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Başlık: T~E STUDY OF FAT CONTENT OF TURKISH YOCURTYazar(lar):OMURTAG, A. Cemal;OMURTAG, E. HayrünnisaCilt: 6 Sayı: 1.2 DOI: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000001810 Yayın Tarihi: 1959 PDF


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Prof. Dr. Lcitif BERKMEN


A.Cemal OMURTAG Dr., Specialist of

Barleriology and Contagi-Ous Diseases, Vet. Med.

E. Hayrünnisa OMURTAG Chemical Engineer ( •• )


Down through the centuries the Asiatic Turks have fermented

milk so that it would keep longer in a hot climate than wpuld. the

fresh product. This procedure has been and is now, very important

in areas of the world where rapid transportation' and refrigeration

are not generally available.

Yo~rt is but onı of the fermented milk products. Others inclu

de Kefir, Kımız, Araka, Tarho, Katıh, Punch of cheese, Punch of milk,

Dehri, Huslanka, Saur milk, Skyr, Wein of Galacton, Yazma,

Urgut-nik, Zioddu, Lebeniraib, Mazun. Kellermilch, Tatmjolk and Sostej.

The word «Yogurt» is of Turkish origin. it was in use nearly one

thousand years ago (11), (29)

According to AYGÜN (1) yo~ut is a Turkish discovery. it is a na-tional food that has bep-n usp-d for centııries in all Turkish countries ..

it was introduced into the Balkan countries by the Anadolu (Asia

Mi-nor) Turks. it was iı:ıtroduced into other European countries from the

Balkan countries about the begining of the twentieth century. YÖNEY

( 28) states yo~urt has been produced in the United states of America

for ~bOl't ty'p-nty-five years. But ROGERS (21) shows it has been pro-duced in the United St::ıtes since 1916.

(*) Presented at the VII. ıh Turkish Congress of Microbiology, September 18-21 )958, İstanbul. TURKEY


Types of Yoğurt and Methods of Production

There are three kin ds of yogurt: namely,

ı -

Yoğurt or silivri yoğurt.

2 - Süzme Yoğurt or Torba Yoğurt (YQğurt of the eloth bagi.

3 - Kurut (çlried yoğurt) (1), (9).


Silivri Yoğurt

This is one of the well-known yoğurts whieh is widely use d in th~

big cities. !ts produetion is a big industry. Milk from sheep,

eat-le, goats, and water buffaloes can be used for its produetion.

Tpe best yoğurt is made from sheep's milk. The first step in yo

ğurt produetion is boiling the milk with frequent stirring. This

stimu-lates evaporation. Speeial types of clean plates or bowls are filled

with known amounts of the boÜed milk. This is then allawed to eoo

to about 43-44°C. At this temperature the fat rises to the top and co

vers the milk. Eaeh plate or bowl is then inoeulated with two per cent of fis volınne of one-day"'Üld.yoğurt. This is diluted with equal parts

of water that has been boiled and allawed to cool to about 42-430 C. if

nonhon1ogenized milk is used. inoeulations are made with a syrin,se

so as not to disturb the fat layer. The inoeula~d milk is ineubated

at 37-40°C. until it has almost solidified.

RUDANOVSKAYA (23) reeommends the use of starter eultures

in tabı et from for the home preparation of yoğurt.

SOULtD (25) found yoğurt eultures remain viable for five to eight

months in milk.

RETCREL (20) suggested that a


meter fitted outside the

in-cubator be used to determine when yoğurt has reaehed the proper aci-dity.

PETTE and LOLKEMA (5) stated the true yoğurt arama is

lin-ked with the produetion of aeetaldehyde.

2. Süzme (drained) Yoğurt

Süzme yoğurt mav be made from either Billvri yo~rt or from

the by-produet obtained when butter is made from yoğurto In either

ease, the eurd is hung in a cloth bag unti1 all the liquid that will drain out has eseaped. if made from silivri yoğurt, it eontains all the fat in the original milk when it is made from milk. witti a high fat eontent, the fat of the finished silivri yoğurt mav be removed and then added


n top of the yog-urt after it has been drained in a cloth bag. if made rom the by-product obtained after making butter, it is very low in fat

ontent'but contains the other constituents of milk. it is a palatable

nd nutritious food which is called Ayran.

Süzme yog-urt will keep about a week without refrigeration if it is roperly salted. if it is to be kept longer it is usually pressed, rolled

in-o egg shaped masses, put in a jar in-or in-other container, and covered

ith olive oil.

3. Kurut (Dried Yoğurt )

This type' of yog-urt is made from Süzme or Torba yog-urt by ad-ding salt, shaping it properly, and drying it in the sun. Kurut has been

ade and eaten in Turkey for many years. lt is mentioned in some ot

the old Turkish testaments.

İZMEN (9) found the content of Silivri yog-urt to be as follows Moisture

Dry solids Fat

Non-fat dry solids Totol Nitrogen Laetose Ash 83.630 % 16.370 % 4.930 % 1


437 % 6.451 % 4.103 % 0.976. %

According to GÜLMEZOGLU and FİşEK (5) riboflavin, nicotinic

acid and biotin contents of 100 grams of yog-urt are 177,


2, and 186

gammas, respectively.

The Proııerties of Yoğıırt

This is a relative1y stab1e milk produet. lts acidity inhibits the

aetivity of lipase (28) and of many baeteria. Rancidity develops only

slowly or not all. lts stability makes it especially valuable in hot co-o


untries with inadequate cooling equipment. .'

The digestibility of yog-urt is very high partly because

micro-orga-nisms have broken some' of' the complex components into simpler

substances (3).

HONDA (9) studied the mieroflora of yoğurt. He inoculated the

sour milk with some of the comman pathogenie bacteria to observe its bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties.


milk products containing viable M. tuberculosis, Bruceıla species, foo and mouth disease virus, or S. tyhi.

GOLEM (4) in 1944 stup.ied the survival time of S. typhi in Ayran

which is diluted yogurt. He found its bacteticidal action .was correlate with its pH.

The antibiotic, bactericidal, and protozoacidal properties and la,c-tic acid content of both cow's and hUlnan miIk were studied by SENE-CA, HENDERSON, and COLLİNS in 1950 (24). They found yogurt

pos-seseses both bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties against a wide

range of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria and protozoa. They

state the se properties are directly related to the lactic acid content o the yogurt. They also found the antibiotic factor in yogurt is diffusible and filtrable aı:ıd relatively heat-stable. it lost its activity when

neutra-iized with Na OH.

KARASOY (10) fçmnd salmonella cannot survive more than 44 ho-urs in yogurt, but E. eoli can survive 60 hoho-urs.

According to GÜRSEL and FİşEK (7) yogurt has a bactericidal

acÜ~n against E. eoli, S. typhi, Shig. paradysenteriae (Flexner), Br. me. litensis, C. diphtheriae, K. pneumoniae (Friedlander), and Pr.


9, x but not for St. hemolytie\ls, Type A.

GÜRSEL and FİşEK ('7) found, in 1953. that the bactericidal

aeti-on of the micro-organisms of yoğurt depends on the amount of lactic

acid produced by Laet. Bulgarieus.

POLYMENAKOS (9) states that patients who are treated wi.th

auromycin or teramycin wiIl not develop gastro-intestinal

disturban-ces if theyare given yogurt.

According to GÜRSEL (6) yogurt has a bactericidal action aga

inst Myeobaeterium tubereulosis typus humanus and bovinus but not

against the gallinaeeous type.

METCNİKOFF mentioned the bactericidal properties of yogurt.

. For centuries yoğurt has been used in Turkev as 2. treatment

[or-distÜ~bances of the digestive tract. . .

The albumin and casein are in part transformed into digestible

peptones and albuminoses in yogurt by bactenal action (22).

The Micro-organisms of Yoğurt

REFİK and ŞADİ (19) mention three kin ds of micro-organisms

in yogurt as follows : i. BaciIli :


2 - Homogen bacillus 3 - Delicate bacillus II. Diplococci : III. Yeasts : 1 - Oval yeasts 2 - Oblong yeasts

According to IZMEN (9) the best yoğurt culture will have two

kinds of organisms :

«1 - Thermobacterium (yoğurt, bulgarieum) .

2 - Streptococcus thermophilus»

and will not contain other hacteria, yeasts, or molds.

GÜRSEL and FİşEK (7) state yoğurt has three kinds of micro

-organisms :

1 - Streptococcus thermophilus

2 -. Lactobacillus bulgaricus

3 - Saccaromyces

According to AYOÜN (1) the microflora of yoğurt incIude seven

different organisms.

ROSSEL (22) and BROCHU (2) say S. theımophilus, L.

bulgari-cus, and Plocamobacterium yoghourtü are the essential of yoğurt.

PENKO (14) isolated S.thermophilus and L. bulgaricus from

yo-ğurt. He described their cultural and physiological charaeteristics. PETTE and LOLKEMA (16), (17) stated the correct balance

bet-ween Lactobacillus sp. S. thermophilus should be 1/1 in the test

cul-tures. They regarded these organisms as t~e essential ones.


the yoğurt microrIora are a mixture of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophi. lus. In some instances they found ro ds which cIosely resembled L. casei

or cocci which differed from S. thermophilus by fai1ing to ferment

glucose, galactose, and saccharose.

OMURTAG, OMURTAG, and ORDAL (12) isolated S. thermophi-lus, 'a lactobacilthermophi-lus, and two kinds of yeast from Turkish Yoğurt.

Presumably KERN's Dispora caucasicum, BEYERİNCK's Bact.

ca-ucasicum, PREUDENREICH's Bact. caucasicum (21), İZMEN's

Ther-mobacterium yoğurt (9), and ROSELIı's (22) and BROCHU's (2)

plo-camobacterium yoghurtii are idenUcal with REFİK and şADİ's BaciL.

of Turk.

it is suggested to consider the taxonomy of Lact. bulgaricus as


Turkish Regulations Concering Yoğurt

Turkish regulations conceming yoğurt are as follows (26)


Section V


Paragraph 50 : Yoğurt is a lactic fermentation product availabI

for human eonsumption which is produced by adding yoğurt cultur

to boiled milk. .

Yoğurt can be made from either whole milk or 50 % whole an

50 % skim milk of cows, sheep, water buffalo, or goats. According to

Paragraph 23: Torba yoğurt made from skim milk may be sold. But it

is unlawful to seıı any other type of yoğurt made from skim milk.

Paragraph 51 : Constituents of Yoğurt

% Fat' % Non-fat dry solids

Whole milk of cows 3 8

Whole milk of sheep 6 10

Whole milk of water buffalo 7 ~. 9

Whole milk of goats 4 .. .... ... . 8.5

50 % skim milk of cows 2 8

50 % skim milk of sheep 4 10

50 % skim milk' of water buffalo 4.6... 8

50 % skim milk of goats 3 8.5

The consistency, appearance, odor; and tests must be natural.

Yog1ırt may be made by mixing not more than two kinds of mik

in equal parts. The fat content of such yoğurt must at least egual half the sum of the fa;t content of each of the two milks used in the mixtu-I

re. The required non-fat dry solids content is at least half the sum of the non-fat dry solids of each of the two types of milk combined to

pro-du ce the mixture. .

Paragraph 52 : The cont2jner must be covered with a waterproof

paper. The container must carry alabel whieh identifies the type of

yoğurt (made from whole milk, made from 50 % whole and 50 % skim milk, or torba yoğurt). gives the type of milk use d (cows', sheep, 2tc,),

lists the net weight, gives the date of produetion, and names the firm


Paragraph 53: The addition of stareh, any kind of animal fat; ete.

is prohibited. Yo~rt eontaining dirt or any foreign material must not

be sold. Torba yoğurt may contain 2 %' of salt.

Paragraph 54 : Dirty, spoiled, rancid, moldy or imprcperly fermen- •

ed yo~rt or yo~rt made from unhealthy milk can not be sold.

Paragraph 55 : Containers which affect the yo~rt or permit its

contamination by unsanitary material must not be used.


MATERİAL: Twenty samples of yo~rt made from 50% whole and

5U % skim milk of cows were bought in Ankara in July

1958.-METHOD : The method which v.rasuse d in this study was the

mo-dification of BABCOCK method for the detetmination of fat content

of yo~rt by OMURTAG and TUCKEY (3).


Number ol samples % "of Icd c:oııtent Number ol scunples" % ol Icd coııtent

1 ... 2.8 11


2.2 2


2.8 12


2.0 3 ... 2.8 13


2.4 4


2.6 14


2.2 5


1.9 15


2.4 6


2.2 16 ... 2.2 7


2.5 17


2.2 8 ... 2.5 18


2.4 2.2 19


9 ...


2.5 10


2.2 20



Table (1): % of fat eontent of the samples.


According to the Turkish Regulations, Paragraph 51, the fat

con-tent of 50 % whole and 50 % skim milk of- cows yo~rt should be 2

%. In this study the fat content of the only 5 % of the samples were

below the legal limit.


In this study the fat content of 20 samples of 50 % whole and

!LO % skim milk of cows yo~rt were determined by the modification of


Accortong to this study thecontent of 5 % of the samples were la wer than the legal limit, 5 % were at the legal level and 90 % were hig

her than the minimum legal limit.


Denemeye alınan 20 adet yarım yağlı ine k yoğurdunun yağ muht

vısı OMURTAG ve TUCKEY tarafından modifiye edilmiş olan

BAB-COCK metodu ile tayin edilmiştir.

Bu çalışmaya göre, numunelerden 1/20 sinin yağ muhtevisi, yanın

yağlı ine k yoğurduna ait kanuni hadden aşa~, 1/20 si tam kanuni limit

üzerinde ve 18/20 sinin de kanl\Ili hadden yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur.


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2 OMUR'lAG. A. C •. OMURTAG. E. H .. and OBDAL, Z. J. (1957) : The Mierob:oi. ogy of Turkish yoğurl. Universily of III., U. S. A., Unpublished dala.

'1 OMURTAG. A. C .• and TUCKEY. S. L. (ı957) The study on fal conlenıaf Tur-kish yoğurl. Universily of III .• U. S. A. Unpublishe-d dala.

4 PENKO. P. (1955) : The micraflora of yoğun .. Dairy Science Absır, 1955, Vci. 17, No. h. P. 503.'

S PETTE. J. W .. and LOLKEMA. H. (1950) : Yağlıurt. III. Acid produelion and are ma rormalion in yoğhurl.. Dairy Science Absır .. 1952. Vol-14. No.~ 5. P. :;50 6 _ PETTE. J. W. anda LOLK'EMA. R. (1951) : Yoğhurl. IV Foelors irrfluencing lhe

proporlion ai streptocoeci and iaclobaciili ın a yoğhurl eullure. Dairy Seienee Absır., 1952, VoL. 14 No. 5. P. 35ı.

7 PETTE. J, W. and LOLKEMA. R. (1950) : Yoğhı:rl ı. Symbiosis and antibiosıs in mixed eullers of Laclobacillus bulgarieus and S.lreplocoeeus lhermophilus. Dairy Science, Absır. Vol. 14. No. 5. P. 350.

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19 -._ REFİK ve ŞADİ (1924>' Yoğurt hakkında baklerilojik lelkikalı ve TürkbasH; İslanbul Hıfsıhha Müessesesi Neşriyalından. 1-16.

20 _ llEICREL. M. (955) : Yoğhurl produclion with P. H. canlrol.. Dairy Scienct! Absır., 1955 VoL. 17. No 6 P. 472.

21 _ ROGERS. L. A. (1916) : Revised by ALBUS W. R. (1928): Fermenlei Milkı; United S. Deparı. of .Agr. Deparment Bullelin No. 319. 20-23.

22 _ R05ELL. J. M. (1935) : The manufacture of popular European special milkB. milk Dealer. 24-7,41 .. Bak: BURKEY. A. (1947): Hcw lo make yoğhurl. BDIM-Inf - 2., U. S., Depl. Agr. Agrieulcural Ressarch Adminislration, Bureau of Dairy Induslry.

23 _ RUDANOVSKAYA, A. (1955) : Tablels for lhe preparalion of SOUr mUk pro-duels: Dairy Science Absır. 1955. Vol. 17. No. ı. P. 473.

24 _ SENECA. H .. HENDEJlSON. E.. and COLLINS, A. (1950) : Baelerial properlies of yoğhurl.', Dairy Science Absır, 1951. Vol. 13. No. 4. P. 492.

25 _ SOULIDES. D. A. (1955) : A. synerqism between yoğhurl baeleria and yeasls and lhe elfeel of their associalion upon the viability of the baeleTia. Appl

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26 _ T. C. Sağlık Sosyal yardım Bakanlığı. (1952) Gıda maddelerınin ve UmumI Sağlığı ilgilendiren Eşya ve Levazırnın Husus; vasıflarını gösteren lüzük. p..r..

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27 _ VLEESCHAUWEB, lL DE .. OKERMJ1N. F. and NAYDTS. M. 119541: Th-e Prop-erlies of lhe yoğhurt baderia, Dc1iry Scieınce Absır, 1955. Vol. 17, No. 6 P. ~.'i, 28 _ YÖNEY. Z. 119571 : İnsan sağlığında yoğurl.. A. Ü. Ziraal Faküllesi 1957 yıllığı.

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29 ~ YUSUF HASRACİB (1064) : Kuladgu - Bilig (see ÜRESİN, E. A. (19351 SiliYri yoğurlunun yapılu; ve lerkibi hakkında araştırmalar - C. Yüksek Zircıal E~~. litüsü çalışmalarından. sayı II. Sahife: i O


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