The Preliminary Study of Non-Profit Academic Medical Centers Applying Corporate Governance Constructs
由於在複雜的醫療體系制度下,醫院的管理者、政策的制定者及研究者逐漸地挑 戰如何提供好的醫院治理機制給醫院組織。
而本論文主要探討目前企業界的治理模式及其對非營利機構治理結構未來發展 的啟示,及探討非營利機構治理結構所面臨的問題。
研究方式用以質性的概念性架構,由於個案性的研究及訪談的基礎是基於主觀 的價值,其他基礎的概念較難以去釐清與界定。
本論文研究結果分為利益關係組成層面、醫管專業整合構面及法律層面這三個層 面來探討。
主要目的是藉由此理論模式來健全醫院管理的內部控制,防止管理者舞弊,選 任誠信正直的董監事、管理階層;進而避免社會福利損失並能改善健保財務及落 實醫政管理。
As a result of versaltile developments in health care and health care policy, hospital administrators, policy makers and researchers are increasingly challenged to ponder upon the meaning of good hospital governance and how they can implement it in the health care organizations.
This paper discusses the corporate governance model constructs and the problem of non-profit organizations. Corporate governance can provide a comprehensive frame of references.
Qualitative approach is the conceptual framework for this study. Because the methodology of case study or interview is based on subjective human value
judgement, some basic terms are hard to clarify and define. This study described the interested parties、medical perspectives integrated with management and legal aspects, and also document a number of empirical evidence about hospital governance.
This study aimed to understand the governance of nonprofit organization of major academic medical centers, and prevent manager engaged in law-breaking activities, also avoid social welfare loss and improve financial situation of National Health Insurance.