The strategic objective of the MANUNET call for proposals is to foster the competitiveness of Europe’s Manufacturing Industry by co-funding manufacturing research projects performed by enterprises (preferably SMEs) and their strategic partners.
The funding objectives of the call are transnational application oriented and high risk R&D projects related to Manufacturing. The project proposals must clearly demonstrate:
> Transnational, collaborative R&D with a significant degree of innovation and scientific and technical risk
> Market orientation
> Application and practical use of manufacturing technologies
> Expertise of the project partners in their respective fields of competence
> Added value through transnational cooperation
> Scale of impact and market positioning of the applicant
The MANUNET call includes all fields in Manufacturing, structured in the following topics:
> Information and communication technologies for manufacturing including industrial robotics
> Environmental and energy technologies
> Knowledge-based engineering technologies (computer-aided engineering and design, automated manufacturing, product lifetime management, etc.)
> Adaptive manufacturing technologies: processes for removing, joining, adding, forming, consolidating, assembling
> Other technologies/products related to the manufacturing field
However, the respective regional/national thematic programme focus should be taken into account.
Launching: 9th January 2013
Deadline for pre-proposal submission: 13th March 2013, 17:00 (CET) Deadline for full proposals submission: 10th July 2013, 17:00 (CET)
Ob je c tives a nd t o p ics
> Asturias (Spain)
> Basque Country (Spain)
> Catalonia (Spain)
> Finland
> Germany
> Iceland
> Lower Austria (Austria)
> Luxembourg
> Northern Ireland (UK)
> Slovakia
> Switzerland
> Turkey
> Wallonia (Belgium)
> Western Greece (Greece)
MANUNET launches coordinated calls for proposals to fund transnational research projects in the field of manufacturing.
MANUNET 2013 Call is open for entities belonging to these regions/countries:
P a rt ici p a tin g reg io n s/co un tries
All MANUNET projects must be designed on the following principle: consortia consisting of at least 2 independent SMEs belonging to 2 participating countries, or 2 regions in different countries (see list of regions/countries).
Large companies, research centres, universities, etc. may also participate according to their regional/national financing regulations, as long as there are 2 independent SMEs belonging to 2 different participating countries.
The composition of the consortium should be efficient in size in order to accomplish the objectives proposed. However, small medium projects with no more than 4 or 5 partners are expected.
E lig ible proj e c ts A p p lic a tio n p ro c e d ur e a nd e val ua tio n
The MANUNET website is provided with a tool for fulfilling Expressions of Interest, devoted tolook for and find partners for common projects within the MANUNET network.
In the first stage of the application procedure (mandatory for all applicants), the Coordinator of the project has to submit on-line a pre-proposal in English on the MANUNET website.
The evaluation of the pre-proposals will be performed by a Transnational Coordination Team (TCT), which will recommend / not recommend the submission of full proposals.
For the submission of full proposals during the second stage, the coordinator has to submit on-line the full proposal in English. At the same time, every partner in the project must bear in mind the specific local application rules/requirements of each regional/national funding programme.
The official pre-proposal and full proposal template, as well as the “MANUNET Guide for proposers” and the “Evaluation Guidelines” are available on the MANUNET website.
Asturias: IDEPA’s programme for ERA-NET schemes will fund industrial research and experimental development projects involving effective international collaboration. Maximum aid intensities up to: 80-40% according to the size of the applicant and type of project. Only companies are eligible. Research centers & university are welcome as subcontractors. Minimum budget required for the regional companies: 150 000 €. Average grant 100 000 €.
Duration of the project: 18-24 months.
Basque Country: The aim of the GAITEK Programme is to make companies more competitive by means of promoting projects including R&D&I activities to develop new products. The beneficiaries of the programme are companies (universities and research centres may participate as subcontractors). The funds provided by GAITEK are grants:
up to 50% of the accepted eligible costs for SMEs and up to 40% for large companies. Maximum contribution:
250 000 € per partner per year. Eligible costs are: personnel costs (researchers, technicians and support staff employed only for the research activity), costs for external assessment and equivalent services (e.g. subcontracting highly specialised parts of the project), costs for subcontracting Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network (RVCTI) Agents, operating costs (costs for materials, supplies, trips, etc. derived from the research) and costs of instruments and equipment (paid off over the whole project duration). Catalonia: Small, medium and large companies can be funded. Private research centres, universities and other public research entities registered in Catalonia can participate as subcontractors. Technically and financially feasible R&D projects in the field of manufacturing with an impact increase in the R&D company activities are eligible. Personnel costs, external collaborations for R&D activities related to the project, equipment (where applicable), IPR activities (for SME only), other costs such as travelling and management costs (only when the Catalan entity coordinates) are eligible. Funding is provided as a grant. Eligible expenses for the Catalan part of the MANUNET project from 150000 € to 250000 € (2 years- long projects). Large companies: Maximum of 50%
of the costs of research activities and 25% of the costs of development activities can be funded. Medium companies:
Maximum of 60% of the costs of research activities and 35% of the costs of development activities can be funded.
Small companies: Maximum of 70% of the costs of research activities and 45% of the costs of development activities can be funded.
Finland: Tekes’ R&D funding programme is for enterprises who are willing to develop and grow. With Tekes funding, an enterprise can research and develop products and techniques, services and new business concepts, operating modes and management, and implement pilot projects and testing environments needed for development.
The aim is to substantially accelerate the growth and internationalization of the most promising small enterprises.
Germany: Focused on topics concerning innovative production equipment, machines, tools and improved production process chains. Enterprises, SME and research institutes can be funded according to the rules of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research [BMBF) in the Framework programme "Research tor Tomorrow's Production - PROmorgen". |
Iceland: Type of research eligible for funding: Basic Research, Applied Research, Innovation. Funding rates according to the funds rules. Funding available for Universities, Research Institutes, Industry, start up companies and individuals. |
Lower Austria: Companies, research centres and universities financed. RD projects up to 50% funding. Industrial research up to 25%. Experimental development for SMEs possibilities for additional 10%. Grant or loan, depending on the type of organization. |
Luxembourg: The programme is supporting international R&D projects. The programme has a budget of 12 M€
for the period of 2011-2013. Public research institutions in Luxembourg are eligible to get funding from FNR.
Companies based in Luxembourg can participate as partners with own financial means or apply for financial support at the Ministry of Economy in Luxembourg.
F undin g p rog ra mmes
Northern Ireland: Grant for R&D support is available to companies for collaborative research. Grant rate depends on size of company, type of research & need for assistance. NI universities are eligible for funding in collaboration with NI industry partners. Slovakia: VEGA is scientific agency —internal grant system— of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Science. Only universities financed. Companies and research centres only in cooperation with universities. 15 000-20000 € grant per project per year.
Switzerland: CTI, the national innovation promotion programme, enforces the market oriented innovation process, the introduction of practice oriented qualifications for researchers in universities and the improvement of cooperation between academia and industry. CTI projects should strongly support a market need initiated and oriented knowledge and technology transfer. The CTI programme supports bottom up generated innovation projects of all sort of disciplines. CTI projects need to have an industry involvement of at least 50%. Only public, non-win oriented research institutes are funded 100%. Industry partners like SMEs are taking part self-financed. |
Turkey: International Industrial R&D Projects Funding Programme; SMEs and large companies settled in Turkey can submit project proposals. Universities and research institutes are not eligible, but can benefit from the programme as subcontractors. Grant rate is 60% for large companies and 75% for SMEs. Personnel, travel, equipment, software, subcontractor (consultancy and other services), material costs are eligible. Application to TUBITAK should be made simultaneously with MANUNET II full proposal submission. There is no project budget/duration limit for application.
Wallonia: SME and Large companies, academia and research centers can be funded. Maximum funding: 60-80%
grant for SMEs, 40% grant for large companies, 100% grant for academia and 75% grant for research centres.
Industrial research: minimum 40% of the Walloon project s budget must be dedicated to the Walloon company(ies).
Experimental development: minimum 40% of the Walloon project s budget must be dedicated to the Walloon company(ies) AND minimum 50% of the project s budget must be dedicated to the Walloon partners OR at least 2 Walloon companies are partners in the consortium. Maximum projects length: 36 months.
Western Greece: International Cooperation research projects of SME’s in the field of manufacturing.
Only SMEs are funded, up to 70% funding of expenses, 30% of total budget allowed as subcontracting, projects have to be finished by 31/8/2015.
F undin g p rog ra mmes
F ur ther inf o rma tio n
Asturias IDEPA Ana Elena Fernández Monzón
(Spain) +34985980020
Marco Antonio Fernández Valledor +34985980020
Basque Country Basque Government Andere Goirigolzarri Garaizar
(Spain) Innobasque +34944209488
Catalonia ACC1Ó Mar Pérez Blasco
(Spain) +34935674889
Finland TEKES Matti Evola
+358505577835 [email protected]
Germany KIT-PTKA Stefan Scherr
+4972160825286 [email protected]
Iceland RANNIS Ingolfur Thorbjornsson
+3548918795 [email protected] Lower Austria Lower Austrian Kerstin Koren
(Austria) Government +4327429005-16165
Luxembourg FNR Christiane Kaell
[email protected] Northern Ireland Invest Northern Lisa O'Reilly
(UK) Ireland +44(0)2890698594
Slovakia MESR Jozef Maculák
STUBA Stefan Valcuha
Switzerland OPET Roland Buehler
Turkey TUBITAK Abdullah Faruk Gönüllü
Wallonia DGO6 Julie Jasmes
(Belgium) +32(0)81334545
[email protected] Thierry Lemoine
Western Greece RWG Aris Mamasioulas
(Greece) +302613611417