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YDS Deneme Sınavı PDF İndir Çöz 7 | 15230


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Deneme Sınavı

Cevap Anahtarı

Sınavın Yabancı Kelimeleri


1. Bu testte 80 soru vardır. Bu sorular için toplam 3 saat (180 dakika) süre


2. Soru türlerine ait giri

ş ve çıkış saatleri, sınavın sabah 9:30 -12:30

arasında uygulanacağı varsayılarak belirlenmiştir. Soru türlerine giriş ve

çıkış saatlerini, sınava başladığınız saati esas alarak değiştirebilirsiniz.

3. Düzeyinizi tam olarak belirlemek istiyorsanız, sınavı tek bir oturumda


4. Önerilen süreleri aşmayınız.

5. Bir soru üzerindeki değerlendirmenizi bitirdikten sonra, o soruya tekrar


6. Sorularınıza verdiğiniz cevapları daha sonra değiştirmeyiniz.

7. Cevabını iki seçeneğe kadar indirgediğiniz sorularda, size göre doğru

çıkma ihtimali zayıf olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.






1. - 21. sor ular da, cümlede boş bı rakılan y erl ere u y gu n d üşe n keli me v ey a ifadey i bulunuz .

Başlangıç saati : 09:30 Bitiş saati : 09:51 Top la m s ür e : 21 dakika

1 . In his fiction William Faulkner uses a complex lit er ar y sty le that see ms to ----his intricate themes of good and evil.

A ) fit in with B ) put up with C ) clear out D ) make out

E) take after

2 . T he G ov er nment has ---- a set of new po li cie s and m eas ur es wh ich a r e designed to combat v iolence in the big t o w n s .

A ) got of f B ) found out C ) let down D ) taken down

E) worked out

3 . T he judge quickly ---- his notes befor e se nt en ci ng th e ac cu se d.

A ) took over B ) made up C ) looked through D ) put of f

E) found out

4 . When Shakespear e di ed in Stratford in 1616, no collected ---- of his plays had b ee n pu b li sh ed .

A ) title B ) edition

C ) s ec ti on D ) print E) manusc ript

5 . Br it ish su pe r ma r k ets ha v e mo r e po lit ic al influence than ---- any other cor por ate sector in Br itain.

A ) of t en B ) immediately C ) almost D ) f air ly

E) quite

6 . R eflex behav iour is ---- ; it arises automatically in r esponse to an a pp r o p r i at e s ti m ul us .

A ) insignif ic ant B ) invalid C ) ins uf f ic ient D ) involunt ary

E) inadequate

7 . To incr ease its expor t s, the company is --- - hi ghly moti v ate d pr ofess iona ls w ith exp er ien ce i n int er nat iona l tra de.

A ) applying B ) agreeing C ) replac ing D ) holding

E) s eeking

8 . M e anw hil e, une mplo y me nt --- - a v a st scale hit basic industries, and a ser ies of s tr ik es em ph as i se d th e c on tr a st -Labour id eals and post-wa r facts.

A ) through / through B ) in / over C ) to / among D ) over / under

E) on / between

9 . T h e Ja ni ss ar ie s we r e m ai nl y r e cr ui te d ---- conquer ed C hr istian lands and gained gr ea t p ow er --- - Sul ey man t he

M agnificen t in the sixteenth century. A ) across / af ter B ) from / over C ) within / by D ) in / under

E) over / before

10. The Union of G reat Br itain and Ireland finally came ---- force ---- 1 Januar y 1801.

A ) by / until B ) at / at C ) into / on D ) with / through

E) on / in

11. In the States, a per son travelling 10 miles to work every day by train, instead of by car, sav es ---- 314 gallons of petr ol per y ea r.

A ) as much as B ) the most C ) so much more D ) equal to

E) even more

12. T he o r ganisatio n ---- adv ises indus trial firms on their day -to-day psy chological pr oblems, ---- gives v ocational adv ice to sc hoo l l ea v er s.

A ) both / but B ) thus / also C ) more / and D ) even / so

E) not only / but also

13. ---- business plans ar e failing to

ma ter ial ise, wh ile -- -- ar e pr ogr e ssi ng at an astounding pace.

A ) Those / each B ) Some / others C ) All / either D ) Each / another


14. ---- coping with the bitter ly cold

t em pe r a tu r e s, a ny e xp lo r e r at te mp ti ng t o cr oss the Arctic has ---- to battle with the str ong tidal pull on the ice.

A ) Bes ides / also B ) As well as / even so C ) In spite of / as much D ) Including / moreover E) C ontrary to / nevertheles s

15. Pr actically ev er y philosopher since Plato -- -- th e r el ati on shi p b et wee n hum our a nd laughter, but Sigmund Fr eud ---- the first to put forward a conclusiv e theor y.

A ) has cons idered / was B ) cons idered / would be C ) was c onsidering / is D ) would cons ider / has been E) has been considering / had been

16. When I accidentally br oke M r s Par ker ’s antique Chinese vase, I felt as if I ---- a c r i mi n al .

A ) am being B ) have been

C ) am D ) w e r e

E) had been

17. Actually, the position of the small far mer ---- only slightly, even if all these changes ---- .

A ) has improved / had been introduced B ) would improve / were introduced C ) will improve / would be introduc ed D ) improved / have been introduc ed

E) would have improved / will be introduc ed

18. T he authorities in India ---- that the countr y ’s highly qualified y oung r es ear c her s --- - by mul tina tion al compani es as cheap labour.

A ) were worried / have been us ed B ) are worrying / were us ed C ) are worried / are being us ed D ) worry / had been used

E) have worried / will have been used

19. G eoffr ey C haucer is often called the father of English poetry, although, as we ---- , ther e ---- many English poets befor e h i m .

A ) kn ow / w er e

B ) have known / had been C ) knew / have been D ) had known / are

E) might have known / would have been

20. Sev er al peo ple made som e v e r y r elev ant suggestion s but ---- of Dr Fai r banks met with ---- approv al.

A ) some / all

B ) thos e / everyone’s C ) any / his

D ) most / ours E) whic h / nobody’s

21. It is almos t impossible to find two people ---- opinio ns on this matter ar e the same.

A ) w h i c h B ) w h o C ) th at D ) w h o s e

E) w h a t

22. - 31. sor ular da, cümley i uy gun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulun uz.

Başlangıç saati : 09:51 Bitiş saati : 10:06 Top la m s ür e : 15 dakika

22. Nov els often deal with char acter s and actions that giv e r eader s an illusion of reality ---- .

A ) while they were experienc ing things that actually happened

B ) in case it includes, among other things, a plot or story and a setting

C ) whether Dicken’s novels are mos tly social novels, depic ting life and society in Victorian England

D ) though some of them are predominantly f anciful or fantas tic

E) if Jane Austen had based her novels on the people and plac es with whic h s he was familiar


23. M any linguists ad v ise master ing a v ocabular y of two or three thousand wor ds in C hinese ---- .

A ) before beginning the difficult tas k of learning the language’s s ymbols B ) when w e hear word s and expres s ions

from a native speaker

C ) that one ought to try to write sentences on the basis of the grammar rules

D ) so a knowledge of reading and writing may have been ac quired

E) unles s one had developed an adequate conversational ability for s imple situations

24. Bach br ought the art of polyphony to the highest pitch of mastery ---- .

A ) unless his music rose above tec hnic al brilliance to achieve intens e emotional p o w e r

B ) why Handel’s working lif e was mos tly spent in England, where his operas were widely popular

C ) as his instrumental music contains many of his deeper thoughts

D ) though, like him, Mandel began looking for a n ew s t yl e

E) that has ever been achieved or is ever likely to be achieved

25. ---- that financial gr owth is ‘dev elopment’ and that this ‘dev elopment’ is good for t he un d er d ev e lo p e d c ou n tr i es .

A ) Multinational c ompanies often have negative environmental ef f ec ts B ) The great inc rease, in rec ent years, of

corporate profits is never taken into ac c oun t

C ) Over the years, magazines like The Economist have promoted the idea D ) Globalisation and free trade have

undermined the socio-economic s truc ture of the non-industrialised c ountries

E) Self -interes t is not the only value for global economic activities

26. ---- , he would hav e to face a great deal of cr iticis m from his own par t y.

A ) Until people started to forget this rather s c andalous af f air

B ) However trivial the matter c learly seemed to you

C ) Unless he decides to make a public apology f or the way he has behaved

D ) If he were to object to thes e amendments to the Housing Bill

27. While man has been lear ning to control his o wn env ir o nment, - --- .

A ) they continue to blame each other in much the same way as their f athers had before them

B ) there would have been as many volunteers as w ere needed

C ) such advers e c onditions will have to be avoi ded

D ) this can only be ac hieved by the

destruction of other environments and this is to be avoided

E) his ac tivities have often upset the balance of natural communities of animals and plants

28. ---- , which is the media of the national c ul t u r e .

A ) A majority of thes e people are probably of non-W elsh origin

B ) W elsh people are deeply attac hed to their native tongue

C ) The W elsh system of education clos ely resembles that of England

D ) The W elsh are a people of quick intelligenc e

E) In 1955 Cardiff was rec ognised as the capital of W ales

29. If an industry is made up of per haps 10 or 20 f ir ms w hich a gr ee t o r est r ict

c om pe ti t io n be t we en t he m se lv es , - -- - . A ) in most countries they are now subject to

legal c ontrol

B ) many of thes e practic es have been declared illegal

C ) such trade practic es have been a common f eature of the bus ines s world

D ) then we have a monopoly s ituation

E) it might be interesting to look at some of the prac tic es f ollowed in the W est

30. T hough the Br itish painter Tur ner had a pr ofound influence on th e Fr ench I mp r e s si on i st s a nd th e G er ma n Exp r essi onists , --- - .

A ) this is because his works are exhibited in a few galleries in Britain

B ) in output he would have been the most prolific of all painters

C ) his work remains for the most part little known by the world at large

D ) it is because he loved and interpreted certain themes from class ical mythology E) another great lands cape-painter is


31. ---- , it is equally true that he cannot live wit hout it.

A ) Since a large percentage of the human race still lives in very small peasant communities

B ) W hile it is true that man cannot live by bread alone

C ) Although a worker has the right to go on s trike

D ) However loyal he had been to us E) In cas e every survivor needs urgent

medical care

32. - 36. sor ularda, v er ilen T ür kçe cümlen in İngilizce dengini bu lunuz.

Başlangıç saati : 10:06 Bitiş saati : 10:13 Top la m s ür e : 7 dakika

32. Başka ülkel erde çevre yasaların ı çiğn eyen çokuluslu şirketleri dava etmek için ABD m a h k em e l e r i n e başv u r u l m a sı , son yıll arda d aha sı k görü lmektedir.

A ) In rec ent years, people have f requently gone to the USA courts to sue multinational c orporations that violate environmental laws in other c ountries .

B ) Application to the USA courts to sue multinational c orporations that violate environmental laws in other c ountries has been noticed more f requently in rec ent year s .

C ) Application to the USA courts to take action against the violation of environmental laws in other c ountries has become very common over the last f ew years .

D ) The USA courts have rec ently sued various international corporations f or their violation of environmental laws in other c ountries. E) In recent years, many multinational

c orporations have often been c ondemned by the USA courts becaus e of violating environmental laws .

33. Düny a T icaret Ör gütü’nün, mal v e hiz m etler i ni dış pazar larda satan her çiftçiy e v e şirkete yarar sağladığı akılda tu tul malıdı r.

A ) One should not overlook the fact that it would be to the benefit of the W orld Trade O rganis ation if every f armer and every busines s sold goods and services to foreign markets.

B ) One must ignore the fact that the W orld T rade O rganis ation benef its every f armer and every busines s selling goods and servic es to f oreign markets.

C ) It should be remembered that the W orld T rade O rganisation benef its whenever a farmer or a business s ells goods or servic es to f oreign markets.

D ) One must bear in mind that the W orld Trade O rganis ation benefits every f armer and every busines s that sells goods and servic es to f oreign markets.

E) The W orld Trade Organisation is very well aware of the f ac t that every f armer and every bus ines s benef its when goods and services are sold to foreign markets.

34. Eski Yunan v e Mısır sanatı geçmişe ait değildir; bugün, dün olduğundan daha çok canlıdır.

A ) Ancient Greek and Egyptian art do not belong to the past; they are even more alive today than they were yes terday. B ) Though ancient Greek and Egyptian art

belong to the past, they are just as alive today as they were then.

C ) The ancient arts of Greece and Egypt continue to live now just as vitally as they did then.

D ) In ancient times the Greeks and the Egyptians produced works of art that have never been s urpass ed in liveliness . E) Ancient G reek and Egyptian works of art

are now admired more f or their vitality than they were in the pas t.


35. Bi r k it abı okur ken işar etl emeni z,

esasında yazarla görüş ayrılığınızın veya gör üş birl iğinizi n ifad esinden başka bir şey değ ildir.

A ) There is no need to mark a book you read unless your opinions are s trongly oppos ed to thos e of the writer.

B ) W hen reading a book it is normal to mark it to s how where your opinion dif fers or agrees with that of the author.

C ) There is no real reason for marking a book as you read it unles s you want to remind yours elf of where you agree or dis agree with the writer.

D ) W hen reading a book it is essential to mark the places where you agree or dis agree with the ideas of the author.

E) Marking a book while you read it is es sentially nothing but an expres sion of your dif ferences, or agreements of opinion, with the author.

36. Yakın zamanda yay ımlanmış olan Bi r

Yabancı Dili Öğrenme adlı kitabında

Eugene A. Nida, dinleme, konuşma, ok uma v e y az ma bec er i ler inde n o luşan di l öğr en me sü recin i t ar tışmaktadı r.

A ) Eugene A. Nida has recently published a book c alled Learning a Foreign Language, in which he dis cuss es the language learning proc ess inc luding competence in lis tening, speaking, reading and writing. B ) In his recently published book Learning a

Foreign Language, Eugene A. Nida

disc us ses the language learning process which consis ts of the listening, s peaking, reading and writing skills.

C ) Eugene A. Nida has just published a book entitled Learning a Foreign Language, in which he divides the language learning process into the listening, s peaking, reading and writing skills.

D ) Eugene A. Nida has recently published a book c alled Learning a Foreign Language, which s tudies the learning process of a language under the headings listening, speaking, reading and writing.

E) According to Eugene A. N ida’s rec ently published book entitled Learning a Foreign

Language, the language learning process

leads to competence in reading, listening, speaking and writing.

37. - 41. sor ularda, v er ilen İngilizce cü mlen in T ür kç e de ngin i bu lunu z .

Başlangıç saati : 10:13 Bitiş saati : 10:20 Top la m s ür e : 7 dakika

37. In the 1980s M ar gar et T hatcher attracted gr eat inte r est , no t on ly b ecau se s he w as the first woman Pr im e M ini ster o f a Wester n st ate, but also beca use of the radical policies she put into effect.

A ) Batılı bir devletin ilk kadın başbakanı olması kadar, ortaya koyduğu radikal politikalar nedeniyle de, Margaret Thatcher, 1980’lerde herkesten büyük ilgi görmüştür.

B ) Margaret Thatcher’ın batılı bir devletin ilk kadın başbakanı olması kadar, uyguladığı radikal politikalar da herkesin dikkatini çekmiştir.

C ) Hem batılı bir devletin ilk kadın başbakanı olduğu hem de radikal politikalar uyguladığı için, Margaret Thatcher 1980’li yıllarda herkesin ilgisini çekmiştir.

D ) 1980’lerde, batılı bir devletin ilk kadın başbakanı olan Margaret Thatcher’in uyguladığı radikal politikalar büyük dikkat çekmiştir.

E) Margaret T hatcher, 1980’lerde, sadece batılı bir devletin ilk kadın başbakanı olduğu için değil, aynı zamanda, uyguladığı radikal politikalar nedeniyle büyük ilgi çekmiştir.

38. T he name ‘ Pr otestant’ was firs t giv en to those who fav our ed the cause of M ar t in Lu ther and who pr o test ed a gain st t he cr uel decisions of the C atholic C hur ch.

A ) Martin Luther’in düşüncesini benimseyerek Katolik Kilisesi’nin acımasız uygulamalarına tepki gös terenlere, başlangıçta, ‘Protestan’ adı verilmişti.

B ) ‘Protestan’ adı, ilk kez, Martin Luther’in davasını destekleyen ve Katolik Kilisesi’nin acımasız kararlarına karşı çıkanlara verilmiştir.

C ) Martin Luther’in görüşünü ilk kabul edenlere ve Katolik Kilisesi’nin acımasız

yaptırımlarına karşı koyanlara ‘Protestan’ adı verili yord u.

D ) ‘Protestan’ adı verilen ilk kişiler, Martin Luther’in hareketini benims iyor ve Katolik Kilisesi’nin katı uygulamalarına karşı direniyorlardı.

E) Gerek Martin Luther’in davasına arka çıkanlara gerekse Katolik Kilisesi’nin acımasız kararlarını eleştiren kişilere önceleri ‘Protestan’ adı veriliyordu.


39. In his controv er sial book The B r eakdow n

of C limate: Tow ards A G lobal D isaster ?

Pet er B uny a r d m ainta ins that sev er e man -mad e cl imate cha nges coul d oc cur muc h so oner than pr ev iousl y pr e dict ed.

A ) Peter Bunyard, insandan kaynaklanan ciddi iklim değişikliklerinin daha önce tahmin edilenden de hızlı oluşabileceği görüşünü,

İklim Değişikliği: Küresel Bir Felaket mi?

adlı, çok tartışılan kitabında dile getirmiştir. B ) Çok tutulan İklim Değişimi: Küresel Bir

Felaket mi? adlı kitabında Peter Bunyard, insanın neden olduğu büyük iklim

değişikliklerinin, daha önce tahmin edilenin tersine, hemen olabileceğini savunmaktadır. C )İklimin Bozulması: Küresel Bir Felakete

Gidiş mi? adlı tartışmalı kitabında Peter

Bunyard, insanın neden olduğu ciddi iklim değişikliklerinin, daha önce tahmin edilenden ç ok daha erken meydana gelebilec eğini ileri sürmektedir.

D ) Çok tepki çeken, Boz ulan İklim: Küresel Bir Felakete mi Doğru? kitabında Peter

Bunyard, insanın yol açtığı ciddi iklim değişikliklerinin, daha önce de tahmin edildiği gibi hızla oluşmaya başladığını belirtmektedir.

E) Peter Bunyard’ın İklimin Bozulması:

Küresel Bir Felakete mi Doğru? adlı çok

konuşulan kitabında savunduğu ve insandan kaynaklanan ciddi iklim değişikliklerinin tahmin edildiğinden daha erken meydana geleceği yolundaki görüşü tartışmalara yol açmıştır.

40. T he py r amids of Egy pt, on the west bank of the Nile, ar e v ast str uctures of stone or b r ick, wh ich cont ain hidd en chamb er s, s ub t e r r a ne a n e n t r a n ce s an d m y s te r i ou s p a s s a g e s .

A ) Nil’in batı yakasındaki Mısır piramitleri, gizli odalar, yeraltı girişleri ve esrarengiz geçitler içeren, büyük taş veya tuğla yapılardır.

B ) Nil’in batısında yer alan Mısır piramitleri, gizli odalar, yeraltında esrarengiz girişler ve geçişlerden oluşan, çok büyük taş veya tuğla eserlerdir.

C ) Taş veya tuğladan yapılmış muazzam eserler olan ve gizli odaları, yeraltı girişleri, karmaşık koridorları bulunan Mısır

Piramitleri, Nil’in batı tarafında yer alır. D ) Nil’in batı kıyısında bulunan Mısır piramitleri,

taş veya tuğladan yapılmış muhteşem anıtlardır ve gizli odalar, yeraltı girişleri ve esrarengiz geç itler iç erir.

E) Taş veya tuğladan inşa edilmiş büyük yapılar olan ve Nil’in batı tarafında bulunan Mısır Piramitleri, gizli odalardan, yeraltı girişlerinden ve esrarengiz geçitlerden meydana gelmiştir.

41. In ancient G reece, in opposition to Her aclitus, who claimed that nothing is p er m a ne n t, Xe n o ph a ne s as s er t ed t ha t the univ er se is a solid , immo v able mass f o r e v e r t h e s am e .

A ) Hiçbir şey ebedi değildir diyen Heraklitos’a karşı çıkarak, evrenin, ebedi hareketsiz ve katı bir kütle olduğunu savunan Ksenofanes es ki Yunan düşünürlerinden biridir.

B ) Eski Yunanda, Heraklitos hiçbir şeyin sabit olmadığını iddia etmişse de Ksenofanes buna karşı çıkmış ve evrenin ebediyen hareketsiz, katı bir kütle olduğunu s avunmuştur.

C ) Eski Yunanda, hiçbir şeyin daimi olmadığını idida eden Heraklitos’a karşı Ksenofanes, evrenin ebediyen aynı kalan hareketsiz, katı bir kütle olduğunu ileri sürmüştür.

D ) Eski Yunanda, hiçbir şey kalıcı değildir görüşünde olan Heraklitos’a karşı çıkan Ks enof anes evrenin ebediyen hareketsiz, katı bir kütle olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. E) Eski Yunanda, her ne kadar Heraklitos

hiçbir şeyin sürekli olmadığını ileri sürmüşse de, Ksenofanes; buna karşı çıkarak, evrenin, her zaman hareketsiz, katı bir kütle olduğunu ifade etmiştir.

42. - 46. sorular da, karşılıklı

ko nuşmanı n b oş bı rakı lan kısmın da sö y le nmiş o lab ilecek sö zü bul unu z.

Başlangıç saati : 10:20 Bitiş saati : 10:30 Top la m s ür e : 10 dakika

42. Pa tr i c k : I hear y ou’r e spending y our holiday in Whitby.

B r en d a : Yes, that’s right. I’v e nev er been th er e be for e s o I’m lo oki ng for war d to goin g.

Pa tr i c k :

-B r en d a : Yes, ev er y one tells me that. Especially on the cliffs when the w i n d b l o w s .

A ) You’ll enjoy it there. It’s a picturesque resort; but it c an be very c old. B ) W e go quite often. I like to walk on the

beac h there.

C ) I muc h prefer it to Scarborough, which more or less adjoins it.

D ) W hitby was quite important his torically, you k n ow.

E) There’s lovely sand there, and you’ll enjoy exploring the coas tline.


43. M olly : It say s her e that G er t r ude Stein was one of t he ce ntur y ’s m ost publ icised but l east r ead a u t ho r s .

Ei le en : I find that very sad. If one wr it es, on e mus t wan t t o be r e a d .

M olly :

-Ei le en : R ight. And just look who li ste ned to her -Hemin gwa y, T hor nton Wilder and ev en Pi cass o!

A ) In fact, Picasso painted her portrait. B ) Yes . But she had the satisfaction of

knowing that people visited her to listen to her talking.

C ) She actually spent more of her life in Paris than in America.

D ) Though she spent very little time there she actually unders tood Americ a very well. E) It wasn’t very wise of her to stay in France

during the G erman occupation, for she was J ewi s h .

44. G er al d : Well, all three candidates s ee me d pr et ty go od t o me . M a r y :

-G er al d : Wh y ?

M a r y : He has both the academic qualifications and the or ganising ability we are looking for. A ) I’m not sure that any of them could work

under pres s ure.

B ) The first one, though, didn’t really impress me.

C ) Agree. But, the last one we interviewed is the one I favour.

D ) The young one seemed to me too immature for this post and lacking in experience. E) Right. There’s not much to judge between


45. P a m : Why, it’s M rs R obinson! I hav en’t seen y ou ar ound for a long time. J a n e : Well, I tend to stay indoors

when the weath er is col d and w e t .

P a m :

-J a n e : When I was y our age and wor ki ng, I cou ldn’t ei ther. A ) Then what do you do all day? Read or

watch the TV?

B ) That’s the best thing to do. I wish my mother would.

C ) Don’t you get bored, sitting at home alone all day?

D ) That’s very sensible of you. I’m sure I would, if I could; but as I’m working I can’t. E) Lucky you! W hen I stop working I shall do

the same.

46. Hilary : Wer e y ou able to watch that film last night?

Pa ul i n e :

-Hilary : Oh! Was it really so bad? Pa ul i n e : Yes it was! I loved the novel and

wasn’t going to let the film spoil it for me!

A ) Yes. Some parts were well-done, but I didn’t like the leading actress.

B ) Yes I did. But I can’t say I enjoyed it. C ) No. I was late home and only managed to

watch the las t s cene.

D ) Yes, s ome of it. But we had visitors so we turned the TV off.

E) W ell, I watched it for a very short time and then turned the TV off!


47. - 51. sor ular da, v er ilen cümleler sırası ile okunduğu nda han gi cüml enin anlam bakımından parçaya uymadığını bu lu nu z .

Başlangıç saati : 10:30 Bitiş saati : 10:40 Top la m s ür e : 10 dakika

47. (I) T he sem i-set tled tri bal Penan peo ple of Sarawak hav e been fighting logging co mpa nie s f or mor e t han tw ent y y ear s. (II) To them, their t imber - r ich forest is mor e than a home; it is a life-suppor t sy stem upon which their v er y liv es and exi stenc e de pend. (III ) Now the logg er s ar e car v in g r oads deepe r and d eeper into the forest. (IV) One side effect of the logging is soil erosion. (V) As a r esult, the Penan, though basically a peace lov ing community, ar e star t ing to er ect bar r icades in an effort to obstruct the activ ities of lo gging companies. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

48. (I) T he r e a r e s ev er al r easo ns w hy t he Industrial R ev olution star t ed in Gr eat Br itain r ather than in France. (II) In the fir st place, Br itain had the money nece ssar y to fin ance t he lar ger

enter p r ises. (III ) T he Indu strial R ev o lution brought about radical changes in not only the economic ar ena but also the social life. (IV) Fur t her, England’s supr emacy on th e sea s had e nco ur age d com me r ce a nd thus, indir ectly, industr y. (V) M or eov er, ther e was a new r ich class in England, a mer c hant c lass, w hich wa s r ead y to dev ote itself to industr y.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

49. (I) T he bicy cle is gr ossly unappr eciated. (II) It takes us wher e we want to go, and ma kes stre ets gr ea t pl aces to be i n, r ather than to dr iv e thr ough. (III) T her e is a constant call to get y ouths off the str ee ts - but t hat’s exa ctly wher e they should be. (IV) Following the popularity of mo unta in bik es, the r e i s n ow a wi de r ange of city bikes on the mar kets. (V) In fact, it’s wher e we all should be enjoy ing our stre ets a nd co mmuni ties; and not hiding away alone in our homes. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

50. (I) The word ‘utopia’ is taken fr om a G r eek wor d m ean ing ‘no whe r e’ . (I I) It was fir st used in 1516 by Sir Thomas M ore as the title of a book he wrote about an imaginary country. (III) In it he descr ibed an ideal society with the aim of dir ecting public attention to the

cor r uption in his own country. (IV) Since then, the ter m has been used of any ideali sed societ y. (V) Act ually M or e wr ote his Utopia in Latin as this was still the language of ser ious wr iting in Europe. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

51. (I) Yoga is back in fashion in the West. (II ) T he r e is ev id ence ev er y wher e of its r eturn to pr ominence. (III) In New Yor k, for instan ce, classes in y og a studies hav e spr ung up all ov er the metropolitan ar ea. (IV) T he origins of yoga can be tr aced back to ancient Hindu theistic philosophy. (V) One company also r etails C Ds, v ideos and books and sends a y oga-accessor ies catalogue out to 800,000 c us to me r s e v er y y e ar.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

52. - 56. sor ular da, parçada boş bırakı lan yere uy gun düşen cümleyi bu lu nu z .

Başlangıç saati : 10:40 Bitiş saati : 10:55 Top la m s ür e : 15 dakika

52. ‘Ar t Deco’ is the name giv en by moder n collectors to the decor ativ e sty le of the 1920s and 1930s. ---- . T he style of Art Deco is not auster e but gay, elegant and ev en friv olous. It is r elated super f icially to C u bism, usi ng squar e s, cir cle s and tri angl es i n in ter e stin g co mbin atio ns f or o r n a m e n t .

A ) The main stream of art in the eighteenth century, had been orderly and polished B ) In rec ent decades s ome critic s have

argued that art, s cience and tec hnology should c ooperate to improve the environment of cities

C ) On the other hand, impressionism ultimately led to the anti-naturalist movement of Post-Impress ionism

D ) Cubism, for example, with its attention to form, is class ic al, whereas Surrealis m, with its attention to content, is romantic E) The term is derived from the long official

name of the Paris Exhibition of 1925, which c oncentrated on the decorative arts


53. C hr isto pher Wr en wil l al way s be r e memb er e d as a gr ea t a r chi tec t, a nd London abounds in examples of his ar chitecture. ---- . Later he turned to secula r buildings including H ampton Cour t and K ensington Palace.

A ) W ren’s arc hitectural abilities ac tually developed late

B ) The great fire of London meant that there was a great need f or new buildings C ) It was a visit to Paris that brought W ren’s

interests in architecture to the fore D ) His earlier buildings were nearly all

ecc lesiastic al ones

E) At one time he was professor of Mathematics at Gresham’s College in Lon don

54. Ov er the past hundr ed y ear s or so, glacier s in the Alps hav e changed almost bey ond r ecognition. In this the Alps ar e not unique. ---- . What is special about the glacier s of the Alps is that the v er y small ch ange s in th em h av e bee n r e cor d ed over a ver y long per iod of time.

A ) From the Andes to the Himalayas the story is the same

B ) The melting of mountain ice is more than just an aes thetic c oncern

C ) W ithout the water from the melting s now throughout the s ummer, agriculture would become nearly impos sible

D ) There has been a two-degree rise in minimum temperatures in the Alpine region E) The Alps feed Europe’s major rivers , and

river levels are starting to sink

55. ---- . Indeed, pr oductiv ity -driv en deflation, in which costs and pr ices a r e pushed down by technological adv ances, is ben efic ial. T his is beca use l ower pr i ces lift r eal incomes and hence sp ending p o w e r .

A ) Deflation only bec omes acc eptable when it is unavoidable

B ) People rightly fear deflation, but it is a condition that has to be f aced

C ) Deflation is not nec essarily a bad thing D ) The risk of outright deflation has clearly

in c reas ed

E) Deflation is particularly dangerous f or countries that have a large corporate debt like Japan

56. T he Whisper ing G allery is a circular gal ler y immed iately unde r the dome in St. Paul’s C athedral, London. Her e, a me r e wh isp er ca n be hea r d wi th st ar t li ng distinctness all the way r ound the

cir cumf er enc e. - --- . Oth er s sugge st t hat t he m e ch a ni sm ma y b e m or e

c o mp l i c a te d .

A ) Some have tried to explain the phenomenon on the bas is of s uc cess ive ref lections round the wall

B ) People enjoy listening to each other’s whispers in the c athedral

C ) So far, nobody has managed to give a logical explanation of why this happens D ) In a churc h in Newburyport there is a

similar ef fect

E) This phenomenon naturally gives an added charm to the c athedral

5 daki ka dinlenme ar ası.


57. - 80. sor ular

Başlangıç saati : 11:00 Bitiş saati : 12:00 Top la m s ür e : 60 dakika

Her bir metin ve buna ait 3 soruyu cevaplamak için toplam 7.5 dakika ayırınız.

57. - 59. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.

If the ter m employ m ent is used in its wi de r s en se as me ani ng wo r k wh ic h i s of economic value not only to the family but to the community, women hav e at all ti mes been th us e mplo y ed. In pr i miti v e soc ieti es an d in agr i cult ur al comm unit ies wo men sha r ed in the pr oduc tiv e w or k on the land, in the wor kshops and the home; they took part in trade and they car ed for the old, the sick and the infirm at a time wh en t he r e w er e no h ea lt h an d we lf ar e se r v i ces in th e m ode r n sen se. In dee d, in any society in which the productiv ity of lab our i s lo w, wo men’s act iv e

par t icipation in the daily wor k is

ind ispe nsab le. To t his day, wom en w or k in the fields in all agricultur al

commun ities; they spin and wea v e, do building wor k and v a r ious other kinds of har d phy sical labour in many parts of the wor ld which hav e not y et r eached the th r esh old of i ndu stri alis atio n.

57. Accor ding to the passage, if we use the wo r d ‘ emp loy m ent ’ i n it s g ener al meaning ---- .

A ) we are referring to early domes tic industries

B ) it ref ers almost wholly to the activities of w om en

C ) it signifies any kind of work which c ontributes ec onomically to society D ) it primarily signifies low paid or unpaid

working ac tivities

E) it stands for all kinds of work in an agric ultural society

58. T he author points out that, histor ically, w om en - -- - .

A ) have played a pioneering role in the growth of indus trialis ation

B ) have been involved in domes tic ac tivities but not in outdoor ones

C ) have never been regarded as ec onomically us ef ul

D ) have never been expected to do hard phys ic al work

E) have always played an important part in the communities’ working activities

59. T he passage points out that, in this pr es en t age , in ma ny u nd er d ev el op ed countries, ---- .

A ) health care and other s ocial services are starting to be more ef fective

B ) women are still being used in physically demanding jobs

C ) it is still the women’s responsibility to carry on trading activities

D ) spinning and weaving are the only major economic activities


60. - 62. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.

If y ou wish to glimpse the ancient trophies of Pedr a Fur ada, in a difficult, mou ntain ous a r ea o f nor th-ea ster n Br az il, y ou must b e pr epar ed to face i ntense dr y he at, tr eac her ous r oc ky gr o und , s udd en flooding, boulder s failing from cliffs, a gg r es s i v e sn a ke s an d s w ar m s o f mosqui toes. It’s wor t h it, though, f or the ar c haeolo gical treasu r es to be fo und ther e ar e exceptionally ancient. R ock paintings - v iv id depictions of pr ehistor ic way s of life, including dancing, hunting, war and sex r ituals - hav e been dated at mor e than 12,000 y ear s old, while cur ious pe bb le st r u ct ur es, p r i mev al b on fir es a nd ear ly stone tools ar e up to 50,000 y ear s old. The discov er y of the r emains had a pr ofou nd eff ect on our kno wle dge of Am er ic an pr ehi st or y, fo r the y sug ge st ed that the fir st people in the New World ar rived not via a br idge of ice fr om Siber ia but by sea from Africa or possibly ev en Austr a lia.

60. It is pointed out in the passage that Pedr a Fur ada ---- .

A ) is jealously guarded and few people are allowed to see its treasures

B ) is situated in an extremely hostile environment

C ) is just one of many archaeological sites in north-eas tern Brazil

D ) has rock paintings depic ting activities of 50,000 years ago

E) is eas ily accessible, especially during the summer months

61. We ca n under sta nd from t he passage that the r ock paintings in Pedra Fur ada ---- . A )depict a wide variety of ac tivity in

prehis toric al Brazil

B ) are far older than any of the other arc haeologic al trophies there

C) have been blackened by the smoke f rom primeval bonf ires

D ) are in a bad state of repair owing to the dry climate

E) are of less interest than the early stone tools f ound there

62. We can u nder stand from the pass age that, befor e the ancient trophi es of Pedr a Furada came to light, ---- .

A ) people presumed that north-eastern Brazil had never been inhabited

B ) people believed that the firs t inhabitants of the American c ontinents came either f rom Af rica or f rom Aus tralia

C ) it had always been assumed that the first people in the New W orld came from Siberia over a bridge of ice

D ) this area was already attrac ting tourists E) no one even sus pected that the rituals of

dancing and hunting went back 12,000 yea r s


63. - 65. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.

New ev idence suggest s that Noah’s f lood r eally did happen. A r ecent expedition has confirmed that a huge flood occur r ed 7,000 years ago in the Black Sea. T he theory was first put forwar d last year by mar ine geologists William R y an and Walter Pitman. In their book Noah’s Flood, they ar gue that the gr eat floo d r esulted from t he last ice age, which peaked 12,000 year s ago. When the poles froz e, ocean levels dropped and cut off the M edit er r anean f r om the B lack Sea, which dr opped 150 m to become a lake with fe r t il e sh or es . Wh en t he i ce t hawe d, t he M e dite r r a nean r o se b ack up and br o ke thr ough what is now known as the Bosporus with a for ce equal to 200 Niagara Falls for a period of two y ears. T he Black Sea rose, consuming a mile of shor e a day. T hose w ho had settle d ther e f led, spr eading their stories of the flood.

63. Accor di ng to the pass age, the pole s froz e dur ing the last ice age which caused ocean levels to dr op and ---- .

A ) remain low for the next 7,000 years B ) the Mediterranean became a lake only 150

m deep

C ) and they never again returned to normal D ) so no further flooding on such a scale is


E) the Mediterranean was separated f rom the Black Sea

64. It is pointed out in the passage that, as the ice mel ted towa r ds the end of the last ice age, ---- .

A ) the waters of the Mediterranean rose and forced a way through to the Black Sea B ) the people living along the Bos porus moved

inland to avoid flooding

C ) several new seas c ame into being including the Mediterranean and the Black Sea D ) the Mediterranean and the Black Sea once

more bec ame a unified oc ean

E) there was cons iderable f looding though it was not on the sc ale of that known as Noah’s flood

65. It is suggested in the passage that the Black Sea flooded the land around it ---- .

A ) when it was c ut of f from the Mediterranean B ) and s o the Bosporus was f ormed

C ) until all the ice at the poles had thawed D ) when the last ice age peaked 12,000 years

ag o


66. - 68. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.

M r M ell on se ni or wa s a C r oe su s w ho se golden touch gav e him a grip on much of Ame r ica n in dust r y, i nclu ding pow er, mining, ci v il engineer ing and insur ance. His son, Paul M ellon, was a v er y differ ent so r t o f pe r so n bu t no les s r emar kabl e. His achiev ement was that he managed to disp ose of mor e mo ney and goods than any other American of his time, but did it in a n unobtr usiv e an d well-r egar ded way. T he gr eat capitalists of the 19th centur y, par t i cular ly A ndr ew C ar negie and John R oc k ef el l er, p io n ee r ed Am er i ca n phila nthr opy. C ar negie said the same aggr essiv e ener gy that ha d made a capitalist r ich should be employ ed to return his pr ofits to society. T he man who die d r ich, died disgr aced, C ar negie th un der ed . W it hou t n ec ess ar ily a gr e ei ng with such s tructures, Paul M ell on set out to r edist r ibut e some of hi s wea lth. B oth me n t hou ght th at wh at Ame r ic a n eed ed was cultu r e. C ar negi e had fav ou r ed public librar ies. M r M ellon went for public ar t gal ler ie s.

66. T he wr iter makes the p oint t hat M e llon senior made the mon ey and that M ellon junior disposed of it, ---- .

A ) so it is Mellon senior who is to be admired B ) but that the ac hievement of eac h was

equally great

C ) whic h acc ounts f or the tension between the two men

D ) but that both men were primarily interes ted in culture

E) he is therefore very critical of Mellon junior’s behaviour

67. As w e un de r s ta nd f r o m th e pa ss ag e, C ar negie passionately believ ed that ---- .

A ) his father ought to have been more philanthropic

B ) the capitalis t s ys tem was wrong C ) the bes t expres sion of a nation’s c ulture

was its art galleries

D ) the same energy that makes a man rich should be us ed f or the benefit of society E) Rockefeller was the first and the greatest

of the American philanthropis ts

68. T h e wr ite r a dmir es Pau l M e llo n b ecau se he used his father ’s money ---- .

A ) in a discrete manner, for the benefit of the Americ an people at large

B ) and he had the same business skills as his father but refused to use them

C ) to make thos e who had worked for his f ather ric h

D ) to set up new bus ines ses and increase his w e al t h

E) rather more extravagantly than even Carnegie had ever done


69. - 71. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.

Venice is famed for its ar chit ecture and for its pa intings . Vene tian ar chitec ture refl ects the By z anti ne influ ence, th ough G othic became the main style in the 14th century ; and the first R enaissance building dates from the second half of the 15th century. T he Venetian school of pai nter s did not come int o pr o mine nce until the 15th century. T he best known of this school are Gentile and Giovanni Bellini, Titian, Tintor etto and Ver onese. T he centre of Venetian life is St M ar k’s squ ar e, which is p av ed with mar b le. R ound this and the adjoining Piaz zetta ar e gr ouped buildings of gr eat beauty and int er est . At the e aster n end of th e squ ar e is the basilica of St M ark, a fitting

cathedr al for the patriar ch of Venice.

69. T he author points out that Venetian ar chitectu r e ---- .

A ) makes use of marble as the main building material

B ) is best represented by the basilic a of St Mark

C ) actually ref lec ts two dif ferent arc hitec tural styles prior to the Renais sance

D ) has remained almost unchanged since the 15th c entury

E) has been an important source of inspiration f or Venetian painters

70. We und er s tan d fr om the pas sag e th at prior to the 15th century, Venice ---- .

A ) could show no examples of buildings in the Gothic s tyle

B ) was not influenc ed in any way by Byzantine arc hitecture

C ) was already famous f or its great painters and arc hitects

D ) was already proud of her R enais sanc e buildings

E) hardly produced any painters of importance

71. It is stressed in the passage that St M ar k’s squar e in Venice ---- .

A ) stands next to the Piazzetta, which arc hitecturally has been neglec ted

B ) is dominated by buildings in the Gothic style C ) was f requently painted by the Venetian

sc hool of painters

D ) is both the cultural and the social centre of the city

E) is surrounded by buildings which hous e the works of Titian and other great Venetian painters


72. - 74. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.

R adical changes in the life of wester n soc iety wer e br ough t abo ut by the new technical inv entions of the 18th and 19th centuries which r esulted in a gr adual but co mp le te r e or ga ni sa tio n of t he

pr od uctiv e pr oce ss. T h is is gener a lly known as ’the Industr ial R ev olution’. T he outstan ding feature of this ind ustr ial r e v ol uti on was the in cr e asi ng

specialisation of labour and, with it, the re mo v a l of mo r e an d mo r e in du st r i es from the home to the factory. At the same time, a gr o wing number of activ ities such as bak ing, so ap m akin g an d d r ess maki ng wer e ta ken ov er by indu stry. T h ese changes pr ofoundly affected th e liv es of wo me n. M an y of th em wo r ke d i n the n ew factories for v er y low wages and for ex ces siv ely lo ng hou r s; ot her s w or k ed at h om e f o r m an u f ac t ur e r s .

72. Accor ding to the passage, the 18th and 19th centuries in the West ---- .

A ) were a time when working c onditions were greatly improved

B ) domestic indus try developed alongs ide the reorganis ation of indus try

C) experienced a great ec onomic and industrial decline

D ) s aw great tec hnical advanc es whic h led to radical c hanges in the produc tion process E) gave priority to domestic indus tries

73. It is pointed out in the passage that one of th e m ost imp or t ant ch ang es

introduced by the Industr ial R ev olution was ---- .

A ) the development of such domestic skills as baking and soap making

B ) the improvement of the pos ition of women in society

C ) the gradual rise of spec ialised labour D ) the reorganisation of working conditions

f or w om en

E) an unprec edented increas e in wages

74. T he wr i ter make s the poi nt t hat the Industrial Revolution ---- .

A ) had a totally des truc tive effect upon the s oc ial struc ture

B ) had a great effect on the way of life in the W est

C ) encouraged domes tic activities, in partic ular dress making

D ) led to the building of very many factories jus t f or women workers

E) had little effect on traditional produc tion methods


75. - 77. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.

Winchester is a cathedral city in England. Once a royal city and r esidence of the k in gs o f We ss ex , Wi nc he st er c om pe te d with London to be capital of England and r iv alled Salisbur y as a gr eat centr e of le ar n in g. T he p r og r es siv el y i nte ns ifi ed agr icultur al use of the land and the incr easing populat ion of the near by towns and v illages gav e pr osper ity to Winchester and turned it into a major econo mic centr e. Wool wa s an impo r t ant local pr oduct, and its collection and distr ibution formed par t of the city ’s econo my. Unde r K ing A lfr ed, w hose statue stands in the city, the cultur al and ec cles ias tica l l ife of W inc hest er beca me f ir ml y es t ab li sh ed .

75. T he p assage p uts empha sis on - --- . A ) the cultural and economic importanc e of

W inc hester in its early history

B ) King Alfred and how he made W inchester his capital

C ) London’s s upremac y over W inches ter D ) the arc hitec tural exc ellence of

W inches ter’s c athedral

E) the lives and deeds of the ancient kings of W es s ex

76. T he author explains that, in ear ly times Winch ester -- -- .

A ) depended solely on the wool trade for her ec on om y

B ) was a royal c ity for the Kings of England C ) was hardly less important, in s ome

respects , than either London or Salisbury D ) sold most of her wool to London and

Salis bury

E) had a small population compared with s urrounding areas

77. Accor ding to the passage, it was King Alfred ---- .

A ) who enc ouraged the growth of towns and villages in the W inchester region

B ) himself who had his statue set up in W inches ter

C ) who made W inchester the capital of England

D ) who first had the idea of building a great cathedral in W inches ter

E) who turned W inchester into a cultural and ecc les iastical c entre


78. - 80. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.

G eor ge Vancouv er was a Br itish nav al exp lor e r wh o se r v ed as a se aman on C aptain C ook’s second v oy age r ound the world (1772-75) and as a midshipman on his third v oy age (1776-80). He then saw serv ice in the West Indies. In 1791 he was placed in charge of an expedition to the nor thwest coast of N or t h A mer ica to seek for a passage to the inter ior of the con tine nt w hich was r umo ur ed to e xist in those par t s. On the outward v oy age by the Cape of Good Hope, a por tion of the so ut hwe st co as tli ne of A ust r a lia w as examin ed, and Tasm ania, New Z ealand and Hawaii wer e v isited . Vanco uv er s pent thr ee y ea r s in car efully sur v ey ing

por t ions of the west coast of Nor t h Amer ica. He was the fir st to

cir cumnav igate Van couv er Island, to which his name was giv en by the Sp an ia r d s to c om me mo r a te h is

achie v ement. T h e standar d of his s ur v ey was exceptionally high and wor t hy of his old captain, James C ook; and his voy age pr actically dispr ov ed the existence of a wa ter -p ass age t o t he in ter ior a lon g t he se c o a s t s .

78. Accor ding to the passage, by the time G e or ge Van couv er w as s ent to e xplo r e t he nor t hwest coast of N or t h Amer i ca, ---- .

A ) he had led an exploratory expedition to the W est Indies

B ) he had already had considerable experienc e at s ea

C ) Captain Cook had already instructed him on what to look f or

D ) he had already ac quired a bas ic knowledge of the area with Captain Cook

E) others had tried to find a sea passage into the interior but had failed

79. Acco r ding to the passa ge, Va ncouv e r ’s expl or ation of the nor t hwe st coas t of Amer ica ---- .

A ) caused the Spaniards to give up their claims to North America

B ) was greatly admired by Englis h sailors who named Vancouver Island af ter him

C ) brought to a successful end the explorations initiated by Captain Cook D ) more or less establis hed that there was no

water-pas s age into the interior

E) was more s ucc es s ful than any expedition he had taken part in

80. It is pointed out in the passage that Vancouv er ---- .

A ) made a thorough s urvey of the western shore of North America

B ) wanted to be recognis ed as a greater explorer than Captain Cook

C ) was clearly feared by Spanis h s ailors D) was only interes ted in the exploration of

North America and paid no attention to other territories

E) bought supplies for his ship and crew in Australia on his voyage home

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Soru 1.

fiction = roman ve hikaye edebiyatı

literary = edebi

theme = tema

intricate = karışık, çapraşık, girift,

complicated, complex,

zıt anl. = simple,


fit in with = uymak, uygun düşmek, (bir yere, gruba vs.) ait olmak,

be suited to, belong

clear out = sıvışmak, tüymek,

slip out of

Soru 2.

measure = önlem, tedbir, ölçü,


combat = savaşmak, mücadele etmek,

fight, struggle,

zıt anl. = surrender, compromise

violence = şiddet, zorbalık,

disturbance, riot

get off = 1) (bir taşıttan) inmek; 2) paçayı kurtarmak, (birini) cezadan kurtarmak

let down = 1) (ağır ağır) inmesini sağlamak; 2) boşa çıkarmak, yüzüstü bırakmak, hayal

kırıklığına uğratmak,

forsake, disappoint

take down = 1) sökmek, parçalara ayırmak,


; 2) kibrini kırmak

work out = (plan, proje vs.) planlamak, başarmak, iyi sonuçlandırmak, (bir sorunu)


accomplish, solve,

zıt anl. = fail, miss

Soru 3.

accuse = suçlamak, itham etmek,


zıt anl. = acquit

accused = sanık

take over = (yönetimi, nöbeti vs.) devralmak, egemen olmak,

assume, predominate,


anl. = abandon

look through = 1) gözden geçirmek, incelemek,

examine, search

; 2) (bir şeyin

arasından, içinden) bakmak

Soru 4.

edition = baskı

manuscript = el yazması, müsvedde

Soru 5.

influence = etki, tesir, nüfuz,

effect, impact,

(fiil=) etkilemek, söz geçirmek,


corporate = (genellikle A. Ş. halinde) şirketleşmiş, şirkete ait

Soru 6.

arise = ortaya çıkmak,

appear, emerge,

zıt anl. = disappear, fade

in response to = —e karşılık, —e tepki olarak,

as a reaction to

appropriate = uygun, yerinde,

suitable, proper,

zıt anl. = inappropriate, unsuitable

stimulus = uyarım, uyarıcı şey

insignificant = önemsiz, değersiz,


zıt anl. = significant, important

invalid = 1) geçersiz, hükümsüz,

null, void

; 2) (yatalak) hasta, sakat,


involuntary = gönülsüz, istemsiz,

reflexive, unintentional, unwilling,

zıt anl. = voluntary,


inadequate = yetersiz, eksik,


zıt anl. = enough, ample

Soru 7.

apply = 1) başvurmak; 2) uygulamak, tatbik etmek,

implement, utilize

replace = (başkasıyla) değiştirmek, yenilemek,

change, substitute

seek = aramak,

look for

Soru 8.

meanwhile = bu arada, bu esnada,

at the same time

on a vast scale = çok geniş ölçekte, büyük oranda

post-war = savaş sonrası


Soru 9.

Janissary = Yeniçeri

recruit = 1) asker toplamak, asker yazmak,


; 2) (bir iş için) eleman aramak, işe



conquer = fethetmek

Soru 10.

come into force = geçerli olmak, yürürlüğe girmek,

go into effect, take effect,

zıt anl. =

annul, repeal

Soru 12. advise = öğüt vermek, tavsiyede bulunmak,

counsel, suggest

advice = öğüt, tavsiye, nasihat

vocational = mesleki, mesleğe ilişkin,


Soru 13.

materialise = gerçekleşmek,

be realised, actualise,

zıt anl. = fail

progress = ilerlemek, gelişmek,


zıt anl. = cease, return

astounding = şoke eden, hayret verici,

surprising, breathtaking,

zıt anl. = normal,


pace = hız; adım

Soru 14. bitterly = şiddetli, dayanılması zor

battle (with) = (ile) savaşmak, mücadele etmek,

fight with

tidal pull = gelgit çekimi

in spite of = —e rağmen/karşın,

regardless of

contrary to = karşın, aksine,

as opposed to

nevertheless = yine de, bununla birlikte,

however, even so

Soru 15. humour = mizah, güldürü

laughter = kahkaha, gülme

put forward = önermek, ileri sürmek,


conclusive = kesin, son, nihai,

definite, final,

zıt anl. = questionable, uncertain

Soru 16. accidentally = kazara, yanlışlıkla; tesadüfen

criminal = suçlu

Soru 17.

slightly = az miktarda, yüzeysel, bir parça,

a little, insignificantly,

zıt anl. = immensely

Soru 20. relevant = konuyla ilgili, yerinde,


suggestion = öneri, ileri sürülen fikir,


approval = onay,


Soru 22. illusion = hayal, kuruntu, yanılsama,


plot = (öykü) konusu

setting = zaman ve mekan, ortam

depict = betimlemek, anlatmak, resmetmek,

describe, picture

predominantly = genelde, çoğunlukla,

above all, in general,

zıt anl. = least of all

fanciful = hayali,


zıt anl. = real

fantastic = akıl almaz, gerçek dışı, hayali,

illusive, incredible,

zıt anl. = common,


Soru 23. linguist = dilbilimci

master = iyice öğrenmek, uzmanlaşmak,

learn, grasp

task = iş, görev, ödev,

job, duty, work

acquire = elde etmek, kazanmak,

gain, obtain,

zıt anl. = forfeit, lose


achieve = başarmak, (zorlu bir uğraştan sonra) elde etmek, kazanmak,



anl. = fail, lose, quit

intense = şiddetli, güçlü,

fierce, powerful,

zıt anl. = mild

emotional = duygusal, duygulu,

passionate, sentimental,

zıt anl. = cold, unemotional

Soru 25.

undermine = temelini aşındırmak, yavaş yavaş yok etmek, zayıflatmak,


zıt anl.

= strengthen, build up

structure = yapı

Soru 26.

face = karşı karşıya kalmak, göğüs germek,

confront, encounter,

zıt anl. = avoid, evade

trivial = cüzi, önemsiz, bayağı, sıradan,

insignificant, unimportant,

zıt anl. = significant,


public apology = kamu önünde özür dileme

object to = itiraz etmek, karşı çıkmak,

disagree, disapprove,

zıt anl. = agree, approve

amendment = düzeltme, değişiklik,

correction, change

Housing Bill = imar ve iskan yasa tasarısı

centre upon = odakla(n)mak,

concentrate, direct,

zıt anl. = disregard, overlook

Soru 27.

blame = suçlamak, suçu (birinin) üstüne atmak,


zıt anl. = acquit

volunteer = gönüllü

adverse = kötü, elverişsiz, zararlı, menfaatine aykırı, aleyhte, ters (yönlü),


contrary, reverse,

zıt anl. = beneficial, favourable

avoid = kaçınmak, sakınmak, —den kurtulmak,

escape, stay away,

zıt anl. = contact,

face, confront

upset = 1) bozmak, altüst etmek,

disturb, disrupt


2) üzmek, sinirlendirmek,



community = topluluk; toplum, halk

Soru 28. media = araçlar, ortam, medya

attached (to) = 1) bağlı, ilgili; 2) ilişik

resemble = benzemek, andırmak,

look/be like, take after,

zıt anl. = differ from

Soru 29.

be made up of = —den oluşmak,

be composed of

restrict = kısıtlamak, sınırlamak,

limit, restrain,

zıt anl. = broaden, enlarge

subject to = tabi, maruz,

conditional, depending

feature = özellik,

characteristic, element

Soru 30.

profound = derin, büyük, kapsamlı,

deep, serious, intense,

zıt anl. = superficial

exhibit = sergilemek, göstermek, ibraz etmek,

reveal, illustrate, present,

zıt anl. =

conceal, cover, hide

prolific = üretken, verimli, doğurgan,

productive, fruitful

for the most part = genel olarak,

generally, mostly

at large = genelinde, çoğu, çoğunluğu,

in general

interpret = 1) yorumlamak; 2) çevirmek, tercüme etmek

Soru 31. peasant = köylü,

villager, farmer

go on strike = grev yapmak

survivor = (bir kaza, afet vs. sonrası) sağ kalan, kurtulan

Soru 42.

look forward to = sabırsızlıkla beklemek, iple çekmek

cliff = uçurum, sarp kayalık

picturesque = tablo gibi


Benzer Belgeler


Yerel Gündem 21 kapsamında ifade edilen öncelikler, temel olarak hemşeriler, yerel ölçekli kuruluşlar ve özel sektör temsilcileri ile beraber çok aktörlü bir

Üçüncü ve son bölümde ise, Türkiye’de yerel yönetimlerin sosyal politika uygulamaları ve yasal çerçevesi ve tüm bunlara dayanarak İzmir Büyükşehir

Belediye başkan adaylarının belediye başkanlığı seçimleri yanında il genel meclisi seçimlerinde de seçmen davranışlarını etkileyen bir faktör olduğuna ilişkin bulgumuza

Bu bölümde yeşil çatı ile ilgili araştırmaları olan başlıca kuruluşlardan GRHC (Sağlıklı Kentler için Yeşil Çatılar), ASLA (Amerikan Peyzaj

Panasonic tasarımcıları, çevresel performansın saptanması ve geliştirilmesi için, tüm yeni ürünler üzerinde enerji tüketimini azaltmaya çalışmanın yanı sıra

İşletmelerin yeşil yönetim anlayışlarına uygun faaliyette bulunduklarının en önemli göstergelerinden biri olan ISO 14000 çevre yönetim sistemi standartları, işletmenin

Bir başka çalışmada fiziksel aktivite adım/gün olarak pedometre ile değerlendirilip, BKİ ve vücut yağ oranı ile karşılaştırılmış; aralarında anlamlı ters ilişki