Tam metin
Benzer Belgeler
Four kinds of natural products, isopetasin, S-isopetasin, s-petasin, caffeic aci d methyl ester were obtained and S-isopetasin and S-petasin more significant inhibited NO pro
在臨床外科手術過程中,ketamine 是廣泛被使用的靜脈麻醉藥物之一。而在成癮藥 物中,ketamine 亦是目前於台灣常被濫用的成癮藥 物之一。先前研究證實,ketamine
在臨床外科手術過程中,ketamine 是廣泛被使用的靜脈麻醉藥物之一。而在成癮藥 物中,ketamine 亦是目前於台灣常被濫用的成癮藥 物之一。先前研究證實,ketamine
Clinical monitoring of gene targeting, gene transfer, and gene expression requires the appropriate combination of “reporter gene”(herpes simplex virus -1 thymidine kinase, HSV1-tk)
,並將攜帶病毒包裝訊息 (psi , ψ) 及綠色螢光蛋白 (green fluorescent protein , GFP) 基因的病毒載體 pTY-EFGFP DNA ,分別接上帶有不 同 promoter
本實驗參考葉添順老師與本實驗室先前利用 GST-N1IC-ANK repeats 之融合蛋白,與 K562 細胞萃取液混合,進行 G ST pull down Assay
Ethanolic extract of adlay bran and residue from ethanolic extraction of adlay bran significantly suppressed the formation of ACF in the distal colons but did not affect the
Above the synthesis states and from the experimental result inference , cancer cells not only overexpression HIF-1α in hypoxia, but also promote VEGF expression and phosphorylate