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Mining of remote sensing image archives using spatial relationship histograms


Academic year: 2021

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Fırat Kalaycılar, Aslı Kale, Daniya Zamalieva, Selim Aksoy

Department of Computer Engineering

Bilkent University

Bilkent, 06800, Ankara, Turkey



We describe a new image representation using spatial rela-tionship histograms that extend our earlier work on model-ing image content usmodel-ing attributed relational graphs. These histograms are constructed by classifying the regions in an image, computing the topological and distance-based spatial relationships between these regions, and counting the number of times different groups of regions are observed in the im-age. We also describe a selection algorithm that produces very compact representations by identifying the distinguishing re-gion groups that are frequently found in a particular class of scenes but rarely exist in others. Experiments using Ikonos scenes illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed representa-tion in retrieval of images containing complex types of scenes such as dense and sparse urban areas.

Index Terms— Image retrieval, spatial relationships,

fea-ture selection


Image information mining is a relatively new field of research for automating the content extraction and exploitation pro-cesses in large Earth observation data archives where the goal is to build high-level subjective content models by combin-ing low-level features, and support classification and content-based retrieval of image content in terms of semantic queries. For example, Datcu et al. [1] developed a system where users can train Bayesian classifiers for a particular concept (e.g., water) using positive and negative examples of pixels, and can have image tiles ranked according to the coverage of this concept estimated using pixel level models. Li and Narayanan [2] described a system where images are divided into tiles and are retrieved using spectral and textural statistics. Systems that support object extraction and modeling of image content based on these objects have also been developed [3, 4].

Even though correct identification of pixels and regions improve the processing time for content extraction, manual

This work was supported in part by the TUBITAK CAREER grant 104E074 and grant 105E065.

interpretation is often necessary for many applications be-cause two scenes with similar regions can have very different interpretations if the regions have different spatial arrange-ments. Therefore, modeling spatial information to understand the context has been an important and challenging research problem. A structural method for modeling context is through the quantification of spatial relationships. For example, Shyu

et al. [4] developed a method that generates a spatial signature

of the configuration of the objects in an image tile. In previ-ous work [3], we developed automatic methods for extraction of topological, distance-based and relative position-based re-lationships between region pairs, and successfully used such relationships for image classification and retrieval in scenar-ios that cannot be expressed by traditional pixel- and region-based approaches. Then, in [5], we modeled image scenes using attributed relational graphs that combine region class information and spatial arrangements, and formulated image retrieval as a relational graph matching problem.

Attributed relational graphs (ARG) are very general and powerful representations of image content. In our ARG model, for an image with n regions, the regions are repre-sented by n graph nodes and then2 pairwise spatial rela-tionships between them are represented by the edges between these nodes. However, finding similarities between graphs can easily become intractable for large images in large data sets, and image mining that is formulated as a graph search-ing problem can become infeasible when these data sets are concerned. Furthermore, these graphs can be too detailed, and the result set of a search session can be quite small when these detailed representations are compared.

In this paper, we propose new models for image content representation using spatial relationship histograms. These histograms are more powerful representations than commonly used tile-based spectral or textural feature histograms [2, 4] but are not as complex as the full graph-based representa-tions. In other words, they provide a summary of the full scene graph while enabling complex queries that cannot be modeled using histograms of pixels’ spectral or textural fea-ture values.

III - 589


The computation of the spatial relationship histograms starts with image segmentation and region classification (Section 2). Given the extracted regions with their asso-ciated class labels, topological and distance-based spatial relationships between all region pairs are computed (Sec-tion 3). Then, this rela(Sec-tionship informa(Sec-tion is encoded using histograms that count the number of times different groups of regions are observed in the image (Section 4). As the size of the region groups is increased, the detail of the con-tent representation also increases but the histograms become sparser. Therefore, a novel selection algorithm is proposed to find important region groups that are more informative in distinguishing one type of scene from the others (Section 5). Experiments using Ikonos scenes illustrate the effectiveness of the spatial relationship histograms in retrieval of images containing complex types of scenes such as dense and sparse urban areas (Section 6).


Segmentation and classification are done jointly by using Bayesian classifiers. Spectral values and Gabor texture fea-tures are used for pixel representation, and binary classifiers are trained using positive and negative examples for the fol-lowing classes: roof, water, tree, bare soil, grass, street, path and shadow. Then, each pixel is assigned to a class according to the maximum posterior probability given by these classi-fiers. The final segmentation is obtained using an iterative split-and-merge algorithm that combines contiguous groups of pixels that are assigned to the same class. Details of the segmentation and classification algorithm can be found in [3].

3. REGION SPATIAL RELATIONSHIPS Topological (e.g., disjoined, bordering, invading, surround-ing) and distance-based (e.g., near, far) spatial relationships (Figure 1) can be computed using overlaps and distances be-tween region boundaries, respectively, for each region pair in an image [3, 5]. In this paper, the coarse-to-fine search strategy described in [5] is used to compare all region pairs in each image according to the region boundaries, and fuzzy membership functions [3] are used to convert the computed quantitative relationship information into semantic labels.

4. SPATIAL RELATIONSHIP HISTOGRAMS In [5], the image content is modeled by using attributed re-lational graphs of labeled regions where the regions are rep-resented by the graph nodes and their pairwise spatial rela-tionships are represented by the edges between these nodes. Although these graphs are very powerful representations, the graph similarity that is computed as the minimum cost taken over all sequences of operations that transform one graph to

Fig. 1. Spatial relationships of region pairs.

the other can lead to very high computational complexity. Furthermore, the detailed representation can produce a small result set for a search session. Due to these practical issues, we propose to use spatial relationship histograms that can be easily obtained from ARGs. These histograms are not as com-plex as full graph models, but are still more powerful than commonly used low-level representations.

The spatial relationship histograms can be computed at different levels of detail. The complexity of the histogram is determined by the size (order) of the region groups con-sidered. For example, when only region pairs are taken into account, the histograms encode second-order region rela-tionships, and when groups of three regions are considered, the histograms encode third-order relationships. To compute these histograms for a given order (i.e., for a given number of regions to be considered), first, we generate all possible relationships between all possible region classes. This com-binatorial problem is solved recursively. Then, the histogram for an image is computed by counting the number of times each possible region group is observed in the ARG of that image. For example, a sample bin of a second-order his-togram can correspond to the number of “(grass BORDER-ING street)” observations found in an image. A sample bin of a third-order histogram can correspond to the number of “(roof INVADED BY NEAR grass) & (grass BORDERING NEAR street) & (street DISJOINED NEAR roof)” observa-tions. We also compute first-order histograms that simply count the number of pixels belonging to each region class without considering any spatial relationships for comparison.


When the order of region groups is increased, the detail of the content representation also increases but the representa-tion may become too specific and the problem of sparsity can also become more significant. In other words, the histograms may become sparser because not all possible region groups are observed in an image. An interesting problem is the iden-tification of the important region groups for a given set of scene classes because not all region groups are equally infor-mative in distinguishing one type of scene from the others.

Given example images for a user-defined set of scene classes, the goal of the selection process is to identify the region groups that are frequently found in a particular class of scenes, consistently occur together in the same type of scenes, but rarely exist in other scenes. We formulate the selection process as a multi-subset search problem that is solved using


the sequential forward selection algorithm that we recently developed for image classification [6]. The goal of this al-gorithm is to find a set of subsets (called a multi-subset) for which a given goodness criterion is maximized.

The smallest component in this procedure is a group of re-gions with their class labels and spatial relationships (in other words, a component corresponds to a bin in the spatial rela-tionship histogram). Each subset consists of several compo-nents that are determined to be the best set of region groups for a particular type of scene, and the multi-subset represents the region groups selected for the whole data set. The partic-ular goodness criterion used here consists of two parts where the first part quantifies the importance of each component for a particular scene class and the second part measures the im-portance of each pair of components with respect to differ-ent scene classes. The sequdiffer-ential forward selection algorithm iteratively finds the components (region groups) that maxi-mize this criterion (details can be found in [6]). Note that this procedure performs selection using only the frequencies of region groups in example images, and does not depend on a specific classifier unlike most of the supervised selection algorithms. After feature selection, only the selected set of region groups are used in the spatial relationship histogram.


The performances of the spatial relationship histogram repre-sentation and the selection algorithm were evaluated using a retrieval system that finds images with content similar to the query image. The data set used consisted of an Ikonos scene of Istanbul with pan-sharpened red, green and blue bands and 14416 × 11946 pixels. The whole scene was divided into 250 × 250 pixel tiles and a spatial relationship histogram was computed for each tile. A subset of these tiles were assigned high level class labels as ground truth. The high level classes were chosen to be dense urban, sparse urban and very sparse

urban. The number of tiles for each class were 46, 62 and 74,

respectively. During retrieval, a tile was accepted as a true match if it belonged to the same high level class as the query. The histograms were computed at three levels (orders) of detail using regions labeled with 8 classes listed in Section 2. Different settings were used as shown in Table 1. Only the region pairs that were near each other according to the computed distance-based relationship were considered in all settings. Topological relationships of bordering, invading and surrounding were used only in setting 2. These settings de-termined the size of the histogram. For example,82possible types of nearby region pairs resulted in 64 bins for setting 1, adding 3 possible topological relationships resulted in 192 bins for setting 2, and 3 pairs of regions with82possible types for each pair resulted in 262144 bins for setting 3. Setting 4 consisted of the first-order histograms computed as the base-line method without using any spatial information.

Example histograms are shown in Figure 2. As expected,

Table 1. Settings and the corresponding histogram sizes used in the experiments.

Setting Order Topological Distance Size

1 2 — near 64

2 2 bordering, invading, surrounding near 192

3 3 — near 262144

4 1 — — 8

(a) Setting 1, no selection (b) Setting 1, with selection

(c) Setting 2, no selection (d) Setting 2, with selection

Fig. 2. Example spatial relationship histograms. Rows corre-spond to image tiles (grouped as dense urban, sparse urban, very sparse urban from top to bottom) and columns corre-spond to histogram bins. Brighter values correcorre-spond to larger values in the histogram.

the sparseness problem was encountered when the number of relationships and the order used increased. Feature selec-tion was incorporated for automatic selecselec-tion of the most dis-criminant histogram bins. We observed that the selected bins generally corresponded to meaningful spatial relationships re-lated to their associated classes. The bins selected for setting 1 are listed in Table 2. As can be seen from this list, the subset for the dense urban class contained the relationships depend-ing on roofs, includdepend-ing the (roof NEAR roof) relationship, whereas the sparse urban class had the relationship (bare soil NEAR street) in addition to the relationships including roofs. When the very sparse urban class was considered, no rela-tionship containing a roof was selected. We can conclude that,

Table 2. Region groups selected for setting 1.

Dense urban Sparse urban Very sparse urban (roof NEAR roof) (roof NEAR bare soil) (bare soil NEAR grass) (roof NEAR grass) (bare soil NEAR street) (grass NEAR street) (roof NEAR street)


5 10 15 20 25 30 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 Precision

Number of tiles retrieved

Setting 1, no selection Setting 1, with selection Setting 2, no selection Setting 2, with selection Setting 3, no selection Setting 3, with selection Setting 4, baseline

Fig. 3. Average precision for different settings.

(a) Setting 1 (b) Setting 4

Fig. 4. Retrieval examples for the dense urban class. when the degree of urbanization decreased, the importance of the relationships regarding roof regions diminished.

The retrieval performance was evaluated by using each image tile as a query and ranking all tiles in increasing or-der of the Euclidean distance between their histograms and the histogram of the query. Precision, which is defined as the percentage of the correctly retrieved tiles among all tiles re-trieved, was computed for quantitative performance analysis. The results for different settings are shown in Figure 3. All settings that encoded spatial relationships outperformed the baseline method that did not use any spatial information. Se-lection also had a positive effect when the amount of sparse-ness in the histogram increased. Figure 4 shows two exam-ple retrievals for the dense urban class. The results obtained by the spatial relationship histogram were almost all correct, but the baseline method returned some tiles belonging to the sparse urban class because it could not distinguish a large number of small buildings from a smaller number of large buildings, and several small grass areas scattered around the buildings from larger areas of grass.


We described a new image content representation using spa-tial relationship histograms that were computed by counting the number of times different groups of regions were observed in an image. The high level information encoded in each group consisted of the class labels for all regions and the topo-logical and distance-based spatial relationships between these regions. We also described an algorithm for finding distin-guishing region groups for different types of scenes. The se-lection process produced very compact but very effective rep-resentations by significantly reducing the dimensionality of the histograms and the corresponding computational cost of image mining. Image retrieval experiments using Ikonos im-ages showed that the new model resulted in better precision values compared to the traditional representations that did not use any spatial information.


[1] M. Datcu, H. Daschiel, A. Pelizzari, M. Quartulli, A. Ga-loppo, A. Colapicchioni, M. Pastori, K. Seidel, P. G. Marchetti, and S. D’Elia, “Information mining in remote sensing image archives: system concepts,” IEEE

Trans-actions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 41, no.

12, pp. 2923–2936, December 2003.

[2] J. Li and R. M. Narayanan, “Integrated spectral and spa-tial information mining in remote sensing imagery,” IEEE

Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 42,

no. 3, pp. 673–685, March 2004.

[3] S. Aksoy, K. Koperski, C. Tusk, G. Marchisio, and J. C. Tilton, “Learning Bayesian classifiers for scene classi-fication with a visual grammar,” IEEE Transactions on

Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 581–

589, March 2005.

[4] C.-R. Shyu, M. Klaric, G. J. Scott, A. S. Barb, C. H. Davis, and K. Palaniappan, “GeoIRIS: Geospatial infor-mation retrieval and indexing system — content mining, semantics modeling, and complex queries,” IEEE

Trans-actions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 45, no.

4, pp. 839–852, April 2007.

[5] S. Aksoy, “Modeling of remote sensing image content using attributed relational graphs,” in Proceedings of 11th

IAPR International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong, August 17–19, 2006,

pp. 475–483, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4109.

[6] D. Gokalp and S. Aksoy, “Scene classification using bag-of-regions representations,” in Proceedings of IEEE

Con-ference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Be-yond Patches Workshop, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June

23, 2007.


Fig. 1. Spatial relationships of region pairs.
Table 1. Settings and the corresponding histogram sizes used in the experiments.
Fig. 3. Average precision for different settings.


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