吸菸是已知的已知的重要疾病致病因子之ㄧ,臺灣成人吸菸率雖已逐年緩慢下降,卻有 吸菸問題年輕化的趨勢。過去研究顯示:研究顯示,生活抒解壓力為學生壓力與吸菸主 要原因行為相關,但國內並無探討吸菸行為與不同生活壓力之間的相關研究。因此,本 研究主旨為探討高中職學生吸菸行為與生活壓力的相關性,採橫斷式調查研究法,。以 自填結構式問卷為研究工具,採方便取樣於臺北市南港區某一市立高中及高職全校學生 進行吸菸行為與生活壓力研究,共發出 4436 份問卷,回收有效問卷 3529 份,回收率 79 .73% ,研究結果顯示:
一、高職生之吸菸率顯著高於高中生,男性、年齡較大、高年級、較多零用錢,未與父 母同住者的吸菸率亦顯著較高。
二、父母親有吸菸習慣的高中職生目前吸菸率顯著較高,多數好友有吸菸習慣者的目前 吸菸率是多數好友不吸菸者的 6 倍。
三、目前吸菸者的過去一個月自覺壓力顯著高於不吸菸者,除了個人身心事件外,目前 吸菸者的客觀生活壓力如:學校事件、家庭事件及異性交往事件皆顯著高於不吸菸者。
同時,學校事件、家庭事件及異性交往事件所導致的困擾程度,即主觀生活壓力亦顯著 高於不吸菸者。
本研究建議高中職新生入學之時,教師可進行班級經營,運用同儕相互影響力,形成不 吸菸的正面價值觀。每學期進行學生生活壓力評估,於高危險族群或偏差行為學生提供 持續性的支持與輔導。對吸菸學生,邀請家長共同參與親子戒菸班,促進雙方對菸害的 認知及親子溝通,並提供戒菸諮詢。建議各階段之學校教師、輔導老師、社會工作者及 國家政策制定者等多領域專業,應致力於提升青少年的生活環境。
A Study of Associations Between Life Stress and Smoking Behaviors Among High School Students
Smoking is one of known risk factors of many chronic disease., The adult smoking prevalence has graduall y has been decreasedd gradually in Taiwan, whereas the age of smoking initiation was getting younger. Hi gh school students in Taiwan smoke to release their life stress which has not been discussed in details so fa r. In this study, we focus on the correlation of the smoking behavior of the high school students and their li fe stress. In the present study, life stresses eventsare distinguished to compare with the and possibility of th e smoking behavior of the youth. A via cross-sectional study design was conducted in this study. A total of 4,436 high school students were selected via convience sampling. 3,529 students comlpeted structure quest ionnaires, resulted in a response rate of 79.73. The result showed:
(1) Current smoking rate of high students who were male, older, higher grade, with more poket money. Not living with parents were significantly higher. (2) Current smoking rate was significantly higher among stud ents whose partents smoke. (3)Self-perveived stress among smoker were significantly higher than non-smo ker. Based on the study results, suggestion were as followed.
The school could host the orientations to against the tobacco usage from the freshman class. The teachers c ould form the no-tabacco-circle in each class as a peers’ positive influence to prevent smoking. The smoker s’subjective life stress(school events, family events,and events related disturbance) had siginificant higher non-smokEvery semester, the school should evaluate the students’ life stresses to indentify who are under higher presseure. Appling continued, adequate suppot and counseling for students who feel stressful or had misbehaviors. When smoking behavior identified, the school sould invite students’ parents to accompany with them for the quit-smoking courses. The course would not only teach the methods of quit-smoking but also offer the opportunity for these students and their parents to communication. We suggest that school te achers, tutor, social workers and legislator should devote themselves to promote surroundings of adolescen ce.