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Farklı mikoriza türleri, kompost ve fosfat kayacı uygulamalarının sorgum bitkisinin bitki gelişimi ve besin elementi alımına etkilerinin belirlenmesi üzerine yürütülen
Effects of Light Stimulation Age on Body Weight and Egg Production Traits of Broiler Pure-lines in the Laying Period.. Musa Sarıca 1,a , Beyhan Yeter 2,b , Emrah Oğuzhan 3,c ,
In theory, the division of public and private law, and the fact that Islamic jurists were mainly private law jurists, in practice resulted in the emergence of different legal
Acil servisde; şiddetli öksürük ve beraberinde ani başlangıçlı bir gögüs ağrısı ayırıcı tanısında, öksürüğün neden olduğu kot fraktürü akla
K, Kimura F, Odajima K, Asano T, Hayakawa M: Immunohistochemical study of p53 and Ki-67 overexpression in grade 3 superficial bladder tumor in relationship to tumor
The developed scale revealed the perceptions of teachers' power base games used by school principals In the related literature, there are limited quantitative and
衛教指導資訊-小兒外科 臺北醫學大學‧部立雙和醫院 103-11-C FH1700005 陰囊水腫及疝氣(墜腸)術後注意事項 一、前言