• Sonuç bulunamadı

figure 2: M mode doppler

Belgede BURAYA (sayfa 134-139)

Fetal araknoid kistin prenatal tanısı

Seda Şahin Aker1, Tuncay Yüce2, Erkan Kalafat2, Acar Koç2

1Dr.Sami Ulus Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi,Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum,Ankara

2Ankara Üniveritesi Tıp Fakültesi,Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum,Ankara

Araknoid kistler araknoid membranların arasında bulunur ve beyin omurilik sıvısı ile doludur. Etyolojide travma ya da enfeksiyon ya da araknoidin gelişme bozukluğu olduğu düşünülmektedir. Genellikle iyi huylu, bası semptomlarına neden olabilen santral sinir sistemi lezyonlarıdır. İnce düzgün duvarlı, sınırları belli, doppler akımı olmayan sonolusen kistik kitleler olarak görülür. Boyutu büyük olan araknoid kistler serebelluma bası yapabilir veya BOS dolaşımını obstrükte ederek sekonder obstrüktif hidrosefaliye yol açabilirler. Mega sisterna magna, porensefalik kist, ependimal kist, Galen ven anevrizması, kistik neoplaziler, Dandy Walker malformasyonu ayırıcı tanıda akılda tutulmalıdır. Olgumuz 24 yaşında ilk gebeliğini yaşayan bilinen bir hastalığı olmayan 20. gebelik haftasında yapılan detaylı ultrasonografide kraniyal kitle nedeniyle kabul edildi. Yapılan

ultrasonografide 20 hafta ile uyumlu ölçümlere sahip fetüs izlendi. Lateral ventrikülün orta hatta doğru yer değiştirmesine neden olan, dopler akım izlenmeyen yaklaşık 40 mm çapında, yuvarlak, sıvı dolu kist izlendi. Eşlik edebilecek kromozomal aomali riski nedeniyle yapılan invaziv

karyotipleme normal karyotip olarak rapor edildi. Diğer santral sinir sistemi anomalilerini ekarte etnek için 24. gebelik haftasında yapılan fetal magnetik rezonans görüntülemede supratentoryal 4 cmlik araknoid kist izlendi. Serebral ventriküller ve kist arasında herhangi bir bağlantı görülmedi. Gebenin spontan takibine devam edildi, yapılan kontrollerde bası semptomları izlenmedi. 32. gebelik haftası kontrolü de normal olan hastanın takiplerine devam edilmektedir. Araknoid kistlerin kromozomal anomalilerle ilişkisi düşüktür. Yönetimde ultrasonografi izlemi ve standart obstetrik takip önerilmektedir. Postnatal semptomatik araknoid kistlere sistoperitoneal şantlar

uygulanabilmektedir. Genel prognozu iyi olan kistlerin diğer santral sinir sistemi anomalilerinden ayrımı önemlidir ve bunun için fetal MRG iyi bir seçenektir.


Management of cesarean scar pregnancy

Özgür Kara, Gülenay Gençosmanoğlu Türkmen, Halil Korkut Dağlar, Kadriye Yakut, Cem Sanhal, Nuri Danışman

perinatology unit, zekai tahir burak women's health education and research hospital, ankara, turkey

A cesarean scar (ectopic) pregnancy occurs when a pregnancy implants on a cesarean scar. The incidence of CSP has been estimated to range from 1/1800 –1/2500 of all cesarean delivery performed. The incidence is increasing as cesarean deliveries become more common. Early

transvaginal sonography is the reference standard for diagnosis of cesarean scar pregnancies in the first trimester. The most probable mechanism that can explain scar implantation is that there is invasion of the myometrium through a microtubular tract between the caesarean section scar and the endometrial canal.

A 31 year- old patient having 4 gravida,1 parity, 2 abortus; admitted our outpatient clinic for routine prenatal care. On ultrasound examination cesarean scar pregnancy was determined (Figure 1). Beta-hCG was 49155mIU/ml. Local methotrexate administration is preferred due to fetal cardiac activity present. Needle was inserted into sac in the scar under ultrasound guidance and 30 mgr/3 ml methotrexate applied. One week after the procedure Beta-hCG was 56162mIU/ml. It was decided to repeat dose and 75 mgr systemic methotrexate applied intramuscularly. Beta-hCG was 25807 mIU/ml one week after the second application and 351 mIU/ml three weeks later.

Disadvantages of medical therapy are slow resolution of the pregnancy. We still continue to follow up patient.

Generally, termination of pregnancy (TOP) in the first trimester is strongly recommended, as there is a high risk of subsequent uterine rupture, massive bleeding and life-threatening complications. The optimal treatment of the patient in the first trimester of pregnancy with a sonographic diagnosis of suspected CSP remains uncertain. Treatment is possible using a combination of systemic and intragestational sac injection with potassium chloride or methotrexate.


Adnexal Torsion in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy: A Challenging Diagnosis

Ahter Tanay Tayyar1, Ahmet Tayyar2, Tolga Atakul3, Mehmet Baki Şentürk1, Cevat Rıfat Cündübey4, Mehmet Tayyar4

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Childrens Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkeyl

3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Adnan Menderes University, Aydın, Turkey

4Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey

Objective: The incidence of adnexal torsion (AT) is reported 1 in 10000 births. AT is

life-threatning condition in pregnancy, while the risk of late diagnosis is increased, in third trimester.

Case report: A 26-year-old woman, gravida 1, singleton pregnancy in the 30th week of gestation

was presented to emergency department with 24-hour history of a stabbing pain on the left flank. She conceived after an IVF procedure. She did not experience any symptoms and signs of ovarian hyperstimulation. Laboratory results showed a slightly elevated WBC count of 12000/mm3. A transabdominal ultrasound examination showed a predominantly hyperechogenic mass of 8 x 4 cm in the left lower abdomen. Color and power Doppler demonstrated absent blood flow within the mass.The patient subsequently underwent a prompt MRI scan. MRI showed an enlarged left ovary with multiple peripheral follicles, measuring 9 x 6 x 6 cm and a normal sized right ovary (Figure 1). There were changes in signal intensity of the left ovarian stroma consistent with edema. The constellation of findings was consistent with the diagnosis of left ovarian torsion.

A midline laparotomy incision under general anesthesia revealed an edematous, enlarged, left adnexa with a purple hue (Figure 2). Untwisting of the adnexa was not done, as there was extensive hemorrhage and ischemia, subsequently removal of the left adnexa was carried out (Figure 3).

The patient had labour pain and cervical dilatation at the 36th week of gestation and a healthy girl weighing 2200 gr was born by emergency caesarean section due to breech presentation.

Conclusion: A correct diagnosis of ovarian torsion can be established by being acquainted with

clinical findings of a patient who has relevant history, for instance infertility treatment or a history of adnexal mass, and integrating MRI with ultrasonography where necessary provided that feasible in emergency settings.

Belgede BURAYA (sayfa 134-139)