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Mobile hand-entry system in the emergency medical


Academic year: 2021

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Mobile hand-entry system in the emergency medical Activity Emergency Medicine System by Handwriting

Guo Jinghuan a Li Zhiming a Wu Fan a Wen-Chen Tsai b

Frank Kuo a Ivan Lee a F. Wu a Tsai WC b

National Chung Cheng University, Institute for Health Information Management


China Medical University,


Institute of Medical Management

National Chung Cheng University, Institute of Healthcare Information Management


China Medical University, Institute of Health Service Management


E-Mail: [email protected]


In recent years, hospitals in the increasingly fierce competitive environment, have to import electronic medical record (EMR). Also be in the emergency medical information electronically, so that ambulance officers attended the scene, rescue of the wounded on the spot while the situation can upload to the server, so that medical and health unit immediately grasp the number of injuries and

conditions. This system allows health care personnel through the mobile

communication device, transmit vital signs, injuries and triage to the emergency room so that the number of immediate early control patients, the disease type and severity, medical resource deployment and scheduling of medical operations planning, to reduce delays in treatment time and increase treatment rates.

This study, emergency medical record system in the development of relevant

technology, in the emergency medical record system to add hand-drawn input, to

facilitate the responders can use the drawing methods related records recorded


injuries. Purpose of this study, improving the quality of emergency medical care, to really achieve the vision of promoting electronic medical records: 『with patient health care records for the center』.

Keywords: electronic medical records, handwriting input, emergency ambulance


Hospitals implement Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in the competitive environment nearly. But the emergency medicine must deploy more information. When the first time to the disaster site and first aid, we can transfer the information to the public health bureau server right time to statistic the number of patients. Else, the health worker can transfer the patient data about life condition and classification of injure to the emergency room to adjust healthcare resource and medical treatment schedule earlier to promote the ratio of survival.

The research develops the technology about the record systems of emergency medicine. We aid the function by handwriting to let health worker notes taken down patient records convenient. The goal of research is to promote the quality of emergency medicine to achieve the vision of promoting EMR: "the center of healthcare records".

Keywords: Electronic Medical Record (EMR), handwriting, emergency medicine


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