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Detection of the airborne microbiological contamination in domestic refrigerators in a student residential area of Konya-Turkey


Academic year: 2021

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(373)    . . !"  ! . .  (%!*'!&!&"!'&''(&" ',)"# !'!!  ,B0;FB0;&70< B;D48-7<B +B4:488 +8$B0; ,850;8 . 1. School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, People’s Republic of China 2 Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250000, People’s Republic of China.   &'%'. !'%"('"!  Wetlands, forests and ocean are three of the world’ s major ecosystems. Known as the kidney of the earth, wetlands play an important role in water conservation, water purification, climate regulation and biodiversity protection. According to international Ramsar, China owns thirty-one kinds of natural wetlands and nine kinds of constructed wetlands [1], which totally cover 5.58 percent of China’s land areas and relatively lower than 6.0 percent of the world’s average level [2]. Generally speaking, wetlands in China mainly include coastal wetlands, lacustrine wetlands, rivers, marshes and constructed wetlands [3]. And healthy wetland ecosystem is of critical importance to China’s sustainable development. For city, an area concerning the most concentrative production, life, consumption as well as pollution, urban wetlands mainly including natural landscape are public spaces and necessary components of urban eco-environment. Due to the accelerated propulsion of urbanization in China, from 1978 to 2000, numbers of small towns and cities respectively rise from 2176 to 20312 and from 190 to 663. Therefore, urban expansion tremendously challenges urbanization and wetlands become one of the fastest disappearing for being ignored its function and eco-value [4]. Urban eco-environment suffers severe destruction from occupancy and landfill of large areas of wetlands used for city construction and directly discharge of industrial effluents and living sewage into fringe city wetlands, badly influencing the local hydrological and climate and thus urgently bringing brand-new challenges to environmental remediation. Data from the second national survey of wetland resources show that areas of wetlands in China reduced by 3,396,300 hectares of which natural wetlands reduced by 3,376,200 hectares and the total decrement came to 8.82 percent from 2003 to 2013 [2]. At present, research on China’ s urban wetlands is far behind the rapid development of cities. The protection work of wetlands is still in its infancy. Although some first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong gradually start to emphasize eco-environmental construction of the cities and increase the intensity of the construction and protection of wetlands, which have made successful achieve-. Urban wetlands are natural open spaces of urban public space, which are important parts in urban ecological environment. However, the protection of urban wetlands has been paid more and more attention at home and abroad in the process of urbanization. Due to the lack of wetland protection and unreasonable development behaviors, urban wetland area reduced and function degradation. At present, China’s urban wetland research is far behind the rapid development of cities. The protection work of wetlands is still in its infancy. Based on the concept and function of urban wetlands, this paper analyzes the regional and urban distribution of urban wetlands, the main problems existing in wetland area, wetland water quality, biodiversity and protection policy in urban wetland protection in China. On the basis of confirming the achievements of urban wetland protection in China in recent years, it is pointed out that the main problems in the current wetland research in China are as follows: (1) The research method is gradually increasing, the research field is gradually expanding and the regional imbalance still exists; (2) The level of technological innovation is lower than that of developed countries; (3) The qualitative research is more, but the quantitative study of the models is relatively less; And (4) the ecological effects of wetland research more, while the mechanism of work less research. At the same time, the research progress of urban wetland repair technology is reviewed, and the application of wetland model in wetland monitoring at home and abroad is listed. The development trend of wetland model research should be combined with urban eco-environmental factors. By comparing domestic and international wetland policy protection, drawing on the successful experience of foreign urban wetland protection and combining with China’s actual national conditions, the development direction of urban wetland protection in China is forecasted and the sustainable development of urban wetland resources is realized.   ,*"%& Urban wetlands, wetland conservation, ecological restoration, protection policy. 4406.

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(375)    . . !"  ! .  ments, the situation is far from ideal. Lack of urban wetlands’ functions as well as features and their impacts on urban environment in process of wetlands protection result in a lot of blindly following behaviors and the protection work could not last for long. It becomes necessary to basically and theoretically understand the current situation upon China’ s urban wetlands. This communication aims to ensure major issues presently existing in China’ s urban wetlands protection, conclude applications of wetlands models at home and abroad through analyzing achievements made on China’ s urban wetlands protection, put forward future development tendency of research on these models, and further outlook China’ s urban wetlands protection’ s development direction by simultaneously comparing China’ s protection policies with other countries.   )"# !'" !H&(%!*'!&  4<6?0=7F 38@A?81BA8<; <5 78;0H@ B?10; D4A90;3@ The effect of climate and topography leads to the uneven distribution of wetlands in China. The western arid area has less wetland than the east of China and most there are salt lakes and inflatable salt lakes in common with Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Rivers and marshes are separately concentrated in the east and northeast of China. Most lakes are around the mid-down stream of Yangtze River. Rare mangroves and constructed wetlands of tropical and sub-tropical areas mostly exist in regions from Hainan Island to coastal areas in the north of Fujian Province. On the whole, China’s wetlands can be divided into seven parts, which are Northeast China Wetlands, Yellow River Mid-down Stream Wetlands, Yangtze River Mid-down Stream Wetlands, Southeast-South China Wetlands, Yunnan- Guizhou. Plateau Wetlands, XinJiang-Inner Mongolia Wetlands and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wetlands (Fig.1).. (%  8@A?81BA8<;<578;0H@D4A90;3@./ Areas and types of different wetlands distributed in all big cities of China are different owing to various geographical positions. Data from Fig. 2 shows, in China’ s all wetlands areas made of the natural as well as the constructed totally up to 53.6026 million hectares, that constructed wetlands cover 6.7459 million hectares and make up 12.63 percent. And in natural wetlands, coastal wetlands occupy 5.7959 million hectares in proportion of 12.42 percent; lakes cover 8.5938 million hectares making up 18.41 percent; rivers take up 10.5521 million hectares accounting for 22.61 percent; the rest are all marshes.. 9000,0 Constructed wetlands Marshes Lakes Rivers Coastal wetlands. 8000,0. 6000,0 5000,0 4000,0 3000,0 2000,0 1000,0. en. J Sh ilin an g Zh hai ej ia ng Fu Sh jian an do ng H G ub ua ng ei do n H g ai na Si n ch ua Y n un na Sh n an Q xi in g X hai in jia ng. N. ei m. H. eb. g. ei gg o. 0,0. Be iji n. Wetlands areas/103 hm2. 7000,0. 31 provinces of China. (%  8554?4;AD4A90;3@0?40@<578;0H@A78?AF<;4=?<C8;24@8; . 4407. . .

(376) $#. ! % 

(377)    . . !"  ! .  '  ==9820A8<;<5B?10;D4A90;3@:<349@ Model names. Designers. Objective. Data source. Parameters. Application Assessed the health conditions of a wetland ecosystem in Hangzhou Organization for Bay, China [6], the ecosystem Landsat TM image and Pressure indicators, state Economic Cohealth of Yuanzhou County, Loess To study the ecosystem indicators and response socio-economic data, PSR model Operation and Plateau, Ningxia Province, China health conditions indicators and RS and GIS Development, [7] and developed a sustainable in1993 dicator system for local fisheries in Gungliau, Taiwan [8] The individual cell evoA time series of four With the future urban lands prelution, overall urban patTo effectively capture Landsat images, GIS dicted to further assess the potenChunyang He tern and the spatial interUED model the urban expansion data on the regional totial spatial stress of urban expanet al., 2008 [9] action of population and process pography and transporsion on the major wetlands in Beicapital at different jing by 2015 [10]. tation scales To simulate land use change using empirically Land-use maps, elecPredicted the landscape patter in quantified relations be- tronic maps of rivers and Peter Verburg, A non-spatial demand 2020 of the Xinjizhou Wetland tween land use and its lakes, traffic routes, setCLUE-S University Ammodule and a spatially Park [12], designed a planning regdriving factors in combi- tlements, RS images, the model sterdam, 2007 explicit allocation pro- ulation coefficient for sustainable nation with dynamic digital elevation model [11] cedure land-use change for Guangzhou, modeling of competi- (DEM) data from World 2015 [13]. tion between land use Geodetic System (WGS) types Land use maps, soil Investigated land use and cover The CA (CelluDynamic simulation camaps, landslide points, change simulation of 1990-2002 lar automata) To know the changing pability, high efficiency geology map, location at the Langat Basin, Selangor, CA-Markov and Markov situation of wetland rewith data scarcity, simple of the water treatment Malaysia [14], tested the changing model chain procesources and the trend calibration, ability to simplants, wetland classifisituation of Beijing wetland redures Comfeatures in future ulate multiple land covers cation results of RS imsources nearly 20 years, and the bined and complex patterns age data trend features in future [15]..   #0@A 0;3 =?4@4;A @A0AB@ <5 78;0H@ B?10; D4A90;3@Besides, China has currently initially established wetlands protection systems with natural reserves as a principal. As& #! !"!"! demonstrates, by the end of 2015, China has already own 378 natural reserves of inland wetlands, which mainly locate in suburban areas slightly impacted by human activities. Many artificial wetland parks are constructed inside cities. Parks in Zhejiang Province accounted for 63.9 percent of its total wetland areas while one wetland landscape belt large for 15,000 square meters was built in the area of Dongping Lake in Tai’an, Shandong Province. At present, many cities have listed the construction of urban wetland parks as a critical measure to protect urban wetlands. And the reduction of the heat island effect, suppression of dust, absorption of carbon dioxide as well as increase of oxygen make the building of urban wetland parks more beneficial than traditional afforestation. With an increasing importance attached to the urban wetland, its distribution expands each year. In 2015, the CPC central committee and the State Council quantitatively predicted that the national wetland areas would be at least 0.8 billion hectares in

(378)  ! ! !"!#%!     . "!&%)'"!) !'& "!H&(%!*'!&  55<?A8;:<349@0;3:4A7<3@<;B?10;D4A 90;3@ ?4@40?27 Methods studying China’ s urban wetlands mainly include the remote sensing image interpretation, the monitoring of environmental factors, statistical analysis, the calculation of ecological economy, the GIS model and the management planning. Different methods have different applications. RS, GIS and GPS are more and more widely applied to the investigation of wetland resources, the wetland inventory, the wetland monitoring and the study on wetland conservation after determining the type of wetland. At present, the absence of wetland resource database on a national scale in China makes RS a little difficult to extract wetland information through determination of the wetland type. Wetlands models now mainly containing the wetland ecosystem model, the wetland chemistry model and the wetland model of morphological changes are based on biogeochemical process within the wetland and play an important role in wetland management. They develop toward the tendency combining the study on wetland models and the urban eco-environmental planning while considering urban environmental factors as well as fusing multiple technologies from the past simulation of manual and semi-manual wetlands under controlled conditions on the basis of wetland hydrological. 4408.

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(380)    . . !"  ! .  and the dynamics of urban social ecology as well as policy process and lack of environmental justice [18]. Therefore, the developing countries need to make strategic adjustments in line with their actual development before applying Ramsar. China initially planned to construct natural reserves of wetlands in the late of the 1970s. After joining the organization of Ramsar in 1992, formulating   ! !! !  in 2000 and determining ! !   #! !  as a programmatic document for conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands in China, legislation of wetlands protection has achieved gradual improvement.   &&(&+&'!!!H& (%!*'!&"!&%)'"!. characteristics and mathematical model studies. Table 1 displays applications of urban wetlands models, which shows that wetlands models have been generally applied on the dynamic monitoring of natural wetlands in order to directly or indirectly protect wetlands, predict their future situations as well as assess the potential spatial stress of urban eco-environment through discussing and analyzing typical mechanism models of wetlands to assess as well as predict their present situations, providing the foundation for reasonable strategies on wetlands protection.  55<?A8;%4@A<?0A8<;<5B?10;D4A90;3@Foreign countries mainly apply the theory of landscape ecology into the urban water-environment treatment as well as the urban layout and consider relations between the landscape and the improved water quality in design. Both the reconstruction of Albert Pier in Liverpool of England and that of riverside canal in Manchester are typical examples. Many cities in China have launched the repairing work of urban wetlands and the construction as well as the protection on wetlands parks is emphasis. In February 11th of 2004, the first national urban wetland park was built up in Sanggou Bay of Rongcheng, Shandong Province, opening a new chapter on the construction of China’ s urban wetlands parks. And wetlands parks in Xixi of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province and Jiangyan, Jiangsu Province are all approved as national wetlands parks by the State Forestry Administration. Relative domestic studies mainly focus on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Plain and Huang-Huai Plain and begin to repair ecosystems of rivers and lakes from the following four aspects, which are the restoration of substrate of wetlands, the hydrological process, water environment and the wetlands habitats. CWs have been used to treat more than 20 different types of wastewater and have also been used in ecological engineering for more than two decades in China [16]. A new strain of denitrifying bacteria, "   LR, isolated from rhizosphere soil of aquatic plants living in a river contaminated with industrial wastewater and domestic sewage, exhibited a maximal N reduction rate of 97.3% in natural wastewater [17].  55<?A8; #<98284@A<=?<A42AB?10;D4A90;3@ Evolution of international policies on wetlands protection includes three stages, which are the wetlands development period before the 1960s, the policy transition between the 1960s and the 1990s and the comprehensive wetlands protection from the 1990s to the present. Although Ramsar has achieved remarkable success on wetlands protection in the past over forty years, deficiencies reflected from Ramsar’ s applications of wetlands management in the emerging cities like Colombo and Kolkata still exist. The major defects are the shortage of the complexities. Both human factors and natural phenomena contribute to the reduction of the natural wetlands. Protection upon urban wetlands especially from theoretical studies as well as specific practices is far from mature in China. According to the second national survey of wetland resources, three factors influencing wetland eco-environment a decade ago have expanded into more, from pollution, reclamation and poaching to pollution, overfishing, hunting, reclamation, intrusive alien species, infrastructure occupancy and etc. So far, major problems upon protection of urban wetlands include several of the following.  &70?=342?40@4<5B?10;D4A90;3@22494? 0A8<;<5B?10;8G0A8<;Decrease in precipitation and increase in temperature are main natural factors desiccating wetlands while acceleration of urbanization is the human factor sharply diminishing areas of wetlands. Due to expansion of the city center, landfill of refuse, land for urban construction and transportation construction, a large number of lakes are covered to serve to building land, causing natural habitats of lakes severe fragmentation [19]. The continuing decline of urban wetlands in America and Japan during the twentieth century can also be found in the emerging urban construction of developing countries in the past thirty years [20]. China has heavy demand upon land natural resources because of its great population density as well as rapid development [21]. Figure 3 shows the comparison of the proportion of different wetlands in Shandong Province’ s first wetland survey from 1996 to 2000 and the second wetland survey from 2011 to 2013. Compared with the first survey, the second one shows that the areas of natural wetlands containing coastal wetlands, rivers, lakes and marshes add up to 1.1030 million hectares and account for 63.48 percent of the total wetland areas of 1.7375 million hectares excluding the rice field with areas of 131,800 hectares in Shandong Province from 2011 to 2013, which lose 637,200. 4409.

(381) $#. ! % 

(382)    . . !"  ! .  pollutants result in great pollution load beyond the self-purification ability of water body and imbalance in material transformation of aquatic ecosystems, finally inducing terrible water pollution. All indicators for each section of Xixi wetland in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province exceed grade V water standards in 2004. Forty-four of fifty-two river cross sections of five major river systems in Beijing have excessive BOD in 2006, which account for 89.8 percent of total polluting stream segments. And in 2015, forty-three of sixty-two key lakes and reservoirs of China are divided into the range from grade I to grade III, which additionally add five compared with the year of 2014, and inferior grade V includes five similar to the year of 2014. Figure 4 is inter-annual overall water quality changes of ten rivers containing the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, Zhu River, Pearl River, Songhua River, Huai River, Hai River, Liao River, Zhe Min River and Northwest Rivers from 2005 to 2015. The result shows that the water quality of these ten rivers gets improved during this ten years, especially for the ratios of water areas belonging to the range from grade I to grade. There are still ten percent water areas having water quality classified into grade V. Close attention should be paid to water quality changes.. hectares and diminish at the rate of 37.89 percent. However, the areas of the constructed wetlands increase 442,000 hectares and the rate of growth reaches 430.38 percent. As a consequence, the net reduction of the areas of wetlands is 195,000 hectares and its rate comes to 10.93 percent.  :=?<=4?4E=9<8A0A8<;<5D4A90;3?4@<B?24@ Improper exploitation of wetland resources like oil and gas seriously disturbs biological, chemical as well as physical processes to maintain wetlands ecosystems and badly damages the wetland eco-environment that is hard to repair. Data show that the speed of shoal’ s reclamation in Zhejiang Province exceeds its formation, and the rate of natural wetlands’ reduction is higher than that of constructed wetlands’ augment.  &4C4?4 D0A4? =<99BA8<; 8; B?10; D4A90;3@ Imperfections in sewer construction of many cities in China lead to direct discharge of a large quantity of industrial waste water, sanitary sewage, farmland water and rain runoff into surface water like lakes and river channels without processing. Adverse impact from the non-point source pollution in life and production gets more unfavorable to urban wetlands. Poor stability as well as low absorptive capacity for . Ratios of overall water quality change/%.  The proportion of areas of different wetlands (%

(383)  <:=0?8@<;<5A74=?<=<?A8<;<538554?4;AD4A90;3@8;&70;3<;6#?<C8;24@58?@AD4A90;3@B?C4F   0;3A74@42<;3D4A90;3@B?C4F . 

(384)  100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0. Low V. IIII. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Year.  (%  ;A4?0;;B09<C4?099D0A4?>B098AF270;64@<5A4;?8C4?@5?<: A<  (Yangtze River, Yellow River, Zhu River, Pearl River, Songhua River, Huai River, Hai River, Liao River, Zhe Min Rivers, Northwest Rivers, Southwest Rivers). 4410.

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(386)    . . !"  ! .  42?40@4 <5 18<38C4?@8AF 8; D4A90;3@ Wetlands are easier to suffer from intrusive alien species than other types of phytocoenosium [22]. Due to relatively hermetic water body of urban wetlands and strong human disturbance, varieties of animals and plants in wetlands are limited [23, 24]. Urban wetland plants common in China are mostly types of population with artificial single advantages, like " " !!" " and" ! !, which aim to purify water. However, the introduction of a large number of alien species like ! and   L. to make cities greener encroaches local resources and ruins biodiversity in wetlands.  458284;2F 8; 8;@A8ABA8<;09 1B8938;6 <; D4A 90;3:0;064:4;A0;3?4@<B?24099<20A8<;Questionnaire to 181 administrators of national nature reserves from eleven provinces distributed in the east, centre and west of China in 2015 concluded six aspects including imperfect laws as well as regulations and the multi-sectoral administration mainly contributing to problems appearing in the process of wetlands protection. And imperfect laws and regulations are the great fountainhead. Without the corresponding legal foundation, the executive branch cannot perform job functions and the multi-sectoral administration will become disordered for ambiguous differentiation. At present, one coordination mechanism waits to be formed to manage the work of wetlands protection involving wide aspects.   &'%'&"%  #%") !'"!H& (%!*'!&"!&%)'"!. (1)Innovate research methods upon urban wetlands through blending multiple disciplines. At present, studies on wetlands mainly carried out in China are the basic research and the application study. The former one essentially consists the classification of urban wetlands, the monitoring system and the functional evaluation while the latter one includes the design of urban wetlands and hydrodynamic models. Cooperation with foreign scientific research institutions should be enlarged in the future to strengthen the study on the applications of engineering from multidimensional fields like ecology, economics, ethology, engineering and fluid dynamics. (2)Actively conduct scientific researches on wetlands to better understand their functional mechanisms. Although many researches have been engaged in to test the ecological effects of wetlands, problems still exist for the complexity of wetlands. In the future work, studies on wetland’ s mechanisms should be pertinent to provide theoretical evidences for the protection of urban wetlands. (3)Strengthen the eco-environmental monitoring of wetlands and put emphasis on factors restraining the wetlands protection. By paying further attention to RS and GIS, eco-environmental elements like water quality, algae and microflora can receive regular monitoring and the wetland information database will be established in order to duly gain dynamic changes of wetlands. And the simultaneous applications of various models will help plan and manage urban wetlands. Additionally, the law on the protection of wetlands is powerful support. In the future, all levels of laws from the nation to the place should be established to supervise and maintain the eco-environment of wetlands and protect the sustainable development of urban wetlands resources.   !"* !'&  This research was financially supported by the University Science and Technology Project of Shandong Province (J16LD05); Doctor Fund of Shandong Jianzhu University (No. XNBS1824, XNBS1507 and XNBS1411); Key Research Project of Shandong Province (2016GSF117035); National science foundation of Shandong Province (ZR2019MEE104). The authors thank Tim A. Sheedy for revising the English in the manuscript.. China is in the golden period of the development of urbanization, and the wetlands protection in Chinese cities become extremely complex and special for being excessively interfered by human factors. How to protect the urban wetlands on the basis of steady urban development is one of the most urgent problems to be solved at present. Recently, the protection of urban wetlands has been significantly effective and the research mainly contains the following four items: (1)Regional imbalance still exists with the research method gradually increasing and the research field gradually expanding; (2)The level of technological innovation in China is lower than that of developed countries; (3)The qualitative research is more while the quantitative study of the models is relatively less; (4)The wetland research of ecological effects is more, but the mechanism work is less. The research of the protection on urban wetlands is suggested to focus on how to realize the wetlands resources’ s sustainable utilization and there are some specific improved strategies:. %%!&  [1] RCS (Ramsar Convention Secretariat) (2006) The Ramsar Convention manual: a guide to the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971). 4th edition. Ramsar Convention Secretariat, Gland, Switzerland.. 4411.

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(390)    . . !"  ! . . %4248C43 224=A43.      . "%%&#"!!('"%  ,B0;FB0;&70< School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, 250101 Jinan, Shandong Province – P.R. of China  e-mail: shaoyuanyuan@sdjzu.edu.cn. 4413.

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