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The Characterization of a Bauxite Waste From The Bayer Process


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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5.Cilt, 1.Say1 (Mart 2001) 69- 72

The Characterization of a Bauxite Waste From The Bayer Process

Nevin Yalçın, Vahdettin Sevinç

Abstract --- The Bayer process for the alumina from bauxite produce a high quantity of waste in the form of mud. This waste -red mud- ııresent serious problems on environmental pollution. A possible solution for these wastes would be the utilization at the ceramic industry. Because of this, the characterization of a bauxite 'vaste has been performed using various techniques. The particle size distribution licd bet1veen 1 and 30 J.lm. The mean deıısit�i was 2.85 g.cm-3• The total weight loss \Vas fon nd as 7,07 o/o at 900°C from TG and DTG curves.

The results of XRD investigations showed that the red mud consist of hematite and sodium aluminium silicate hydratc crystalline phases.

Index Terms --- Bauxite waste, ı·cd mud, mineralo



anaJysis •


Bauxite waste-rcd nıud- is a by-product of the Bayer

process which is u sed for the production of alumina fronı

bauxite, and is generally discarded as a \tVaste

[ 1].


partjclc size distribution lies betvveen




�tm. 70

o/c) of the parti cl es are fıııer than


�tnı. The amorphous content


very lıigh. There are rod-like crystals coated witl1 arnorphous n1aterial. Spheroidol particles are also con1n1on features of the microstnıcture and the larger pan ofthem are found in agglonıerates foım


The red

mu d

clıenücally con1prises of a ınixture of the fallawing oxides:

Fe203� Ah03:- Si02,

Ti02, Na2



KıO, M



which con1prise the constituents of hematite, sodiun1 aluıniniuın si 1icate hydrate� sodalite, rutile, ete. mineral phases f3,4 J.

Red nıud present serious problen1s froın the vievv


of stor




environn1ental pollution. There fore� there is a need for an econonıical ınethods to solve or


the side effects of these problems. Several

studies have been suggested that it has potential use in the following


building blocks� floor and wall tiles?

sanitary ware, adsorbent, flocculant, catalyzer, filler,

abrasivc, pignıent and cenıent ınaterial, the production of


iron and alunüna.

A thorough evaluation of red muds N.Yalçın , V.Sevin� : Sakarya University, Arts and Sciences Faculty, Chemistry Departınent; Serdivan - Sakarya, 54180,


can be accon1plislıed by a perspective of recovering all values contained in red n1ud with in the limits of process econonıy. Studies in this area is currently undenvay in the world


The accumulated anıoun1 i s ııearly


ınHlions tonııes in

Seydişehir-Turkey and there is not yet an cconomic vvay

or an application of plant scale to utilize the red nıud .. Although some work has been done on using red mud for construction material in Turkey. a detailed • characterization of red mud was not presented [8]. The

aiın of this work is to characterize and study the physical, chemicaL nıineralogicaJ properties of


red mud.


Tlıe bauxite �vaste-red ınud- vvas obtained froın Seydişehir Alunıiniunı Plant (Konya� Turkey. producing


tons of alıınıina per year) [13]. The \vaste 'vas homogenized through agitation, being detennind its density, huınıdity content and sıze of particle Aftenvards, the n1ud "vas dried at

105°C for

3 hours and was screned to 7 5 J..Lffi in grain size. The obtained sample was subnıitted to clıen1ical and nıineralogic analysis�

deternıinatioıı of density, theıınal analysis, structural


The red ınud sample \Vas fused vvitlı Na2C



- K2C01

in the

1100° C

at the p lutinunı crucible and vvas dissolved vvith


Chcınical analysis vvas perforn1ed using an ato1nic absorption spectrophotoıneler (Rank Hilger, Aton1 Spek


a digital photoıneter (Dr. Lange LP 2W) and we1. chemical ınethods.

The specific surface area


red ınud \Vas ıneasured using the Brunauer, En1111ett and Teller (BET) nıethod witb an adsorpmeter (Model Flow Sorb



Deıısity measurement �vas done by a picnometer and particle size measurement performed by a sedigraph


D Micronıcritics). For the particle size nıeasurenıeııt, the sanıples vvere dispersed ultrasoııically in a


<x) solution ofNa4P207,




The Characterization of a Bauxite Waste From The Bayer Process

Thermal analysis was carried out • by • a simultaneous thermal analysis instrument (Netzsch-429). 100 nıg of

sample were placed in a platinum cup for the analysis. The curves were recorded under air atmosphere. The heating rate was 1 0°C/min. The interval of study was

20-ı2000 C.

X-ray diffractometry


diagram of the sample was obtained with a diffractometer (Philips PM 990 ı; 00).

The infrared spectruın (IR) of the san1ple in a K.Br matrix vvas carried out with a FTIR spectron1eter (Mattson FTIR Spectronıeter).


The honıogenized red n1ud sanıple of the original bauxite has a hunıidity content between 40 and 50o/o and a mean density of 2.85 g.cm-3. The specifıc surface area value of the red nıud is 20.9 m2.g-1.

Granulometric analysis

Tlıe particle size


of the

red mud is



Figure ı. The data on particle size analysis has indicated

that the mean size of particle is relatively fine. . '

88 %

of the particles are finer than ı O �tm.

'N�ıght (%J ıoo r-- 1-� 1-� 1"' V so 1-� r'


� r-' to-1- �o-... � ı-i-.. ı ... o 1 ı ' r ı T T ı )0 100 Particle size (�lm)

Figure 1. Particle size analysis of Seydişehir (Turkey) red mud

Chemical Composition

The chemi�al analysis of the red mud is given in Tab le


The ch��1ıcal analysis of batL-xite waste was pelformed ın the orıgınal sanıple. For the average value was nlade fıve tests.The percentages of Fe20 Al 3, 2 3,


sı·o 2 an d

Na20 are nıore than others.


Table 1. Chemical analysis of Turkishred mud

Compounds Content

(Wt %)

Feı03 35,73 Alı03 23,29 Si02 ı2,08 Ti02 5,08 Na ı




0,28 Ca


2,81 M


1· 0.76 co2 2,40 so3 ı,34 Loss on ignition 8,45 (1000°C) Therınal analysis

The theı ı na 1 analysis of the red mu d is shovvn in Figure

2. The TG/DTG curves for the bauxite \Vaste sample were recorded after desiccation at 1 0


°C 1 3h. From

these cuıves of the red nıud . the total vveight loss was

found to be 7. 07o/o at 900°C. As can be observed in the

TG and DTG curves� in the 25-900°C range, there is a

continuous loss of vveight due to the volatilization of

\Vatec so3 aııd C02. The formation peaks of free water.

\Vatcr Of CI)'StallizatİOll, SÜ3 and CQ� observed at abOU'

290°C, 530°C,750°C and 890°C respectively.The peaktc 7 soo c corresponds to the decoınposition of iron sulphate





. But this ınineral w as not searched at the

XRD analysis. Carbonate decomposition \vith C02 was

evoluated below 900°C


Weight (o/ö) TO ı TG2 DTG 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ll 00 1200 Temperature ec)

Figure 2. Thermal analysis curves of red mud


'J.Yalç1n, V.Sevinç


Table 2 shows the results obtained froın the X-ray

diffraction diagram of the red mud. The presence of

hematite ( a- F e203) and sodium aluminiunı silicate

hydrate (1.01 Na20. Ah03. 1.68 Si0ı.l.73 HıO) has been


Besides these phases, sodalite (Na4Al3Si3Üıı (OH)), sodium silicate (NaıSi03), sodium aluminiunı oxide

(NaA102), iron titaniuın oxide (Fe2 Tiüs) calcium silicate (CaSi03), sodium titanium oxide (Na2 Ti30;), sodium carboııate (Na2C03) phases were detected.

Table 2. XRD analysis of red mud

Mineral names Fornıula

Hematite oc- Feı03

Sodiun1 aluıniniuın 1�01 Na20. Alı03.

Silicate hydrate 1,68 Si02. 1, 73 H20

Sodalite Na4 Al3 Si3 Oıı (OH)

Sodium silicate NaıSi03

Sodiun1 aluntiniuın oxide NaAI02

I ro n titanium oxide Fe2TiOs

Calciuın silicate CaSi03

Sodiun1 titanium oxide Na2Ti307

Sodiunı carbonate Na2C03

Infrared Spectroscopy

Figure 3 slıovvs the infrared spectrum


of a sample of bauxitc waste in a KBr ınatrix.

···---·-··· · ···-

ı (\


� 1 ' • '' �s.i 1 \ � i r .


� .. __,�





, ; ---- ;. ,;� ,} \ ! � .. 1·1\ :


: t' � \� vt: \ : �� ı ·' • /\ � ... � <.: \ 1 . � ·ı �!) . : /


,, �:.: \ �"! � .// � ... l �� .�.



- �



·� � : �





� � . ı : t <�� '.. / ri � :




.··· .



� j ı ! �





,___ ______ __ ·-···· ···-···�---�-� . .... ............. . 3500 30CC 7.�00

Figurc 3. lnirared spectrum of red mud

t!XJO 1 sc.-v ıooo �

In the 2000-4000 cm-1 region a wide absorption appears w hi ch can be assigned to the stretching modes of \Vater molecules absorbed on the bauxite waste surface or to enve1ope of H-bonded surface OH groups. The

band at 1647 cm -ı is due to the H20 bending mode.

2360-2342 cnı-1 bands are due to from the background of

the instnın1ent also. The bands at 1475 cm -J and 141 0

cnı 1 show· the organic matter in red mud. The 1000 cm-1

band is the strong Si-O band .. which can be assigned in the 900-1200 cm-1 region. The 688 cnf1 band show the

sulphates. 660, 560 ,474 cnı"1 bands are attributed to

henıatite [ 14] .


The original bauxite-red ıııud sanıple has a humidity

content between 40 and 50


and a mean density of

2.85 g.cnf3, 88 %of the sample having a snıaller size

than 1 O f.!ID. The results of chemical and ıninera1ogic

analyses have demonstrated that Feı03, Al203, SiOı, Ti02, CaO and Na20 represent the oxide nıajority conıponents and heınatite.. sodiuın aluınini un1 silicate hydrate the principal prcsent crystalline phases. Concerning the TG/DTG curves, the forn1ation peaks of

free water, water of crystallization, so3 and co2

observed at about 290°C. 530°C, 750°C and 890°C respectively. The infrared spectrun1 sh o wed the characteristic bands of the n1atters in the red ınud.


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