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Based on the data of the Turkish Adult Risk Fac tor study accumulated over ll years, this paper attempts to


Academic year: 2021

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On the Pathophysiology of Excess Coronary Morbidity and Mortality Among Turks:

lmplications for Detection and Prevention

A. Onaı

Based on the data of the Turkish Adult Risk Fac tor study accumulated over ll years, this paper attempts to


the disparity between the ris k profiles of Turks and Western populat ions and to ascribe the- se to plausible pathogenetic mec hanis ms. Findin gs of the majority of patients w ith corona ry heart disea- se (CHD) anel differences of data from the adult po- pulations of Turks and D anes (of the Copenhagen City study) clearly show that - rather than LDL-cho- lesterol elevation - Turks exhibit str.iking features in- volving HDL-cholesterol , triglycerides, apolipopro- tein (apo) B, (central) obesity , hyperins ulinemia and bloaci pressure. Turkish women, in particular, elis- play a profile of ris k highe r than men in regard to obesity, blood pressure and apo B. Trigl yceride and apo B features indicare that excess number of s mail dense LDL partides


widespread among Turki sh adults.

Underly ing th is ri sk profile - to be des ignated as ath erogenic dyslipidemia - are visceral obes ity and insulin res is tance. lmpa ired "fatty ac id tra pping" by ad ipose tissue, increased seeretian of VLDL by the live r, excess depositian of triglycerides in skeletal mu scle and d


hed in sulin sens itiv

ity presu-

mably account for these features of coronary ris k.

Our data d ispute the hypothesis tha t genetic factors are the main determinant of low HDL-C leve ls and support that the frequ ently e nco untered fas ring hype rtriglyceridemia - asi de central obesity, cigaret- te smokin g and sedentary life sryle - is the primary factor.


of the proposecl hypo thesis in- clude a more accurate ris k assessme nt in individuals having total c holesterol levels 180-200 mg/di and th e potential impro vement of cardiovascular health in millions of Tu

rks by adapting appropriate li

fesry le in primary and secondary prevention.

K ey words: Atherogenic clys


coronary heart disease , ri sk profi le , risk factors, Turkish adults


Long-term C linical and Angiographic Follow-up Results of Multi-link Coronary St ent lmplantations

K. Sönmez, F. Turan , N.


Duran, M. Gençhay, M.


Th e ACS Multi-link (ML) intracoronary


is a second generation, balloon expa ndable stainl ess steel stent des igneel to avoid the negative features of c urrentl y availa ble stents. The largest amou nt of information ava ilable on the long te rm


of co ronary s tenting is based on the use of Palmaz-Scha tz stent. Less data exist on long-term fo llow-up res ults of Multi-link coronary ste nt implantations.

We present the long-term (>3 years) elinica l anel angiographic follow-up results of the ACS Multi- link coronary stents implanted in our institution.

From May 1 996 to December J 997 a total num ber of 125 patie nts underwen t 133 co rona ry ML stent implantations. Stented vessels were: 49% LAD, 3 1%

RCA, 20% Cx coronary


lndications fot ste nt


were elective in 64%,




in 26%, bailout in 10% of patients. The mean reference dia meter of s tented vessels was 3.2 ± 0.2 mm. The m ean percentage stenos is w as 80± 1


a nd 3±5


before anel a fte r

stenı iınplanıaıion,

res pecti vely.


elinical fo ll ow-up was completed in 75% (80

nıale, nıean

age 53± 10) of the patients


by intervie w or p hone), and a ng iographic fol low-up (37± 12




in 58% of the patients. The re was no baseline e linica l and ang iog raph ic differences bet- ween angiog raphica lly c hec keel and the

reınaining paıients.

Angiographic res tenesis (>50%


s te nos is) was d etected in 22% of ste nts. Target les ion revascul arisation was 12 %, no n-targer lesion revascularisation was 14% in angiographi ca ll y followed pts . During follow-up period


and new M I occu rred in 12% and 6% of


respectively, and survival rate was 88%.

Our s tudy provides


follow-up results of

intracoronary Multi-link stent




Tiirk Kardiyol Dem Arş 2001; 29:598-601

native coronary artery les ions. Our data

show that

elinical and angiographic benefit of ML stents is comparable to the first generatian stents especially to the Palmaz-Schatz stents of which results have been reported prev iously. An important rate of non target lesion revasc ularisation occurs during follow- up period.

Key words: Multi -link stent, el inica l fol low-up, angiographic follow-up

Use of Metoprolol for Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation After Corona ry Bypass

M. Güler, E. Eren, M .E. Toker, A. Tuncer, F. Güzelnıeriç, A. Po/at, M. Balkanay, G. İpek, E. Akınc1,



Although atrial fibril lation


left ventricular funct ion in patie nts with Ieft ventricular dysfunction ( L VD), it is not known whether or not L VD has any direct effect on atrial fibrillation oc- currence. Beta blackers are the most


drugs used in atrial fibrill ation prophylaxis. The ai m of this study was to investigate the atrial fibrillation occ ur- rence in patients unde rgoing coronary artery bypass gr afting (CABG) surgery and the prophylactic effect of metoprolol in these cases.

In this pros pective study, 526 patients w ho underwent CABG surgery were inc luded, 253 of them with high left ventr icu lar performance score (Group I) and 273 with normal left ventricul ar performance score (Group ll). Metoprolol was given 80 patients in group I and I 15 patients in group II in the postoperative period. The remaining patients (173 in group I , 158 in group Il) were not given any antiarrhythmic drug


In pat ients wi th impaired le ft ventricular performance, atrial fibrillation occured 5 patients in group la (6.3%), and 28 patients in group I b (16.2%) . I n patients with normal ventric ular performance, 6 patients in group Ila (5.2%) and 24 patients in group Ilb (15.2

%) atrial fibrillation was

encountered (p<0.05). In both g roups, mean occur- rence time of atr ial fibrillat ion was the second postoperati ve day (p>0.05). Altho ug h duration of intensive care uni t was


in all groups

(p>0.05), hos pitalization time was significantly longer in patients with atrial fibrillation than those of patients with normal sinus rhythm (p<0.05).

In conclusion, the use of metoprolol was effective for preventing atrial fibrillation after CABG surgery e ither in. patients wit h normal or in paticnts wi th impaired left ventricular function. On the other hand, development of atrial fibril lation prolongs the hospita li zation durat ion, but not the stay in the intensive care unit after CABG surgery.

Key words: atr ial fibrillati on, CABG, left ventricular dysfunction, metoprolol

Fast Track Recovery Protocol of O pe n Hea rt Surgery in High Risk Patients

F. Toraman, E. H. Karabulut,







Fast track recovery protocol (FTRP) aims the extubation of the pati


nt within 6-8 hours postoperatively, di scharge the patient from the intensive care unit (ICU) w ithin 24 hours and from the hospita l within 5 days after the operation. Cur- rently available data is not

sufficient for the applica-

bility of this protocol in high risk patients. In




tudy 203 consec uti ve high ri




c 6) who underwent different card iac surgical pr ocedures we re evalua ted for the applicability of FTRP. Factors increasing the time to extubation, ICU stay and length of hospital stay were


Independent factors by logistic regres-


ion, were found to be determining increased time to extubation, EuroSCORE > 8

(p=O.OO 1

), and additional cardiac procedures (p=0.02); for increased ICU s tay , blood usage (p=O.OOO I) and for increased length of hos pital stay, tim




> 360 minutes (p=0.02) and cardiopulmonary bypass period> 100 minules In 75

%of the

patients FTRP was successfully applied. Th is study


uggests that FTRP can be applied to high risk patients, however, perioperative and postoperative factors as well as preoperative risk factors play an impor tant ro le for the success.

Key words: Fast track, high risk , open heart



Coronary Morbidity and Mortality Estimates in the TEKHARF Survey of 2001

A. Onar, V. Sansoy, B. Erer, Ö


Başar, K. Ceyhan

The last survey of the Turkish Adult Ris k Factor Study, conducted in May, 200 1, a imed, among other specific goals , to assess coro nary morb id ity and mortality in the last period. Similar epidemiological me thods were applied as deseribed previous ly. In a total of 1443 individ uals of the coh ort residing in the Ma rmara and Central Anate lia n regions of Turkey, 11 22 men and wome n were examin ed. Moreover information was obtained in 233 persons, and death was ascertained in 12 men a nd 5 women. Total follow-up exceeded 1500 person-years. Eleven new deaths of coronary origin were diagnosed. Annual all-cause mortality was estimated as 10.7 pe r mille, coronary mortality as 6.3 per mill e . In the age - bracke t 45-74 years, total mortality was 13.4 and co ro nary mo rta lity 7.3 per mill e. Total cases of a nnu al ne w co ro nary hea rt d isease (CHD ) corresponded to 8.9 per mille.

When co mpared to findings anticipated, th is survey ex hibited cons istent ones with respect to total mortality . coronary mortali ty and new coronary eve nts , but - though not reaching s ignificance


excess findings in regard to CHD prevalence.

This observation underlines o nce aga in the need for the urgent task of preve ntive cardiology in Turkey.

Key words : Coro nary heart disease prevale nce, coronary mortality, T urkish adults

Endothelial Cons titutive Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Polymorphism in Turkish Population

Ş. Demirel, N. Çine, T. Tükek, A.B. Sözen,


Erk, N. Erginel-Ünaltuna,



Objective and design: Endothelial dysfunction may play an


role in the pathogenesis of risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD), and of c hro nic heart failure (CHF). T he associatio n between a varia ble numbe r of ta ndem repeats (VNTRs) po ly morphis m in intra n 4 of the e ndoth eli al cons tituti ve nitric ox ide synthase (ecNOS) gene a nd essenti al hype rtension (EH),


CHF, and the distribut ion of risk factors for CAD we re invest iga ted.

Method: The stud y group cons is ted o f 65 controls, 57 EH, and 50 CHF pati ents. The VNTRs of the ecNOS gene was amplified by the


cha in reaction to


the number of repeats, and the a lle le frequenc ies were


between the patients and control gro up. Res ults: T wo alle les (a, b) containing fo ur and fi ve repeats were identified.

The ab genotype was associated with EH (p=0.048, odds ratio= 2.54 (95% canfide nce interval (CI) 0.99- 6 .55), was more frequent in dilated CHF without reac hing statistical s ign ificance, was s im ilar in ischemic C HF compared to controls. Ab genotype patie nts with ische mic C HF were s ignificantly younge r (55± 1 O vs 65±80 years of age; p=0.04 7), had s igni ficantly lo wer hi gh de ns ity lipoprotein cho lesterol levels (0.7±0.16 vs 1.09±0.21 mmol/L (27±6 vs 42±8 mg/dl); p=0.005) compared to bb ge- notype.

Conclus ion: In this Turkish population the ecNOS gene is not associated with ischemic CHF, but with EH, and may be associated with non ischemic C HF. Young a b genotype pati ents with low HDL le vels are at inc reased risk for CA D and CHF.

Key words: ecNO S gene polymorphism, Turkish populatio n, essential hypertension, c hronic heart fai lure


Biventricular Pacing in Congestive Heart Failure

E. Oğuz, İ. Erdi n/er, A. Akyol

Biventricular pacing has recently been suggested as a therapeutic approach that has beneficial effects


in patients with advanced congestive

heart failure and intraventric ular conduction delay. lt

has been notified that the patie nts with significanl

QRS duration lengthening have more probability Lo

benefit from this the rapy. A ltho ugh it has been

demonstrated tha t symptomatic and left ven tric ular

fu nctio na l im pro ve ment can occur wit h

bi ventricular pacing the rapy, the effect on mortali ty

has not been clarified yet. In this review, the results

of biventric ula r pac ing studies and the mechan is ms


Tiirk Kardiyo/ Dem Arş 2001; 29:598-601

of action of atrio-biventri


ular pacing have been discussed.

Keywords: Biventricular pacing, congestive heart failure

Case Rep01·ts

Meınbranous Septuın Aneurysın

Obstructing Right Ventricular Outflow Tract

M. K. Vural, E.


A. Kale,

O. Taşdemir

An unusual case of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction caused by a

ıneınbranous septuın aneurysın in

a patient with ventricular septal defect


presented. An associated inlet type ventricular septa


defect was c


sed wi


a polytetrafluoroethylene patch. The aneurys mal


was plicated by taking obliteration s utures at its base and excised. Secondary infundibular


was resected and infundibulotomy was closed with a




dis played an uneventful

course in th e postoperative pe

riod and discharged on

the fifth postoperativ


day. A fo


ow-up echocardiography at the second postope


month revealed no abnormalities.

Key words: Membranous septum,


right ventricular ou


tract obstruction, ventr


septal defect

A Rare Origin of Left Atrial Ectopic Tachycar- dia: A Case Report



K. Erinç, E.




Incessant left




ia ori

ginatin g from mitral

annulus is a rare tachyarrhythmia which may

cause cardiomyopathy. A 20-year-old patient with recluced

left ventricular

systolic function




atrial tachycardia which was successfully ablated on the lateral mitral annulus was reported.

Key words: Ablation

left atrial

tachycardia, carclio-



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