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Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi


Academic year: 2021

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On the Occasion of his 682rd Anniversary :

Maulana Jalaluddin- Rumi

His Life

The first Turkish philosopher and mistic poet M au ­ la n a Ja la lu d d in w as born in Belli in Kho rassan on Septem ber 30 th , 1 2 07. His fa th e r is B ahauddin Sultan Veled who is known as S u ltan-u l-U lem a, and his mo­ ther Mümine H atun, the daughter o f the Am ir o f Belh. Sultan Veled w ho w as in good terms with the scho­ lars o f Belh w as oblig ed to leave the city. He came to Erzincan stopping on his w a y .in B ag h d a d , M ecca, M ed in a, D am ascus, H alepp o and M a la ty a . During this long m igration Bahauddin Veled found the o pportu­ nity to meet the im portant perso n alities o f that period. Later from Erzincan he w ent to K a y se ri, Sivas, N iğde and arfiye d in Larende (K a ra m a n ) in 12 21. B a h a u d ­ din Sultan Veled stayed in Larende for seven ye a rs. During this tim e the G o vern o r of Larende, Am ir Musa built a m edresah for him and his son M a u la n a Ja la - luddin m arried G evh er Hatun from Sam a rra and his children Sultan Veled and A lau d d in C helebi w ere born. M a u la n a ’s mother and his brother Mohammed A lau d d in died in Larende.

A t that tim e, K o n ya w as the cap ita l o f the Seljuki Turks and also an im portant center o f science and art.

The Seljuki Sultan A lau d d in K eyku b at I, invited Sultan Veled and his fa m ily to K o n y a . A fte r settling down in K o n ya, B ahauddin Veled died there on O cto ber 1 2th, 1 2 3 1 . A fter the death o f his fath e r, the w e ll known scholars o f the time like S ayed Burhanuddin Tirm izi, Serajuddin Urmevi and Sadruddin Konevi p lay e d an im portant role in the education o f M a u la n a . M au la n a Ja la lu d d in w ho w ent to Damascus and H alepp o for his education met there the great Islam ic scho lar Mu- huyuddin A ra b i, and he found the opportunity o f being enlightened by him and studying mysticism. On his return to K o n y a , he won w id e fam e and taught hundreds o f students in the m edresahs o f K o n y a.

It is at those times that the Europeans g ave him the nam e Rumi w hich means A n a to lia .

The date O ctober 25th 1244 is a very im portant turning point in the life o f M au la n a Ja la lu d d in Rumi w ho w as known as a scho lar and a teacher led a quiet and p eaceful life . On that d ate, he met a man in the nam e o f Sham shuddin M ohammed Te b rizi, a dervish w ho had come to K o n y a . As a result o f this m eeting, his quiet life w as suddely com pletely upset. He g ave up giving lessons in the m edresahs and talked

Konyada Mevtana Türbesinin dahüi Intérieur du Mausolée de Mevlâna à




with Shqm s.for d a ys, shut up in a room by them selves. And in a very short tim e, his ideas like his life w ere com pletely chang ed . He rem ained in constant and absolute ecstasy. The teacher M au la n a w as replaced by the real M a u la n a full o f love fo r G o d . It can be said that Shams w as the means fo r M au la n a 's gaining his true self.

But his environm eat w as not pleased at having M au la n a whom they loved and respected, ta lk with an unknown dervish and people tried to separate those tw o. At the time when jealousies and trouble

reached the highest point, Shams secretly d isa p ­

peared . M a u la n a Ja la lu d d in who w as deeply grieved started composing sentim ental poems after him. His son Sultan Veled went to Damascus to look fo r Shams so that his fath e r would no longer suffer from this p artin g . Sultan Veled found Shams in Damascus and brought him back. The return of Shams to Ko nya made M au la n a extrem ely h appy and m ade his adopted daughter Kim ya m arry Sham s. A little w hile later, ru­ mors ag ain started among some people including the son o f M a u la n a , A lau ddin C h ele b i. And one day Shams ag ain d isap p e are d .

M au la ría Ja la lu d d in felt very sad , he searched for him e veryw here he even w ent to Damascus him self, but returned fa ilin g to find him.

It is said that Shams w as killed or sent a w a y . M au la n a in his great sorrow fo r Shams w rote his “ D ivan-i K a b ir” . A fte r Sham s, he becam e friends with a goldsmith named Selahu d d in . The death o f Sela- huddin m ade M au la n a reach the clim ax o f love for G o d . He w rote his greatest w ork “ M a sn a v i” with the encouragem ent o f Husamettin C heleb i.

The illness o f M au la n a Ja la lu d d in lasted for fourty d ays. The w ho le population o f K o n y a, men, women and children, starting with Seljuki Emperor G iyasu d- din K eyhusrav III ran to his service. A ll efforts w ere in vain and M au la n a w as quickly going tow ards his destined end. He closed his eyes to life on December 17th, 1273 at d a w n . His fu nerals took p lace the next morning w ith the participatio n o f a ll the people o f K o nya without an y distinction in race, religion or sect, and among the sounds o f various musical instruments. His W orks

M asn ávi: His best known w ork is the M asn avi. It is composed o f 26 thousand couplets and consists of six volum es. In this w ork he e xp lain s his mystic ideas in short stories. It has been tran slated into m any la n ­ guages and m any interpretations o f it h ave been w ritten . Its oldest issues are in the K o nya Museum,

D ivan-i K a b ir: It consists o f 21 volum es (D iv a n ) and 96 thousand couplets. Poems o f love and m ysti­ cism are written in Persian and in the form o f rubai and g h a z e l. It is being published volum e by volum e.

Fih-i M afih : It is a didactic w ork and contains the sermons and ad vice o f M a u la n a . It is P ersian ; it has been tran slate d into Turish. This w ork is p a rtic u la rly im portant as it e xp lain s the view s o f M a u la n a about the w orld.

M ajalis-i Seb ’a : It is in A ra b ic and consists of the seven ad vice o f M a u la n a .

M aktub at: It is a collection o f 144 lettres written to the im portant personalities o f the time by M a u la n a .

Besides these w orks o f M a u la n a , there are some poems in Turkish and in G re e k . There are also certain other w orks w hich are attributed to him.

His M ausoleum

At present it is the K o nya Museum o f Antiques. Before the Republic that building w as a convent o f the dervishes. It is entered from the principal g a te on the W est, and after the co urtyard with fo un tain s, comes the door o f the M ausoleum . This door opens to a small room c a lle d ‘ the reading room ’. Before the museum took its present form , th'e M evlevies (fo llo w e rs of M a u la n a ) used to read the Q uran in that room. T o ­ d a y this room is used fo r the d isp lay o f the w orks of callig ra p h e rs. From here is passed inside the M auso­ leum. The silver door is interesting and is an Ottom an w ork. The first g lass case in the M ausoleum contains the books o f M au la n a like the M asn avi or the D ivan-i K a b ir. There are 65 tombs on the right hand side o f the M ausoleum which belong to the relatives o f M au ­ la n a . Under the dome (K u b b e-i h a d ra ) which is covered with green tiles from outside are the sarco ­ phagi o f M au la n a and his son Sultan V e le d . A little further there is the sarcophagus o f M a u la n a 's fath e r. The dome w as built a few months afte r M au la n a 's death, by an architect named Bedruddin and its inner side w as decorated by an artist named Abdul V a h id . Sem ahane

It is the room w here the M evlevi religious cerem o­ nies (se m a ) w ere held. It w as built during the time o f Suleym an the M agnificent.

M asjit

It w as form erly used as the mosque o f the d er­ vish m onastery. N o w v a lu a b le carpets and rugs, glass and metal goods and rare handw ritten books are d isp layed .

The Dervish C ells

They w ere repaired in 1584 during the time o f the




Ottom an Emperor M urad III. These a re the sm all rooms w here the dervishes live d . The lib ra ry and the kitchen are also on the sam e line. In the dervish cells to day Turkish rugs and carpets a re d isp layed .

Other Works in the Courtyard

There are the mausoleums o f H asan P ash a, Sinan P ash a, Hurrem Pasha and the daughter o f M urad P ash a, w hich have been built during the times o f the O ttom ans. At the east o f the co urtyard there is the mausoleum o f Mehmed Bey and the tombs of some M evlevies.

His Ideas

M au la n a is a mystic poet and a real sophist. His aim w as to love and respect m ankind. He had an un­ limited tolerence. G oodness and charity w ere among the most im portant elem ents that m ade up his c h a ­ racter. A ll through his life , he lived fu ll o f real love. His love w as the love for G o d . In his w orks he wrote about his love fo r G od and his best poems are the ones that aref composed for G o d . For M a u la n a music and dance (se m a ) are m an’s main natural and esthe­ tic necessities and they help in his developm ent. In the presence o f G o d e verybo dy is eq u a l. Everyone w ho knows to repent for his sins has won the right to live and the person who knows how to love a l­ w ays deserves to be loved.

Celaleddin Ki$MiR

Director o f Tourism in the M un icipality of K o n ya.

Les différentes confessions et les

étrangers à Istanbul

La M unicipalité vient de fa ire imprimer le nouvel an n u aire statistique de la v ille d 'Istan b ul.

Il contient des données instructives et nous avons estimé que certains e xtraits pouvaient intéresser nos lecteurs.

A in si dans les limites m unicipales, sur une popu­ lation urbaine de 98 3 .0 4 1 h ab itan ts, 3 8 4 .6 8 5 ne sont pas o rig in aires d 'Istan b u l, mais de la province.

Les o rigin aires d'Istan bul sont au nombre de 4 9 3 .8 5 2 ; quant au x h abitants nés en pays étrangers et étab lis ici, ils sont au nombre de 1 0 4 ,2 3 2 .

Au cours du recensem ent 27 2 habitants ont d é c la ­ ré ne pas savo ir où ils étaient nés.

La population to tale d'Istan bul était de 1 .2 1 4 .6 1 6 pour le grand Istan b ul, c ’est-à-dire pour toute l ’a g ­ glom ération, y compris la b an lieu e, et de 1 .542 .9 41 pour tout le y ilâ y e t.

Les confessions à Istanbul se répartissent comme


M usulmans 8 0 1 ,8 8 9 , o rthodoxes 8 1 .4 2 7 , g rég o ­ riens 4 9 ,1 6 3 , Israélites 3 4 .4 7 8 , catho liq ues 1 3 .1 1 1 , protestants 2 .7 8 3 , inconnus 2 6 1 , déclarés sans re li­ gion 7 3 .

Un fa it attiran t particulièrem ent l'atten tio n au point de vue confessionnel c'est le c h iffre des perso n­ nes ignorant le rite auquel elles a p p artien n e n t. Il est de 9 .6 1 3 dont 4 .2 9 0 hommes et 5 .3 2 3 femmes.

Les religions en dehors des musulmans sont ré ­ parties comme suit p ar sous-préfecture:

A Beyoğlu 3 9 .2 9 7 orthodoxes dont 16.221 hom­ mes et 2 3 .0 7 6 fam m es.

A u x île s 6 .1 3 4 , à B ak ırk ö y et Y e şilkö y 2 .4 0 8 , à K ad ık ö y 3 .4 4 0 , à Fatih 7 .3 3 0 , dans la circonscription d'Em inônü 2 .9 5 6 , à S a riye r 3 .2 9 4 et à Ü sküdar 2 .2 6 5 .

Les Israélites sont 2 5 .8 7 3 à Beyoğlu, 2 .7 2 9 à F a ­ tih, 2.031 à B eşiktaş, 1 ,U59 à Eminönü, 1.251 à K a ­ dıköy.

A u x île s, à part les villé g ia tu ra n ts, sont fixé s 93 isra élite s; quant à S a riye r, on en com pte 117.

Pour les Arm éniens (g ré g o rie n s ), sur leur total de 4 9 .1 6 3 , 2 1 .7 9 5 sont fixé s à B eyo ğlu, 9 .8 2 2 à Em in­ önü, 4 .6 6 7 à Fatih, 2.031 à Beşiktaş et 1 .4 7 2 à S a ­ riyer.

Les «san s religio n» sont fixé s à parts é g ale s à Beyoğlu et à Ü sküdar, tandis que ceux a y a n t refusé de se d é clarer une confession quelconque sont 4 .8 6 8 à Beyoğlu, 1 .242 à Em inönü, 1 .614 à Fatih et 601 à K a d ık ö y .

Les étrangers se dénom brent ain si:

H ellènes 8 .8 6 7 , dont 4 .2 2 5 hommes et 4 .6 3 2 femmes.

italiens 2 .5 7 8 dont 1 .184 hommes et 1.403 fem ­ mes.

Iraniens 1 .625 dont 918 hommes et 7 0 7 femmes. Britanniques 1 .2 4 0 dont 6 6 2 hommes et 578 fem ­ mes.

Bulgares 1 .224 dont 6 6 4 hommes et 5 6 0 femmes. Français 7 2 0 dont 2 9 8 hommes et 4 2 2 fem mes. Telles sont les p rin cip ales colonies étrang ères v i­ vant en notre v ille s; mais il y a encore 5 1 2 A m é ri­ cain s, 7 8 4 A lb a n a is , 224 A utrichiens, 199 H ongrois, 2 6 9 Suisses, 68 Belges, 301 Esp ag no ls, 149 Roumains, 187 Russes, 9 7 5 Y u g o slaves, 133 Syriens, 53 E g y p ­ tiens et 3 7 2 autres.

Il y a en outre 2 8 6 individus d é claran t ne p as co nn aître leur n atio n a lité .

İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi Taha Toros Arşivi


Benzer Belgeler

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