Protective and Therapeutic Effects of the Curcuma
xanthorrhiza and Curcuma domestica on
Hepatotoxins-Induced Liver Damage
為了確證及瞭解薑黃(Curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb.)與鬱金(Curcuma
domestica valetoon)的保肝作用,本研究以動物實驗模式,來探討此二種生
四氯化碳 carbon tetrachloriide (CCl4)以及(二)acetaminophen (Pcml,i.e.
paracetmol)分別以 32μl/kg 和 600mg/kg 的劑量,腹腔注射於 ICR 系雄性
小白鼠,而(三)β-D-galactosamine (GalN)則以 288mg/kg 的劑量,腹
腔注射投予 Wistar 系雄性大白鼠;
(四)慢性肝傷害的誘發是使用酒精 alcohol
細砲組織學上的損傷,諸如:脂肪變性(fatty degeneraation)、肝小葉中心壞
死(centrilobular necrosis)、淋巴細胞浸潤(lymphoocye infiltration )等項
由血清生化檢查值之統計分析發現,肝功能指標中的血清轉胺酵素 serum
glutamate oxalocetate transaminase (SGOT) 和 serum glutamate
pyruvate transaminase (SGPT)值可因薑黃或鬱金的投予而明顯下降,同時
評估,同時輿已被證實具有保肝作用的北柴胡(Bupleurum chinense De
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. (薑黃), a medicinal plant used in Indonesia, has been shown to exert diverse physiological function. However, many attentions have been paid to its effect on liver damage induced by hepatotoxins. Either the fresh tuber, or a decoction of the dried sliced tuber, is used to treat liver affections (jaundice, gall stones ), and promote the cholagogue action. Curcuma domestica Valetion (鬱金), the commercial turmeric, is cultivated every where in the East. In medicine, since there was a protective effect on the liver damage and a slimulation of bile secretion,
C. domestica has been advocated for use in liver disorders. The hepatoprotective effect of Circuma was investigated in four kinds of models (carhon tetrachloride, acetaminophen, β-D-galactosamine, ethanol). The animals were treated with Circuma (p.o.) after the hepatotoxins administration. Significantly protective effects were expressed. These protective effects were evideiced by compariig serum tranaaminases (SGOT and SGPT) levels, and histopathological examination in Curcuma-treated aid untreated animals, Serum enzyme activities were siglificantly lower in Curcuma-treated groups. In the histopathological ohservation, it waa found that the liver damages induced by the four kinds of hepatotoxins were markedly ameliorated in Circumatreated animals, These results demonstrate that C.
xanthorrhiza and C. domestica have a definitely hepatoprotective effect against the liver damages induced by various hepatotoxins. It is suggested that C. xanthorrhiza and C. domestica could be useful ii the treatment of liver injuries and has promised as broad spectrum hepatoprotective agents.