Cevap Kağıdı
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Sınavın Yabancı Kelimeleri
1. Bu testte 80 soru vardır. Bu sorular için toplam 3 saat (180 dakika)
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2. Soru türlerine ait giriş ve çıkış saatleri, sınavın sabah 9:30 - 12:30
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1. - 18. sor ular da, cümlede boş bı rakı lan yerl ere uygu n dü şen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.Başlangıç saati : 09:30 Bitiş saati : 09:48 Top la m s ür e : 18 dakika
1 . Niche figur es, car v ed ---- stone, are a distinctiv e feature ---- a gr eat many m ed ie v al c hu r ch es .
A ) in / of B ) through / over C ) into / for D ) out of / onto
E) with / f or
2 . M any famous pe ople, inc luding C h ar les Dickens and M arie C ur ie, had childhoods blighted ---- financi al disaster s r anging ---- debt to the collapse of family b u s i n e s s e s .
A ) in / at B ) with / in C ) by / from D ) for / through
E) through / of
3 . M uammar G adaffi, the Liby an leader, has dec ided to - --- t he 22 -mem ber A r ab League in r esponse to its inefficiency in dealing with the crises in the M iddle East.
A ) put up with B ) pull out of
C ) be conc erned about D ) get away wi th E) fall in with
4 . It is fear ed that the new social policies intr oduced by th e gov e r nment of
Singapor e may ---- th e sensitiv e issue of r a ce r ela tion s.
A ) stir up B ) make out C ) pay of f D ) hold up
E) put of f
5 . T h e q ues ti on of whe the r h er edi ty or en v i r o nme nt is m or e i mp or t an t in de te r m ini ng t he co ur se of h um an dev elop ment has been cons tant ly - ---t hr ou gh ---t he c en ---tu r i es .
A ) c onditioned B ) prevail ed C ) debat ed D ) c onf irmed
E) regulated
6 . So far, the United States has detained over 350 ---- in r elation to the terr or ist atta cks of Septe mber 11th.
A ) n at i ves B ) pri s oners C) c olleagues D ) s u s pec ts
E) c apt ives
7 . As a ma tter of fact, water infr ast r uctur e is so ---- th at most g ov er nmen ts in un der dev el ope d c oun tri es fi nd it extr emely difficult to inv est for safe w a t e r o r s e w e r a g e .
A ) of f en s i ve B ) c onc l us ive C ) obs es s i ve D ) exc lu s ive
E) exp en s i ve
8 . T he wo r ds engr av ed on a gladi ator’s tomb ar e a lmost - --- “ I shar e the co mmon d e s ti n y ” .
A ) ref u tedl y B ) s uc c es s i vel y C ) dec is ively D ) invariably
E) dis c r etely
9 . Unions in their traditional r ole wer e p r o -w or ke r - -- - an t i- co ns u me r : t he y want ed hig h pr ic es bec ause t hey co uld extor t a shar e of the pr ofits.
A ) a s B ) still C ) o r D ) but
E) e ve n
10. ---- psy chologists u se liv e subjects in the ir st udies , the y ne ed to be s ensit iv e to ethic issues that can ar ise in the cond uct of their r esea r ch.
A ) W hether B ) Just as C ) Even if D ) Ye t
E) Sinc e
11. T he last company chair man, ---- killer s we r e ne v e r pos it iv e ly i den ti fie d, w as shot and subsequently died in New Yor k t h r ee y ear s ag o.
A ) w h o s e B ) w h o C ) th at D ) w h i c h
12. Appar ently, ---- leader has the cour age, to ri sk e v en shor t-te r m u npop ular ity by em bar k ing on a pr ogr a mme tha t wi ll en su r e ec ono mic r ev i v a l.
A ) s ome B ) either C ) neit her D ) both
E) an y
13. Accor ding to a country -wide sur v ey, people living in the Nor th East of England ar e likely to claim psy chic power s ----those liv ing e lsewher e i n the cou ntr y.
A ) most / as B ) more / than C ) not only / but also D ) so / that
E) less / but
14. T his par t icular company, r ightly or wr ong ly, r ega r ds ---- as Euro pe’s lar gest manu factur er of black-l ead an d colo ur ed p en c i ls .
A ) itself B ) eac h other C ) the others D ) thems elves
E) one another
15. Europe appear s ---- a new per iod of labour militancy, but appear ances ----d e ce p t iv e .
A ) entering / could be
B ) to be entering / would have been C ) having entered / c ould have been D ) to enter / will be
E) to have entered / can be
16. In 1973 Le Duc T ho ---- to accept the Nobel Pr iz e for peace, insisting that peace ----in South Vietnam and didn’t seem likely to be so.
A ) ref used / had not been establis hed B ) ref us es / was not establis hed
C ) was ref using / has not been established D ) would have refused / will not be
es tablis hed
E) had refused / would not be established
17. T here was a similar case in M ay of a man, ---- in Par is, who ---- his shoes with d r u g s .
A ) to board / would pack B ) having boarded / has packed
C ) to have boarded / would have pac ked D ) boarding / had packed
E) to be boarded / packed
18. Later on in the ar t icle he points out that the cr eation of the single cur r ency ----out the competitiv e adv antage that G er man companies -- -- enjoy ov e r their Eu r op ea n n eig hb our s.
A ) wipes / were used to B ) has wiped / used to C ) had wiped / had used to D ) would wipe / are used to E) is wiping / have been us ed to
19. - 23. sor ularda, aşağıdaki parçada n um ar al an mı ş y er lere uy gu n dü şen söz cük y a da ifadeyi bulunuz .
Başlangıç saati : 09:48 Bitiş saati : 09:53 Top la m s ür e : 5 dakika
Char les Fort, though he died in 1932, still at tra cts c ons ide r ab le at ten tio n.
(19) ---- a jour nalist and wr iter, he was fascinated by all manner of unexplained stor ies. He was a (20) ---- wr iter of both fiction and non-fiction, but it is believed that he (21) ---- many of his manuscr ipts befor e they ev er came to publication. One of his fr iends (22) ---- the For t ean Society, whi ch p ubli shed For t’s ar t i cles bef or e and after his death; and the For t ean Society M agaz ine, which (23) ---- became the For t ean T imes, is still being
p u bl i s he d . 19. A ) For B ) A s C ) Ev en D ) L i k e E) J u s t 20. A ) v a r i o u s B ) c on fi de nt ia l C ) loy al D ) v a gu e E) pr ol ific 21. A ) w ou l d d e s tr o y B ) w a s d e s t r o y e d C ) d e s t r o y s D ) d e s t r o y e d E) wo ul d ha v e d es tr oy ed 22. A ) s et u p B ) fixed up C ) put on D ) br oug ht on E) m a d e u p 23. A ) g e n er a l l y B ) ev ent ual ly C ) c o m p le t e l y D ) f r e q ue n t l y
24. - 35. sorular da, v er ilen cümley i uy gu n şeki lde tamamlay an ifadeyi bu lu nu z . Başlangıç saati : 09:53 Bitiş saati : 10:10 Top la m s ür e : 17 dakika 24. G e r t r u de S te in ’s o pt im is m pe r v ad es h er autobiography, ---- .
A ) unless Picasso actually painted her portrait B ) so the story of her life has the c haracter of
a fairy tale
C ) because she had continued to experiment with language and draw new meaning out of old words
D ) though she had hoped to win the approval of the conventional reading public
E) when she had driven s upplies to regional French hospitals during W orld W ar I
25. C lear ly a successful ascent of the south-west face of Ev er est could only be achieved ---- .
A ) until a leader willing and able to shoulder full res pons ibility could be found B ) whether extra oxygen alone might have
resulted in succ es s
C ) if climbing techniques and technical aids alike were abs olutely f aultles s
D ) though the organization of such a project would take a heavy toll of any leader E) that technic ally it was one of the hardest
climbs ever to be achieved “alpine style”
26. ---- , the scor es of Oxfor d’s M BA candi dates alr eady comp ar e fav ou r ably with the top schools in the wor ld.
A ) Until the controversies surrounding the opening of the school have died down B ) As they were well aware of the mounting
jealou s y
C ) Since the major initial effort would be to es tablish their reputation
D ) Unles s other European sc hools have es tablis hed f ormal alliances with Americ an c ount er par ts
E) Although the sc hool was only es tablis hed in 1994
27. Fr ance will undoubtedly be r educing its competitiv e adv antage ---- .
A ) until even the smaller French busines ses had to struggle to keep going
B ) since the minimum wage would be c alc ulated hourly
C ) that workers are f eeling cheated out of valuable overtime
D ) if it c ontinues with the 35-hour week E) though the legislation would be difficult to
28. T he troubles in Per u began a month ago ---- .
A ) why the pres ident imposed a state of emergency on almos t half of the c ountry B ) if there has been a wave of partic ularly
violent strikes and protes ts
C ) when truc k owners blocked main roads , thus threatening food s upplies
D ) until health workers and court clerks began their own s trikes
E) so s everal unions would soon be going back to work
29. M r C lar ke , the educa tion s ecr eta r y, see ms inc r easi ngly t o be swept along by a sy stem ---- .
A ) that he only nominally controls
B ) sinc e there ought to be further increases in the sizes of c lass es
C ) while the number of children skipping school has risen by a third
D ) where there has been an improvement in s ome s chools
E) that the improvement in some s chools has been off set by a decline in others
30. ---- wher e the need fo r educati on is co nsta ntl y in cr e asin g.
A ) They now plan to produce coloured pencils for c hildren in developing regions
B ) They would soon begin to sell design ac tivity kits for young children
C ) The chairman of the company also plans to branc h out into c hildren’s stationery D ) He has certainly given the company a
sparklingly new image
E) Throughout the world this brand name invariably conjures up an image of high quality
31. ---- that e v en the best-r un com panies can fall on difficult times.
A ) Undoubtedly the aim was to reduce cos ts as rapidly as pos sible
B ) There is a mass of evidence to s how C ) Separate sales forc es are required for
cons umer and enterprise divis ions D ) The parent companies will provide the
nec es s ary s upp ort
E) The c ompany was founded at an unfortunate time
32. If trade unions wer e to close down, ---- .
A ) their members can only be paid what the market can aff ord
B ) they have no further f unctions to serve C ) there is no longer any need for them D ) they might still play a useful role in the
modern ec onomy
E) it would actually be a great pity
33. Whe n fe male mon key s tha t ha d be en depr iv ed of ear ly social contact wer e success fully mated, ---- .
A ) they us ually show various types of bizarre behaviour in motherhood
B ) none of them seem to have any normal maternal instincts
C ) they haven’t done as well as those that were allowed to interac t with their peers during the first 6 months of life
D ) there is evidence that they rarely engaged in normal interaction with other animals later on
E) they made poor mothers, tending to neglect and even abuse their f irs t-born inf ants
34. Even when they ar e behind bar s, ---- .
A ) the c riminal gangs of Brazil were all engaged in drug-traf ficking
B ) s everal new, top-s ecurity jails have recently been built in Brazil
C ) a new anti-c rime plan has already been launched by Brazil’s president
D ) the powers of Brazil’s criminal hands remain uncurtailed
E) longer prison sentences have f ailed to improve the situation
35. ---- whom he r ig htly s ees as the tou chsto ne o f the coun try ’s pr o sper i ty.
A ) Unfortunately he had failed to bring relief to the unemployed
B ) He lacks both the warmth and the courage requisite f or a leader
C ) His s udden rise to the foref ront would have dis conc erted even his opponents
D ) He couldn’t face the problem of the over- pr ot ec ted work f orc e
E) H e does , however, have the s upport of Germany’s small and middling businessmen
36. - 38. sor ularda, v er ilen T ür kçe cümley e anlamca en y akın İngilizce cüm ley i bulun uz .
Başlangıç saati : 10:10 Bitiş saati : 10:15 Top la m s ür e : 5 dakika
36. Biy ogr afi, ilk kez onyedinci yüz yılda İngiltere’de, edebiy at ın önemli b ir dalı olarak kabul edildi.
A ) For the first time in the seventeenth century in Britain, biography was recognized as an important branch of literature.
B ) Biography was only rec ognized as an important branch of literature in Britain during the s eventeenth c entury. C ) The recognition of biography as a
worthwhile branc h of Britis h literature occ urred as early as the seventeenth c ent ury.
D ) For the first time in Britain in the
s eventeenth c entury, biography bec ame a major branch of literature.
E) Biography f irs t emerged as a worthwhile branc h of literature during the s eventeenth century in Britain.
37. Tay van ve Ç in, iki ülke arasında doğrudan ticar et, iletişim ve ulaşım bağlantılarını sağlayacak bir anlaşmaya doğru yavaş y av aş il er l emekt ed ir.
A ) Direct business, c ommunications and transport links are slowly coming into being between the two c ountries f ollowing the agreement reac hed between Taiwan and China.
B ) The agreement that has been reac hed between Taiwan and C hina is slowly beginning to produce direct bus ines s, communications and transport links between the two c ountries .
C ) Taiwan and C hina have been s lowly moving towards an agreement that will make possible direc t busines s, communications and transport links between the two c ountries .
D ) Taiwan and C hina are gradually moving away f rom the agreement that would have made possible direct business deals, communications and transport links between the two c ountries .
E) Onc e the agreement between China and Taiwan is signed, the two countries will soon develop direc t busines s links and a shared communications and trans port s ys tem.
38. Uluslar ar ası M üzik Yarışması adıyla 1939’da başlayan Cenevre Yarışması, şu anda dünyanın en eski ve en saygın mü z ik y arışmalar ınd an b iri sidi r.
A ) The Geneva Competition grew out of the International Music Competition, which dates back to 1939 and is now one of the oldest and most prominent of the world’s music contests.
B ) The Geneva Competition, which started in 1939 under the name of the International Music Competition, is now one of the world’s oldes t and most pres tigious music c on tes t s .
C ) The International Music Competition, originally known as the G eneva
Competition, started in 1939 and is still one of the world’s oldes t and most renowned music contests.
D ) The Geneva Competition, which dates back to 1939 when it was generally known as the International Music Competition, is now regarded as the world’s oldest and most reputable mus ical c ontes t.
E) After 1939 the International Music Competition merged with the Geneva Competition to become one of the world’s oldest and most acclaimed musical c on tes t s .
39. - 41. sor ularda, v er ilen İngilizce cümle y e anlam ca en y akı n T ür kçe cüm ley i bulun uz .
Başlangıç saati : 10:15 Bitiş saati : 10:20 Top la m s ür e : 5 dakika
39. For a quar ter of a century now, drug trafficking in South America has not only spr ead v iolence and cor r uption in the reg ion bu t has also under mined the alr eady weak judi cial sy st em.
A ) Son ç eyrek yüzyıl içinde, Güney Amerika’daki uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı, bir yandan bölgede şiddetin ve yolsuzlukların yayılmasına neden olmuş, öte yandan da yargı sisteminin zayıf lamasına yol açmıştır. B ) Güney Amerika’daki uyuşturucu
kaçakçılığının çeyrek yüzyıldan beri yaygınlaşması sonucu şiddet ve
yols uzluğun artması, bölgede zaten zayıf olan yargı sistemini daha da zayıflatmıştır. C ) Güney Amerika’da şiddetin ve yolsuzluğun
çeyrek yüzyıldan beri yayılmasının nedeni sadece uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı değil, bölgede zaten zayıf olan yargı sisteminin daha da zayıflamasıdır.
D ) Çeyrek yüzyıldan beri, Güney Amerika’daki uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı, sadece bölgede şiddeti ve yolsuzluğu yaymamış, aynı zamanda zaten zayıf olan yargı sistemini daha da zayıflatmıştır.
E) Çeyrek yüzyıldan beri Güney Amerika’daki uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı zaten zayıf olan yargı sistemini daha da zayıflattığı için, bölgede şiddetin ve yolsuzluğun yaygınlaşmasına yol açmıştır.
40. At the par t y confer ence held on June 1st in Ber lin, the G er man C hancellor easily got a v ote of confidence.
A ) Almanya Başbakanının kolayca güvenoyu aldığı parti kongresi 1 Haziran’da Berlin’de toplanmıştır.
B ) Almanya Başbakanı, 1 Haziran’da Berlin’de düzenlenen parti kongres inde, beklenmedik bir şekilde güvenoyu almıştır.
C ) Almanya Başbakanı, güvenoyunu 1 Haziran’da Berlin’de yeniden düzenlenen parti kongresinde almıştır.
D ) 1 Haziran’da Berlin’de düzenlenen parti kongresinde, Almanya Başbakanı, kolayca güvenoyu almıştır.
E) Berlin’de 1 Haziran’da düzenlenen olağan parti kongresinde, Almanya Başbakanı yeniden güvenoyu almıştır.
41. T he fi r s t m o de r n un i on s o f w or k er s w er e fo unde d in th e ni nete enth ce ntur y wh en cl as s wa r f ar e had s om e me an in g.
A ) Ondokuzuncu yüzyılda sınıf savaşının bir anlam kazanması nedeniyle, ilk çağdaş işçi sendikaları kurulmuştur.
B ) Çağdaş işçi sendikalarının ilk kez kuruluşu, sınıf savaşının belli bir anlam kazandığı ondokuzunc u yüzyılda olmuştur. C ) Sınıf savaşının giderek anlam kazandığı
ondokuzuncu yüzyılda, ilk çağdaş işçi sendikalarının kuruluşu gündeme gelmiştir. D )İlk çağdaş işçi sendikalarının kurulması da,
sınıf savaşının bir anlam taşıması da ondokuzuncu yüzyıl içinde gerçekleşmiştir. E)İlk çağdaş işçi sendikaları, sınıf savaşının
bir anlam taşıdığı ondokuzuncu yüzyılda kurulmuştur.
42. - 46. sor ularda, boş bırakılan yere, par çanın anlam büt ünlü ğünü sağlamak için getir i lebilece k cümle y i bulu nuz .
Başlangıç saati : 10:20 Bitiş saati : 10:35 Top la m s ür e : 15 dakika
42. T he attack on the Wor ld Tr ade C enter has changed per ceptions of r isk. ---- . T he likelihood of ter r or ist attac ks may not necessar ily be any higher. But the fear of them cer t ainly is. So, too, is the demand for insur a nce cov er.
A ) On the other hand, a few insurers say they will be prepared to of fer the necess ary ins urance against terroris t attacks B ) C over agains t terroris t acts was only
possible at a high price
C ) Indeed, some insurance companies still refuse to cons ider the ris ks of war D ) Some insurers were reluctant to be the
ultimate guarantor f or terroris t risk E) It was the wors t terroris t as sault ever on
American s oil, and produced the biggest insuranc e losses in his tory
43. Anja Silja, who r emains one of the most exciting and contro v er sial figures in oper a, was born in Berlin in 1940. Her childhood was spent in the home of her gr andfath er, who was a pa inter and amat eur mu sician . With him s he stu died voice and piano fr om the age of five. ---- . Ev er y one in the family was frightened of him, except her. By the age of 12 she was giving concer ts, and was not y et 16 when she made her stage debut as “R osina” in R ossini’s Bar ber of Sev ille.
A ) Her perf ormanc es are vivid and emotionally c har ged
B ) Her perf ormances have been c ompared to thos e of Greta Garbo, the sc reen idol of the 1930s
C ) O ff -s tage, s he is quite a withdrawn, shy p er s on
D ) He was , as Ms Silja recalls, a very dominating personality
E) She says that singing alone does not interest her and that she is fully committed to the drama
44. In the making of a great mind, par ental in flu enc e e mer ges as v as tly im por tan t, although its impact is not as simple as it may seem. Some cl ear ly i nher it the abil ities o f their intel lectual forebe ar s. ---- . M oz ar t , for instance, was r obbed of his childhood by his ambitious and ov er be ar i ng f ath er, whi le N ewt on w as abandoned by his mother at an ear ly age.
A ) Moreover, some showed an almost pathologic al devotion to their work B ) Childhood unhappiness is very rarely
enc ountered
C ) Sometimes the intellectual superiority is apparent at an early age
D ) If such people had not lived, the lives of all of us would be poorer
E) But for some the parental influence is less positive or engaging
45. Ar nold Bennett, the English nov elist, was bor n in Staffordshir e, in the M idlands. Following the success of his fir st nov el, he gav e himself entirely to cr eativ e writing. The Old Wives’ Tale is the book by which he is best known to poster ity. ---- . These are life in the industrial M idlands of England and Eur opean cul tural inf luenc es.
A ) For a few years he worked with his f ather who was a s olic itor
B ) He became the most influential critic of his d a y
C ) Between 1902 and 1908 he lived in France and married a Frenc hwoman
D ) It combines the two principle s ources of his interes t
E) Though he spent much of his life in London, he continued to be a man of the Midlands
46. T he ter r or ist threat to mar itime traf fic, oil and gas tanker s in par t icular, is the most imm ediat e pr o blem. ---- . T he suic ide att acks hav e hei ghten ed c oncer n ab out the vulner ability of mar itime traffic to ter r or ist attacks. T he scour ge of pir acy in Southeast Asia, the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea has demonstr ated how easy it is to hijack ships at sea.
A ) Destroying or paralyzing ref ineries and loading terminals would be far more ef fective in disrupting energy supplies B ) The high seas, many fear, could become
the new battleground in the war on terror C ) The Red Sea connects the Mediterranean
Sea and the Middle East with the Indian O cean
D ) Another danger zone is the Strait of Hormuz, the only way in and out of the Gulf E) During the 1980-88 W ar between Iran and
Iraq, both sides attacked shipping in the Gulf in an effort to cut off the other’s oil exp or t s
47. - 51. sorular da, karşılıklı ko nuşman ın bo ş bı rakılan k ısmı nı tam amlay a bilec ek if adey i bulun uz .
Başlangıç saati : 10:35 Bitiş saati : 10:45 Top la m s ür e : 10 dakika
47. C la r e : I’m looking for a book on Kütahy a tiles. What do y ou r e c o m m e n d ?
A s s i s t . : It r eally depends on what y ou are looking for. Is it largely photogr aphs of the tiles that y o u w an t?
C la r e :
-A s s i s t . : In that case, I think this is the book you ar e looking for. It r eally gives a v er y good account of all aspects of tiles and t i l e - m a k i n g .
A ) That’s right. And they must be in colour. B ) Yes it is. It’s the designs I’m interested in. C ) W ell, that too. But I want something about
the history and art of tile-making.
D ) Yes, of course. The individual tiles and the way they are us ed in dec oration.
E) Yes. But it’s only the old tiles that I’m really interes ted in.
48. J a n e : Why is Ireland called “ the e me r al d is l e” : A r e e m er a ld s f o un d t h er e ?
M o t h e r :
-J a n e : Why is that?
M o t h e r : It r ains a gr eat deal and that ma ke s for l ov ely g r e en v eg et a ti on .
A ) Not that I know of. They are found in the Ural Mountains though.
B ) No, they aren’t. It refers to the colour. Everywhere is gorgeous ly green. C ) No, thank goodness!
D ) No. Emeralds are a very valuable stone, you k now.
E) One never knows. One day they may find them there.
49. S o ph i e : Do y ou consider y our self o v e r w o r k e d ?
G er al d : I don’t think so. I really hav en’t thought about it. Why do y ou a s k ?
S o ph i e :
-G er al d : No! Certainly not! Hav e you ev er k no w n m e to ta k e w o r k h o me ?
A ) I’m trying to decide whether or not you are a workaholic .
B ) Bec ause you make all of us work far too hard!
C ) Bec ause by the end of the day you always look terribly tired.
D ) I wish you wouldn’t work s o hard. It’s not good for you.
E) Because I wanted to know!
50. Brian : Accor ding to this ar t icle, G er many is trying to cut down on h ea lt h- ca r e ex pe nd it ur e. Ter r y :
-Brian : Do they really ? That’s an awful lot!
Ter r y : It certainly is. And they r eckon that a lot of the serv ices
pr ov id ed ar e qui te unn eces sar y.
A ) That won’t be at all popular!
B ) W ell, they need to! They spend nearly a third more per head than the EU’s average. C ) I hope Britain doesn’t decide to do the
D ) I suppose people are s tarting to expec t too much. Free education, f or ins tanc e. E) People are starting to expect everything to
be free.
51. A m y : T he editorial boar d has decided to br ing out new editions of the old classics.
P e t e r : So I hear. And they really are going to up date them. A m y :
-P e t e r : Yes, and the new cov er s will be d ec o r a t e d w it h c o nt e m po r ar y pa int ing s.
A ) Do you think they’ll sell well? I’m rather doubtf ul.
B ) W hich ones will they be publishing first? C ) The argument is that people like reading old
books just as they like listening to old mus ic.
D ) Yes indeed. There will be new
introduc tions written by modern writers . E) They are working very hard to make a
s uc cess of the s cheme, whic h actually sugges ts they are not too sure it will be s ucc es s ful!
52. - 56. sor ular da, cümleler sırasıyla oku nduğu nda p arçanın an lam
bütünlüğü nü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
Başlangıç saati : 10:45 Bitiş saati : 10:55 Top la m s ür e : 10 dakika
52. (I) Abstract Expr essionism in US painting was the dominant for ce in the country ’s ar t in the late 1940s and 1950s. (II) It was cha r act er iz ed by the sens uous use of paint, often on v ery lar ge canv ases, to c on v ey po w er f ul em o ti o ns .
(III) Or namental art without figurativ e r e pr es en ta ti on o cc ur s i n mo st c ul tu r e s. (IV) Some of the ar tists involv ed painted pur e ab stra ct pi ctur es, but o ther s of ten used figur es in their wor k. ( V) M ost of th e le ad in g Ab st r a ct Ex pr es si on st s we r e based in New Yor k during the height of the mov ement, and their cr itical and financial success helped New Yor k to replace Par is as the wor ld’ s leading ce ntr e of cont emp or ar y ar t.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
53. (I) The history of the Red C r oss began wi th t he per s ona l ex per i enc e of on e ma n. (II) In June 1859, Henri Durant, a
b us in es sm a n an d ph i la nt hr o pi st , wa s trav elling in Italy wher e chance led him to the battlefield of Solfer ino. (III) He was hor r ified by the sight of the wounded left to die by thousands. (IV) That is why “ v oluntar y aid societies” came into being. (V) He immediately set to wor k to car e f or them and was soon joined by the local p e o p l e .
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
54. (I) Alth ough puni shmen t can sup pr ess an un wa nt ed r e sp on se, i t has s ev er al disadv antages. (II) Its effects ar e not as pr edi ctab le as the r es ult s o f r e war d. (III ) T his i s why an extrem e punish ment may lead to aggr essiv e behav iour. (IV) Punishment says, “Stop it!” but fails to giv e an alter nativ e. (V) As a r esult, the of fen der may su bst itu te an e v en le ss d e s i r a b l e r e s p o n s e .
55. (I) A soldier’s job used to be to kill the enemy. (II) Now, howev er, the global sy st em i s mo r e co mp le x an d mo de r n t r oo ps ar e o ften dep loy ed i n Oper at ions Other Than War (OOTW). (III) For the Br itish Ar my r ecent OOTW hav e included col lectin g wea pons f r om e thnic Alban ian gu er r i ll as an d pe ace ke ep in g i n fo r m er Yugoslav ia. (IV) T hese kinds of
op er ati on s hav e bec om e i nc r e asi ng ly common since the end of the C old War, as the UN takes on international policing mis sion s. ( V) I f the mar ines had ope ned fi r e on u nar med cit iz e ns, th er e wou ld hav e been an inter national outcr y.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
56. (I) Your face is the most distinctive par t of y our body. (II) It allows you to explore the outside wor ld. (III) T he shape and siz e of y our ey es, ear s, nose and mouth ar e what make y ou look so d iffer ent f r om ev er y o ne e lse. (IV ) Ho wev e r, t he p r ima r y pur pose of y our facial features is not to make y o u r ecogniz ab le. (V) T hei r main function is to enable y ou to sense the w o r l d .
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
5 daki ka dinlenme ar ası. Se çe nek le r in iz i s ayı nı z.
57. - 80. sor ular
Başlangıç saati : 11:00 Bitiş saati : 12:00 Top la m s ür e : 60 dakika
Her bir metin ve buna ait 4 soruyu cev aplamak için toplam 10 dakika ayırınız.
57. - 60. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.
T he G er man economy isn’t getting any hea lthi er. G r owth r em ains stagn ant and b us i n es s es r em a in pe s s im i st i c a b ou t th e future. R eal gr oss domestic pr oduct in the thir d quar ter gr ew by 0.3%, after a 0.2% rise in the pr ev ious quar t er.
Ho useh old sp endi ng was the ma in engi ne of gr owth in the per iod. Expor t s also he lpe d, r is ing 2. 7%. T he we akn ess ca me la r gel y in bus ines s i nv es tmen t, a nd constr uction spending also fell again. G ov er n me n t lo a ns s l ow e d. C o mp a ni es ’ v iew s of c ur r ent condi tions hav e
st ab il ise d. H ow ev e r, f utu r e e xp ect at io ns wo r sen ed, wit h t he i nde x dr opp ing to 95.8. T hat doesn’t pr omise well for a r e bou nd i n b usi nes s s pend ing . A nd r ecent r is es in taxation and spending cuts by th e gov er nment could weigh on c o n s u m e r s .
57. It is pointed out in the passage that the hi gher ta xes r ec ent ly i mpo sed in G ermany ---- .
A ) have hit the companies far more than the c ons u mers
B ) have arous ed a great deal of dis content among the c ons umers
C ) are generally regarded as having been inevitable
D ) seem likely to have an adverse eff ect upon the cons umers
E) were necess itated by the need f or an increase in public spending
58. Fr om the pas sag e, the gen er a l p ictu r e we get of the G er man economy ---- .
A ) is that of a slow but s ure growth B ) is one of decline that could lead to
rec es s ion
C ) seems to be reas onably promising D ) sugges ts that all nec es sary measures to
improve it are being taken
E) contradic ts the expectations of the majority of bus ines s es
59. In the gloomy picture of the G er man economy outlined in the passage, ---- .
A ) government loans are not even sufficient to help any one sector
B ) it is clearly the c onstruction sec tor that has been hit hardest
C ) the main blame rests with the German government’s financial polic y
D ) many companies seem to be in danger of bankruptc y
E) there are one or two positive s igns, including the rise in exports
60. It is clear from the passage that the G e r man gov er nm ent ---- .
A ) was particularly disturbed by the figures for real gross domes tic product
B ) has taken firm measures to boos t exports C ) has introduced cuts in public expenditure D ) is determined to encourage an increas e in
hous ehold spending
E) plans to play a leading role in developing bus in es s es
61. - 64. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.
Non-lethal weapons ar e ty pically giv en na mes tha t m ake the m s ound ac cep tabl e; fo r e xam ple , t he ter m “ r ub ber bu lle t” wa s ad op te d to s ug ge st s om et hi ng s of t and har m less . Jel ly ba tons , spo nge gr ena des and bean bag s sound like something from a childr en’s par t y, and y ou need to be awar e that these “ bean bags” ar e canv as bags of lead shot. Similar ly, the v er y ter m “ st ink bombs” makes them sou nd like a pr actical joke instead of a chemi cal war f ar e agent. So me ti me s la ng ua ge is d el ib er at el y us ed to mislead, as in the case of
“ r u bb er -c oa te d b ul le ts ” . T h es e ar e st ee l balls the siz e of marbles with a thin rubber coat, able to penetr ate the skull. T her e ar e also so-call ed “ plastic bullets” , which ar e high v elocity bullets made of PV C .
61. An impor tant point made in the passage is that many non-lethal weapons ---- .
A ) have been ins pired by children’s toys B ) are weapons of c hemic al warf are C) are caref ully described in a misleading
D ) have rec ently been banned by the authorities
E) are only us ed to break up demonstrations
62. It is clear from the passage that “ stink bombs” ar e ---- .
A ) the most deadly of all the bombs B ) used as a joke by children
C ) used in all kinds of warfare, including the c onven tion al
D ) not something to be laughed at
E) generally used in c onjunc tion with s ponge grenades and jelly batons
63. We und er s tan d fr om the pas sag e th at so-called “ plastic bullets” ---- .
A ) ref er to the bullets that have been fals ely called “plas tic”
B ) are ac tually weapons of c hemic al warf are C) are not capable of travelling at any great
s peed when f ired
D ) are f ar less lethal than rubber bullets E) can s hatter the s kull as eff ectively as
rubber-coated bullets
64. T hr o ughout the pa ssage, ther e is a s har p co ntr ast d r aw n b etw een - --- .
A ) the purpose of non-lethal weapons in war time and in peace time
B ) rubber-coated bullets and plastic bullets C ) non-lethal and lethal weapons
D ) c hemical warfare and c onventional w a r f a r e
E) the innocent label and the damaging effects of non-lethal weapons
65. - 68. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.
T he Postal Ser v ice has the longest histor y of monopoly power in the country and has the distinction of being
mentioned in the US C onstitution. In the pas t, the post offic e was impr essiv e in us ing its wi des pr e ad r epu tat ion for po or se r v ic e. Bu t th es e p as t ac co mpl is hm en ts hav e been sev e r ely dim inished b y its inability to contr ol the entry of
competitors. Fir st came FedEx C or p. And its associates, then the fax machine, and the n, mos t dest r uctiv ely, t he Int er net and e-mail. T he Postal ser v ice has failed to get C ongr ess to classify all these innov ations as first-class mail and the r efo r e t he e xclu siv e dom ain of t he Po sta l S er v ic e d emo nst r a tes a
t r e m e nd o us l os s of mu s c le . T h e r e f o r e , this contestant fail s to measur e up and should pr o bably not ev en be nominated in the future.
65. Accor din g to the passa ge, the
introduction of the Inter net and the use of e-mail in Amer ica ---- .
A ) has contributed immens ely to the efficiency of the US Postal Service
B ) is regarded by the US Congress as a major technological accomplis hment
C ) has had a negative effect upon the pos tal s ervic es of the c ountry
D) has enlarged the US Postal Service’s mon opol y power
E) has led to an on-going constitutional c on t rover s y
66. Accor ding to the passage, the US Postal Ser v ice seems to be ---- .
A ) relieved that there are new c ommunication services to share its load
B ) unc ertain that Congress should have put the new communic ation tec hniques under its monopoly
C ) proud that the US Congress has always rec ognized its s uperiority
D ) unable to reach the standard required E) sure that the new communication
technologies will s oon be replac ed
67. Accor ding to the passage, the US Postal Ser vice ---- .
A ) enjoyed, at one time, a privileged status but of f ered poor s ervic es
B ) is the oldest public institution in the c ountry’s his tory
C) is still in fierce competition with its rival FedEx Corp.
D ) is still in the forefront as regards the payment of high wages
E) will always be remembered with res pec t even if it ceases to exist in the future
68. C learly, this passage ---- .
A ) des cribes the current great ac hievements of the US Postal Service
B ) accounts for the decline of the US Postal S er vic e
C ) deals with the benefits of the Internet D ) express es a cons iderable degree of
sympathy for the US Postal Service E) is critical of the US Congress and its
69. - 72. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.
M o der n psy cho logy co nsid er s chi ldho od an extre mely i mpor t ant p er iod of hu man d ev e lo p me n t. We s te r n c ul t ur e v i ew s childr en as v ulner able and r equir ing a gr eat deal of attention, car e and shelter from har m. M an y laws a r e design ed to pr ote ct c hil dr e n fr om dan ger ous toy s, d an ge r o us s ub st a nc es a nd e v e n danger ous par ents. Our belief that all childr en ought to hav e a free public education and that they should r emain in scho ol unt il adol escence simil ar ly r eflects the v iew that childhood is a special and impor t a nt time. But these att itud es t owar d chi ldr e n r e flec t a r elativ ely r ecent conception of ear ly de v elo pme nt. T he G r eek and R om an civ iliz atio ns, for instance, whi ch extended from about 600 B.C . to about 400 A.D., are usuall y r egar ded a s per iods of gr eat enli ghtenme nt. Ye t the s tatus o f chil dr en dur ing th ose t imes w as ha r dly env iab le. Al thou gh s uch gr e at G r ee k th ink er s as Plato and Ar istotle wr ote of the
impor t ance of education, they also def ende d pr acti ces t hat toda y wo uld see m unt hinka ble. Infant icide , the kill ing of new bor ns, was r o uti ne a nd v ie wed as an appr opr iate way to deal with babies wh o wer e i ll egi tim at e, un hea lth y or s im p ly un w an t ed .
69. Accor ding to the passa ge, in m oder n society, children ---- .
A ) are the responsibility more of the state than of their parents
B ) are given more freedom than is good for them
C ) enjoy no special privileges
D ) rec eive les s cons ideration and protection than in ancient times
E) are protec ted by law from a variety of harmf ul practices
70. We under stan d fro m the pass age that the civ iliz ations of Gr eece and R ome ---- .
A ) ac cepted c ertain prac tices to do with children, that today we f ind horrif ying B ) do not deserve the respect that they are
c onstantly being given
C ) are largely remembered because of the writings of Plato and Aristotle
D ) treated c hildren with great kindnes s even though they did practise infanticide E) rec ognized the f ac t that infantic ide was
71. It is emphasiz ed in the passage that pr es en t-d ay w est er n c ul tu r e -- -- .
A ) does not s eek to prolong free education af ter adoles c enc e
B ) regards free schooling as the right of every c hild
C ) does not regard Greek and Roman times as periods of enlightenment
D ) is over-protec tive of its children
E) regards children in much the same way as did the anc ient Greeks
72. It is clear fr om the passage that Plato and Ar istotle ---- .
A ) helped to improve the conditions of children in their age
B ) disapproved of the way c hildren were treated in their times
C ) would have disliked the modern approach to educ ation
D ) both recognized the importance of educ ation
E) tried hard to put an end to the practice of inf antic ide
73. - 76. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.
For mor e than ten y ear s, R ussia’s r ela tions wi th the a dv anced countrie s of the wester n wor ld ha d been a torrid and uns atis fy in g mix ture of unr eq uite d lo v e, m is un de r st an di n g an d d as he d h op es . Actually r ecently ther e hav e been big shifts on both sides. T he West is no longer trying to recast R ussia in its own imag e. T he day s ar e gone when
politicians in the US used the
Inter national M onetary Fund (IM F) as a foreign policy fund to promote par ticular policies and politicians in Russia. T hese days, R ussia r uns itself mor e or less as it lik es. Its e conom ic g r owth may be s low but it is encour agin g: R ussia r egister ed its third consecutive y ear of r eal gr owth in 2001, with the aver age income up by 5% and at a time when the wor ld’s big
e co no mi es w er e sl ug gi sh . Al th ou gh g oo d official connections in business still matter hugely, the day s of centr al
planning ar e gone for good, as is the wild er a of looting and bar t er that followed the co llap se of comm uni sm. R us sia de liv e r s its oil and gas on time and is steadily pay ing off its foreign debts. C ompar ed wit h what migh t hav e happ ened, the out side wor ld f inds tha t ch eer i ng.
73. As w e un de r s ta nd f r o m th e pa ss ag e, wha t is i nter es ting a bout R ussia ’s r ec ent economic performance is that it ---- .
A ) has caused considerable unease in the US B ) has largely been ac hieved by the export of
oil and gas
C ) has been largely aided by IMF funding D ) has improved to a c ertain extent while the
ec onomies of many big c ountries have det eriorated
E) has led to an intensification of the strain in relations between Russ ia and the wes tern wo r l d
74. Accor ding to the passage, the signs that things ar e impr oving in R ussia ---- .
A ) have been confirmed by IMF’s ec onomic r ep ort s
B ) are not really credible in the eyes of wes tern c ou ntri es
C ) seem likely to prove very temporary D ) are gratifying but its relations with the
W est continue to be tense
E) inc lude a steady reduction in foreign debts and reliability in the meeting of commitments
75. As it is pointed out in the passage, in the r ecent past, R ussia ---- .
A ) experienced many difficulties in its relations with the W est
B ) ac hieved a rapid rate of economic growth that s urprised the wes tern world
C ) introduc ed a policy of central planning whic h has aided its ec onomic growth D ) finally paid off all of its debts to the W est E) exported all its surplus oil and gas to the
W est
76. It is clear from the passage that, former ly, the US ---- .
A ) depended upon the IMF for the funding of all its foreign policy projects
B ) greatly encouraged ec onomic c ooperation between Russia and the W est
C ) was in the habit of using c ertain
international bodies to influence politics in R us sia
D ) was exc eedingly worried about R us s ia’s ec onomic instability
E) had done all in its power to bring about the collapse of communism
77. - 80. sor uları aşağıdaki parçaya gör e cev aplayınız.
Behav iour al sc ientists h av e ident ified many power f ul factor s that dr ive us to w ar -f ac to r s so n um er o us a nd s o
compelling that it is hard to imagine how we will ev er ov er co me th em. E v olut ion se ems t o h av e eq uip pe d u s w ith s tro ng tendencies to or ganiz e and kill. As G ener al John J. Per shing stated, “ M en go to war because they enjoy it.” Like many m am ma ls , we al so p os se ss th e na tu r a l tendency to pr otect our ter r itor y. Society is ca pab le of sup pr e ssi ng
ge net ica lly -ba sed ten den cie s, but wh en it comes to war, most cu ltur es actually fuel the f lames. W e delibe r ately i nstil
nationalistic pr ide in our childr en, and we te ach them to ass ume r ol es a nd foll ow or der s which ar e all c har acter istics of the good soldier. In addition we r educe the indiv iduality of people by giv ing them un ifor ms; we diff use r esp ons ibil ity by ha v in g t hem use we apo ns in t eam s; we de hu man iz e e ne mi es b y la be ll in g th em heathens, animals and so on. T hr ow in fina ncial incent iv es, some p r opaga nda and a char ismatic leader or two, and we be com e m or e pr one to war th an ev e r.
77. Accor ding to the passage, people ---- .
A ) are no longer eas ily motivated by financ ial inc entives
B ) are conditioned f or war from childhood o n w a r d s
C ) want their s ons to become prof es sional s oldiers
D) can be persuaded to do anything by a charismatic leader
E) can seldom manage to control their tendency to kill
78. It is pointed out in the passage that h um a n b ei n gs r e s e mb l e m an y o t he r ma mm al s -- -- .
A ) in their urge to def end their own domain B ) in their readines s to fight for the pleasure
of fighting
C ) because they s hare the s ame tendencies D ) though mammals lack a sense of pride E) since they poss ess the same genes
79. An impor t ant point m ade in this passage is that the tendency in man to go to war ---- .
A ) is aroused by all types of uniform B ) is strong and unlikely ever to be subdued C ) has nothing to do with a s ense of national
D ) bears no relation to the way a c hild is brought up
E) has decreased as war has bec ome more terrible
80. In the pass age, the und er li ned phr a se “ d eh um ani z e e nem ie s” me an s to -- -- .
A ) refer to the enemy’s less -known qualities B ) present the enemy in favourable terms C ) depict the enemy as something inhuman D ) put the emphasis on the enemy’s power E) repres ent the enemy through its unpopular
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