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A high-frequency based asymptotic solution for surface fields on a source-excited sphere with an impedance boundary condition


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A high

‐frequency based asymptotic solution

for surface fields on a source

‐excited sphere

with an impedance boundary condition

B. Alisan


and V. B. Ertürk


Received 27 January 2010; revised 4 June 2010; accepted 17 June 2010; published 5 October 2010.


A high

‐frequency asymptotic solution based on the Uniform Geometrical Theory of

Diffraction (UTD) is proposed for the surface fields excited by a magnetic source located

on the surface of a sphere with an impedance boundary condition. The assumed large

parameters, compared to the wavelength, are the radius of the sphere and the distance

between the source and observation points along the geodesic path, when both these points

are located on the surface of the sphere. Different from the UTD‐based solution for a

perfect electrically conducting sphere, some higher‐order terms and derivatives of Fock

type integrals are included as they may become important for certain surface impedance

values as well as for certain separations between the source and observation points. This

work is especially useful in the analysis of mutual coupling between conformal

slot/aperture antennas on a thin material coated or partially coated sphere.

Citation: Alisan, B., and V. B. Ertürk (2010), A high‐frequency based asymptotic solution for surface fields on a source‐excited sphere with an impedance boundary condition, Radio Sci., 45, RS5008, doi:10.1029/2010RS004367.

1. Introduction

[2] A significant number of military and commercial applications require slot/aperture type antennas that are conformal to the surface of a perfect electrically con-ducting (PEC) sphere coated or partially coated with a lossy thin dielectric/magnetic material [Tomasic et al., 2002; Sipus et al., 2008]. Thus, the electromagnetic com-patibility (EMC) and the electromagnetic interference (EMI) between these antennas become important, and their prediction requires an accurate, and if possible effi-cient, analysis of mutual coupling between the antennas and hence, surface fields excited by these antennas. How-ever, such an analysis becomes a challenging task when the radius of the sphere and the distance between the antennas along the geodesic path are large in terms of the wavelength. A possible remedy for this challenging task is to approximate the boundary conditions on afore-mentioned spherical surfaces by an impedance boundary condition [Penney et al., 1996; Rojas and Al‐hekail, 1989;

Senior and Volakis, 1995], and to perform the analysis using a high‐frequency based asymptotic solution that, in general, contain a Fock type integral representation [Fock, 1965].

[3] Several high‐frequency based asymptotic solutions for the radio wave propagation around the earth that model the earth by a spherical impedance surface have been presented [Fock, 1945, 1965; Wait, 1960, 1962, 1965, 1967; Spies and Wait, 1966, 1967; Hill and Wait, 1980, 1981; King and Wait, 1976], and attracted signifi-cant attention. Among them, Wait [1960] discusses the surface waves excited by a vertical dipole and their prop-agation on a sphere where the spherical surface exhibits an inductive reactance. In his solution, the electric field is expressed as the radiation field of the dipole if it were placed on the surface of a PEC plane multiplied by an attenuation factor (ground wave attenuation factor) that takes the curvature effects into account and possess a Fock type integral representation. Spies and Wait [1966] discuss the calculation of this ground wave attenuation factor at low frequencies. They use both residue series and power series based on the distance of the observation point from the source. In the work of Spies and Wait [1967], analytical and numerical procedures are described for the evaluation of some Fock type integral functions that appear in a method presented by Wait [1967] to compute the tangential magnetic field on the surface of a smooth inhomogeneous earth excited by a plane wave. 1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent

University, Ankara, Turkey.

2Aselsan Electronics Inc., Ankara, Turkey.

Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union. 0048‐6604/10/2010RS004367


Then, Hill and Wait [1980] generalize the computation of the ground wave attenuation function for a spherical earth with an arbitrary surface impedance, where ground waves are excited by a vertical electric dipole located at the sur-face of the earth. Their attenuation function is represented in terms of a Fock type integral, and is in general com-puted using a residue series approach. However, when the argument of the attenuation function is small (i.e., small curvature case), the attenuation function is computed preferably using either its power series representation given by Bremmer [1958] and Wait [1956, 1958], or its small curvature expansion [Wait, 1956; Bremmer, 1958] based on the complementary error function. More refer-ences on the subject of ground wave propagation, including the early work, can be found in the work of Wait [1998].

[4] However, the aforementioned solutions are in gen-eral valid far from the source location. Therefore, a dif-ferent high‐frequency based asymptotic analysis from that used traditionally in the ground wave propagation pro-blems is developed in this paper. Our solution is a uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) [Kouyoumjian and Pathak, 1974] based representation of the surface fields excited by a magnetic current located on the surface of a sphere that has a uniform surface impedance, Zswith a

positive real part. The radius of the sphere and the length of the geodesic path between the source and observation points, when both are located on the surface of the sphere, are assumed to be large compared to the wavelength. Unlike the UTD‐based solution for a PEC sphere devel-oped by Pathak and Wang [1978], some higher‐order terms and derivatives of Fock type integrals are included as they may become important for certain impedance

values. It is shown that when Zs → 0, our UTD‐based

solution recovers to that of PEC case developed by Pathak and Wang [1978] with higher‐order terms and derivatives of the corresponding Fock type integrals. Furthermore, the methodology developed by Pathak and Wang [1978] to correct the surface fields at the caustic of the PEC sphere is extended to the impedance sphere case. It should be noted that, together with the UTD‐based solu-tion for a circular cylinder with impedance boundary condition (IBC) [Tokgöz and Marhefka, 2006; Alisan et al., 2006], the solution presented in this paper may form a basis toward the development of UTD‐based asymptotic solutions valid for arbitrary smooth convex surfaces with an IBC that can model thin material coated/ partially material coated surfaces [Pathak and Wang, 1978, 1981].

[5] The organization of this paper is as follows: Section 2 presents the formulation of the UTD‐based solution for the surface fields on an impedance sphere excited by a magnetic current located on the surface of the sphere. In the course of obtaining the high‐frequency representations for the surface fields, first a method similar to that developed by Fock [1965] is followed to obtain the necessary potentials without any assumption or approximation, and then UTD‐based high‐frequency solution is obtained in a similar manner to that developed by Pathak and Wang [1978]. Caustic corrections, limiting situations (i.e., Zs→ 0) and numerical evaluation of Fock

type integrals are also provided in this section. Numerical results are presented in section 3, followed by a brief conclusion. An ejwt time convention is assumed and suppressed through out this paper, wherew = 2pf with f being the operating frequency.

2. Formulation

[6] A UTD‐based solution for the surface magnetic field excited by a tangential magnetic source located on the surface of an electrically large sphere with an IBC is presented in this section. Figure 1 illustrates the geometry of interest, where a sphere with a radius of a has a uni-form surface impedance Zs that has a nonnegative real

part. A magnetic source is defined as M = ^xpmd(r − r′)

and is located at the point (r′ = a, ′ = 0, ′ = 0) on the sphere. The tangential magnetic fields H(r) and H(r)

are calculated at the field point (r = a,, ) on the surface of the sphere. The distance between the source and field points along the geodesic path is denoted by s = a, which is also indicating the primary ray direction. 2.1. Derivation of the Surface Fields

[7] The starting point of the formulation is similar to that of Fock [1965], where a vector potential F0due to a

source M in the absence of the impedance sphere can be Figure 1. Geometry of a sphere with a radius a.


represented by an infinite sum of spherical wave func-tions of the form

F0¼^xkp4jm X1 n¼0 ð2n þ 1Þhð2Þ n ðkr0ÞjnðkrÞPnðcos Þ; jrj < jr0j ð1Þ where jn, hn (2)

and Pn are the usual spherical Bessel,

Hankel and Legendre functions [Abramowitz and Stegun, 1964], respectively. Defining a set of potentials,y0e^r and

y0m^r associated with M in the free space that satisfy

ðr2þ k2Þ 0e=r m 0=r


¼ 0; r 6¼ 0 ð2Þ

are related to F0via

sin @F@0¼ 1 jkY0D* e 0 r   ð3Þ cos  @ @ @F0 @b þ Fb0     ¼ D* 0m r   ð4Þ where the operator D* is defined by Fock [1965] as

D* ¼sin 1 @@ sin @@   þ 1 sin2 @2 @2; ð5Þ and source is initially assumed to be at r′ = (a + d1)^z = b^z

as illustrated in Figure 1. In (3), Y0= 1/Z0 is the free‐

space admittance. Substituting (1) into (3) and (4), and using the properties given by [Balanis, 1989]

^JnðkrÞ ¼ krjnðkrÞ ð6Þ


Hnð2ÞðkrÞ ¼ krhð2Þn ðkrÞ ð7Þ @

@Pnðcos Þ ¼ P1nðcos Þ ð8Þ y0e andy0mcan be expressed as

e 0¼ kp4jm   jY0sin  kb   X1 n¼1 2n þ 1 nðn þ 1Þ  ^Hnð2ÞðkbÞ^JnðkrÞPn1ðcos Þ ð9Þ m 0 ¼ kp4jm    cos  kb   X1 n¼1 2n þ 1 nðn þ 1Þ  ^Hnð2Þ0ðkbÞ^JnðkrÞP1nðcos Þ ð10Þ

where ′ denotes the derivative with respect to the argu-ment. The scattered fields due to the presence of the impedance sphere are in similar form to those of incident fields (i.e., in the form of an infinite sum of spherical wave functions) except some complex coefficients to be found from the appropriate boundary conditions. Thus, defining another set of potentials to account for the scattering from the impedance sphere, and superposing them with the free‐space potentials defined in (9) and (10), the total potentials are given by

e¼ kpm 4j   jY0sin  kb   X1 n¼1 2n þ 1 nðn þ 1Þ  ^Hnð2ÞðkbÞ ^JnðkrÞ þ C1nH^nð2ÞðkrÞ  Pn1ðcos Þ ð11Þ m¼ kpm 4j    cos  kb   X1 n¼1 2n þ 1 nðn þ 1Þ  ^Hnð2Þ0ðkbÞ ^JnðkrÞ þ C2nH^nð2ÞðkrÞ  P1nðcos Þ: ð12Þ In (11) and (12), C1nand C2nare complex coefficients to

be found by applying the impedance boundary condi-tions at r = a given by E H   ¼ Zs 0 0 Z1 s   H E   : ð13Þ

[8] Therefore, calculating Eand H fromyeand ym using [Harrington, 1961] E¼ 1 r @ m @ þ 1 jkY0r sin  @2 e @r@ ð14Þ H¼ 1 r sin  @ e @ þ 1jkZ0r @2 m @r@ ; ð15Þ

and substituting the results into (13), the complex coef-ficients C1nand C2nare obtained as

C1n ¼  ^JnðkaÞ þ jL 1^J n0ðkaÞ ^ Hnð2ÞðkaÞ þ jL1H^ð2Þ 0 n ðkaÞ ð16Þ C2n¼  ^JnðkaÞ þ jL^Jn 0ðkaÞ ^ Hnð2ÞðkaÞ þ jL ^Hð2Þ 0 n ðkaÞ ð17Þ where L is the normalized surface impedance and defined as Zs/Z0.


[9] Finally, substituting (16) and (17) into (11) and (12), the exact expressions foryeandymcan be found as

e¼ kpm 4j   jY0sin  kb   X1 n¼1 2n þ 1 nðn þ 1Þ  ^Hnð2ÞðkbÞ ~AnðkrÞPn1ðcos Þ ð18Þ m¼ kpm 4j    cos  kb   X1 n¼1 2n þ 1 nðn þ 1Þ  ^Hnð2Þ0ðkbÞ ~BnðkrÞP1nðcos Þ ð19Þ where ~ AnðkrÞ ¼ ^JnðkrÞ  ^JnðkaÞ þ jL 1^J n0ðkaÞ ^ Hnð2ÞðkaÞ þ jL1H^ð2Þ 0 n ðkaÞ ^ Hnð2ÞðkrÞ ð20Þ ~ BnðkrÞ ¼ ^JnðkrÞ  ^JnðkaÞ þ jL^Jn 0ðkaÞ ^ Hnð2ÞðkaÞ þ jL ^Hð2Þ 0 n ðkaÞ ^ Hnð2ÞðkrÞ: ð21Þ [10] At this stage, one can find the exact expression for the field components from the potentials yeandymthat involve infinite summations, and then find the high‐ frequency based asymptotic expressions for these field components. However, in this paper we prefer to use an alternative method developed by Pathak and Wang [1978]

for PEC cylinder and sphere. Briefly, it is a two‐step procedure where the leading term [O(1/ks)] of the high‐ frequency based expressions for the potentials (yeandym in this study) are first developed, and the fields are then obtained by taking the necessary derivatives. However, unlike Pathak and Wang [1978] some higher‐order terms and derivatives of Fock type integrals are retained as they may be important for some Zsvalues for some separations

between the source and observation points. Note that recently a similar procedure has been followed by Tokgöz and Marhefka [2006] to find the UTD‐based solution for the surface fields on an impedance cylinder.

[11] The first step of the high‐frequency development of the surface fields on an impedance sphere is to apply Watson’s transformation [Watson, 1918] to convert the very slowly convergent infinite summations in (18) and (19) to a contour integral Cn±, as shown in Figure 2. Thus, the new expression for the potentials are given by

e m   ¼ kpm 4j 1 kb jY0sin   cos    1 2j I CþþC  dð þ 1Þ2 þ 1 ð1ÞsinðÞ  ^Hð2ÞðkbÞ ~ AðkrÞ ~ BðkrÞ ( ) P1ðcos Þ: ð22Þ

[12] Then, as suggested by Pathak and Wang [1978], using the relation [Abramowitz and Stegun, 1964]

ð1ÞP1ðcos Þ ¼ ð þ 1ÞP1 ð cos Þ ð23Þ Figure 2. Contour of integration in the complexn plane. Cn= Cn++ Cn−is the original contour and


and then replacingn by −n − 1 in the integration over Cn+,

the potentials are obtained as e m   ¼ kpm 4j 1 kb jY0sin   cos    1 2j Z 1j 1j  dsinðÞ ð2 þ 1Þ  ^Hð2ÞðkbÞ ~ AðkrÞ ~ BðkrÞ ( ) P1ð cos Þ: ð24Þ [13] As the next step, the potentials ye and ym are evaluated at r = r′ = a, and the integration variable is changed from n to m via m = n + 1/2. Then, the substi-tution originally suggested by [Fock, 1945]

 ¼ ka þ m ; m ¼ ka2


ð25Þ is made, and the series expansion ofsin½ð1=2Þ1 given by


sin½ð  1=2Þ¼ 2jejð1=2Þ X1


ejð1=2Þð2‘Þ ð26Þ is employed where only the‘ = 0 term is retained since ‘ ≠ 0 terms correspond to multiple encirclements around the sphere and are negligible for large ka. Finally, replacing the cylindrical Hankel and Bessel functions (i.e., ^Jm−1/2(ka), ^Hm−1/2(2) (ka)) along with their derivatives by

Fock type Airy functions and their derivatives (provided in Appendix A for the sake of completeness), and approx-imating the Legendre polynomial Pm−1/2−1 (−cos ) by [Abramowitz and Stegun, 1964]

P1=21 ð cos Þ   3=2 2j ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2  sin  r ej=4ej  eh j jejð2Þi ð27Þ yecan be obtained as e kpm 4j   jY0sin  ka   ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2  sin  r ej=4jm Z 1 1d 1=2  1 RwðÞ þ jmL   ej jejð2Þ h i ð28Þ where RwðÞ ¼W2 0ðÞ W2ðÞ: ð29Þ

[14] Note that ye can be written asy+e and y−e where

y+ e

is associated with e−jm term; and y−e is associated

with e−jm(2p−)term [Pathak and Wang, 1978]. Then, using the definitions made by [Pathak and Wang, 1978]:

¼ m¼ m  2     ð30Þ s¼ a 2     ð31Þ and making use of the following approximation for large ka Z d1=2 mffiffiffiffiffi ka p Z d; ð32Þ

the final form ofyeis written in the form ofy±eas

e   jpm k Vzð Þ sin DGðksÞ ð33Þ where GðksÞ ¼ k 2Y 0 2j ejks ks ð34Þ D¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  sin  r ð35Þ VzðÞ ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi j 4 r Z 1 1 1 Rw qee j d ð36Þ

with qe =−jmL. Notice that (33)–(36) are exactly in the

same form as that of the PEC case except the integrand of (36). Also note that in (33)–(36), (+) corresponds to the field propagation along the geodesic ray path corresponding to s+= a+whereas (−) corresponds to the field propagation along the same geodesic ray path but in a direction oppo-site to s+corresponding to s−= a−= a(2p − +).

[15] Because the tangential magnetic field components Hand Hcontain the derivative ofymwith respect to r, as seen in (15) and H¼  1 r @ e @ þ 1 jkZ0r sin  @2 m @r@ ð37Þ

the Fock substitution is employed as

 ¼ ka þ m ¼ kðr  d2Þ þ m ¼ kr þ m   m 1kd2

¼ kr þ mð  y2Þ; ð38Þ

and the evaluation at r = a (i.e., d2 = 0) is performed


performing the same definitions and approximation as done foryecase,ymis written as

m  pme j=4 4kmY0 cos D  GðksÞ ffiffiffiffiffi   r Z 1 1de j  W20ðÞ mW2ðÞ þ jLW20ðÞ  W1ð  y2Þ  mW½ 2ðÞ þ jLW20ðÞ þ W2ð  y2Þ  mW½ 1ðÞ  jLW10ðÞ  ; ð39Þ

before the derivatives are performed and then, as explained in Appendix B, the tangential magnetic field components Hand Hare found from (15) and (37) as

H¼ pmcos  j ks 1  2j ks   UzðÞ   þ D2 j ksVzð Þ DGðksÞ  GðksÞ 1 4m5 @ @ DUzðÞ  ð40Þ ¼ pmcos  j ks   ~ UzðÞ  D 2 2 j ks  2 "  cos UzðÞ þ D2 j ksVzð Þ # DGðksÞ ð41Þ H¼ pmsin  1  j ks   VzðÞ þ j2D2Uzð Þ ðksÞ2 " # (  DGðksÞ þ GðksÞ j 2m3 @ @ DVzðÞ ) ð42Þ ¼ pmsin  ~VzðÞ  D 2 2 j kscos Vzð Þ " þ D2 j ks  2 UzðÞ # DGðksÞ ð43Þ

where Vzand Uzare the Fock type integrals given by

VzðÞ ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi j 4 r Z 1 1 1 Rw qee j d ð44Þ UzðÞ ¼ ej3=43=2p1ffiffiffi Z 1 1de j Rwqm ðRw qmÞ ; ð45Þ

~Vzand Ũzinclude the derivatives of Vzand Uz, and are

given by ~VzðÞ ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi j 4 r Z 1 1de j 1 ðRw qeÞ 1 þ  2m2  ð46Þ ~ UzðÞ ¼ ej3=43=2p1ffiffiffi Z 1 1de j  Rwqm ðRw qmÞ 1 þ  2m2  ð47Þ in which qm=−jmL−1, and qe=−jmL (as given before).

Details of obtaining (41) from (40) and (43) from (42) are also given in Appendix B.

[16] Note that in all practical applications two rays (corresponding to ‘ = 0 in (26)) traveling in opposite directions around the impedance sphere yield enough accuracy for relatively large spheres. Also note that the Fock type integrals and the surface field expressions are in similar form to those provided for impedance cylinder by Tokgöz and Marhefka [2006]. Thus, together they can form a basis toward the development of UTD‐based solutions for arbitrary smooth convex surfaces with an IBC.

2.2. Caustic Corrections

[17] When the field point on the spherical surface is at  = p, it forms a caustic for the surface fields and the tangential magnetic field expressions developed in section 2.1 are not valid due to the D±expression (when  → p, D → ∞). Therefore, the caustic correction methodology followed in this paper is similar to that performed for PEC sphere problem by Pathak and Wang [1978]. Briefly, in (40)–(43) the expressions have either DG(ks) or D3G(ks) type combinations, and are replaced by the following approximate expressions provided by Pathak and Wang [1978]:

DþGðksþÞ þ DGðksÞ  k2Y0 2j m3=2ej2m 3 J0ð2m3ð  ÞÞ h i 2ej=4 ksþ ð48Þ ½Dþ3 GðksþÞ þ ½D3GðksÞ  k2Y0 2j 22m9=2ej2m 3J1ð2m3ð  ÞÞ 2m3ð  Þ   2ej3=4 ksþ ð49Þ where J0and J1 are Bessel functions.


2.3. Reduction of UTD‐Based Solution to the Limiting Case of a PEC Sphere

[18] When Zs→ 0, lim Zs!0 1 ðRw qeÞ¼ limZs!0 1 W20ðÞ W2ðÞþ jm Zs Z0 ¼ W2ðÞ W20ðÞ ð50Þ lim Zs!0 Rwqm ðRw qmÞ¼ limZs!0 W20ðÞ W2ðÞjm Z0 Zs W20ðÞ W2ðÞþ jm Z0 Zs ¼ W20ðÞ W2ðÞ: ð51Þ Therefore, the Fock type integrals given by (44) and (45) reduce to lim Zs!0Vz ¼ V ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffi j 4 r Z 1 1de jW2ðÞ W20ðÞ ð52Þ lim Zs!0Uz ¼ U ¼ ej3=43=2 1ffiffiffi  p Z 1 1de jW20ðÞ W2ðÞ: ð53Þ which are the Fock type functions given by Pathak and Wang [1978] for the PEC sphere problem. Thus, the final expressions of H and Hgiven by (40)–(43) can be obtained in the limit as Zs→ 0 as

H¼ pmcos  j ks 1  2j ks   U ðÞ   þ D2 j ksV ð Þ DGðksÞ  GðksÞ 1 4m5 @ @½DU ðÞ  ð54Þ H¼ pmsin  1  j ks   V ðÞ þ j2D2U ð Þ ðksÞ2 " # (  D GðksÞ þ GðksÞ j2m3 @@ ½DV ðÞ ) : ð55Þ When (54) and (55) are compared with the UTD‐based solution for a PEC sphere developed by Pathak and Wang [1978], the third terms in both (54) and (55) (i.e., the terms that contain the derivative with respect to) are extra, and include some higher‐order terms and deriva-tives of the Fock type integrals, U and V. These extra terms were neglected by Pathak and Wang [1978].

2.4. Computation of Fock Type Integrals

[19] Computation of the Fock type integrals are per-formed in two ways and the same accuracy is obtained in both cases. The first approach is to invoke Cauchy’s residue theorem. Briefly, the pole singularities of the integrands are found, and the values of the integrals are obtained by summing the residues corresponding to these poles. Details of this approach for impedance sphere are explained by Spies and Wait [1966]. The second approach is to perform a numerical integration, and based on deforming the integration contour on which the integrands of Fock type integrals are non oscillatory and fast decay-ing. Briefly, these integrals are split into three integrals ranging from (−∞, 0), (0, tbig) and (tbig,∞), where tbigis

chosen approximately 1.5ka (or 2ka) to ensure all pole singularities including a low‐attenuation Elliott mode [Logan and Yee, 1962; Hill and Wait, 1980; Felsen and Naishadham, 1991] are captured. Then, the integration variablet is changed to tej2p/3for the first integral and to (t − tbig)ejp/3 for the third integral, causing the Airy

function and its derivative to be non oscillatory and fast decaying (an exponential decay is achieved). Only the second integral remains oscillatory but its integration interval is relatively short. Thus, its numerical compu-tation does not impose a difficulty though most of the CPU time is consumed during its computation. Finally, a simple Gaussian quadrature algorithm is used for the integration along this deformed contour. This approach is successfully implemented to a circular cylinder with an IBC, and accurate results are obtained [Alisan et al., 2006]. However, this approach is preferred when it is not easy to locate the poles of the integrand like in the impedance cylinder, coated cylinder, coated sphere cases. The first approach is more efficient for an impedance sphere.

3. Numerical Results

[20] In this section, several numerical results for the surface magnetic field on an electrically large sphere with an impedance boundary condition are given to illustrate the validity and the accuracy of our proposed solution.

[21] The first set of numerical results aims to verify the validity of our solution. Therefore, tangential magnetic field components, H and H, are computed for the

geodesic path length varying from 0.1l to 31.3l at f = 7GHz for a fixed azimuthal angle ( = 45°) on spheres with a radius 5l having different surface impedances. Surface impedances are chosen to be in the form of Zs=

a + jb or Zs=a − jb where b > 0. Computed results and

tangential magnetic field components on a PEC sphere (that has the same radius) are plotted in Figure 3. It is seen by comparing the obtained surface field components with those of a PEC sphere for the limiting Zsvalue that


when Zs→ 0, impedance sphere results become the PEC

sphere results.

[22] The second set of numerical results aims to check (1) the accuracy of the proposed UTD‐based solution, and (2) effects of the included higher‐order terms and the derivatives of the Fock type integrals. Therefore, the UTD solutions with and without these terms are com-pared with the eigenfunction solution, in which the fields are obtained without applying high‐frequency techniques and involve infinite summations. Note that the infinite summations in the eigenfunction solution may exhibit convergence problems when both the source and obser-vation points are on the surface of the impedance sphere (same is also true for PEC spheres) and the separation, s, between them is electrically large. Therefore, although accurate eigenfunction results are obtained for the H

component, these summations do not converge for the H component. Because of this reason, the numerical results

regarding the Hcomponent only compares the two UTD solutions, namely, the one that includes the higher‐order terms and the derivatives of the Fock type integrals and the one that does not include them.

[23] Figure 4 shows the H component of the eigen-function solution and the UTD‐based solutions (with and without the higher‐order and derivative terms) for the geodesic path length, s, varying from 0.1l to 2l at f = 10GHz for a fixed = 90° on a sphere with a = 3l and L = 0.75 or L = 0.75ejp/8. It is observed that more accurate

results are obtained when the higher‐order and derivative terms are included. The accuracy in the magnitude im-proves for about a couple of dB almost everywhere. It should be mentioned that the higher‐order terms in high‐ frequency solutions usually improve the results for small separations. However, we realized that contributions coming from some of the derivative terms are compa-rable with the first‐order terms. Hence, the accuracy Figure 4. Comparison of the magnitude (in dB) of the Hcomponent versus separation, s,

obtained by the eigenfunction solution, the UTD solution with and without the higher‐order and deriv-ative terms (referred to as HOT) for an impedance sphere with a = 3l,  = 90° and L = 0.75 or L = 0.75ejp/8at f = 10GHz.

Figure 3. Comparison of the magnitude (in dB) of the Hand Hversus separation, s, obtained by the impedance


improves for relatively large s values (see the magnified region where 0.5l ≤ s ≤ 1.2l) as well. Figure 5 shows a similar comparison without the eigenfunction solution for the Hcomponent. The sphere parameters are kept the same except is set to 0°. Similar to the Hcomponent,

2–3 dB difference in magnitude is visible for almost all s values when the higher‐order and derivative terms are included.

[24] Finally, in Figure 6, magnitude and phase of H and Hcomponents of the UTD‐based solutions with and

without higher‐order and derivative terms are plotted, and compared with the eigenfunction solution only for Hfor a fixed s = 1.1l at f = 10GHz for azimuthal angle varying from = 0° to  = 180° on a sphere with a = 3l and L = 1.1e−jp/8. Similar to the previous results UTD‐ based solution with the higher‐order and derivative terms yields a better agreement both in magnitude and phase with the eigenfunction solution from those without these terms. The improvement in the magnitude is in the order of 2–5 dB, and the improvement in the phase ranges

between 2–3° to 8–10°. The amount of improvement may vary depending on Zs, a, values. However, usually

the variation is small.

4. Conclusion

[25] A UTD‐based high‐frequency asymptotic solution for the surface magnetic field excited by a tangential magnetic source located on the surface of an electrically large sphere with an IBC is presented. The solution con-tains some higher‐order terms and derivatives of Fock type integrals which may become important for some surface impedance values at some regions of the sphere. Accuracy of the proposed solution is assessed by com-paring the obtained surface field components with those of a PEC sphere for the limiting Zs value, as well as

with the results obtained using an eigenfunction solution. Therefore, the proposed solution is useful in the anal-ysis of mutual coupling between conformal slot/aperture antennas on a thin material coated or partially coated Figure 5. Comparison of the magnitude (in dB) of the Hcomponent versus separation, s, obtained

by the UTD solution with and without the higher‐order and derivative terms (referred to as HOT) for an impedance sphere with a = 3l,  = 0° and L = 0.75 or L = 0.75ejp/8at f = 10GHz.


sphere. Furthermore, it acts as a canonical problem use-ful toward the development of asymptotic solutions valid for arbitrary smooth convex thin material coated/partially material coated surfaces.

Appendix A: Approximation of Cylindrical

Functions by Fock Type Airy Functions

[26] The cylindrical functions ^Jm−1/2, ^Hm−1/2(2) and their derivatives can be approximated by the Fock type Airy functions as follows: ^J1=2ðkaÞ  ffiffiffiffi m p 2j ½W1ðÞ  W2ðÞ ðA1Þ ^J1=20 ðkaÞ  2j1ffiffiffiffi m p W½ 10ðÞ  W20ðÞ ðA2Þ ^ H1=2ð2Þ ðkaÞ  jpffiffiffiffimW2ðÞ ðA3Þ ^ H1=2ð2Þ0 ðkaÞ  1 jp Wffiffiffiffim 2 0ðÞ ðA4Þ where [Fock, 1965] W1ðÞ ¼p1ffiffiffi Z 1 1ej2=3e tt3=3 dt ðA5Þ W2ðÞ ¼p1ffiffiffi Z 1 1ej2=3e tt3=3 dt: ðA6Þ

Appendix B: Obtaining Field Expressions

From Potentials

[27] Recall that the high‐frequency based expressions for the potentials, yeand ym, are provided in (33) and (39), respectively, as e   jpm k Vzð Þ sin D GðksÞ ðB1Þ Figure 6. Comparison of the magnitude (in dB) and phase (in degrees) of the Hand H

compo-nents versus azimuthal angle, , obtained by the eigenfunction solution (only for H), the UTD solution with and without the higher‐order and derivative terms (referred to as HOT) for an imped-ance sphere with a = 3l, s = 1.1l, L = 1.1e−jp/8at f = 10GHz.


m  pme j=4 4kmY0 cos D GðksÞ ffiffiffiffiffi   r Z 1 1  dej W20ðÞ mW2ðÞ þ jLW20ðÞ  Wf 1ð  y2Þ mW½ 2ðÞ þ jLW20ðÞ þ W2ð  y2Þ mW½ 1ðÞ  jLW10ðÞg ðB2Þ where G (ks±), D±, and Vz (x±) are given in (34)–(36).

Then, the derivative ofymwith respect to r is evaluated as follows (± is dropped for convenience):

@ @r m    r¼a ¼pmej=4 4kmY0 cos DGðksÞ ffiffiffi   r k m   Z 1 1  dej W20ðÞ mW2ðÞ þ jLW20ðÞ  Wf 10ðÞ mW½ 2ðÞ þ jLW20ðÞ þ W20ðÞ mW½ 1ðÞ  jLW10ðÞg ¼pmej=4 2m2Y0 cos DGðksÞ ffiffiffi   r Z 1 1  dej jmW20ðÞ mW2ðÞ þ jLW20ðÞ ¼ jpm 2m2Y0cos DGðksÞej3=4 3=2 ffiffiffi  p Z 1 1  dej RwðÞqm RwðÞ  qm ¼ jpm 2m2Y0Uz cos DGðksÞ ðB3Þ where UzðÞ ¼ ej3=43=2p1ffiffiffi Z 1 1de j Rwqm ðRw qmÞ ðB4Þ in which qm=−jmL−1. On the other hand, the derivative

of G(ks) with respect to  is given by @ @GðksÞ ¼ k2Y0 2j @ @ ejks ks ¼ k 2Y 0 2j a @ @s ejks ks ¼ ka j  1 ks   k2Y0 2j ejks ks ¼ 2m3 j  1 ks   GðksÞ ðB5Þ

and using (15) and (37), the final expressions for tan-gential magnetic field components, Hand H, are found

as H¼ 1 a sin  @ @ jpm k VzðÞ sin DGðksÞ   þ 1 jkZ0a @ @ jpm 2m2Y0UzðÞ cos DGðksÞ   ¼ jpm ka sin VzðÞ cos DGðksÞ  pmcos  2kam2  1 DUzðÞ@GðksÞ@  þ DUzðÞGðksÞ  @ @ 1    þ GðksÞ1  @ @½DUzðÞ  ¼ pmcos  j ksVzðÞD 3GðksÞ pmcos  2kam2  DGðksÞUzðÞ2m 3  j  1 ks    þ DGðksÞUzðÞ 1  þ GðksÞ 1  @ @½DUzðÞ  ¼ pmcos  j ksVzðÞD 2þ U zðÞ j ks 1  2j ks       DGðksÞ  GðksÞ4m15@@ ½DUzðÞ  ðB6Þ H¼  1 a @ @ jpm k VzðÞ sin DGðksÞ   þ 1 jkZ0a sin  @ @  jpm 2m2Y0UzðÞ  cos DGðksÞ  ¼  jpm ka sin  VzðÞD @GðksÞ @ þ GðksÞ @ @½DVzðÞ   þ pmsin  2ka sin m2GðksÞ 1 DUz ¼ pmsin  1  j ks   VzðÞ þ j2D2Uz ðÞ ðksÞ2 " # DGðksÞ ( þ GðksÞ2mj3 @@ ½DVzðÞ ) : ðB7Þ

[28] Making the use of (B6) together with the follow-ing expressions @ @D ¼m 3 ksDð1  D 2cos Þ; ðB8Þ


@ @UzðÞ ¼3m2UzðÞ þ ej3=43=2p1ffiffiffi Z 1 1  dðjmÞej Rwqm ðRw qmÞ ; ðB9Þ ~ UzðÞ ¼ ej3=43=2p1ffiffiffi Z 1 1de j Rwqm ðRw qmÞ 1 þ  2m2  ; ðB10Þ Hcan be written as H¼ pmcos  j ksVzðÞD 2þ U zðÞ j ks 1  2j ks       DGðksÞ  GðksÞDUzðÞ ð1  D 2cos Þ 4m2ks þ 3 8m42    GðksÞD 4m5 ej3=43=2 1ffiffiffi  p Z 1 1  dðjmÞej Rwqm ðRw qmÞ  ¼ pmcos  j ksVzðÞD 2þ U zðÞ j ks 1  2j ks    þ UzðÞ D 2cos  2ðksÞ2  2ðksÞ2 ! þ j kse j3=43=2 1ffiffiffi  p Z 1 1  d2m2ejðRRwqm w qmÞ  DGðksÞ ¼ pmcos  j ks   ~ UzðÞ D 2 2 ksj  2 "  cos UzðÞ þ D2 j ksVzðÞ # DGðksÞ: ðB11Þ

[29] Similarly, using (B7), (B8) together with the fol-lowing expressions @ @VzðÞ ¼m 3 ksVzðÞ þ ffiffiffiffiffiffi j 4 r Z 1 1 1 Rw qee jðjmÞd ðB12Þ ~VzðÞ ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffi j 4 r Z 1 1de j 1 ðRw qeÞ 1 þ  2m2  ðB13Þ Hcan be written as H¼ pmsin  1  j ks   VzðÞ þ j2D2UzðÞ ðksÞ2 " # DGðksÞ ( þ GðksÞDVzðÞ2mj3 m 3 ksð1  D 2cos Þ þm3 ks   þ jGðksÞD 2m3 ffiffiffiffiffiffi j 4 r Z 1 1de j 1 ðRw qeÞ 1 þ  2m2  ) ¼ pmsin  1  j ks   VzðÞ þ j2D2UzðÞ ðksÞ2 " þ VzðÞ 2ksj ð1  D2cos Þ  þ j 2ks  þ ffiffiffiffiffiffi j 4 r Z 1 1 1 Rw qee j  2m2d # DGðksÞ ¼ pmsin  ~VzðÞ D 2 2 ksj cos VzðÞ þ D 2 j ks  2 UzðÞ " #  DGðksÞ: ðB14Þ


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B. Alisan and V. B. Ertürk, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, TR‐06800 Ankara, Turkey. (alisan@ee.bilkent.edu.tr; vakur@ee.bilkent.edu.tr)


Figure 3. Comparison of the magnitude (in dB) of the H  and H  versus separation, s, obtained by the impedance sphere solution for various Z s values and the PEC sphere solution for a = 5 l,  = 45° at f = 7GHz.


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