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Burdur ili küçükbaş hayvancılık işletmelerinin mevcut durumu


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The current situation of small ruminant enterprises of Burdur province

Özkan Elmaz*, Özgecan Korkmaz Ağaoğlu, Aykut Asım Akbaş, Mustafa Saatcı,

Mehmet Çolak, Mahiye Özçelik Metin

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Istiklal Campus, 15030, Burdur, Turkey Received: 31.01.2014, Accepted: 06.03.2014

*[email protected]


Elmaz Ö, Ağaoğlu ÖK, Akbaş AA, Saatcı M, Çolak M, Me-tin MÖ. Burdur ili küçükbaş hayvancılık işletmelerinin mev-cut durumu.

Amaç: Bu çalışma Teke yöresi olarak bilinen Burdur ili mer-kez ilçeye bağlı köy ve beldelerdeki küçükbaş işletmelerinin mevcut durumunu ortaya koymak amacıyla yapıldı.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmanın verileri çiftçilerle yüz yüze yapılan anketlerden elde edildi. Veriler 32 köy ve beldeden olmak üzere 48 keçi ve 64 koyun işletmesinden toplandı. An-ket 5 temel bölüm içermektedir; işletmelerin demografik gileri, işletmelerin barınak ve çevre düzenlemesi ile ilgili bil-gileri, işletmelerdeki bakım – besleme yöntemleri, işletme-lerdeki sağım yöntemleri ile hijyen kriterleri ve çiftlik yöneti-mi konularını içermektedir.

Bulgular: İşletme başına düşen anaç koyun sayısı ve anaç keçi sayısı sırasıyla 93.3 ve 117.9 baş olarak bulundu. Koyun ve keçi işletmelerinde çalışan yetiştiricilerin sırasıyla %85.9 ve %77.2 oranıyla ilkokul mezunu oldukları tespit edildi. İn-celenen koyun işletmelerinin %84.4’ü yarı açık barınak ağıl tipindedir. Keçi işletmelerinde bu oran %70.4’tür. Koyun iş-letmelerinde kuzuların süt emme süresinin 4 ile 6 ay arasın-da; keçi işletmelerinde ise oğlakların süt emme süresinin 4 ile 7 ay arasında değiştiği saptandı. Araştırma kapsamında incelenen koyun ve keçi işletmelerinde ortalama günlük süt verimi sırasıyla 0.5±0.09 lt/gün/koyun ve 0.5±0.3 lt/gün/ keçi’dir.

Öneri: Bu araştırma, Teke yöresinin önemli bir merkezi olan Burdur ilinin küçükbaş işletmelerinin mevcut durumunu or-taya koyan ilk çalışmadır. Bu sonuçlar Burdur ilinde ileride yapılacak olan koyun ve keçi yetiştiriciliğini geliştirme çalış-malarına önemli bir veri tabanı oluşturacaktır.

Anahtar kelimeler: Koyun, keçi, işletme yapısı, üretim özel-likleri, yönetim uygulamaları


Elmaz O, Agaoglu OK, Akbas AA, Saatci M, Colak M, Metin MO. The current situation of small ruminant enterprises of Burdur province.

Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the present situation of small ruminant enterprises of Burdur province in the West Mediterranean region of Turkey known as “Goat Region”

Materials and Methods: Research data obtained from farm-er by face to face questionnaires. Data wfarm-ere collected from 48 goats and 64 sheep enterprises at 32 villages and town. The questionnaire contained five main sections: demographic data about the enterprise; the enterprise’s housing and land-scaping; data about the feed and feeding methods used in the enterprises; milk production and hygienic criteria in the en-terprises and farm management.

Results: The average number of sheep and goat per enter-prise were found 94.8 and 117.8 heads respectively. It was determined that sheep and goat breeders graduated from primary school at the rates of 85.9% and 77.2% respective-ly. Examined sheep enterprises 84.4% was semi-open type barn. This rate was 70.4% in goat enterprises. Duration of suckling period of lambs in sheep enterprises were between 4 to 6 months, kids suckling period ranged between 4 and 7 months in goat enterprises. In this research average milk yield was found in sheep and goat enterprises in 32 villages; 0.5±0.09 l/day/sheep and 0.5±0.3 l/day/goat, respectively. Conclusions: This research was the first study to demon-strate the current status of small ruminant enterprises of Burdur province in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. It is thought that the results of this research will form important database for future research about development of sheep and goat farming in Burdur province of Turkey

Keywords: Sheep, goat, enterprise, production trait, man-agement practices

Eurasian J Vet Sci, 2014, 30, 2, 95-101 DOI:10.15312/EurasianJVetSci.201425926

Eurasian Journal



Sheep and goat farming is one of the most important sectors in agriculture both economically and socially in the West Mediterranean region of Turkey. Goat and sheep are kept as an important source of livelihood in many enterprises of Mediterranean region of Turkey and also have cultural, folk-lore and social value. Breeding of small ruminants in Turkey has an important share in the Turkish economy and cultural. The ovine flocks usually convert the short and infertile pas-ture fields and other land that are not suitable for agricultur-al production to products like meat, milk, wool and leather (Akçapınar 1984, Kaymakçı et al 2005). In Turkey, 97% of the goats, spreading among all the regions, are the Turkish Hair goat (Kıl keçisi). They are mostly raised inside and near of the forests. On the other hand, Angora goat makes up only the 3% of the whole goat population in Turkey. Dairy breeds and their crossbreeds like Malta, Kilis, Saanen are mostly being breeding on the Western Anatolian Coast (Kaymakçı and Dellal 2006). In Turkey, the total number of sheep and goat is calculated as 25 892 582 and 8 199 184, respectively (TURKSTAT 2012). The same amount for Burdur province is 126 735 and 87 170, respectively (DOMARA 2012). The majority of enterprises of small ruminants in Burdur is also available in the form of small-scale family farms. In this con-text; in the Burdur province both to provide need of food of animal origin such as cheese, yogurt, raw milk, meat and in

order to contribute agricultural income, the profitability of farms raising small ruminants should be increased. For this purpose, profitability - efficiency analysis should be done by examined the structural characteristics of these enterprises as well as problems should be identified and offers for the problems should be developed.

The West Mediterranean region of Turkey is a mountainous area and goat production is the primarily income source for the families living in the mountainous villages. More than two million people live in these areas and they constitute the poorest farmers in the country (Erkan et al 2001). The excess of small-scale farming among the agricultural and livestock enterprises is one of the subjects which should be taken into account. The number of small ruminants which increased from the 1950s to the 1980s and also the number of enter-prise has been in a rapid decline. Many factors have a role in shaping this situation (Ocak et al 2010). Today, in terms of preventing these reductions, it is very important that enter-prises should indicate their current status.

This research was conducted to determine the general char-acteristics of the existing sheep and goat enterprise and to contribute to the determination of more profitable and for-ward-looking strategies using data obtained in the province of Burdur. Education Illiterate Primary school Intermediate school High school Enterprise type Settled Nomadic

The Number of Enterprises Planted Feed Crops Forage Crops Production Areas (da)

1-10 11-30 31-50 >51

The maximum forage production Barley


The Number of Enterprises Member of SGBAB* The mean number of Sheep & Goat per farm

The number of enterprises (n= 64) 1 55 4 4 57 7 38 12 13 7 6 33 27 38 Sheep Goat Mean

94.8 Min.6 Max.635 Mean117.8 Min.4 Max.320 The number of enterprises (n= 48) 4 37 3 4 45 3 33 7 11 8 7 33 25 35 Percentage (%) 1.5 85.9 6.3 6.3 89.1 10.9 59.3 18.7 20.3 18.4 15.7 86.6 71.1 59.3 Percentage (%) 8.3 77.2 6.2 8.3 93.7 6.3 68.7 21.2 33.3 24.3 21.2 100 75.7 72.9

Table 1. Summary of demographic data on sheep and goat farming enterprises.


Materials and Methods

Data collection

This research was carried out in Burdur province in the West Mediterranean region of Turkey, which is located between northern latitudes of 36° 53’ and 37° 50’ and eastern longi-tudes of 29° 24’ and 30° 53’. Burdur is situated in the Medi-terranean Region in southwestern Anatolia. It is surrounded by Antalya to the east and south, by Denizli to the southwest, and by Afyon and Isparta to the north. The study data were collected between April 2010 and July 2011 from 32 local villages and towns. In the study, the questionnaires were ad-ministered under the follow-up of the vaccination staff of the Animal Health Department of DOMARA so as to win the trust of the breeders and to collect healthier data. Village and town names are listed according to alphabetical order; Akyayla, Askeriye, Bayındır, Bozlar, Beşkavak, Cimbilli, Çatağil (İnsu-yu), Çallica, Çendik, Çine, Düğer, Gökçebağ, Güneyyayla, Hali-cilar (Sala), İlyas, Karacaören, Karaçal, Karakent, Kartalpinar, Kayaalti, Kayiş, Kocapinar, Kozluca, Kökez, Kumluca, Merkez, Sariova, Suludere, Ulupinar, Yaylabeli, Yaziköy, Yeşildağ. Data

were collected from a total of 112 farms. The 64 enterprise from 25 different village is related to sheep and the other ones (48 enterprise from 22 different village) related to goat enterprises. It was determined that in total 5974 sheep, 2551 lambs, 5659 goats and 2384 kids were grown in 122 enterprises. In these villages and towns in which question-naires were completed, the number of sheep and goat for the year 2010 was 23.705 and 5.735 respectively. The number of sheep in the farms for which questionnaires were filled accounts for 35.9% of the total number of sheep in these vil-lages and town. However, the number of goat in the farms for which questionnaires were filled accounts for 98.7% of the total number of goat in these villages and town.

Statistical analysis

The study applied the “Sampling and Questionnaire” meth-od within an acceptable error and confidence interval. The stratified sampling method was employed to determine the number of samples (questionnaires) used in the study and to select the villages. The questionnaire contained five main sections: demographic data about the enterprise; the enter-Housing type Open barn Semi-open barn Closed barn Floor Concrete Stone Soil Bedding Straw Nothing at all Roof Tile Soil-nylon Nylon canvas Etermite Cleaning frequency Daily Weekly Monthly

Once every six months Yearly

Usage of disinfectants Yes


Evaluation of fertilizer Used in the field Sold The number of enterprises (n= 64) 4 54 6 4 3 57 10 54 33 10 11 6 34 20 3 5 2 39 25 52 12 Sheep Goat The number of enterprises (n= 48) 3 34 11 2 2 44 8 40 18 10 10 7 22 16 5 1 4 23 25 24 24 Percentage (%) 6.3 84.4 9.3 6.3 4.6 89.1 15.6 84.4 57.8 15.6 17.2 9.4 53.1 31.3 4.7 7.8 3.1 60.9 39.1 81.3 18.7 Percentage (%) 6.3 70.8 22.9 4.2 4.2 91.6 16.8 83.2 43.8 20.8 20.8 14.6 45.8 33.3 10.4 2.1 8.4 47.9 52.1 50 50


prise’s housing and landscaping; data about the feed and feeding methods used in the enterprises; milk production and hygienic criteria in the enterprises and farm manage-ment. All statistical analyses were carried out with Micro-soft Excel 2010 and Minitab version 16 statistical Micro-software (MINITAB 2011).


Demographic data on the enterprises

Information on demographics of enterprises was given in Table 1. The number of family members for sheep and goat enterprises was detected as 4.5±2.1 and 4.7±1.6, respective-ly. As a result of questions on working experience, 23.9±15.2 and 27.8±16.8 year were determined for sheep and goat en-terprises. The number of sheep and goat which reared for lambs and kids per enterprise was found as 94.8 and 117.8 respectively. Anatolian Merino, Awassi, Pırlak, Chios cross-bred, Çine Çaparı, Akkaraman are raised on sheep enter-prises. In the goat farms Hair Goat, Honamlı Goat, Honamlı x Kıl goat crossbred and Turkish Saanen were reared. It was detected that all workers were the owners of enterprises surveyed. Education has a great importance on economic ef-ficiency and production in these enterprises. The 85.9% and 77.2% of workers on sheep and goat farms were detected as educated at primary school. It was determined that the sheep and goat enterprises type was nomadic on 10.9% and 6.3% respectively. However, 59.3% and 68.7% rates were defined as enterprises planted feed crops on sheep and goat farms.

It was identified that primarily forage production based on barley and wheat. These are followed by corn, alfalfa and oats. The membership status of surveyed enterprises to the “Sheep and Goat Breeders Association of Burdur” was found as 59.3% and 72.9% for sheep and goat enterprises, respec-tively.

Enterprise housing and facilities

In the surveyed sheep and goat enterprises, the rates of semi-open barns used as a house type were detected 84.4 % and 70.8 % respectively. Generally, soil was used on floor and not any bedding material was used. It was detected that, inten-sively, in the sheep and goat barns roof consist of tiles, soil nylon and nylon-canvas. The frequency of cleaning barns, using of disinfectant during barn cleaning and manure were presented in Table 2.

Feed and feeding methods

Within this research in addition to poor pasture conditions for animals feed was mostly was given for a period of 2-3 months, corresponding to the winter months on sheep and goat enterprises. Given the amount of rough and concentrate (kg/day) for sheep and goat enterprises were determined as 0.6±0.3 kg, 0.4±0.2 kg and 0.6±0.3 kg and 0.3±0.1 kg, respec-tively (Table 3). Duration of suckling for lambs was detected between 4-6 months. This time was defined as 4-7 months for kids.

When feed is?

In the winter months In the summer months Every time

Given the amount of feed (kg/day) Forage


Duration of suckling lamb and kids (month) 3

4 5 6

Time for lamb and kids to start eating forage and concentrated (week) 1 2 3 4 5 The number of enterprises (n= 64) 57 0 7 X 0.6 0.4 2 17 23 22 3 31 13 12 5 Sheep Goat The number of enterprises (n= 48) 45 0 3 X 0.6 0.3 2 9 15 16 6 13 13 14 2 Percentage (%) 89.1 0 10.9 Sx 0.3 0.2 3.2 26.5 35.9 34.4 4.7 48.4 20.3 18.8 7.8 Percentage (%) 93,7 0 6,3 Sx 0.3 0.1 4.2 18.5 31.5 33.3 12.5 27.1 27.1 29.2 4.1


Milk production

Hand milking was found as a milking type in the surveyed farms (Table 4). The ratio of cleaning of the udders before milking was defined 64.1% and 64.6% for sheep and goat farms. Analysis of the evaluation method of sheep and goat milk; mostly given to lambs and kids in the rate of 73.4% and 83.3%. Average milk yield (lt/day) for sheep and goat enter-prises were detected as 0.5±0.09 kg and 0.5±0.3 kg, respec-tively.

Farm management

It was identified that sheep and goat farms mostly have not keep any specific record and receive any regular Veterinar-ian control (Table 5). Sheep enterprises received informa-tion support at 28.1%. These ones were Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (15.7%), Burdur Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (6.2%) and Veterinarians (6.2%). Goat enterprises received information support at 16.6%. It was obtained from Burdur Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (8.3%) in the first rank and the second one was veterinar-ians (4.3%). Free mating system was most common for mat-ing season in the sheep and goat farms. Rams were utilized for mating in August and September months. September was the mostly preferred by goat breeders. The parturition was on January- March months. In sheep enterprises shearing time was the months of May and June. It was stated that the amount of wool from sheep is 1 kg of wool/sheep.


In this research, the education level of sheep and goat breed-er’s were 85.9% and 77.2% primary school respectively. The level of education is low among farm owners in sheep and

goat enterprises in Burdur province, with similar levels also reported in other studies elsewhere in Turkey and other country (Bett et al 2009, Daşkıran et al 2010).

The production levels of animals depend on animal husband-ry system as well as benefiting from the opportunities at the maximum level. Bett et al (2009) reported the low education levels for breeders in 311 dairy goat enterprises in Kenya. It was similar to findings of current study. In the related study, sucking duration was defined shorter than this project be-cause of the main goal was milk production. In addition, on work the vast majority of enterprises registered and animals yields were recorded.

Yılmaz et al (2010), reported that the number of family mem-bers in goat enterprises was 5 and average herd size as 304 head in a study conducted in the province of Mugla, which border the western Mediterranean region. In addition it was defined that the goats were kept in called mattress tempo-rarily a simple fenced in opened areas, kids were also kept in shelters in the form of greenhouse and made of branches and trees and the roof of that covered with nylon. The parturi-tion on herd which male were utilize for mating in August-September months was January and February months where the place has mild winters and the coastal areas. These re-sults, in general, was similar to the findings of this study, the values obtained in terms of herd size was large. Tekel and Dellal (2010) determined the rates of settled enterprises in different provinces (Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep and Adıyaman) 84.2%, 82.2%, 100.0% and 75.5% respectively. The results were similar to findings about sheep and goat farms of current study. Daşkıran et al (2010) reported the average number of animal on Angora goat enterprise was as 300-600 head. Taşkın et al (2010) detected the average num-ber of goat as 43.3, 28.8, 30.0 and 47.3 head for the provinces mentioned Tekel and Dellal (2010) before.

Milking Method Hand milking

Does the udder before milking cleaning? Yes


Evaluation of milk and number of milking Cheese is made (38 days milking is done) Only sucking lambs and kids

(34 days milking is done) Average Milk Yield (lt/day)

The number of enterprises (n= 64) 64 41 23 17 47 X 0. 5 Sheep Goat The number of enterprises (n= 48) 48 31 17 8 40 X 0.5 Percentage (%) 100 64.1 35.9 26.6 73.4 Sx 0.09 Percentage (%) 100 64.6 35.4 16.7 83.3 Sx 0.3


In this research, 84.4% and 70.8% rates were detected as us-ing semi-open barns for sheep and goat enterprises respec-tively. Koyuncu et al (2006) reported that classical housing type mostly used. Paksoy et al (2006) determined closed barns commonly used in 30 sheep enterprises from 15 villag-es in Kahramanmaraş province of Turkey. However, concrete, corrugated zinc and tile were used for roof material. While there were differences from the current study about housing type and planting lands, it was similar to research on using tiles (57.8% and 43.8%) for sheep and goat farms respective-ly. Taşkın et al (2010) reported that the majority of breeders did not have any record and they were not a membership of Sheep and Goat Breeders’ Association in their study made in İzmir and Manisa provinces. The rate of membership Sheep and Goat Breeders’ Association of Burdur in this study was quite higher than Taşkın et al (2010). While regular vet-erinarian control for sheep and goat enterprises (28% and 31%) were under the desired level, it was higher than values observed by Taşkın et al (2010). While manure was used for bedding material in related study, it was detected the using of manure for field or selling in Burdur province.

Koyuncu et al (2006) reported that kids weaned at 60th – 90th day age in the vast majority of enterprises raised goat on the South Marmara Region in Turkey. In the current re-search, it was identified that kids were not weaned for a long time so, they had been suckling approximately 4 - 7 months. In addition, it was determined that sheep and goat were not

milked after birth and generally milk was given to lambs and kids in the rate of 73.4% and 83.3%, respectively. It is thought that this situation is about breeders habits coming from back, milk prices and low milk yield of the animals. Par-allel to this, the result from the current research about the evaluation of the low rate of goat’s milks using as cheese does not coincide with related study. The average sheep and goat milk yield in Burdur is usually less than a litre per animal, which is reported similar values by Degen and El-Meccawi (2009). However, it was seen that the milk was not available in the market regularly. In sheep and goat farming, milk is the second most valuable product after meat. Sheep milk can be marketed quite high prices compared to cow milk espe-cially in West Anatolia (Altın 2001). In this state, in terms of milk production in the western Mediterranean based on lo-cal breeds of sheep and goats is far from being efficient and rational.


As a result, it was observed that the breeders in Burdur prov-ince in Western Mediterranean which is one of the small ruminant breeding center in Turkey. Breeders did not have enough knowledge about housing, care, nutrition, health and hygiene. It was concluded that the applied educational activities which mentioned about recording system, herd management and practical knowledges on other subjects for the breeders should be useful. There is not another source No enterprises-specific registration system

Regular Veterinarian Control Information Support


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ** SGBAB (supervisor ) Free-Veterinarians Breeding type (free mating) Mating time August September October Months of birth January-February February-March Shearing months May June July

The amount of wool (kg)

The number of enterprises (n= 64) 64 18 18 4 10 0 4 64 27 30 7 30 34 23 36 5 X 1 Sheep Goat The number of enterprises (n= 48) 48 15 8 4 1 1 2 48 7 33 8 22 26 -Percentage (%) 100 28.1 28.1 6.2 15.7 0 6.2 100 42.2 46.9 10.9 46.9 53.1 35.9 56.3 7.8 Sx 0.15 Percentage (%) 100 31.2 16.6 8.3 2 2 4.3 100 14.6 68.7 16.7 45.8 54.2

-Table 5. Summary survey findings concerning farm management.


of income for the majority of enterprises. Giving farmers technical information related to animal husbandry practi-cally, can carry out enterprise activities in a more profitable and efficient. In addition to several universities and research Institutes, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock is currently carrying out some research projects to improve the level of goat and sheep production in Turkey. One of the most important projects is the National Livestock Project un-der Field Conditions. In this way, some of the changes in the social and cultural lives of the breeders occurred even the shepherds and their families efforts to have their lives more comfortable by producing electricity from solar energy. Acknowledgements

This study has been supported by Scientific Research Proj-ects Coordinator of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (Project No: 0103-NAP-10). A part of this study has been presented as oral presentation in the XII. Wellmann Oszkár Internatıonal Scıentıfıc Conference, Hódmezővásárhely / Hungary, 25th April 2013, and published as abstract in Agrar-es Vıdekfejlesztesı Szemle, Supplement, 2013. Vol. 2.(1): 510. References

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Kenar uzunlukları 140 m ve 60 m olan dikdörtgen şeklindeki arsanın metrekaresi

Büyük fikir adamı Prens Sa- bahattinin kemikleri ölümün­ den dört yıl sonra, dün «Tar­ sus» vapuru ile yurda getirilmiş tir. Cerrahpaşa Hastahanesine