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Editor in -Chief: George Anastassiou
Department of Mathematical Sciences The University Of Memphis
Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-3144,fax 901-678-2480 e-mail [email protected] www.msci.memphis.edu/~anastasg/anlyjour.htm Areas:Approximation Theory, Probability,Moments,Wavelet, Neural Networks,Inequalities,Fuzzyness. Associate Editors: 1) Ravi Agarwal
Florida Institute of Technology Applied Mathematics Program 150 W.University Blvd. Melbourne,FL 32901,USA [email protected] Differential Equations,Difference Equations, Inequalities 2) Drumi D.Bainov
Medical University of Sofia P.O.Box 45,1504 Sofia,Bulgaria [email protected]
Differential Equations,Optimal Control, Numerical Analysis,Approximation Theory 3) Carlo Bardaro
Dipartimento di Matematica & Informatica Universita' di Perugia Via Vanvitelli 1 06123 Perugia,ITALY tel.+390755855034, +390755853822, fax +390755855024 [email protected] , [email protected]
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Institute of Mathematics
20) Ram N.Mohapatra
Department of Mathematics University of Central Florida Orlando,FL 32816-1364
Real and Complex analysis,Approximation Th., Fourier Analysis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 21) Rainer Nagel
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Chair of Econometrics and Statistics
School of Economics and Business Engineering University of Karlsruhe
Kollegium am Schloss,Bau II,20.12,R210 Postfach 6980,D-76128,Karlsruhe,Germany tel.011-49-721-608-7535
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Department of Mathematics Education College of Education
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Nonlinear operator Th.,Inequalities, Geometry of Banach Spaces
7) Sever S.Dragomir
School of Communications and Informatics Victoria University of Technology
PO Box 14428 Melbourne City M.C Victoria 8001,Australia tel 61 3 9688 4437,fax 61 3 9688 4050 [email protected], [email protected] Math.Analysis,Inequalities,Approximation Th.,
Numerical Analysis, Geometry of Banach Spaces,
Information Th. and Coding 8) Angelo Favini
Universitΰ di Bologna Dipartimento di Matematica Piazza di Porta San Donato 5 40126 Bologna, ITALY
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Partial Differential Equations, Control Theory,
University of Athens Pedagogical Department
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4, Agamemnonos Str.
Aghia Paraskevi, Athens, Attikis 15342 Greece [email protected]
Approximation Theory,Functional Equations, Inequalities, PDE
25) Paolo Emilio Ricci
Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Dipartimento di Matematica-Istituto
P.le A.Moro,2-00185 Roma,ITALY
tel.++39 0649913201,fax ++39 0644701007
[email protected],[email protected] Orthogonal Polynomials and Special functions, Numerical Analysis, Transforms,Operational Calculus,
Differential and Difference equations 26) Cecil C.Rousseau
Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis
Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-2490,fax 901-678-2480 [email protected] Combinatorics,Graph Th., Asymptotic Approximations, Applications to Physics 27) Tomasz Rychlik Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences Chopina 12,87100 Torun, Poland [email protected]
Mathematical Statistics,Probabilistic Inequalities
28) Bl. Sendov
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
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Approximation Th.,Geometry of Polynomials, Image Compression
Ames,IA 50011-0001,USA tel.515-294-8150 [email protected] Inequalities,Ordinary Differential Equations 10) Sorin Gal Department of Mathematics University of Oradea Str.Armatei Romane 5 3700 Oradea,Romania [email protected] Approximation Th.,Fuzzyness,Complex Analysis 11) Jerome A.Goldstein
Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis,
Memphis,TN 38152,USA tel.901-678-2484 [email protected]
Partial Differential Equations, Semigroups of Operators 12) Heiner H.Gonska Department of Mathematics University of Duisburg Duisburg,D-47048 Germany tel.0049-203-379-3542 office [email protected] Approximation Th.,Computer Aided Geometric Design
13) Dmitry Khavinson
Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Arkansas
Fayetteville,AR 72701,USA
tel.(479)575-6331,fax(479)575-8630 [email protected]
Potential Th.,Complex Analysis,Holomorphic PDE,
Approximation Th.,Function Th. 14) Virginia S.Kiryakova
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
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Special Functions,Integral Transforms, Fractional Calculus
[email protected] Approximation Theory 30) H.M.Srivastava
Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Victoria
Victoria,British Columbia V8W 3P4 Canada
tel.250-721-7455 office,250-477-6960 home, fax 250-721-8962
Real and Complex Analysis,Fractional Calculus and Appl.,
Integral Equations and Transforms,Higher Transcendental
Functions and Appl.,q-Series and q-Polynomials, Analytic Number Th.
31) Stevo Stevic
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Acad. of Science
Knez Mihailova 35/I 11000 Beograd, Serbia
[email protected]; [email protected] Complex Variables, Difference Equations, Approximation Th., Inequalities
32) Ferenc Szidarovszky
Dept.Systems and Industrial Engineering The University of Arizona
Engineering Building,111 PO.Box 210020
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Numerical Methods,Game Th.,Dynamic Systems, Multicriteria Decision making,
Conflict Resolution,Applications in Economics and Natural Resources Management
33) Gancho Tachev Dept.of Mathematics
Univ.of Architecture,Civil Eng. and Geodesy 1 Hr.Smirnenski blvd BG-1421 Sofia,Bulgaria [email protected] Approximation Theory 34) Manfred Tasche Department of Mathematics University of Rostock
D-47048 Duisburg Germany tel.0049-203-379-2676 [email protected] Approximation Theory,Interpolation 16) Jerry Koliha
Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics University of Melbourne
VIC 3010,Melbourne Australia
Inequalities,Operator Theory,
Matrix Analysis,Generalized Inverses 17) Mustafa Kulenovic
Department of Mathematics University of Rhode Island Kingston,RI 02881,USA [email protected]
Differential and Difference Equations 18) Gerassimos Ladas
Department of Mathematics University of Rhode Island Kingston,RI 02881,USA [email protected]
Differential and Difference Equations 19) Rupert Lasser
Institut fur Biomathematik & Biomertie,GSF -National Research Center for environment and health
Ingolstaedter landstr.1 D-85764 Neuherberg,Germany [email protected]
Orthogonal Polynomials,Fourier Analysis, Mathematical Biology
Numerical Methods,Signal Processing, Image Processing,Harmonic Analysis 35) Chris P.Tsokos
Department of Mathematics University of South Florida 4202 E.Fowler Ave.,PHY 114 Tampa,FL 33620-5700,USA [email protected],[email protected] Stochastic Systems,Biomathematics, Environmental Systems,Reliability Th. 36) Lutz Volkmann
Lehrstuhl II fuer Mathematik RWTH-Aachen
Templergraben 55 D-52062 Aachen Germany
Complex Analysis,Combinatorics,Graph Theory
On Anti Fuzzy Structures in BCC-Algebras
Servet Kutukcu
aand Sushil Sharma
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts
Ondokuz Mayis University, 55139 Kurupelit, Samsun, Turkey
E-mail: [email protected]
Department of Mathematics, Madhav Vigyan Mahavidhyalaya
Vikram University, Ujjain-456010, India
E-mail: [email protected]
September 6, 2007
In this paper, we define the notions of anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebras and anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideals of the BCC-algebras with respect to arbitrary t-conorms and t-norms, and obtain some related results.
Keywords: t-norm, t-conorm, anti intuitionistic fuzzy subalgebra, anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal, BCC-algebra.
AMS Subject Classifications: 06F35, 03G25, 94D05
Introduction and preliminaries
The notion of fuzzy sets was introduced by Zadeh [24]. Since then, this concept has been
applied to many mathematical branches, such as group, functional analysis, probability
theory, topology and so on. In 1991, Xi [23] applied this concept to BCK-algebras and
Dudek et al.
[8-11] studied fuzzy structures in BCC-algebras.
A BCK-algebra is an
important class of logical algebras introduced by Iseki [14]. Iseki [14] posed the interesting
problem of whether the class of BCK-algebras is a variety. In connection with this problem,
Komori [18] introduced the notion of BCC-algebras and Dudek [6,7] modified the notion of
BCC-algebras by using a dual form of the ordinary definition in the sense of Komori [18].
In the present paper, using the idea of Kutukcu and Yildiz [19], we introduce the notion
of anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebras of the BCC-algebras with the help of arbitrary
t-conorms and t-norms as a generalization of anti fuzzy subalgebras. We also introduce the
notion of anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideals as a generalization of anti fuzzy ideals and prove
that an intuitionistic fuzzy subset of a BCC-algebra is an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal if and
only if the complement of this intuitionistic fuzzy subset is an anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal.
We prove that if an intuitionistic fuzzy subset is an anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal then so is
the fuzzifications of its upper and lower level cuts.
Let us recall [18] that a BCC-algebra is a nonempty set X with a constant 0 and
a binary operation ∗ which satisfies the following conditions, for all x, y, z ∈ X: (i)
((x ∗ y) ∗ (z ∗ y)) ∗ (x ∗ z) = 0; (ii) x ∗ x = 0; (iii) 0 ∗ x = 0; (iv) x ∗ 0 = x; (v)
x ∗ y = 0 and y ∗ x = 0 imply x = y. A nonempty subset G of a BCC-algebra X is
called a BCC-subalgebra of X if x ∗ y ∈ G for all x, y ∈ G (see also [15,23]).
By a triangular conorm (shortly t-conorm) S [22], we mean a binary operation on the
unit interval [0, 1] which satisfies the following conditions, for all x, y, z ∈ [0, 1]: (i) S(x, 0) =
x; (ii) S(x, y) ≤ S(x, z) if y ≤ z; (iii) S(x, y) = S(y, x); (iv) S(x, S(y, z)) = S(S(x, y), z).
Some important examples of t-conorms are S
L(x, y) = min {x + y, 1}, S
P(x, y) = x + y −xy
and S
M(x, y) = max {x, y} .
By a triangular norm (shortly t-norm) T [22], we mean a binary operation on the unit
interval [0, 1] which satisfies the following conditions, for all x, y, z ∈ [0, 1]: (i) T (x, 1) = x;
(ii) T (x, y) ≤ T (x, z) if y ≤ z; (iii) T (x, y) = T (y, x); (iv) T (x, T (y, z)) = T (T (x, y), z).
Some important examples of t-norms are T
L(x, y) = max {x + y − 1, 0}, T
P(x, y) = xy and
M(x, y) = min {x, y} .
A t-conorm S and a t-norm T are called associated [20], i.e. S(x, y) = 1 −T (1−x, 1−y)
for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]. For example t-conorm S
Mand t-norm T
Mare associated [12,17,19,20].
Also it is well known [12,17] that if S is a t-conorm and T is a t-norm, then max {x, y} ≤
S(x, y) and min {x, y} ≥ T (x, y) for all x, y ∈ [0, 1], respectively.
Note that, the concepts of t-conorms and t-norms are known as the axiomatic skeletons
that we use for characterizing fuzzy unions and intersections, respectively. These concepts
were originally introduced by Menger [21] and several properties and examples for these
concepts were proposed by many authors (see [1,5,12,16,17,19-22]).
A fuzzy set A in an arbitrary non-empty set X is a function µ
A: X → [0, 1]. The
complement of µ
A, denoted by µ
, is the fuzzy set in X given by µ
cA(x) = 1 − µ
A(x) for all
x ∈ X.
For any fuzzy set µ
Ain X and any α ∈ [0, 1], Dudek et al. [11] defined two sets
U (µ
A; α) = {x ∈ X : µ
A(x) ≥ α} and V (µ
A; α) = {x ∈ X : µ
A(x) ≤ α}
which are called an upper and lower α-level cut of µ
A, respectively, and can be used to the
characterization of µ
Definition 1.1 ([8]). A fuzzy set A in a algebra X is called a fuzzy
BCC-subalgebra of X if
A(x ∗ y) ≥ min {µ
A(x), µ
for all x, y ∈ X.
Definition 1.2 ([8]). A fuzzy set A in a algebra X is called a fuzzy
BCC-subalgebra of X with respect to a t-norm T (or simply, a T -fuzzy BCC-BCC-subalgebra of X)
A(x ∗ y) ≥ T (µ
A(x), µ
for all x, y ∈ X. Every algebra is a fuzzy algebra and so a T -fuzzy
BCC-subalgebra but the converse is not true (see [6,8-10]).
Definition 1.3 ([9]). A fuzzy set A in a BCC-algebra X is called a fuzzy ideal of X if
A(0) ≥ µ
A(x) ≥ min {µ
A(x ∗ y), µ
for all x, y ∈ X.
Definition 1.4 ([9,13]). A fuzzy set A in a BCK-algebra X is called an anti fuzzy
subalgebra of X if
A(x ∗ y) ≤ max {µ
A(x), µ
for all x, y ∈ X.
As a generalization of the notion of fuzzy sets in X, Atanassov [2] introduced
the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy sets defined on X as objects having the form A =
{(x, µ
A(x), λ
A(x)) : x ∈ X} where the functions µ
A: X → [0, 1] and λ
A: X → [0, 1] denote
A(x)) of each element x ∈ X to the set A, respectively, and 0 ≤ µ
A(x) + λ
A(x) ≤ 1 for all
x ∈ X.
In [3], for every two intuitionistic fuzzy sets A and B in X, we have
(i) A ⊆ B iff µ
A(x) ≤ µ
B(x) and λ
A(x) ≥ λ
B(x) for all x ∈ X,
¤A = {(x, µ
A(x), µ
cA(x)) : x ∈ X} ,
♦A = {(x, λ
cA(x), λ
A(x)) : x ∈ X} .
For the sake of simplicity, we shall use the symbol A = (µ
A, λ
A) for the intuitionistic
fuzzy set A = {(x, µ
A(x), λ
A(x)) : x ∈ X} as Dudek et al. [11].
(S,T)-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebras
Definition 2.1. A fuzzy set A in a algebra X is said to be an anti fuzzy
BCC-subalgebra of X if
A(x ∗ y) ≤ max {µ
A(x), µ
for all x, y ∈ X.
Definition 2.2. An intuitionistic fuzzy set A = (µ
A, λ
A) in a BCC-algebra X is said
to be an anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X if
(i) µ
A(x ∗ y) ≤ max {µ
A(x), µ
A(y)} ,
(ii) λ
A(x ∗ y) ≥ min {λ
A(x), λ
for all x, y ∈ X.
Definition 2.3. An intuitionistic fuzzy set A = (µ
A, λ
A) in a BCC-algebra X is said
to be an anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X with respect to a t-conorm S and a
t-norm T (or simply, an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X) if
(i) µ
A(x ∗ y) ≤ S(µ
A(x), µ
(ii) λ
A(x ∗ y) ≥ T (λ
A(x), λ
for all x, y ∈ X.
Remark 2.1. Every anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of a BCC-algebra is an
(S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X, but it is clear that the converse is not
true. If λ
A(x) = 1−µ
A(x) for all x ∈ X, then every anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra
of a BCC-algebra X is an anti fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X. Also, if λ
A(x) = 1 − µ
A(x) for
all x ∈ X, S = S
Mand T = T
M, then every (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra
of a BCC-algebra X is an anti fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X.
Example. Let X = {0, 1, 2, 3} be a BCC-algebra with the Cayley table as follows
∗ | 0 1 2 3
A(x) =
x = 0
x = 1 or 2
x = 3
and λ
A(x) =
x = 0
x = 1 or 2
x = 3
It is easy to check that 0 ≤ µ
A(x) + λ
A(x) ≤ 1, µ
A(x ∗ y) ≤ S
A(x), µ
A(y)) and
A(x ∗ y) ≥ T
A(x), λ
A(y)) for all x, y ∈ X. Hence A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S
M, T
intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X. Also note that t-conorm S
Mand t-norm T
not associated.
Example. Let X = {0, a, b, c, d} be a proper BCC-algebra with the Cayley table as
∗ | 0 a b c d
Define an intuitionistic fuzzy set A = (µ
A, λ
A) in X by
A(x) =
x ∈ {0, a, b}
and λ
A(x) =
x ∈ {0, a, b}
where 0 ≤ t
0, t
1, t
2, t
3≤ 1 such that t
0< t
1, t
3< t
2and t
0+ t
1+ t
2+ t
3= 1.
It is easy to check that 0 ≤ µ
A(x) + λ
A(x) ≤ 1, µ
A(x ∗ y) ≤ S
A(x), µ
A(y)) and
A(x ∗ y) ≥ T
A(x), λ
A(y)) for all x, y ∈ X. Hence A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S
L, T
P)-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X. Also note that t-conorm S
Land t-norm T
Pare not associated.
Remark 2.2. Note that, the above examples hold even with the t-conorm S
t-norm T
M, and hence A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S
M, T
M)-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra
of X in such examples. Hence every anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X is an
(S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra, but the converse is not true.
Lemma 2.1. If A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC- subalgebra
of a BCC-algebra X, then so is
¤A = (µ
A, µ
) such that t-conorm S and t-norm T are
Proof. Since A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X,
we have
A(x ∗ y) ≤ S(µ
A(x), µ
for all x, y ∈ X and so
1 − µ
cA(x ∗ y) ≤ S(1 − µ
cA(x), 1 − µ
which implies
1 − S(1 − µ
cA(x), 1 − µ
cA(y)) ≤ µ
cA(x ∗ y).
Since S and T are associated, we have
T (µ
cA(x), µ
cA(y)) ≤ µ
cA(x ∗ y).
This completes the proof.
Lemma 2.2. If A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC- subalgebra
of a BCC-algebra X, then so is
♦A = (λ
cA, λ
A) such that t-conorm S and t-norm T are
Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.1.
Combining the above two lemmas, it is easy to see that the following theorem is valid.
Theorem 2.1. A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC- subalgebra
of a BCC-algebra X if and only if
¤A and ♦A are (S, T)-anti intuitionistic fuzzy
BCC-subalgebra of X such that t-conorm S and t-norm T are associated.
Corollary 2.1. A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC- subalgebra
of a BCC-algebra X if and only if µ
Aand λ
cAare anti fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X such that
t-conorm S and t-norm T are associated.
If A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an intuitionistic fuzzy set in a BCC-algebra X and f is a self mapping
of X, we define mappings
A[f ] : X → [0, 1] by µ
A[f ](x) = µ
A(f (x))
A[f ] : X → [0, 1] by λ
A[f ](x) = λ
A(f (x))
for all x ∈ X, respectively.
Proposition 2.1. If A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC- subalgebra
of a BCC-algebra X and f is an endomorphism of X, then (µ
A[f ], λ
A[f ]) is an (S, T )-anti
intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X.
Proof. For any given x, y ∈ X, we have
A[f ](x ∗ y) = µ
A(f (x ∗ y)) = µ
A(f (x) ∗ f(y)) ≤ S(µ
A(f (x)), µ
A(f (y)))
= S(µ
A[f ](x), µ
A[f ](y)),
A[f ](x ∗ y) = λ
A(f (x ∗ y)) = λ
A(f (x) ∗ f(y)) ≥ T (λ
A(f (x)), λ
A(f (y)))
= T (λ
A[f ](x), λ
A[f ](y)).
This completes the proof.
If f is a self mapping of a BCC-algebra X and B = (µ
B, λ
B) is an intuitionistic fuzzy
set in f (X), then the intuitionistic fuzzy set A = (µ
A, λ
A) in X defined by µ
A= µ
B◦ f
and λ
A= λ
B◦ f (i.e., µ
A(x) = µ
B(f (x)) and λ
A(x) = λ
B(f (x)) for all x ∈ X) is called the
preimage of B under f .
Theorem 2.2. An onto homomorphic preimage of an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy
BCC-subalgebra is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra.
Proof. Let f : X → Y be an onto homomorphism of BCC-algebras, B = (µ
B, λ
B) be
an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of Y , and A = (µ
A, λ
A) be preimage of
B under f . Then, we have
A(x ∗ y) = µ
B(f (x ∗ y)) = µ
B(f (x) ∗ f(y)) ≤ S(µ
B(f (x)), µ
B(f (y)))
= S(µ
A(x), µ
A(x ∗ y) = λ
B(f (x ∗ y)) = λ
B(f (x) ∗ f(y)) ≥ T (λ
B(f (x)), λ
B(f (y)))
= T (λ
A(x), λ
for all x, y ∈ X. Hence, A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra
If f is a self mapping of a BCC-algebra X and A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an intuitionistic fuzzy
set in X, then the intuitionistic fuzzy set A
f= (µ
fA, λ
fA) in f (X) defined by
fA(y) =
A(x) and λ
f A(y) =
for all y ∈ f(x), is called image of A = (µ
A, λ
A) under f .
An intuitionistic fuzzy set A = (µ
A, λ
A) in X is said to be have (inf-sup) property if
there exists a t
0∈ T such that µ
0) = inf
A(t) and λ
0) = sup
A(t) for every
subset T ⊆ X.
Proposition 2.2. An onto homomorphic image of an anti intuitionistic fuzzy
BCC-subalgebra with (inf-sup) property is an anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-BCC-subalgebra.
Proof. Let f : X → Y be an onto homomorphism of BCC-algebras and A = (µ
A, λ
be an anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X with (inf-sup) property. For given
p, y
p∈ Y , let x
0∈ f
p) and y
0∈ f
p) such that µ
0) = inf
0) = inf
A(t), λ
0) = sup
A(t) and λ
0) = sup
respectively. Then
p∗ y
p) =
A(z) ≤ max {µ
0), µ
= max
= max
p), µ
p∗ y
p) =
A(z) ≥ min {λ
0), λ
= min
= min
p), λ
Hence, A
f= (µ
fA, λ
fA) is an anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of Y .
Remark 2.3. It is well known [12,17] that max {x, y} ≤ S(x, y) and min {x, y}
≥ T (x, y) for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]. Therefore, it is easy to see that the above proposition is
also true in the case of (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebras.
Lemma 2.3 ([12]). Let S and T be a t-conorm and a t-norm, respectively. Then
S(S(x, y), S(z, t)) = S(S(x, z), S(y, t)),
T (T (x, y), T (z, t)) = T (T (x, z), T (y, t))
for all x, y, z, t ∈ [0, 1].
Theorem 2.3. Let S be a t-conorm, T be a t-norm and X = X
1× X
2be the
direct product BCC-algebra of BCC-algebras X
1and X
If A
1= (µ
A1, λ
A1) (resp.
2= (µ
A2, λ
A2)) is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X
1(resp. X
then A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X defined by
A= µ
A1× µ
A2and λ
A= λ
A1× λ
A2such that
1, x
2) = (µ
A1× µ
1, x
2) = S(µ
1), µ
1, x
2) = (λ
A1× λ
1, x
2) = T (λ
1), λ
Proof. Let x = (x
1, x
2) and y = (y
1, y
2) be any elements of X. Since X is a
BCC-algebra, we have
A(x ∗ y) = µ
1, x
2) ∗ (y
1, y
2)) = µ
1∗ y
1, x
2∗ y
= (µ
A1× µ
1∗ y
1, x
2∗ y
= S(µ
1∗ y
1), µ
2∗ y
≤ S(S(µ
1), µ
1)), S(µ
2), µ
= S(S(µ
1), µ
2)), S(µ
1), µ
= S((µ
A1× µ
1, x
2), (µ
A1× µ
1, y
= S(µ
A(x), µ
A(x ∗ y) = λ
1, x
2) ∗ (y
1, y
2)) = λ
1∗ y
1, x
2∗ y
= (λ
A1× λ
1∗ y
1, x
2∗ y
= T (λ
1∗ y
1), λ
2∗ y
≥ T (T (λ
1), λ
1)), T (λ
2), λ
= T (T (λ
1), λ
2)), T (λ
1), λ
= T ((λ
A1× λ
1, x
2), (λ
A1× λ
1, y
= T (λ
A(x), λ
This completes the proof.
(S,T)-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideals
In this section, we shall define the notion (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a
BCC-algebra with the help of arbitrary t-conorms and t-norms. We investigate some relations
between (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideals and (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy
BCC-subalgebras and prove some results on them.
Definition 3.1. A fuzzy set A in a BCC-algebra X is said to be an anti fuzzy ideal of
X if
(i) µ
A(0) ≤ µ
(ii) µ
A(x) ≤ max{µ
A(x ∗ y), µ
for all x, y ∈ X.
Definition 3.2. An intuitionistic fuzzy set A = (µ
A, λ
A) in a BCC-algebra X is said
to be an anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X if
(i) µ
A(0) ≤ µ
A(x) and λ
A(0) ≥ λ
(ii) µ
A(x) ≤ max {µ
A(x ∗ y), µ
A(y)} ,
(iii) λ
A(x) ≥ min {λ
A(x ∗ y), λ
for all x, y ∈ X.
Definition 3.3. An intuitionistic fuzzy set A = (µ
A, λ
A) in a BCC-algebra X is said
to be an anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X with respect to a t-conorm S and a t-norm T
(or simply, an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X) if
(i) µ
A(0) ≤ µ
A(x) and λ
A(0) ≥ λ
(ii) µ
A(x) ≤ S(µ
A(x ∗ y), µ
(iii) λ
A(x) ≥ T (λ
A(x ∗ y), λ
for all x, y ∈ X.
Remark 3.1. Every anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a BCC-algebra is an (S, T
)-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X, but it is clear that the converse is not true.
A(x) = 1 − µ
A(x) for all x ∈ X, then every anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a
BCC-algebra X is an anti fuzzy ideal of X. Also, if λ
A(x) = 1 − µ
A(x) for all x ∈ X, S = S
Mand T = T
M, then every (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a BCC-algebra X is an anti
fuzzy ideal of X.
Example. In Example 1, it is easy to show that A = (µ
A, λ
A) is also an (S, T )-anti
intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X.
Lemma 3.1. Let A = (µ
A, λ
A) be an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a
BCC-algebra X. If ≤ is a partial ordering on X then µ
A(x) ≤ µ
A(y) and λ
A(y) ≤ λ
A(x) for all
x, y ∈ X.
Proof. Let X be a BCC-algebra. It is known [13] that ≤ is a partial ordering on X
defined by x ≤ y if and only if x∗y = 0 for all x, y ∈ X. Let A be a (S, T )-anti intuitionistic
fuzzy ideal of X. Then
A(x) ≤ S(µ
A(x ∗ y), µ
A(y)) = S(µ
A(0), µ
A(y)) = µ
A(x) ≥ T (λ
A(x ∗ y), λ
A(y) = T (λ
A(0), λ
A(y)) = λ
These complete the proof.
Theorem 3.1. Let A = (µ
A, λ
A) be an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a
BCC-algebra X. If x ∗ y ≤ x holds in X, A is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subBCC-algebra
of X.
Proof. Let A = (µ
A, λ
A) be an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X. Since x∗y ≤ x
for all x, y ∈ X, it follows from Lemma 4 that µ
A(x ∗ y) ≤ µ
A(x) and λ
A(x) ≤ λ
A(x ∗ y).
A(x ∗ y) ≤ µ
A(x) ≤ S(µ
A(x ∗ y), µ
A(y)) ≤ S(µ
A(x), µ
A(x ∗ y) ≥ λ
A(x) ≥ T (λ
A(x ∗ y), λ
A(y)) ≥ T (λ
A(x), λ
and so A is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X.
Remark 3.2. The converse of the above theorem does not hold in general. In fact,
suppose that X be the BCC-algebra in Example 1. It is clear that x ∗ y ≤ x for all x, y ∈ X.
Define an intuitionistic fuzzy set A = (µ
A, λ
A) in X by
A(x) =
x = 0
x = 1
x = 2 or 3
and λ
A(x) =
x = 0
x = 1
x = 2 or 3
By routine calculations, we know that A = (µ
A, λ
A) is an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic
fuzzy BCC-subalgebra of X but not an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X because
(2) = 1 > S(µ
(2 ∗ 1), µ
(1)) and λ
A(2) = 0 < T (λ
A(2 ∗ 1), λ
Proposition 3.1. Let A = (µ
A, λ
A) be an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a
BCC-algebra X. If x ∗ y ≤ z holds in X, then µ
A(x) ≤ S(µ
A(y), µ
A(z)) and λ
A(x) ≥
T (λ
A(y), λ
A(z)) for all x, y, z ∈ X.
Proof. Since x ∗ y ≤ z holds for all x, y, z ∈ X, we have
A(x ∗ y) ≤ S(µ
A((x ∗ y) ∗ z), µ
≤ S(µ
A(z ∗ z), µ
= S(µ
A(0), µ
= µ
it follows that
A(x) ≤ S(µ
A(x ∗ y), µ
A(y)) ≤ S(µ
A(z), µ
A(x ∗ y) ≥ T (λ
A((x ∗ y) ∗ z), λ
≥ T (λ
A(z ∗ z), λ
= T (λ
A(0), λ
= λ
it follows that
A(x) ≥ T (λ
A(x ∗ y), λ
A(y)) ≥ T (λ
A(z), λ
They complete the proof.
Proposition 3.2. An intuitionistic fuzzy subset A of a BCC-algebra X is an (S, T
)-intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X if and only if its complement A
cis an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic
fuzzy ideal of X such that t-conorm S and t-norm T are associated.
Proof. Let A be an (S, T )-intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X such that S and T are associated.
cA(0) = 1 − µ
A(0) ≤ 1 − µ
A(x) = µ
cA(0) = 1 − λ
A(0) ≥ 1 − λ
A(x) = λ
We also have
cA(x) = 1 − µ
A(x) ≤ 1 − T (µ
A(x ∗ y), µ
= 1 − T (1 − µ
cA(x ∗ y), 1 − µ
= S(µ
cA(x ∗ y), µ
cA(x) = 1 − λ
A(x) ≥ 1 − S(λ
A(x ∗ y), λ
= 1 − S(1 − λ
cA(x ∗ y), 1 − λ
= T (λ
cA(x ∗ y), λ
for all x, y ∈ X. Thus A
cis an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X. The converse also
can be proved similarly.
Theorem 3.2. Let A be an anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a BCC-algebra X. Then
the set
A:= {x ∈ X : µ
A(x) = µ
A(0), λ
A(x) = λ
is an ideal of X.
Proof. Since A is an anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X, we have µ
A(0) ≤ µ
A(x) and
A(0) ≥ λ
A(x). Now, suppose that x, y ∈ X such that x ∗ y ∈ X
Aand y ∈ X
A. Then
A(x ∗ y) = µ
A(0) = µ
A(y) and λ
A(x ∗ y) = λ
A(0) = λ
A(y), so we have
A(x) ≤ max{µ
A(x ∗ y), µ
A(y)} = max{µ
A(0), µ
A(0)} = µ
A(x) ≥ min{λ
A(x ∗ y), λ
A(y)} = min{λ
A(0), λ
A(0)} = λ
respectively. Thus, we have µ
A(x) = µ
A(0) and λ
A(x) = λ
A(0), and therefore x ∈ X
Also, it is easy to see that 0 ∈ X
A. This completes the proof.
Theorem 3.3. Let A be an intuitionistic fuzzy subset of a BCC-algebra X. Then A is
an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X if and only if for each α
0, α
1∈ [0, 1] such that
0≤ λ
A(0) and α
1≥ µ
A(0), the upper α
0-level cut U (λ
A; α
0) and the lower α
1-level cut
V (µ
A; α
1) are ideals of X.
Proof. Let A be an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X and let α
0∈ [0, 1] such
that α
0≤ λ
A(0). Clearly 0 ∈ U(λ
A; α
0). Let x, y ∈ X such that x ∗ y ∈ U(λ
A; α
0) and
y ∈ U(λ
A; α
0). Then
A(x) ≥ S(λ
A(x ∗ y), λ
A(y)) ≥ α
0and x ∈ U(λ
A; α
0). Hence U (λ
A; α
0) is an ideal of X. Similarly, V (µ
A; α
1) is also an ideal
of X.
Conversely, we first show that λ
A(0) ≥ λ
A(x) for all x ∈ X. If not, then there
exists a x
0∈ X such that λ
A(0) < λ
Taking α
0) + λ
A(0)) then
0 ≤ λ
A(0) < α
0< λ
0) ≤ 1. It follows that x
0∈ U(λ
A; α
0), so U (λ
A; α
0) 6= ∅.
Since U (λ
A; α
0) is an ideal of X we have 0 ∈ U(λ
A; α
0) or λ
A(0) ≥ α
0which is a
Hence λ
A(0) ≥ λ
A(x) for all x ∈ X. Next, we prove that λ
A(x) ≥
T (λ
A(x ∗ y), λ
A(y)) for all x, y ∈ X. If not, then there exist x
0, y
0∈ X such that
0) ≥ T (λ
0∗ y
0), λ
0)). Taking α
0) + T (λ
0∗ y
0), λ
0))) then
0< λ
0) and 0 ≤ T (λ
0∗ y
0), λ
0)) < α
0≤ 1. Thus, we have α
0> λ
0∗ y
and α
0> λ
0) which imply that x
0∗ y
0∈ U(λ
A; α
0) and y
0∈ U(λ
A; α
0). As U (λ
A; α
is an ideal of X, it follows that x
0∈ U(λ
A; α
0) or λ
0) ≥ α
0, which is a contradiction.
Similarly, µ
A(x) ≥ λ
A(0) and µ
A(x) ≤ S(µ
A(x ∗ y), µ
A(y)) for all x, y ∈ X. This completes
the proof.
Theorem 3.4. Let A be an (S, T )-anti intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a BCC-algebra X.
Two upper level cuts U (λ
A; α
0) and U (λ
A; α
1) with α
0> α
1(resp. two lower level cuts
V (µ
A; β
0) and V (µ
A; β
1) with β
1> β
0) are equal if and only if there exists no x ∈ X such
that α
0≥ λ
A(x) > α
1(resp. β
1≥ µ
A(x) > β
Proof. From the definition of upper level cut, it follows that U (λ
A; α) = λ
−1A([α, λ
for α ∈ [0, 1]. Let α
0, α
1∈ [0, 1] such that α
0> α
1. Then
U (λ
A; α
U (λ
A; α
1) ⇐⇒ λ
0, λ
A(0)]) = λ
1, λ
⇐⇒ λ
1, α
1]) = ∅
⇐⇒ there is no x ∈ X such that α
0≥ λ
A(x) > α
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Ioannis K. Argyros
Cameron University, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Lawton, OK 75505, U.S.A.
E-mail address: [email protected]
A local as well as a semilocal Kantorovich-type convergence analysis is provided for Newton methods (Newton’s method and Modified Newton’s method) to solve equations on Lie groups. Motivated by optimization considerations and by using more precise majorizing sequences than before [6], [9], [10], we show that under the same or weaker hypotheses: a larger convergence domain; finer error estimates on the distances involved can be obtained; an at least as precise information on the location of the solution is given semilocal case, and a larger radius of convergence (in the local case).
We also note that our results are obtained under the same compu-tational cost as in [6], [9], [10]. Finally the results are extended to the H¨older case not examined before.
AMS (MOS) subject classification codes: 65J15, 65G99, 65B05, 65L50, 47H17, 49M15.
Key Words: Newton’s method, Modified Newton’s method, Lie groups, Abelian groups, majorizing sequence, local/semilocal convergence, Kan-torovich hypothesis, radius of convergence, Lipschitz conditions.
In this study we are concerned with the problem of approximating a locally unique zero x∗ of a map f defined on a Lie grup (to be precised in section 1). Numerical algorithms on manifolds are very important in computational mathematics [2], [5], [6], [9], [10], because they appear in connection to eigen-value problems, minimization problems, optimization problems. A convergence analysis of Newton’s method on Riemannian manifolds under various condition similar to the corresponding ones on Banach spaces [1],[4], [7], [8] has been given in [9], [10] and the references there.
Here we are motivated in particular by the elegant work in [9], and optimiza-tion consideraoptimiza-tions with advantages over earlier works [6], [9], [10] as already mentioned in the abstract of the paper.
A Lie group (G,·) is a Hausdorff topological group with countable bases which also has the structure of a smooth manifold such that the group product and the inversion are smooth operations in the differentiable structure given on the manifold. The dimension of a Lie group is that of the underlying manifold, and we shall always assume that it is finite. The symbol e designates the identity element of G. Let g be the Lie algebra of the Lie group G which is the tangent space TeG of G at e, equipped with Lie bracket [·, ·] : g × g → g. In the sequel
we will make use of the left translation of the Lie group G. We define for each y ∈ G
Ly : G → G
z → y · z,
the left multiplication in the group. The differential of Ly at e denoted by
(dLy)e determines an isomorphism of g = TeG with the tangent space TyG via
the relation
(dLy)e(g) = TyG
or, equivalently,
g = (dLy)−1e (TyG) = dLy−1)y(TyG).
The exponential map is a map
exp : g → G u → exp(u),
which is certainly the most important construct associated to G and g. Given u ∈ g, the left invariant vector field Xu : y → (dLy)e(u) determines an
one-parameter subgroup of G σu: R → G such that σu(0) = e and
σu0(t) = Xu(σu(t)) = (dLσu(t))e(u).
The exponential map is then defined by the relation exp(u) = σu(1).
Note that the exponential map is not surjective in general. However, the ex-ponential map is a diffeomorphism on an open neighborhood N (0) of 0 ∈ g. Let
N (e) = exp(N (0)).
Then for each y ∈ N (e), there exists υ ∈ N (0) such that y = exp(υ). Further-more, if
exp(u) = exp(υ) ∈ N (e)
for some u, υ ∈ N (0), then u = υ. If G is Abelian, exp is also a homomorphism from g to G, i.e.,
for all u, υ ∈ g = TeG. In the non-abelian case, exp is not a homomorphism and
(1) must be replaced by
exp(ω) = exp(u) · exp(υ),
where ω is given by the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff (BCH) formula ω = u + υ + 1
2[u, υ] + 1
12([u[u, υ]] + [υ[υ, u]]) + ...,
for all u, υ in an open neighborhood of 0 ∈ g. To analyse convergence, we need a Riemannian metric on the Lie group G.
Following [5] take an inner product h, ieon g and define
hu, υix= h(dLx−1)x(u), (dLx−1)x(υ)ie, for each x ∈ G and u, υ ∈ TxG.
This construction actually produces a Riemannian metric on the Lie group G, see for example [5]. Let k·kxbe associated norm, where the subscript x is sometimes omitted if there is no confusion. For any two distinct elements x, y ∈ G, let c : [0, 1] → G be a piecewise smooth curve connecting X and y. Then the arc-length of c is defined by l(c) :=R1
0 kc
0(t)k dt, and the distance from x to
y by d(x, y) := infcl(c), where the infimum is taken over all piecewise smooth
curves c : [0, 1 → G connecting x and y. Thus, we assume throughout the whole paper that G is connected and hence (G, d) is a complete metric space. Since we only deal with finite dimensional Lie algebras, every linear mapping ϕ : g → g is bounded and we define its norm by
kϕk = sup
kuk = supkuk=1
kϕ(u)k < ∞.
For r > 0 we introduced the corresponding ball of radius r around y ∈ G defined by one parameter subgroups of G as
Cr(y) = {z ∈ G : z = y · exp(u), kuk ≤ r}.
We give the following definition on convergence:
Definition 1 Let {xn}n≥0 be a sequence of G and x ∈ G. Then {xn}n≥0 is
said to be
(i) convergent to x if for any ε > 0 there exists a natural number K such that x−1· xn∈ N (e) and
exp−1(x−1· xn)
≤ ε for all n ≥ K;
(ii) quadratically convergent to x if { exp−1(x−1· xn)
} is quadratically con-vergent to 0; that is, {xn}n≥0is convergent to x and there exists a constant
q and an natural number K such that exp−1(x−1) · xn+1) ≤ q exp−1(x−1· xn) 2 for all n ≥ K.
Note that convergence of a sequence {xn}n≥0 in G to x in the sense of
Definition 1 above is equivalent to that limn→+∞d(xn, x) = 0.
In the remainder of this paper, let f : G → g = TeG be a C1 - mapping.
The differential of f at a point x ∈ G is a linear map fx0 : TxG → g defined by
fx0(4x) =
dtf (x · exp(t((dx−1)x)(4x))) |t=0 for any 4x∈ TxG. (2) The differential f0
x can be expressed via a function dfx: g → g given by
dfx= (f ◦ Lx)0e= fx0 ◦ (dLx)e.
Thus, by (8), it follows that dfx(u) = fx0((dLx)e(u)) =
dtf (x · exp(tu) |t=0 for any u ∈ g. Therefore the following lemma is clear.
Lemma 2 Let x ∈ G, u ∈ g and t ∈ R. Then d
dtf (x · exp(−tu)) = −dfx·exp(−tu)(u) (3)
f (x · exp(tu)) − f (x) = Z t
dfx·exp(su)(u)ds. (4)
As in [10] Newton’s method for f with initial point x0 ∈ G is defined as
xn+1= xn· exp(−dfx−1n ◦ f (xn)) (n ≥ 0). (5)
We also define the modified Newton’s method by
xn+1= xnexp(−dfx−10 f (xn) (n ≥ 0). (6)
Local convergence analysis of Newton’s method
We will use the following definition involving Lipschitz conditions:
Definition 3 Let r > 0, and let x0∈ G be such that dfx−10 exists. Then df
−1 x0 df
is said to satisfy: the center Lipschitz condition with constant `0> 0 in C(x0, r)
dfx−10 (dfx0exp(u)− dfx0)
≤ `0kuk , for each u ∈ g with kuk ≤ r; (7)
the center Lipschitz condition with constant ` in C(x0, r) if
dfx−10 (dfx·exp(u)− dfx)
≤ ` kuk (8)
Remark 4 . In general
`0≤ `, (9)
holds, and `
`0 can be arbitrarily large [1],[4].
We can show the following local convergence results for Newton’s method (5).
Theorem 5 Assume that G is un Abelian group. Choose r ∈ (0,2`2
0+`), and let
x∗∈ G such that f (x∗) = 0 and df−1
x∗ exists. Moreover assume dfx−1∗ df satisfies
condition (8).
Then sequence {xn} generated by Newton’s method (5) is well defined,
re-mains in C(x∗, r) for all n ≥ 0, and converges quadratically to x∗ provided that x0∈ C(x∗, r), with ratio α given by
α = `
2(1 − `0ku0k
, (10)
where u0∈ g with ku0k ≤ r, and x0= x∗exp(u0).
Proof. Set α0 = α ku0k . In view of (10) α0 ∈ [0, 1). We shall show using
induction that for each n ≥ 0, xn is well-defined, remains in C(x∗, r), and there
exists un ∈ g with kunk ≤ r such that
xn = x∗exp(un), and kun+1k ≤ α kunk2≤ α2
0 kυ0k . (11)
Estimates (11) hold true for n = 0 by the initial conditions. Assume estimates (11) hold true for n ≤ k, xnis well defined and there exist Un ∈ g with kunk ≤ r
such that (11) hold. Using (7) we get
dfx−1∗ (dfx∗exp(u
k)− dfx∗)
≤ `0kukk < 1. (12)
It follows from the Banach Lemma [8] dfx−1
k exists and dfx−1kdfx∗ ≤ 1 1 − `0kukk . (13)
That is xk+1is well defined. Set
uk+1= uk− dfx−1k(f (xk)). (14)
In view of (13) and (14) we get in turn kuk+1k = uk− dfx−1k(f (xk) − f (x ∗)) (15) ≤ dfx−1 kdfx∗ Z 1 0 dfx−1∗ (dfxk− dfx∗exp(tuk))uk dt ≤ 1 1 − `0kukk Z 1 0 (1 − t)l kukk2dt = 2 2(1 − `0kukk) kukk 2 ≤ α kukk 2 ≤ α20k+1−1ku0k = r,
which establishes the quadratic convergence and kuk+1k ≤ τ. Moreover since G
is an Abelian group
xk+1= x∗exp(uk) exp[−dfx−1kf (xk)] = x
k+1). (16)
That completes the induction and the proof of the theorem.
Remark 6 If `0 = `, 5 reduces to Theorem 3.1 in [9]. Otherwise it is an
improvement. Indeed let τW L be the corresponding radius of convergence in [9]
selected in (0,3l2). Then since (0,3l2) ⊆ (0,2l2
0+l) it follows our radius rAis such
rW L< rA. (17)
Hence, our approach allows a wider choice of initial guesses x0. Moreover
the ratio is smaller than the corresponding one α in [9] (simply let `0 = ` in
(10) to obtain α),since we have
α < α. (18)
The uniqueness of the solution x∗ is discussed next. Proposition 7 Let r ∈ (0,l2
0). Assume f (x
∗) = 0 and df−1
x∗ df satisfies (7) in
U (x∗, r). Then x∗ is the unique zero of f in U (x∗, r).
Proof. Let y∗ be a zero of f in U (x∗, τ ). It follows that there exists u ∈ g so that y∗= x∗exp(u) and kuk ≤ τ. We can have in turn
kuk = −dfx−1∗ (f (y∗) − f (x∗)) + u (19) = −dfx−1∗ Z 1 0 dfx∗exp(tu)(u)dt + u = −dfx−1∗ Z 1 0 (dfx∗exp(u)− dfx∗)udt ≤ Z 1 0 t`0kuk2dt = `0 2 kuk 2 .
In view of (19) we deduce kuk ≥`2
0. Hence, we arrived at a contradiction.
That completes the proof of the Proposition.
Semilocal convergence analysis of Newton’s
method (5)
Our semilocal convergence analysis of method (5) depends on the scalar sequence {sn} (n ≥ 0) introduced by us in [1], [4]:
s0= 0, s1= n, sn+2= sn+1+
L(sn+1− sn)2
2(1 − L0sn+1)
for some L0 > 0, L > 0 with L0 ≤ L and η > 0. Sufficient convergence
condi-tions for majorizing sequence {sn} we given in [1],[4]. Here we summarize the
conditions: hδ= (L + δL0)η ≤ δ, δ ∈ [0, 1]. (21) or hδ ≤ δ, δ ∈ [0, 2), (22) 2L0η 2 − δ ≤ 1 (23) and L0δ2 2 − δ ≤ L (24) or hδ ≤ δ, δ ∈ [δ0, 2) (25) where, δ0= −b√b2+ 8b 2 , b = L L0 . (26)
Under any of the above conditions {sn} converges (increasingly) to some s∗ ∈
(0,2−δ2η ]. Iteration {sn} coincides for L0= L with iteration {tn} used in [9]:
t0= 0, t1= n, tn+2= tn+1+
L(tn+1− tn)
2(1 − Ltn+1)
, (n ≥ 0) (27)
and has been compared favorably with it when L0 < L. Indeed we showed in
[1],[4]: sn< tn (n ≥ 2), (28) sn+1− sn< tn+1− tn, (n ≥ 2), (29) s∗≤ t∗=1 − √ 1 − 2h L , (30) and s∗− sn≤ t∗− tn, (n ≥ 0), (31)
provided that any of (21) or (22)-(24) or (25)-(26) and the famous Newton-Kantorovich condition [8]
h = 2Lη ≤ 1 (32)
hold. Note that,
h ≤ 1 =⇒ h1≤ 1 (33)
but not vice versa unless if L0= L.
We need definitions corresponding to Definition 3 above. Let us first intro-duce the metric closed ball of radius r > 0 about y ∈ G denoted by
U (y, τ ) = {z ∈ G : d(z, y) ≤ r}. (34)
Note that
Definition 8 Let r > 0, and let x0∈ G be such that dfx−10 exists. Then df
−1 x0 df
is said to satisfy: the center Lipschitz condition which constant L0 in U (x0, r)
dfx−10 (dfx− dfx0)
≤ L0d(x0, x), for all x ∈ U (x0; r); (36)
the Lipschitz condition in the inscribed sphere with constant L in U (x0, r) if
dfx−10 (dfy− dfx)
≤ Ld(x, y) holds for all x, y ∈ U (x0, r) with (37)
d(x0, x) + d(x, y) ≤ r.
We can show the main semilocal convergence result for Newton’s method (5):
Theorem 9 . Let x0∈ G be such that dfx−10 exists and set n =
x0 (f (x0))
. Assume that either (21) or (22)-(24) or condition (25) hold. Moreover, as-sume dfx−1
0df satisfies (35) and (36). Then sequence {xn} generated by Newton’s
method (5) is well defined, remains in U (x0, τ, s∗) for all n ≥ 0 and converges to
n zero s∗of f in U (x0, s∗).Moreover, the following estimates hold for all n ≥ 0:
d(xn+1, xn) ≤ sn+1− sn, (38)
d(xn, x∗) ≤ s∗− sn. (39)
Furthermore, if G is an Abelian group, then there is n zero s∗ of f in C(x0, s∗)
such that for all n ≥ 0, there exists un ∈ g such that xn = x∗exp(un), and for
al n ≥ 1 kunk ≤ L(s∗− tn−1) 2(1 − L0tn−1) kunk s∗− t n−1 2 . (40)
Proof. We shall show
d(xn+1, xn) ≤ kvnk ≤ tn+1− tn, (41)
where, vn = −dfx−1nf (xn), (n ≥ 0).
Let us define the curve c0(t) = x0exp(tv0), t ∈ [0, 1]. Then c0 is smooth and
connects x0to x1 with leng (c0) = kv0k . That is, d(x1, x0) ≤ leng (c0) = kv0k .
That is, d(x1, x0) ≤ leng(c0) = kvdk . In view of kv0k =
x0 f (x0)
η ≤ s1− s0, (40) holds true for n = 0. We assume (40) to hold true for n =
0, 1, ..., k − 1. It follows d(xk, x0) ≤ k−1 X i=0 d(xi+1, xi) ≤ k−1 X i=0 kvik ≤ sk− s0= sk< s∗. (42)
That is xk ∈ U (x0, s∗). As in (13) but using (35) instead of (7) we deduce dfx−1k
exists and dfx−1kdfx0 ≤ 1 1 − L0sk . (43)
In view of (5), xk+1is well defined. Using (5), (36), and (42) we obtain in turn: dfx−1 0 f (xk) ≤ Z 1 0 dfx−1 0 [dfxk−1exp(tvk−1) − dfxk−1] kvk−1k dt (44) ≤ Z 1 0 Ld(xk−1,xk−1exp(tvk−1)) kvk−1k dt ≤ Z 1 0 L ktvk−1k kvk−1k dt ≤L 2(sk− sk−1) 2, and kvkk = dfx−1 kdfx0df −1 x0 f (xk) (45) ≤ −dfx−1kdfx0 dfx−1 0 f (xk) ≤ L(sk− sk−1) 2 2(1 − L0− sk−1) = sk+1− sk,
which also shows (37).We define the curve ck(as c0above) by ck(t) = xkexp(tvk)t ∈
[0, 1].As above we have d(xk+1, xk) ≤ leng(ck) = kvkk . That completes the
in-duction for (40). It follows that sequence {xn} is Cauchy and as such it converges
to some x∗ ∈ U (x
0, s∗) (since U (x0, s∗) is a closed set). By letting k → ∞ in
(43) we obtain f (x∗) = 0. Moreover (38) follows from (37) by using standard
majorizations techniques. Define
un= − ∞ X k=n vk (n ≥ 0). (46) It follows by (40) that kunk ≤ s∗− sn (n ≥ v). (47)
Let x∗= x0exp(−u0). Then we have x∗∈ C(x0, s∗). Moreover, we get
xk= x0 k−1 Y i=0 exp(vi) = x0exp k−1 X i=0 vi ! .
It follows that clearly xn = x∗exp(un). That is sequence {xn} converges to
x∗ which is a zero of f in C(x0, s∗).To complete the proof we must show (39).