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Coexisting Attractors In A Autonomous 4ᵗʰ Order, Non Linear, Electric Circuit


Academic year: 2021

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Journalaf istanbul Kültür University

2006/4 pp.33-44





In this paper we have studied the dynamic behavior of a non driven electric circuit of 4th order with

two active elements, one linear negative conductance &one non linear resistür ofN-type exhibiting a

symmetrical piecewise linear v-i characteristic. The resistor Ri serves as the control parameter of the

system. We have observed formation of "bubbles" for some initial conditions. In a narrow region of

Ri values what has been observed is antimonotonicity in the bifurcation diagram, different routes to

chaos via period doubling sequences and reverse period doubling and transition from periodic to

quasi-periodic and finally to chaos. We have also studied the dependence of circuit behavior on the

initial conditions.

Key-words: Bubbles, Coexisting attractors, Antimonotonicity, Chaos, Period doubling.



The .last twenty years has been characterized by the huge development in the study of

phenomena with complicated or chaotic behavior. Chaos is a noise like phenomenon that is a product öf the inevitable nonlinearity of physical systems. The science of chaos is relatively

newand many scientists have observed chaotic behaviors in different areas of science.

Firstly physicians and mathematicians mainly dea1t theoretically with the study of chaotic

phenomena. Theoretical study or simulation of these chaotic phenomena was much easier

than study in experimental circuits because of difficulty in searching of chaotic behaviors. The main advantage of using electric circuits in studying dissipative systems is the easy

of implementation using low cost materials. With those elements, we implement a variable

of nonlinear resistors and negative conductance. Chaotic phenomena such us bifurcation,

period doubling and reverse period doubIing, antimonotonicity [1] that has been reported

in the literature, have all been observed in electric circuits e.g., the period-doubling

route to chaos[2, 3, 6, 8, 11], quasiperiodicity route to chaos [4] . Cascades of

period-doubling bifurcations have long been recognized to be one of the common routes to

chaos, as exemplified by the one-dimensional logistic map Xn+l


Axn(l - xn). As the

parameter A in the logistic map is increased, it is known that periodic orbits are only

created but never destroyed. VnIike the monotone bifurcation behavior of the logistic

map, it has been showed [7] that in many common nonlinear dynamical systems

periodic orbits must be both created and destroyed infinitely often, as the parameter

is increased near certain common parameter values. Dawson et aL. [7] named this

concurrent creation and annihilation of periodic orbits antimonotonicity.

Bier and Bountis [5], demonstrated that reverse period-doubling sequences can be

expected to occur, when a minimum number of conditions are fulfilled. Their main

resu1t is that areverse period-doubling sequence is likely to occur in any nonIinear

system, where there is a symmetry transformation, under which the state equation

remains invariant.


ioannis N. Stouboulos

Indeed our system under the transformatian

Vci -+ -Vci , VC2-+ -VC2, iLI -+ -iLI , iL2-+ -iL2, 1 -+ -1 ,

remains invariant.

Chua's circuit family which was created during the effort to make re al the Lorentz

model is the most c1assical example route to chaos. In previous studies we have realIzed many modified Chua's circuits [8-9]. That makes these circuits different is that the changes of value s of capacitance, resistance and inductors cause many different dynamic behaviors.

Moreover the behavior of the systems very sensitiye to initial conditions (specially the

autonomous circuits). The study of Chua's circuit family presents inexhaustible wealth of

dynamical behavior and their study has not been completed.

in arecent paper we studied the dynamics of a forth order non autonomous nonlinear

electric circuit (driven by a sinusoidal voltage source). in this paper we study the dynamics of a fourth-order autonomous nonlInear electric circuit (Pigure i) with two active elements, one nonlinear resistür RN with a symmetrical piecewise lInear v - i characteristic (Pigure 2) and one linear negative conductance (Pigure 3).





LO~ (


+ + D



The 4tli orcler autonomous non lInear electric circuit

The values of the circuit parameters are:

Ri= 0.4 -l.iKQ, R2=90n, Li= 33mH, L2=iOOmH, Ci= 6.6nP, C2=ISnP.

Figure 2. v-i characteristic of non lInear resistür RN Ga = -O.i OSmS, Gb = 7mS, Bp =0.68V


Coexisting Attractors In An Autonomous 4th Order, Non Linear" Electrle Circuit

Figure 3. v-i characteristic of negative conductance G

Gn= -0.45mS, Gp= 0.45mS, LR=7.5V

2. Dynamics of the Circuit

We have chosen the following value s for the circuits parameters:

Ri=90Q, Li= 33mH, Li=IOOmH, Ci= 6.6uF, Ci=l5uF.

The values for the non linearresistorRNare: Ga = -O.105mS, Gb = 7mS, Bp =O.68V and

the ones for the negative conductance G are: Gn= -0.45mS, Gp= 0.45mS, LR=7.5V

The state equations of the circuit are:

dUC1 1




1 - i)


= __











= L1(UC2 - UC1 - RA1)

dil2 1


2 -RA2) where

~~11)=GbvC1 +O.5(Ga -Gb)(IVC1 +Bpl-IvC1-Bpl)

Systems that appear chaotic behavior are very sensitiye to changes of the initial

conditions. Different initial conditions will probably create totally different dynamic

behavior. in our circuit we have studied the dynamics of the system for selected values of Ri plotting bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits


Lyapunov exponents for different sets of initial conditions:


toannis N. Slouboulos

The bifurcation diagrams


(mA) vs. Ri for Ci= 6.6nP and initial conditions 1 (i.c.l) is shown in Figure 4 and the same one for initial conditions


(i.c.i) is shown in Figure 5. We

start the bifurcation diagrams with different initial conditions. We observe that from

Rl=8000 to 71iO the behavior of the system is completely different. From Ri=71iO to

6000 the system appears exactly the same behavior without any extemal influence.





~ -0.2 ~ N ~ ~0.4 -0.6 -0.8 . 0.60 0.65 0.70 R(kO) 0.75 0.80

Figure 4. Bifureation diagrams IiLz(mA) vs. Ri for initial eonditions 1

004 0.2 0.0 ~ -0.2


_:J -004 -0.6

BIFURCAT10N DIAGRAM - i.C.2 (-O.70$VI OVl-O.JJ8mA/-O.48mN



0.60 0.65 0.70


0.75 0.80


Coexisting Attractors In An Autonomous 4th Order, Non Linear" Electric Clrcuit

Some phase portraits diagrams (V ci-VC2) are shown in Figure 6-9.

VC{-_70B0f) vC2=O(Y) ILi=-,D6(mfl.) IL2=-.48(mA) Ci =6.6nF R=.737(kQ) Q.c.2) 0.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 '1.0 -1.5 Figure 7 ~O . Q _ ~


M ~ M M M ~~ Vc,=O('I) Vc?=OM Ci =6.6nF R=.737(kQ) (Le. 1) 1.5 0.5 1.0 2.0 -1.0 -1.5 0.0 Ve, (ii) ·0.5 -2.0.


~ =

M ~ ~ M M i,,(mA) Figure 6

hlon~"" ,1,:1>0<"., nu~_Pli.I'O«fVc2 ,••. 'ellITP' LO~O

Vn'" .S03f':i. 'ci~ - .~i~,v, ia- ~OO!lOO

Ct =6JinF RlI.742{kO} (Lc.2)

O'Atput hi,? IiOT~ ~b~ )nl.,Ci_6 nu oh'o~"" hb"".",,<JOl!."I-tb ..,'<""ci .•.•.V"I/TII_ 100000

~~(••~;~'~r:) - - - - -iMi" .'~7f:1!.'Id_ LLS(\/) ,<1-,ono"" ci u,r~- b. ~ C2U,flolS.0 <;.1""'1'_·105 ""(""1- '>,0 "1""1'- .H ~~~~:~:-~~:a) ~: _ ;;~~ (rM) .-x- i.so \'IO•••• -l.n c,<c,~ .0.0

\W,puihl~1 SU~'1j"-,,,II

~l'.<I.,-~;(,,;J;~~';~) - -;!~i~-;~~1·$]-v,-,,-,,---C,-,6-ÔC-,F,-'.-"-x-' -,,-,-.,-), ~.r,oi - .~e V<~~· .00 :1.:.:0 __ .so ~. 2.50 .,.,ln-- 2.~O C~'.'~ •. WO Figure 8 Figure 9

in Figure 6 the phase portrait


(mA)-VC2 (V) is shown for Ri = 0.737Kfl and initial conditions 1 (i.c.1). The state of the circuit is periodic. This is proved by the Lyapunov exponents in Figure 10 (LE1=0, LE2<0, LE3<, LE4<0). in Figure 7 the phase portrait


(mA)- VC2 (V) is shown for Ri = 0.737Kfl and initialconditions 2 (i.c.2). The state of the

circuit is quasiperiodic. This is proved by the Lyapunov exponents in Figure 11 (LEl=O,

LE2=0, LE3<0, LE4 <O).

Similarly, in Figure 8 the phase portrait


(mA)- VC2 (V) is shown for Ri = 0.742Kfl

and initial conditions 1 (i.c.1), the state of the circuit is periodic, and the Lyapunov

exponents is shown in Figure 12 (LE1=0, LE2<0, LE3<, LE4<0). in Figure 9 the phase portrait


(mA)- VC2 (V) is shown for Ri = 0.742Kfl and initial conditions 2 (i.c.2).The

state of the circuit is quasiperiodic and the Lyapunov exponents is shown in Figure 13


loannis N. Slouboulos '",o,.:"""· •• «", .••~.,_c,.",,,_v L."" .",eo" ,.r;. "," LE' J~'o=""'·"'''.''''d«_C,,,·'oovJ·'''''' ,., •.• "'Nt, "", •. '•.C'10 'u __


Lyapunov exp for R",ü.737kn

PeriOl:iiclE1=O.lE2<:Q irritial~ond,1 ; i i, i "~ LEl i ~ lE2 ---r i i J i I







i ....l ~ ' i J= i ! Figure 10 Figure 11 '"<O'O"'''''~b'''''''<-~1'''''''VJ<Om <"""00.0 Ln~ .no"," 1."". ,OO1,t,. !.•' __ .".'''' [."'__11,,,":7

P,riOdk LEt=O,LE2 co






i i i w 1 . i




initial tcrid.2 (H;1)

qi.iasiperiodic LE1 '" O.LE2=0 lyapunov exp for R"'O.737kO

Iu'o"oiOoU='Oh""~._L'Q"~"'J""" ••ioioo.o

.!i ••.''''H L,,_. ,Of,Oio "~>._.001" t<.·~ii.~.""

Figure 12 Figure 13



" -OA _c::i -0.6 -0.8 i •••••••• 0.71 0.72 0.73 0.74 Figure 14


Coexisting Attractors In An Autonomous 4th Order, Non Linear" Electiic Circuit

in Figure 14 we have shown the bifurcation diagram for initial conditions L As Ri is

increased, the circuit remains in a periodic state according to the following scheme: period-3 -;. period-6 -;. period-12 -;. period-6 -;. period-3. This scheme is named "triple primary bubble". ~ For R= 800 (Q) - 74L5(Q), p-3 ~ R= 74L5(Q) -734.7(Q), p-6 ~ R= 734.7(Q)-726.6(Q) p-12, ~ R= 726.6(Q)-712.2(Q) p-6 and ~ R= 712.2(Q)-703 (Q), p-3

The triple primary bubble disappears for other initial conditions (like i.c.2). The

behavior of the system is completely different. (Figure 4).

in the following figures, we presence the phase portraits for a route to chaos via period doubling in another resistor Ri range. This route is the same for both initial conditions (Lc.1.


i.c.2.) IPhase portrait '" "" C,~6,6nF, R~600n 1.0 0.5 ~ 0.0 « g


-0.5 ·1.0 -,.5 . ~,8 ~.6 ~,4 -0.2 0.0 Q2 M M 0,8 ~~ 1.0 0.80.6OA ~ 0.2 >0 0.0 -0.2-0.4-O.e-0.8•1.0

·0.8 i phase portrait I,,'Ve, C.!~6.6nF,R~600n i

~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ M M


Iphase portrait Ve,' VC2 C,~6.6nF, R=600n i

2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 -2.0 _ , , -LO -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.B LO Ve!0/) -1.5 ~ 0.0 ;:;-' -0,5 c,~6_6nF. R~600n i -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 DA 0.6 0.8 'L,(mA) 2.0 -0.8 0.5 1.0 1.5 -LO -2.0 ·1.5 ~ 0.0 >~-0.5

Figure 15. a,b,c,d. Phase Portraits for R=600 ri, ci=6.6nP,


loannis N. Stouboulos

~._-~~phase portra;!', 1..2 lt-, c1= 6.6nF, R = 603.30 Iphase portra!! lU - Ve, C, = 6.6riF, R = 603.30 i

0.8 0..6 0.4 0.2 -DA -0..2 0,0 Ju(rnA) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 ~ 00ü > -0.2 ~O.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -0.8 -O~6 0.8 0.6 0,20.4 -0.8 -0..6 ~O.4 -0..2 0.0 'Lc(mA) 1,0 0.5 1.5 -1.0 <-g 0.0

-La -0.6 ~O.6 -DA "0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 LO


Iphase portra'! VOL· V", C, = 6.6nF, R = 603.30 i

2.0 0,5 1.5 1.0 -1.0 -1.5 ~2.0 ~ 0:0 '" > -0.5 0.6 0.4 ~6 ~4 ~2 M ~


2.0 1.51.0 0.5 ~ >Ü-1.50.0·2.0-0.5-1.0 +--08

Figure 16. a,b,c,d. Phase Portraits for R=603.3 n,Ci=6.6nF,

LEl=O, LE2=-O.031<O,LE3=-O.121 (periodic), p-12,

[ phase portra'! C,=6.6riF. R = 6040

0.8 0.6 04 0.2 [ phase portra!t C,=6.6nF, R = 6040 -0.6 -DA -0.2 0.0 J12(mA) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 ~ 0.0ü > -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -LO ·0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 1,,(mA) -1;0 15 1.0 0.5 <-.s 0.0




Coexisting Attractors In An Autonomous 4th Order, Non Linear" Electrle Circuit 2.0 1.5 1.0 0,5 ~ 0.0 u > -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 [phase portrait C,=6.6nF, R = 604n 2.0 15 1.0 0.5 ~ 0.0u > -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 iphase portraitV - VCt cz C "6.6nf. R = 6040'I i -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 iL2(mA) 0.2 0.4 0.6 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Ve,0/)

Figure 17. c,d. Phase Portraits for R=604 n,Ci=6,6nF,

LEl=O, LE2=-O.0306<O,LE3=-O.116 (periodic), p-6.

IPhase portrait R = 620 n, C,= 6,6nF i IPhase portranR" 620 n, C," 6,6nfL

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.4 ·0.2 0.0 lu(mA) 1.0 0.80.6 0.40.2 ~ 0.0 L)-> -0.2 -0.4 -0.6-0.8 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 O 0.6 0.4 0.2 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 ',,(mA) 0.5 1.0 -0.5 -1.0 :;;: 0.0 §. -2,0 i J i i J II i i i -1.0 -0.8 ·0.6 ·004 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 08 VC,0l) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 ~ 0.0 N c) > -0.5 ·1.0 ·1.5 0.6 0.4 0.2 lphase portraitR " 620 n, C, = 6;6nF 2.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 -1.5 -2.0 ..•. -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 'L2(mA) .1.0 ~ 0.0 Q'" > -0.5

Figure 18. a,b,c,d. Phase Portraits for R=620 n,Ci=6.6nF,


loannis N. Slouboulos le,=6.6nF. R = 650ni 1.0 0.5 ;;( 0.0


-0.5 -1.0

_ ~ ~ =

M ~ M M o ~~ 1.0 0.8 0,6 DA 0.2 ~ 0.0;S -0.2 -DA -0.6 -0.8 .1.0-2.0 -1.5 le,=6.6nF, R=650ni 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 IL/mA) le,=6.6nF. R =650 n i 1.5 0.5 2.0 -1.5 ,.2.0 .... -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -04 ,0.2 0.0 0.2 DA 0.6 0.8 1 Ve/Y) -1.0 ~ 0.0 >~ -05 O 0.5 _2.0 -0.8 1.0 -1.0 1.5 -1.5 2.0 ~ 0.0 >:..~wO.5

Figure 19. a,b,c,d. Phase Portraits for R=650n,C,=6.6nf,

LE1=0.0466>0, LE2=0,LE3=-0.112(chaos). C::>R1 = 6000 (chaos), C::>Ri = 603.30 / P - 12, C::>R1 = 6040 / P - 6, C::>R1 = 6200 / P - 3 a, C::>R1= 6500 (chaos), Figure 15a,b,c,d. Figure 16a,b,c,d. Figure 17a,b,c,d.

Figure 18a,b,c,d. and


Coexisting Attractors In An Autonomous 4th Order, Non Linear" Electrk Circuit C,=6,6nF, R=6000 :;( :;( i


E E. _:J o O,S 0,6 OA O~2 0,0 ,0,2 ..0.4 ,0,6 1,0 1,0 C,=6,6nF, R = 6040

Figure 20. a,b,c,d. 3D V ci -VC2 - LL2, C1=6.6nF for different Ri.

in Figures (15a,b,c,d - 19a,b,c,d} we have shown the phase portrait diagrams for

diserete values of the resistür Ri. in Figures (20a,b,e,d) we presenee the phase portraits diagrams for the same value s of the resistür Ri (0.600, 0.6033, 0.604, 0.61OkO). These diagrams show the development of the system into the phase spaee for a route to ehaos via

period doubling. in Figure 20d we have for Ri = 6100 / period - 3. in Figure 20e we have

for Ri =6040 / period - 6, for Ri = 603.30 / period - 12 (Figure 20b) and finally in Figure 20a chaos.

in 3-D diagrams we also observe the projection of the trajeetory to different planes. The 3-D diagrams give us more exactly information for the dynamical behavior of the system.

Although in simple phase portrait diagrams, some trajectories seem to be intereepted, the


loannis N. Slouboulos

3. Conclusions

.:.in this paper we have studied the dynamic behavior of an autonomous electric circuit

of 4th order with two active elements, one line ar negative conductance (G = -0.45mS) and

one non linear resistor ofN-type with a symmetrical piecewise linear v-i characteristic

(Ga=-0.105mS, Gb= 7mS). Using the resistor Ri as the control parameter we have observed

antimonotonicity in a narrow region ofR] value s for Ci=6.6nF .

•:.in the bifurcation diagram (Figure 5), formation of "bubbles" has been observed for some initial conditions (i.c.l). This scheme caIled "period -3- bubble". As the value of Ri is increased the system remains in periodic state and no chaotic state appear. For other initial conditions (i.c.2) the behavior of the system is completely different. in the same region of Ri values we observe (Figure 6) altemation between period and chaotic states. The creation of the "bubbles" is very sensitiye to initial conditions.

·:·We have also observed routes to chaos such us from periodic to quasi-periodic and

finaIly to chaos. A route to chaos via areverse period doubling in another range changing of Ri (0.600 - 0.650kn) appear (Figure 15a,b,c,d. - Figure 19a,b,c,d.) .

•:. Using the value of the resistar Ri as the control parameter we have varied the

coupling between the resonance circuit and the branch of the non lInear resistor .

•:.FinaIly we have studied the dependence of circuit behavior on the initial conditions.

We have periodic statefor values of Ri equal to 0.737kn and 0.742kn (Figure 6 - Figure 8) with initial conditions 1, butthe state of the system varies to quasiperiodic (Figure 7 - Figure 9), while the initial conditions are changing (i.c.2.). The coexistence at least two different attractors, drive the circuit in two different ways to chaos, but for smaIler values of Ri we have convocation in the same way.


This work has been supported by the research program "EPEAEK



II", code number 80831, of the Greek Ministry of Education and E.U.


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Figure i. The 4tli orcler autonomous non lInear electric circuit
Figure 3. v-i characteristic of negative conductance G Gn= -0.45mS, Gp= 0.45mS, LR=7.5V 2
Figure 5. Bifureation diagrams IILZ (mA) vs. Ri for initial eonditions 2
Figure 12 Figure 13


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