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Elma Dağının Küçükyozgat - Karacahasan Memeli Hayvan Fosil Yatakları Hakkında Yeni Notlar


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T H E M A M M A L I A N F O S S I L B E D S O F K Ü Ç Ü K Y O Z G A T -K A R A C A H A S A N O F E L M A D A Ğ I


Asistant Professor of Physical Geography, University of Ankara

The fossil beds of Küçükyozgat-Karacahasan are in the Neogene Series 5 Km. s south of Küçükyozgat ( = E l m a Dağı) railway station which is 30 Km. s east of Ankara, and are between the villages of Karaca-hasan and Ediğe Çiftliği.

T S C H A C H T L I , a geologist working for M T A ( = T h e Mining Re­ search and Exploration Institute of Turkey) went there first in 1951, and issued a short report, but during his survey the earth was covered with snow preventing him from making a detailed study.

In the following years, Prof. Dr. M. ŞENYÜREK has made several excavations in the same area and he has written many articles (See: The bibliography) on the fossils found in this area by him. The outher of this note has studied on the fossil beds and he issued two notes1 on the Küçük­ yozgat-Karacahasan beds. This note is a summary of those two notes published in Turkish.


The fossil beds are in the southeast of Elma Dağı (= Apple Mountain), to the southeast of Ankara. Elma Dağı is a mountain mass extending from southwest to northeast, and it is surrounded by basins ( = Ova's).

The fossils are seen on the boundary, where the Palaeozoic and Me-sozoic series composing Elma Dağı sink under the younger Neogene lacustrine and fluvial-deltaic series filling Karacahasan-Ediğe basin. This boundary may correspond to an old shoreline of the Neogene, in which period areas of Elma Dağı was an island and the basins were lakes or areas of sedimentation. Thus the fossils have been deposited near or on the shore of the island of Elma Dağı in Neogene.

Elma Dağı, principally, consists of Palaeozoic schists beneath a series containing blocks of limestones, and greywackes, igneous materials, shales etc. There are fuzulinas of Permian in the limestones of this series, and in these limestones some outhers have been found also Triassic fossils ( C H A P U T 1936, L E U C H S 1939 b.). The above mentioned series, which

1 EROL,O (1954). Elma Dağı'nın Küçükyozgat-Karacahasan memeli hayvan fosil yatakları (Rev. de la Fac. de Lang., d'Hist. et de Geo. Vol. XII. Nos 1-2) Ankara. EROL, O (1957). Elma Dağı'nın Küçükyozgat-Karacahasan memeli hayvan fosil yatakları hakkında yeni notlar. (Rev. de la Fac. de Lang., d'Hist. et de Géog. Vol XV. Nos. 1-3). Ankara.'


constitute the basis of the mountain were covered discordantly by a mixed series, of Jurasic-Lower Cretaceous age, containing characteristic serpantine and radiolaria. The outcrops of this series occupies a great area on the southeastern slopes of Elma Dağı. Because of their relative weakness to erosion and also because of the effects of tectonic processes, serpantines form low slopes, and are covered by the younger series of Eocene, Oli­ gocène, Neogene and also a volcanic series in the west. The Eocene is made up of a flysch series and of marine limestones ; and the Oligocène

consists of gypsum and gypsiferous sandstones and conglomerates showing crossbedding, that means they are lagoon and continental series. But in the east, the fossilliferous series of Küçükyozgat-Karacahasan is resting directly upon the basal serpantine series, because the older Tertiary series have been eroded here.

The Neogene series, which occupies the above mentioned basis, are constituted by a lower lacustrine series, and an upper fluvial-deltaic series.

In the Ankara region the lacustrine series was laid down between Aquitanian and Pontian, and the main fluviolacustrine series was formed between Pontian and Quaternary. With the purpose of fixing the begin­ ning of the lacustrine period, though it is not enough, it can be used the fossils of Planorbis, which were found by C H A P U T (1931, p. 53) and S T C H E P Î N S K Y (1942, P. 298), but the Pontian mammalian fossils of the Ankara Ragion give more exact information about the and of the lacus­ trine period.

The mammalian fossils of the Ankara Region have been found in lacustrine or in fluviolacustrine -deltaic series2. The geological relations between those different fossil beds has not been examined, because the fossiliferous lacustrine and fluvial- deltaic series are in different places. For this reason, the fossil beds of Küçükyozgat-Karacahasan, the subject of this note, are important, because the fossiliferous lacustrine and fluvial series are in the same place and it is possible to see there the passing from lacustrine to fluvial -deltaic series.

There are two principal series and a series of passage layers between these two principal series in the area of Küçükyozgat-Karacahasan fossil beds. These series are:

2 The mammalian fossil beds of İlhan Köy (KANSU 1937, LEUCHS 1949, THE-NİUS 1949), Ankara-Demirtepe (KANSU 1937, LOUİS-KLEÎNSORGE-SALOMON CALVİ 1940), Ankara-Bakanlıklar (LEUCHS 1940), Ankara-Cebeci (OZANSOY 1951), Bâlâ-Karakeçili (KANSU 1937, YALÇINLAR 1952), Kızılcıhamam-Çeştepe (EROL), Ayaş Dağları-Çobanpınarı-İğdelik (OZANSOY 1957, ERK, EROL) are in fluvial, flu-violacustrine-deltaic series; and of Evciler Ağılları-Gökdere (ŞENYÜREK 1951, 1952b, EROL 1951, 1952) and Küçükyozgat (TCHACHTLT 1942, ŞENYÜREK 1953 a, b, 1954a, b, EROL 1954) are in lacustrine series. There is no published work on the beds of Çeştepe.


THE KÜGÜKYOZGAT FOSSİL BEDS 317 3— The pinkish coloured fluvial-deltaic series.

2— The passage layers between lacustrine and fluvial series. I-— Light brown-white coloured lacustrine series.

1— The lacustrine series consists mostly of light brown-white co­ loured marls and clays. These are interbedded with some limestone layers. There are scattered small pebbles in marl and limestone layers. The series is generally well bedded, but some limestone layers do not extend more than 200-300 metres, that is these layers are long lenses. These charac­ teristics of series indicate that the series was formed near the shore of a lake.

There are some crystals of gypsum in the hollow of fossil bones. This indicates that the lake was slightly brackish. There are, in fact, some other slightly gypsyferrous lacustrine series in the region3.

2'— The series of the passage layers between the lacustrine and fluvial series, is alternatively white and red coloured. The lower part of this series consists of marls and clays, while the upper part contains mostly small pebbles and angular fragments of radiolaria, limestones, greywackes, quarz, derived from the' basal series. The average thickness of the series is 50 metres.

This series rests concordantly on the lacustrine series, but it is inter­ bedded with the conglomerates of the fluvial-deltaic series which covers it.

3— The fluvial-deltaic series, which is relatively younger than series 1 and 2, is made up of conglomerates, sands, clays and marls. The layers of conglomerates and sands are in the form of pockets of 10-100 m. length and 1-3 m. thicknss. Pebbles and sands are mostly cemented with a pin­ kish coloured argillacous limestone.

There are also important layers of limestones, which contain frag­ ments of basal series forming a limestone cemented breccia in some ho­ rizons.

From the characteristics of these 3 series, it can be deduced that a lake was filled by deltaic-fluvial sediment.

The lacustrine and fluvial-deltaic series are folded. The axis of folds extend from SW to NE. The beds which are in the lacustrine series out­ crop on both flanks of the northwestern anticline. The dip of the nort­ hwestern flank of the anticline is 40 degrees, of southeastern is 20 degrees. T h e fossiliferous lacustrine layers exposed by the erosion of the Sankaya-water and its branches, which have eroded the top of this anticline. The fluvial-deltaic series is preserved in a syncline which had been formed between the anticline and the basal serpentine series.

There is a fault between the lacustrine and the serpentine series to the east of Sarıkaya ağılı and to its northeast. To the west of Sankaya ağılı, the fault is not clear, but a flexure is seen about 50 m. south of


yutarla Beds (F3) which are on the northwestern flank of the syncline, south of Doyran Çiftliği ( = D o y r a n Farm). This flexure is probably con­ nected with the Sarıkaya fault.

The folded Neogene series, which we mentioned above, are cut across by a gently inclined erosional surface. The relative hight of this surface is between 30 and 50 metres. There is a pebble cover on the surface on the plaine. This cover decreases to the northern mountain side, but to the southern basin the pebbles have confiderable thickness. This erosion surface and its associated pebbel cover must be in the terrace system of Kızılırmak ( = R e d river). That is they arc the youngest formation of the area. We had looked around with Prof. Ş E N Y Ü R E K to find some Paleolitik artefacts, but we could not find any.

The fossil beds :

T S C H A C H T L I had excavated the bed of Kemikli Burun (F1) which was on the northwestern flank of the anticline. The strike of this is N 35 E and the dip is 400 to nortwest. Prof. ŞENYÜREK has also dug this bed, and three new beds, he himself discovered. The bed of F2 is 200 metres east of the Kemikli Burun bed. This is also in the lacustrine series, but on the southwestern flank of the anticline. Its strike is N 30° E and dip is 200 to the southeast. Stratigraphically, these two beds might be about the same horizon. Separeting them from the others, Prof. ŞENYÜREK called these two "The küçükyozgat beds", because the nearest village is the Küçükyozgat on that side. He attributed the fossils, which were found in these beds, to the Pontian age (See ŞENYÜREK 1953 a, b, c, 1954a, b, c).

The other beds, which are in the fluvial-deltaic series Prof. Ş E N Y Ü R E K called "The Karacahasan beds", since they arc on the side of the village of Karacahasan. Prof. Ş E N Y Ü R E K thinks that the Küçükyozgat Fauna is followed by the Karacahasan Fauna. This is, also, confirmed by our geological observations. The beds (F3) which are the more eastern of the Karacahasan beds is situated on the nortwestern flank of the syncline at the south of Doyran çifliği occur in a calcarous and marly layer, dipping to the southeast at 10-150. Prof. Ş E N Y Ü R E K called these "The Kuyutarla

beds", and the other western bed "The Örücebağ bed", because it is near

to Örücebağ. The Örücebağ bed is contained in a calcarous and marly layer, dipping 10° to the southeast. The Örücebağ bed is nearer to the basis than the Kuyutarla beds.


The beds of Küçükyozgat are in a lower lacustrine series, and the beds of Karacahasan are in an upper fluvial-deltaic series. These beds are more important than the other beds of Ankara Region, which are in different series of lacustrine or fluvial-deltaic (fluviolacustrine) origin, and also occur in different places. Whereas, the Küçükyozgat-Karacahasan



beds are in different series, but in the same area. For this reason, from the point of view of geology and paleontology, it is possible to see the connections between these two different series and their fossils. According to Prof. Ş E N Y Ü R E K the fossils of both series blong to the Pontian, that is a lake of Pontian age had been filled by a fluvial-deltaic series of the same period.


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( + ) Fosillerin bulunduğu yeri göstermektedir. Figure 1—The map showing the location of fossil beds.


Şekil 2 — (İzahat için arka sayfaya bakınız) Figure 2 — (See : next page for descriptions)


Şekil 2 — Küçükyozgat-Karacahasan yatakları civarının jeolojik hari­ tası,

1— Vadi alüvyonları ve tarlaların toprak örtüleri (4. Zaman), 2— Seki çakılları (4. Zaman),

3— Akarsu-delta serisi (Ponsiyen),

4— Akarsu delta serisi içindeki kalker adeseleri,

5— Akarsu ve göl serileri arasındaki intikal serisi (Ponsiyen), 6— İntikal serisi içindeki konglemera cepleri,

7— Göl serisi (Ponsiyen),

8— Göl serisi içindeki kalker tabakaları, 9— Serpantin-radyolarit serisi (Mezozoik), 10— Fosil bulunan yerler,

F1 ve F2 Küçükyozgat yatakları, F3 ve F4 Karacahasan yatakları, 11 — Tabaka istikamet ve yatımları, 12—Jeolojik sınırlar,

13— Fay, 14— Fleksür,

15— Şekil 3 deki kesintin geçtiği yer, 16— Araba ve patika yollan.

Figure 2 — The geological map of the area around the Küçükyozgat-Karacahasan beds.

1— The alluviums of valleys and the soil cover (Recent), 2— Terrace pebbles (Quaternary),

3— The fluvial-deltaic series (Pontian),

4— The limestone lenses within the fluvial-deltaic series, 5— The passage series between the lacustrine and the

fluvial-deltaic series (Pontian),

6— The pockets of conlomerate within the passage series, 7— The lacustrine series (Pontian),

8— Limestone layers within the lacustrine series, 9— The serpentine-radiolaria scries (Mesozoic), 10— The fossil beds:

F1 and F2 the Küçükyozgat beds F3 and F4 the Karacahasan beds, 1 1 — Dip and strike,

12— Geological boundries, 1 3 — F a u l t ,

14— Flexure,

15— The line of the cross-section in Figure 3, 16— Paths and roads.


ure 3 — A cross-section of the area of Küçükyozgat-Karacahasan. A) T h e lacustrine series,

B) T h e passage series between tihe lacustrine and the fluvial-deltaic series,

C) T h e fluvial-deltaic series, D) Marl,

E) Limestone,

F) Pebbles and conglomerates, G) Quaternary veneer of pebbles,

H) Places where scattered fossil bones are to be found. Layers :

1— Marl (Thicker than 10 m.)

2— Limestone (1,5 m.) 3— Pebble (3,5 m.) 4— M a r l (25 m.) 5— Limestone (2 m.) 6— M a r l 7 m.) 7— Limestone (1,5 m.) 8— Marl (8m.) 9— Limestone (1 m.)

10— Clay with pebbles of greywacke (5 m.) 11— Limestone (1 m.)

12— Light brown-greenish marl with sands and small pebbles (15 m.)

13— Limestone (1,5 m.)

14— Light brown-greenish marl (15 m.) 15— Limestone (1,5 m.)

16— Marl (20 m.) 17— Limestone (1 m.)

18— Brown-red coloured clays and marls with scattered limes-tone layers Pebbles towards the top of the series (50 m.) 19— Conglomerate (1,5 m.)

20— Clay and sand (3 m.) 2 1 — Conglomerate (1,5 m.) 22— Clay and sand (5 m.) 23— Conglomerate (2 m.)

24— Clay and sand (10 m.) 25— Conglomerate (1,5 m.)

26— Pinkish coloured clay with sand (10 m.) 27— Red clay, partly with sand (10-30 m.)


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