In Vitro Studies of the Physical Properties and Biocompatibility
本研究之目的是以多項非活體實驗來證明豬皮膠原蛋白膜片的各項物理性 質,其中包括彈性模數,膠原蛋白酵素分解速率,通透性,膨脹比率及 HEMA 之 黏著性等測試,並以細胞培養之技術來證明此種膠原蛋白膜片的高生物相 容性.結果顯示牙周膜中纖維母細胞,牙齦纖維母細胞與豬皮膠原蛋白膜片 共同培養一週後,細胞形態正常,且細胞以垂直於膜片的方向爬向膜片邊 緣,此說明了本品確實具有高度之生物相容性.而物性測試方面,經戊二醛 修飾之膜片可增加彈性模數,延緩被膠原蛋白酵素分解之速率,降低對氧化 鋁懸浮液的通透度並減少膜片因吸收液體而造成之膨脹;而 HEMA 經測試後 確實為一良好之膜片黏著劑.由此實驗可知,經戊二醛修飾之豬皮膠原蛋白 膜片在非活體試驗中的確具有相當理想之物性與生物相容性,而與此半成 品相關的臨床系列實驗亦將於近期展開.
The purposes of the study are to utilize different in vitro test for verifyingvariable physical properties, which include Young's modulus of elasticity,collagenase degradation rate,
permeability, swelling ratio, adhesion test withHEMA, and also the biocompatibility of PDCM, as it is produced following a specific laboratory protocal. The results of glutaraldehyde (GA), may increaseits stiffness, resistance to the degradation by bacterial collagenase, and reduce permeability to Zinc Oxide suspension. The swelling ratio is decreasedconversely as the PDCM is cross-linked by higher concentration of GA. Theresults of adhesion test of PDCM and HEMA indicate that 3% GA conditioned PDCMpossesses the best stress, strain, and load
properties. HEMA can be used forsecuring the position of PDCM in clinical usage. As HPLF and HGF are co-culturedwith PDCM, the normal growth of these cell cultures presents that, when
producingPDCM following our protocal, the cytotoxic effect of GA can be eliminated completely without causing cell death.
Accordingly, the physical properties and non-cytotoxic character of PDCM can fit the clinical requirement of membranematerials used in guided tissue regeneration technique. A serious of studiesrelevant to the clinical application of PDCM will be
executed in the near future.