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Başlık: PARAMPHISTOMUM tCHtKAWAt FL"KUt, 1922 (TREMATODA: PARAMPHtSTOMtDAE) tN SHEEP tN TURKEYYazar(lar):COŞKUN, Z. ŞevkiCilt: 35 Sayı: 1 DOI: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000001126 Yayın Tarihi: 1988 PDF


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A. LJ. Vet. Fak. Derg.

35 (11: IIS-123. 1988


Şevki Z. Coşkun'"

Türkiye'de koyunlarda Paramphi~tomum ichikawai Fukui, ı922 (Trernatoda: Paramphis-tomidae) bulgusu.

Özet: Bugüne kadar Türkiye'de ruminantlarda sadece

Parall1phis-tomum eer!'i Zeder, 1790 ve Calicophoron daubneyi Dinnik, 1962

tür-lerinin .varliğı kesinlik kazanmıştır. Bu çalişmada ilk kez koyunlarda

Paramphistomum ichikawai Fukui, i922 tespit edilmiştir. Parazitin

detaylı bir tarifi yapl!mış olup, teşhiste kullanılan en belirgin özel-likler fotoğraflarta gösterilmiştir.

Summary: Only the species Paramphistoll1ull1 cervi Zeder, 1790 and Calieop!ıoron daubneyi Dinnik, 1962 have becom e definite until today in ruminaııts in Turkey. Paramphistomum ichikaıF.ıi Fukui, 1922 was found for the first time in sheep in this study. A detailed deseription was given and the most distinet eharaeteristies lIsed in identificatiol1 were illustrated.


Limited knowledge is present on the amphistomum species of ruminants in Turkey. The foııowing species were fo und in ruminants in previous studies; Paramphist,omum cervi Zeder, 1790 (I, 5-7,9-11, 13), Paramphistomum epiclitum Fischoeder, 1904 (6), Paramp-histomum leydeni Nasmark, 1937 (Eduardo, 1980) (5), Paramphis-tomum (CııJicophoron) daubneyi Dinnik, 1962 (7), Paramphistomum (Calicophoron.) microbothrium Fischoeder, 1901 (6) and Paramp-histomum (Calicophoron) clavula Nasmark, 1937 (6). The diagnosis of the specimens were largely based on the results taken from some



re search centers abroad. However, there was no a consensus on the identification of the species between the centers. Nevcrtheless, only the specics Paramphistomum cervi and Calicophoron daubneyi were confirmed by the present author (2) in an investigation carried out in Ankara slaughter house. Further studies were necessary to reveal the amphistomid speeies fo und in ruminants in that country.

On the other hand, the biology of P. eervi w.d been studkd ex-perimentally by Burgu (I) in sheep in Eskişehir Çifteler State Farm. The fresh water snail, Planorbis pı~.norbis, was found ,tS intel'mediate host of P. cervi in her investigation.

In later years, another Planorbid snail, Gyraulus laevis, was found to be naturally infeeted with the development stages of Paramp-histomes in the same region (8).

In this study, a collection obtained from sheep in that region was re-examined.

Material and Methods

The material used in this study was ensured from Dr. Burgu's (1) private eolleetion whieh obtained from sheep slaughtered in Çifteler State Farm Abattoir in (1979). The parasites had been fixed <ı.ndstored in 10


formaline and identified as P. cervi by an authority.

The samples were examined under stereo mieroseope and those having a larger and well developed genital opening than the others were separated for identificatioa. Median sagittal seetions 8-12 fL.m. in width were prepared, stained viith haematoxylin and eosin and mounted in permount. The seetions were examined in light mieroseope at 80x magnifieation. The diagnosis was b".sed on the deseriptions by Nasmark (12), Sey (14, 15), Eduardo (5) ,md Dinnik (4).


Two out of the parasites examined were Paramphistomum ie-hikawai Fukui,


922. This was the first record of its aeeurrenee in sheep in Turkey.

Deseription: Paramphistominae, Paramphistomıım. Body co-nical, 5,68-5,78 mm. long, i,95-2,40 mm. in greatest width.


120 ŞEVKt Z. COŞKU]\"

Aceta.bulum subterminal, externa\ diameter i, 26- i, 36 mm. in the dorso-vcntral direction; ratio to body length i /4,2 to i /4,6; of the pisum type (Sensu N asmgrk (I 2)) in median sa.gittal section (Fig. i); number of circuleı.r muscle un.its, d.e.c. i, i4- 15; d.e.c. 2, 8-9; d.i.c., 41-44; v.e.c., 16-18; v.i.c., 48-50; m.e.c., 10-1


Fig. ı.Pisum type of acetabulum.

Pharynx 0,66-0,72 mm. long, O, 46-0,48 mm. wide; ratio to body length i /8, 02 to i / 8, 60; of the Calicophoroıı type (Sensu Dinnik (4)) in median sagitteı.1section (Fig. 2).

Oesophagus 0,39 mm. long, nearIy straight; musculeı.ture of waJI of moderate thickncss, no bulb or posterior sphincter.

Testes shaIIowy lobed, tandem İn posterior two third of the body; anterior testis 0,80-0,91 mm. long, 1,10-1,30 mm. wide in the dorso-ventral direction.; posterior testis 0,74-0,78 mm. long, 1,06-i, i3 mm. wide in the dorso-ventral direction; pars prostatica 0,26-28 by 0,20-0,26 mm. in size.



Fig. 2. Calicopharun typc uf pharynx.

Ovary 0,32-0,4 i by 0,29-0,36 mm. in size. Vitel1aria confluent dorso-medially in its anterior limit.

Genital pore at a. level posterior to oesophage,ıj bifurcation; genital opening of the ichikawai type (Sensu Niismark (12)) in median sagittal sention (Fig. 3).

Discussİon and Conclusİon

Some of the species, such as P. epiclitum, P. (C.) microbothrium and P. (C.) clavula, found in rumİnants in Turkey were considered ('s misidentified (2). On the other hand, P. leydeni had aıready been accepted as a synonym of P. cervi by the present ,wthor in his earlier papers (2, 3).

P. ichikawai has several well-definable morphological features seen in median sa.gittal sections (structure of .the genital opening, number and arrangement of the d.e.c. 2 muscle units of acetab'Jlum). OH this ba.sis, it is easily disccrnible from the other Para:nphistomids.


122 ŞEVK1 Z. COŞKU='<

Fig. 3. Ichikawai ıype of geniıa! opening.

However, the incidene of P. ichikawai secms to be (',t a very low rate among the parasites in the coilection. For that reason, it is f~.irly hard to study the biology of this species in the region. But, it is expected that this subject will not st('.y ('.s ('.n cnigma for long time.

Further studies should be carried out especiC'.lIy in the different regİol1s of the country to reve".1 the whole amphistomid species found in ruminants.

Ackııow ledgemcnt

1he author wishes to experess his gratitudc to Associate Prof. Dr. A. Burgu, Vcterinary Faculty, Deı:artment of Parasitology, An-kc~nt, Turkey, for making available her collection for examination.


1. Burgu, A. (198ı). Studies on the biololrY o/ Paramphistomum cervi Schraıık, 1790 in slıeepiııthe district o/ Eskişelıir Çifteler State Farm. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 28 (1-4):



2. Coşkun, Ş.Z. O987). Ankara Mezbahas1llda kesilen ruıııinamlarda pa/"{/ıııplıisı(lminsis',

iıı ya)'lltşı re göriiIeli Ilirler. DO(;A Tr. Yei. ve Hay. D. (in press).

3, Coşkun, Ş.Z. :ınd Sencer, O. (1987). Scal11liııg eleurol/ lııicro.H'I'pic e.({lll/iIıUiolı of ıhe tegıımental surfııce of' two Parall1pltistoll1idspecies (Trematoda: Parall1plristomidae).

A.O. Yel. Fak. Dcrg. (in press).

4. Dinnik, J.A. (964). Paramphistoıııull1 sııkıımıım sp. 1101'. (lııd oıher sıoıııaclr-jlııkes

from caItil' iıı ıhe Sukumalaııd ııretl of ılıe Lake Region, Tangmıyika. Para~iı,)logy,

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6. Güralp, N. (981). "Helmilltoloji" Ankara Oni"er5İtesi Ba~lme\İ, Ankara.

7. Güralp, N. and Tınar, R. (984). Trematodiasis in T/irk~y: Coıııparatil'e efficaey o/ ıriclabeııda::ole and nicl%lııl/ agllİlısi nalll/"{/1in/ectiuııs of Fasciola heplltica al/d F. gigalltica in sheep. J. Helmint., 58: 113-1ı6.

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LO. Kurtpınar, H. (1957). Erzurum, Kars re Ağn vilayeıleri sığır, koyun ı'e kecilerinin yaz aylarıııa malısus paraziı/eri ve bun/arııı doğurduktan haftalık/ar. Türk vet. Hekim. Dem. Derg., 124-125: 3320-3325.

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Fig. ı. Pisum type of acetabulum.
Fig. 2. Calicopharun typc uf pharynx.
Fig. 3. Ichikawai ıype of geniıa! opening.


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