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C om mun. Fac. Sci. U niv. A nk. Ser. A 1 M ath. Stat.

Volum e 68, N umb er 1, Pages 187–196 (2019) D O I: 10.31801/cfsuasm as.443703

ISSN 1303–5991 E-ISSN 2618-6470

http://com munications.science.ankara.edu.tr/index.php?series= A 1



Abstract. In the present paper, we introduce certain modi…cation of Szász- Mirakyan-Kantorovich-type operators in polynomial weighted spaces of con- tinuous functions of two variables. Then we research some approximation prop- erties of these operators. We give some inequalities for the operators by means of the weighted modulus of continuity and also obtain a Voronovskaya-type theorem. Furthermore, in the paper we show that our operators give bet- ter degree of approximation of functions belonging to weighted spaces than classical Szász-Mirakyan operators.

1. Introduction

In 1930, Kantorovich [7] introduced the following operators for f 2 L1[0; 1] and x 2 [0; 1]:

Kn(f ; x) := (n + 1) X1 k=0


k xk(1 x)n k



k n+1

f (s) ds, n 2 N: (1.1)

In many papers various modi…cations of operators Kn(f ) were introduced and many authors studied their approximation properties in di¤erent function spaces (see [4, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18]).

In papers [1, 2, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21] Szász-Mirakyan operators Sn(f ; x) := e nx

X1 k=0

(nx)k k! f k

n , x 2 R0= [0; 1) , (1.2)

Received by the editors: September 13, 2017, Accepted: November 20, 2017.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classi…cation. 41A25, 41A36.

Key words and phrases. Kantorovich-type operators, modulus of continuity, weighted spaces, Voronovskaya-type theorem.

This paper is supported by the Scienti…c Research Project Coordination Unit(BAP) in K¬r¬kkale University(Grant code: 2015/7).

c 2 0 1 8 A n ka ra U n ive rsity.

C o m m u n ic a tio n s Fa c u lty o f S c ie n c e s U n ive rs ity o f A n ka ra -S e rie s A 1 M a t h e m a tic s a n d S t a tis tic s . C o m m u n ic a tio n s d e la Fa c u lté d e s S c ie n c e s d e l’U n ive rs ité d ’A n ka ra -S é rie s A 1 M a t h e m a tic s a n d S t a tis t ic s .



were studied for f 2 Cp where Cp with …xed p 2 N0 := f0; 1; 2; :::g denotes the polynomial weighted space generated by the weight function

!0(x) := 1; !p(x) := (1 + xp) 1, p 1; (1.3) i.e. the space Cp is the set of all real-valued functions f continuous on R0for !pf is uniformly continuous and bounded on R0. The norm in Cp is also de…ned by

jjfjjp:= jjf (:)jjp:= sup


!p(x) jf (x)j : (1.4) The degree of approximation of f 2 Cp by the operators (1.2) were studied and it was proved that

nlim!1Sn(f ; x) = f (x) (1.5) for every f 2 Cp, p 2 N0and x 2 R0: Moreover, the convergence in (1.5) is uniform on every interval [x1; x2], x2> x1 0.

In [19] Szász-Mirakyan-Kantorovich operators were de…ned as

Tn(f ; x) := ne nx X1 k=0

n k

(nx)k k!



k n

f (t) dt (1.6)

for x 2 R0, p 2 N0 and f 2 L1[0; 1)(see also some modi…ed analogues of these operators [3, 6, 10, 15, 21]).

In 2003, Walczak [20] introduced modi…cation of the operators (1.2) with two variables. In the paper he considered the space Cp;q, associated with the weight function

!p;q(x; y) := !p(x)!q(y), p; q 1, (x; y) 2 R20= R0 R0, (1.7) and composed of all real-valued functions f continuous on R0, for wp;qf is uniformly continuous and bounded on R20. The norm on Cp;q is de…ned as

jjfjjp;q := jjf (:; :)jjp;q := sup


!p;q(x; y) jf (x; y)j . (1.8) Similarly, the modulus of continuity of f 2 Cp;qis de…ned as usual by the formula

! (f ; Cp;q; t; s) = !p;q(x; y) := sup

0 h t; 0 sjj h; f (:; :)jjp;q, 8t; s 0, (1.9) where h; f (x; y) := f (x + h; y + ) f (x; y) for (x + h; y + ) 2 R20. In addition Cp;q1 is the set of all functions f 2 Cp;q, which whose …rst partial derivatives belong also to Cp;q. From (1.9) it follows that


t;s!0+! (f ; Cp;q; t; s) = 0


for every f 2 Cp;q and p; q 2 N0. In [20] Walczak introduced a modi…ed Szász- Mirakyan operators on Cp;q for m, n, r, s 2 N, > 0 and (x; y) 2 R20

Am;n(f ; r; s; ; x; y) =g((m x+1)2;r)g((n y+1)1 2;s)

X1 j=0

X1 k=0

(m x+1)2j (j+r)!

(n y+1)2k

(k+s)! f m x+1j+r ;n y+1k+s ,



g (t; r) :=

X1 k=0


(k + r)!, t 2 R0 (1.11)


g (0; r) = 1

r!, g (t; r) = 1 tr



r 1



tj j!

1 A , t > 0:

If f 2 Cp;q and f (x; y) = f1(x) f2(y), then

Am;n(f ; r; s; ; x; y) = Am(f1; r; ; x) An(f2; s; ; y) (1.12) for all (x; y) 2 R20 and m, n; r; s 2 N.

Also he gave the theorems on the degree of approximation of functions from polynomial and exponential weighted spaces by the operators (1.10). In his work degree of these operators for approximation is similar but in some cases it is better than for aproximation in [19].

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a modi…ed Kantorovich-type of (1.10) with two variables and also study convergence properties of the operators for func- tions on Cp;q and Cp;q2 by using the methods in [6, 20, 21].

2. Auxiliary Results

In the sequel we shall need several lemmas, which are necessary to prove the main theorems. Firstly we will give the moments of the operators. For this purpose we introduce the following class of operators on Cp;q:

De…nition 1. Let m; n; r; s 2 N and p; q 2 N0 and (m ) ; (n ) be positive se- quences such that lim

m!1m = lim

n!1n = 1 for > 0. Then for f 2 Cp;q we de…ne the modi…ed Szász-Mirakyan-Kantorovich operators as

Am;n(f ; r; s; ; x; y) = Am;n(f ; x; y) := g((m x+1)2;r)g((n y+1)mn 2;s)

X1 j=0

X1 k=0

(m x+1)2j (j+r)!

(n y+1)2k (k+s)!


Rm j+r

m k+s+1

Rn k+s


f m x+1t ;n y+1u dtdu;


where (1.11) holds.


In this paper we use short notation

g (m x + 1)2; r g (n y + 1)2; s = gm;r(x) gn;s(y):

Also, we will denote by Mk, k = 1; 2; :::; the suitable positive constants depending only on the parameters p; q and r; s.

It is known that Am;nare positive linear operators acting from Cp;qto Cp;q a nd we have

Am;n(1; x; y) = 1 (2.2)

for p; q 2 R0, m; n; r; s 2 N, > 0 and (x; y) 2 R02.

Other moments of Am;n(tk; r; s; x; y) can be obtained easily for k = 1; 2. From (2.2) and (1.12) we get the following lemmas:

Lemma 1. Let m; n; r; s 2 N be …xed numbers. Then for all (x; y) 2 R20; f 2 Cp;q

and > 0 we have

Am;n((t x) ; r; s; :; :) = m1 +2m (m x+1)1 +m (m x+1)(r1 1)!gm;r(x); (2.3) Am;n (t x)2; r; s; :; : =m22 +(r 1)!gm;r(x)+3(r+1)+3(m x+1)2

6m2 (m x+1)2(r 1)!gm;r(x)

1 2m2 (m x+1)

(m x+1)3(r 1)! m2 (m x+1)2

m2 (m x+1)4(r 1)! +(m x+1)m2 (m x+1)2(r 1)!4 :


Lemma 2. Let m; n; r; s 2 N be …xed numbers. Then there exist s;j(r) = rj 1 and ;j(s) = sj 1 depending only j; r; s such that

Am;n tu+1+ z +1; x; y

= x+m1 u+1 8<



j=1 1

(m x+1)2(j 1) 'u;j+(m x+1)j 2 +(m x+1)2u;j(r(r)1)!gm;r(x)



+ y+n1 +1 8<

: X+1 j=1


(n y+1)2(j 1) ' ;j+(n y+1)j 2 +(n y+1)2(s 1)!g;j(s) n;s(y)


; (2.5) for all f 2 Cp;q; > 0; 1 j r; 1 j s and (x; y) 2 R20. Also u;1(:) ; ;1(:) and 'u;j; ' ;j; j are positive constants and the others are equal to one.

Lemma 3. Let p; q 2 N0 and m; n; r; s 2 N be …xed numbers. Then for given positive constants M2; M3 we have

Am;n 1

!p;q(t; z); r; s; :; :


M2; m; n 2 N (2.6) and for all f 2 Cp;q we obtain

jjAm;n(f ; r; s; :; :)jjp;q M3jjfjjp;q; m; n 2 N. (2.7)


Lemma 4. Let p; q 2 N0 and m; n; r; s 2 N be …xed numbers. Then for given positive constants M4; M5 we have


(t :)2

!p;q(t; z); r; s; :; :




m2 + M5

n2 ; m; n 2 N (2.8) for all f 2 Cp;q:

The methods used to prove the above Lemmas are similar to modi…ed Szász- Mirakyan operators for f in [14, 15, 20]. Thus their proofs are very obvious.

3. Approximation Behaviour of Operators

Our …rst main result is the following theorem for approximation behaviour of Am;n.

Theorem 1. Let f 2 Cp;q1 ; > 0 be with p; q 2 N0 and r; s 2 N. Then for a given positive constant M6 we have

jjAm;n(f ; :; :) f (:; :)jjp;q M6 1

m jjfx0jjp;q+ 1 n fy0

p;q ; m; n 2 N. (3.1) Proof. Let (x; y) 2 R02 be a …xed point. Then for f 2 Cp;q1 and (t; z) 2 R02, t x,

> 0 we get

f (t; z) f (x; y) = Zt


fu0 (u; z) du + Zz


fv0(x; v) dv. (3.2)

By linearity of Am;n, (3.2) we obtain

Am;n(f (t; z); x; y) f (x; y)) = Am;n

Rt x

fu0 (u; z) du; x; y +Am;n

Rz y

fv0(x; v) dv; x; y


From (1.4) and (1.5) we have Zt


fu0(u; z) du jjfx0jjp;q


!p;q(t; z)+ 1

!p;q(x; z) jt xj , (x; y) 2 R20. (3.3) By (3.3) it follows that

!p;q(x; y) jAm;nf (t; z); x; y) f (x; y)j jjfx0jjp;q!p;q(x; y)n

Am;n !jt xj

p;q(x;z); x; y + Am;n !jt xj

p;q(t;z); x; y o (3.4)


for m; n 2 N. Using the Hölder inequality, by Lemmas 1, 3, 4 and (2.2) we obtain

Am;n(jt xj ; x; y) n

Am;n (t x)2; x; y o12

fAm;n(1; x; y)g

1 2


m :

Applying for the last inequality by (1.9), we get

!p;q(x; y) Am;n jt xj

!p;q(t;z); x; y n

!p;q(x; y) Am;n (t x)2

!p;q(t;z); x; y o12


!p;q(x; y) Am;n 1

!p;q(t;z); x; y o12




for every (x; y) 2 R20implying

!p;q(x; y) Am;n

Rt x

fu0 (u; z) du; x; y Mm9jjfx0jjp;q, m; n 2 N. (3.6)

Analogously we have

wp;q(x; y) Am;n Rz y

fv0(x; v) dv; x; y



n fy0

p;q, m; n 2 N. (3.7) We combine (3.6) and (3.7) and derive from (3.3) that (3.1) is satis…ed.

Now, we compute the rate of convergence of Am;n by means of the weighted modulus of continuity given by (1.9).

Theorem 2. Let f 2 Cp;q1 and p; q 2 N0; r; s 2 N and > 0. Then there exists a positive constant M11 such that

jjAm;n(f ; r; s; :; :) f (:; :)jjp;q M11!1 f ; Cp;q; 1 m ; 1

n ; m; n 2 N. (3.8) Proof. Let fh; be the Steklov means of function f 2 Cp;q1 de…ned by the formula

fh; (x; y) := 1 h



du Z


f (x + u; y + v) dv; (x; y) 2 R20; h; > 0. (3.9)


From (3.9) we get


@xfh; (x; y) = (fh; )0x(x; y) = 1 h



h;0f (x + u; y) du,


@yfh; (x; y) = (fh; )0y(x; y) = 1 h



o; f (x; y + v) dv, which imply fh; (x; y) 2 Cp;q1 for every …xed h; > 0. Also we have

fh; f p;q ! (f ; Cp;q; h; ) ; (3.10) (fh; )0x p;q 2h 1! (f ; Cp;q; h; ) ; (3.11) (fh; )0y

p;q 2 1! (f ; Cp;q; h; ) : (3.12) Hence by the last inequalities we can write

!p;q(x; y) j(Am;n(f ; r; x; y) f (x; y))j

!p;q(x; y) fjAm;n(f (t; z)) fh; (t; z); x; y)j + jAm;n(fh; (t; z); x; y) fh; (x; y)j + jfh; (x; y) f (x; y)jg := L1+ L2+ L3

(3.13) for every m; n 2 N; h; > 0 and (x; y) 2 R02. For L1and L3; by using Lemma 3 and (3.10), we get

kL1kp;q M12kf fh; kp;q M12! (f ; Cp;q; h; ) , kL3kp;q ! (f ; Cp;q; h; ) .

Similarly, by Theorem 1 and (3.11),(3.12) we have kL2kp;q M13 m1 (fh; )0x p;q+n1 (fh; )0y


2M14! (f ; Cp;q; h; ) m h1 +n1 ; h; > 0; m; n 2 N:


Hence, from (3.14) for (3.13) it follows that

kAm;n(f ; r; s; ; :; :) f (:; :)kp;q M15 1 + 1 m h+ 1

n ! (f ; Cp;q; h; ) . Now, for …xed m; n 2 N, substitution of h = m1 and = n1 in the last in- equality, we obtain the desired result of (3.8). This completes the proof of Theorem 2.

The following corollories are immediate consequences of Theorem 1 and 2.


Corollary 1. For every …xed numbers r; s 2 N; p; q 2 N0 and f 2 Cp;q; we have

m;nlim!1jjAm;n(f ; r; s; :; :) f (:; :)jjp;q= 0. (3.15) Corollary 2. For every …xed numbers r; s 2 N; p; q 2 N0 and f 2 Cp;q1 ; we have

jjAm;n(f ; r; s; :; :) f (:; :)jjp;q= o 1 m ; 1

n (3.16)

as m; n ! 1.

Now we will prove the following Voronovskaya-type theorem.

Theorem 3. Let f 2 Cp;q2 be with given p; q 2 N0 and r; s 2 N. Then for every (x; y) 2 R20

nlim!1n fAn;n(f ; r; s; x; y) f (x; y)g = x

2fxx00 (x; y) +y

2fyy00 (x; y) . (3.17) Proof. Let (x; y) be a …xed point in R20. Then, by the Taylor formula we can write

f (t; z) = f ( x; y) + fx0 (x; y) (t x) + fy0(x; y) (z y) +12n

fxx00 (x; y) (t x)2 +2fxy00 (x; y) (t x) (z y) + fyy00 (x; y) (z y)2


+" (t; z; x; y) n

(t x)4+ (z y)4 o12

for f 2 Cp;q2 , (t; z) 2 R20 where " (:; :; x; y) " (:; :) 2 Cp;q1 is function such that lim


" (t; z; x; y) = 0:

Applying (2.1) to the last equality, we get

An;n(f ; x; y) f (x; y) = fx0(x; y) An;n((t x) ; x; y) +fy0(x; y) An;n((z y) ; x; y) +12


f (x; y)00xx(x; y) An;n (t x)2; x; y +2fxy00 (x; y) An;n((t x) (z y) ; x; y)

+fyy00 (x; y) An;n((z y)2; x; y)o

+An;n " (t; z) q

(t x)4+ (z y)4; x; y) := L1+ L2+ L3+ L4+ L5+ L6:

From (3.2),(3.3) and Lemma 1, the limit of the L1; L2 and L4 are equal to zero as n ! 1 and

nlim!1n L3= x; lim

n!1n L5= y:


For the right term in the last equation by the Hölder inequality we obtain jL6j 2 An;n("2(t; z); x; y)

1 2n

An;n (t x)4+ (z y)4; x; y o12

By Corollary 1 and properties of " (:; :) we deduce that

nlim!1An;n "2(t; z) ; x; y = "2(x; y) = 0:

From this, the linearity of An;n and Lemma 1 we have

nlim!1n An;n q

(t x)4+ (z y)4; x; y) = 0:

Collecting these results, we immediately obtain the desired result (3.17).

In this paper, Theorem 1, 2 and Corollary 2 show that our operator Am;n; m; n 2 N , give better degree of approximation of functions f 2 Cp;q and f 2 Cp;q1 than classical Szász-Kantorovich operators.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors are thankful to referees for the attentive read- ing of the manuscript and for useful comments.


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Current address : Müzeyyen Özhavzal¬(corresponding author): K¬r¬kkale University, Faculty of Art&Science Mathematics Department 71650 K¬r¬kkale Turkey

E-mail address : thavzalimuzeyyen@hotmail.com

ORCID Address: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0518-3021

Current address : Ali Olgun: K¬r¬kkale University Faculty of Art&Science Mathematics De- partment 71650 K¬r¬kkale Turkey

E-mail address : aliolgun71@gmail.com

ORCID Address: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5365-4110


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