電化學表面改質對促進316L 不銹鋼生醫相容性之影響研究 Effect of Electrochemical Modification on Enhancing the Biocompatibility of 316L Stainless Steel
諸多研究顯示,316L 不鏽鋼於人體的生物相容(biocompatibility)有極高的評
價,其非常適合做為人體的植入物,然而316L 不鏽鋼之所以具極佳的生物相
容性主要是與其金屬表面的氧化層有關,且於一些研究及文獻亦顯示植入生物 體內材料表面的孔徑大小和細胞初始的攀附行為、增殖及分化有密切關係。若能 有效控制氧化層為微奈米複合式多孔性將對骨整合會有所助益。
本研究以電化學的陽極處理方式使316L 不鏽鋼表層形成一層微奈米複合式多
孔性的三氧化二鉻(Cr2O3)結構,並以物理及化學性的分析儀器測試表面之成 分、元素、膜厚、孔洞大小及結構是否符合要求,之後將對符合要求的試片於無 塵室加以清洗、消毒後,即以這些試片進行細胞培養,經特定時間分別對細胞的 攀附、增殖作不同的測試, 並加以比較不同條件下測試的結果。
本研究主要是在探討316L 不鏽鋼植體表面經由電化學方式製作出不同的氧化
層厚度及孔徑大小,並以細胞實驗在不同條件下的生長情形,此外更進一步探 討微奈米複合式孔洞的表面與骨整合的癒合機制並進行比較,此結果可對縮短 植入於骨內的植體,如牙科植體的骨整合癒合時間有所助益。
316L stainless steel with excellent biocompatibility has been investigated by many researches. It is due to its passive oxide film. The surface characteristics of 316L stainless steel implant, such as pore sizes/roughness, are related to initial cell
behaviors and osseo/osetointegration. However, the surface design of dental implant for enhancing the rate and result of osseo/osetointegration remains unknown. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the various 316L stainless steel oxide thicknesses and pore sizes/roughness on the initial attachment and proliferation of the osteoblast-like cell (MG-63) based on the above investigation, it is believed that optimal pore sizes/roughness will be promoted the osseo/osetointegration.
In the present study, electrochemistry process was performed as surface treatment of 316L stainless steel implant. Dichromium trioxide (Cr2O3) was formed on 316L stainless steel implant surface after anode treatment. Due micro-nano porous oxide structure was formed by anodization treatment.
As mentioned above, physical properties, chemical properties as well as
biocompatibility of 316L stainless steel implant with and without electrochemical surface treatments were analyzed clearly. In addition, biocompatibility of 316L stainless steel implant with and without surface treatments was performed by cell
cultures. MTT test and cell counting is used to investigate the cell attachment and proliferation. Furthermore, mechanism of bone healing on micro-nanoporous implant surface and interaction were also discussed clearly. It is believed that it is helpful to realize the osseointegraion mechanism.