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No Uygunluk Süre (sn) Uygunluk Süre (sn) Uygunluk Süre (sn)

1 1,561 4,844 1,211 5,953 1,029 18,281 2 1,231 5,000 1,144 5,906 1,033 18,375 3 1,247 5,016 1,213 5,938 1,142 18,344 4 1,216 4,828 1,029 5,891 1,033 18,328 5 1,237 4,797 1,033 5,859 1,030 18,281 6 1,553 4,844 1,032 5,938 1,205 18,297 7 1,260 4,969 1,205 5,891 1,030 18,281 8 1,551 5,000 1,218 5,922 1,205 18,094 9 1,248 4,859 1,171 5,938 1,212 18,109 10 1,542 4,797 1,033 5,875 1,032 18,344 11 1,435 4,938 1,205 5,891 1,215 18,547 12 1,538 4,734 1,030 5,859 1,216 18,234 13 1,247 4,797 1,033 5,859 1,030 18,313 14 1,438 4,922 1,029 5,906 1,213 18,422 15 1,247 5,063 1,031 5,969 1,217 18,328 16 1,556 4,750 1,030 5,969 1,030 18,391 17 1,242 4,984 1,216 5,844 1,034 18,359 18 1,782 4,969 1,031 5,938 1,031 18,375 19 1,260 4,719 1,029 5,922 1,030 18,422 20 1,455 4,750 1,034 5,859 1,206 18,391 21 1,449 4,969 1,034 5,906 1,030 18,281 22 1,223 4,859 1,029 5,922 1,030 18,359 23 1,242 4,766 1,033 5,828 1,029 18,250 24 1,554 4,703 1,029 5,891 1,205 18,344 25 1,543 4,797 1,206 5,906 1,213 18,406 26 1,448 4,922 1,034 5,953 1,212 18,484 27 1,436 4,734 1,140 5,859 1,034 18,344 28 1,552 4,859 1,029 5,938 1,029 18,453 29 1,559 4,938 1,034 5,875 1,205 18,359 30 1,225 4,813 1,205 5,922 1,029 18,313 31 1,229 4,734 1,029 5,875 1,212 18,172 32 1,268 4,859 1,036 5,891 1,032 18,500 33 1,220 4,766 1,206 5,906 1,143 18,438 34 1,230 4,734 1,032 5,953 1,143 18,281 35 1,248 4,813 1,141 5,859 1,220 18,453 36 1,245 4,813 1,150 5,938 1,205 18,281 37 1,456 4,844 1,147 5,891 1,205 18,422 38 1,227 4,781 1,207 5,938 1,234 18,422 39 1,548 4,734 1,047 5,906 1,213 18,344 40 1,542 4,984 1,030 5,906 1,205 18,313 41 1,257 4,719 1,030 5,844 1,205 18,313 42 1,218 4,844 1,142 5,891 1,142 18,344 43 1,550 4,859 1,029 5,844 1,205 18,422

TB GA MGATB No Uygunluk Süre (sn) Uygunluk Süre (sn) Uygunluk Süre (sn)

44 1,261 4,938 1,036 5,938 1,216 18,328 45 1,243 4,984 1,033 5,891 1,033 18,328 46 1,459 4,828 1,213 5,984 1,033 18,313 47 1,552 4,781 1,030 5,906 1,030 18,344 48 1,545 4,766 1,033 5,891 1,205 18,313 49 1,553 4,891 1,206 5,906 1,039 18,266 50 1,556 4,984 1,148 5,938 1,523 18,391 51 1,542 4,969 1,032 5,844 1,032 18,422 52 1,783 4,734 1,032 5,891 1,216 18,344 53 1,538 4,984 1,030 5,906 1,032 18,422 54 1,556 4,828 1,029 5,891 1,212 18,375 55 1,165 4,766 1,029 5,875 1,206 18,359 56 1,234 4,969 1,205 5,953 1,030 18,250 57 1,548 4,734 1,030 5,922 1,216 18,297 58 1,479 4,797 1,209 5,938 1,029 18,438 59 1,552 4,859 1,205 5,891 1,212 18,156 60 1,231 5,016 1,207 5,906 1,030 18,375 61 1,585 4,813 1,216 5,922 1,030 18,359 62 1,242 4,766 1,030 5,875 1,032 18,313 63 1,546 4,813 1,037 5,938 1,030 18,313 64 1,233 5,000 1,046 5,938 1,205 18,281 65 1,544 4,797 1,030 5,875 1,029 18,266 66 1,151 5,000 1,035 5,906 1,032 18,297 67 1,260 4,766 1,205 5,953 1,032 18,234 68 1,549 5,109 1,029 5,859 1,035 18,453 69 1,541 4,844 1,029 5,875 1,205 18,219 70 1,540 4,781 1,206 5,906 1,206 18,234 71 1,540 4,828 1,039 5,891 1,033 18,422 72 1,556 4,828 1,031 5,875 1,206 18,328 73 1,254 5,016 1,140 5,969 1,212 18,266 74 1,257 5,000 1,033 5,844 1,030 18,266 75 1,466 5,031 1,205 5,953 1,030 18,438 76 1,236 4,984 1,205 5,875 1,205 18,281 77 1,261 4,875 1,031 5,906 1,030 18,281 78 1,254 4,813 1,030 5,906 1,523 18,391 79 1,555 5,031 1,031 5,953 1,140 18,469 80 1,237 5,031 1,205 5,906 1,029 18,297 81 1,550 4,766 1,029 5,875 1,032 18,359 82 1,541 4,844 1,031 5,875 1,207 18,266 83 1,549 4,875 1,029 5,891 1,030 18,391 84 1,535 5,156 1,032 5,922 1,029 18,328 85 Kısıtlar sağlanamadı 5,031 1,205 5,906 1,032 18,281 86 1,252 4,891 1,031 5,906 1,205 18,219 87 1,270 4,766 1,037 6,016 1,031 18,422

TB GA MGATB No Uygunluk Süre (sn) Uygunluk Süre (sn) Uygunluk Süre (sn)

88 1,464 5,000 1,032 5,875 1,215 18,469 89 1,562 4,859 1,216 5,953 1,213 18,391 90 1,556 4,906 1,029 5,891 1,219 18,422 91 1,560 4,906 1,029 5,891 1,205 18,484 92 1,235 5,031 1,029 5,844 1,029 18,422 93 1,543 4,859 1,140 5,922 1,205 18,297 94 1,549 4,781 1,031 5,891 1,206 18,422 95 1,791 5,078 1,035 5,906 1,029 18,234 96 1,248 4,984 1,034 5,875 1,036 18,406 97 1,219 5,016 1,032 5,922 1,033 18,344 98 1,450 4,938 1,030 5,813 1,029 18,219 99 1,576 4,922 1,147 5,953 1,029 18,266 100 1,558 5,016 1,031 5,875 1,212 18,313


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Lisans 1997-2002 Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Makine Fak.,

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