ! exp  −1 2  x2 w2 x + y 2 w2 y + z 2 w2 z  + i x2βx+ y2βy+ z2βz   + √ N π3/4√w xwywz ∂ ∂t  exp  −1 2  x2 w2 x + y 2 w2 y + z 2 w2 z  + i x2βx+ y2βy+ z2βz   =∂ ∂t √ N π3/4√w xwywz ! exp  −1 2  x2 w2 x + y 2 w2 y + z 2 w2 z  + i x2βx+ y2βy+ z2βz   + √ N π3/4√w xwywz ∂ ∂t  −1 2  x2 w2 x + y 2 w2 y + z 2 w2 z  + i x2βx+ y2βy+ z2βz   exp[· · · ]. Hence, Ψ∗∂Ψ ∂t = √ N π3/4√w xwywz ∂ ∂t √ N π3/4√w xwywz ! exp  −x 2 w2 x − y 2 w2 y − z 2 w2 z  + N π3/2w xwywz ∂ ∂t  −1 2  x2 w2 x + y 2 w2 y + z 2 w2 z  + i x2βx+ y2βy+ z2βz   × exp  −x 2 w2 x − y 2 w2 y − z 2 w2 z  . (B.17) Therefore, i~ ∂Ψ∗(x, t) ∂Ψ(x, t)


Finally, integrating over the space yields, Z d3xi~ 2  Ψ(x, t)∂Ψ ∗(x, t) ∂t − Ψ ∗ (x, t)∂Ψ(x, t) ∂t  = N ~ 2  wx2β˙x+ w2yβ˙y + w2zβ˙z  . (B.19)





|∇Ψ(x, t)|2 = ∂Ψ(x, y, z, t) ∂x 2 + ∂Ψ(x, y, z, t) ∂y 2 + ∂Ψ(x, y, z, t) ∂z 2 (B.20) ∂Ψ ∂xi = ∂ ∂xi √ N π3/4√w xwywz exp  −1 2  x2 w2 x + y 2 w2 y + z 2 w2 z  + i x2βx+ y2βy+ z2βz  ! = √ N π3/4√w xwywz ∂ ∂xi  exp  −1 2  x2 w2 x + y 2 w2 y + z 2 w2 z  + i x2βx+ y2βy+ z2βz   = √ N π3/4√w xwywz  − 1 w2 i + 2iβi  xiexp  −1 2  x2 w2 x + y 2 w2 y + z 2 w2 z  + i x2βx+ y2βy + z2βz   . Thus, |∇Ψ(x, t)|2 = N π3/2w xwywz  x2 w4 x + y 2 w4 y + z 2 w4 z + 4x2βx2+ 4y2βy2+ 4z2βz2  × exp  −x 2 w2 x − y 2 w2 y − z 2 w2 z  . (B.21) And, Z d3x ~ 2 2M|∇Ψ(x, t)| 2 = ~2N 4M  1 w2 x + 1 w2 y + 1 w2 z + 4w2xβx2+ 4wyy2+ 4w2zβz2  . (B.22)



The Euler–Lagrange Equations

As calculated in the first section, the Lagrangian of the Gaussian anzats reads: L(wx, wy, wz, βx, βy, βz) =N ~ 2  wx2β˙x+ wy2β˙y+ w2zβ˙z  +~ 2N 4M  1 w2 x + 1 w2 y + 1 w2 z + 4w2xβx2+ 4w2yβy2+ 4wzz2  +1 4M N ω 2 xw 2 x+ ω 2 yw 2 y + ω 2 zw 2 z  +gN 2 2 1 23/2π3/2w xwywz  1 − ddF  wx wz ,wy wz  + 4 √ 2 25√5π9/4 N5/2γ (wxwywz) 3/2 + 4√2π3/4θT2N1/2(wxwywz) 1/2 . (B.23) Lagrangian per particle,

1 NL = ~ 2  wx2β˙x+ wy2β˙y+ w2zβ˙z  + ~ 2 M w 2 xβ 2 x+ w 2 yβ 2 y + w 2 zβ 2 z + G(wx, wy, wz), (B.24) where G(wx, wy, wz) = ~ 2 4M  1 w2 x + 1 w2 y + 1 w2 z  +1 4M ω 2 xwx2+ ω2yw2y + ωz2wz2  + gN 2 1 23/2π3/2w xwywz  1 − ddF  wx wz ,wy wz  + 4 √ 2 25√5π9/4 N3/2γ (wxwywz)3/2 + 4√2π3/4θT2N−1/2(wxwywz)1/2 (B.25)


EL equations (q ≡ w



d dt  ∂L ∂ ˙wη  − ∂L ∂wη = 0. (B.26)



EL equations (q ≡ β



d dt ∂L ∂ ˙βη ! − ∂L ∂βη = 0. (B.28) First,∂(L/N ) ∂ ˙βη = 1 2~w 2 η, then d dt  ∂L ∂ ˙βη  = ~wηw˙η. Second, ∂(L/N ) ∂βη = 2~ 2 M w 2 ηβη. (B.29) Hence, βη = M 2~wη ˙ wη. (B.30)


Equation of motion for w


Since βη = 2~wMηw˙η, ˙ βη = M 2~  ¨wη wη − w˙ 2 η w2 η  . (B.31) Therefore, 0 =~wη M 2~  ¨wη wη − w˙ 2 η w2 η  + 2~ 2 M wη M2 4~2w2 η ˙ wη2+ ∂G ∂wη =M 2  ¨ wη− ˙ wη2 wη  +M 2 ˙ wη2 wη + ∂G ∂wη . Finally, d2wη dt2 = − 2 M ∂ ∂wη G(wx, wy, wz). (B.32)


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