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Toplumun devlet müdahalesine u1ramayan ve kendi dinami1ini kendisi üretip, bununla


IV- Toplumun devlet müdahalesine u1ramayan ve kendi dinami1ini kendisi üretip, bununla

özerkli1ini koruyan alan2

Bu tan2mlarda, a/a12daki kavramlardan hangi-sinin anlam2 verilmemi/tir?

A) Ütopya B) Devlet C) Sivil Toplum D) Bürokrasi


A/a12dakilerden hangisi, “tarihselcilik” ö1re-tisine kar/2 ç2karak çok de1i/kenli toplumsal olaylar2n, tarihsel determinizmle aç2klanama-yaca12 görü/ünde olan dü/ünürlerdendir?

A) A. Comte B) F. Hegel C) K. Popper D) K. Marx


De1erler üzerine çal2/an, de1erin do1as2n2 ve ne türden /eylerin kendi içinde de1er ta/2d212n2 inceleyen felsefe dal2na verilen ad a/a12da-kilerden hangisidir?

A) Etik B) Aksiyoloji

C) Ontoloji D) Etiyoloji


Yeni ça1da ulusal devlet dü/üncesinin ilk ve en önemli temsilcisi a/a12dakilerden hangisidir?

A) Niccolo Machiavelli B) Martin Luther C) Jean Bodin D) Karl Popper


A/a12dakilerden hangisi Leibniz’in monadla-r2n2n özelliklerinden de1ildir?

A) Birbirlerinden ba ms z ve farkl d rlar.

B) Birbirleriyle nedensel bir ili ki içinde de ildirler.

C) Kendi eylem ilkelerini, kendilerinde bulurlar.

D) Yer kaplayan maddi parçac klard r.


Bilgi kuram2nda;

Bilginin as2l konusunun ya/am oldu1unu, nsan ve ya/am hakk2ndaki bilgilerimizin kayna12n2n tarih ve anlama oldu1unu, Bilgilerimizin de1erinin genel-geçer de1il,

göreceli oldu1unu,

savunan, 19. yüzy2lda “ya/am felsefesi”nin Almanya’daki temsilcilerinden biri olan filozof a/a12dakilerden hangisidir?

A) W. Dilthey B) S. Kierkegaard C) A. Comte D) W. James


A/a12dakilerden hangisi 20. yüzy2l felsefesinde ortaya ç2kan ak2mlardand2r?

A) Olguculuk B) Romantizm C) Deneycilik D) Görüngübilim


A/a12dakilerden hangisi evrensel ahlak yasa-s2n2n varl212n2 kabul etmektedir?

A) M. Stirner B) J.P. Sartre C) J. Bentham D) T. Hobbes


Ahlak felsefesinin, tek tek toplumlar2n ya da bir insan toplulu1unun ahlaki e1ilimlerini hiçbir yarg2da bulunmaks2z2n inceleyen dal2na verilen ad a/a12dakilerden hangisidir?

A) Erdem eti i B) Deneyci etik C) Betimleyici etik D) Biçimci etik


Thomas Hobbes’un siyaset ve toplum

felsefesini aç2klad212 ba/yap2t2 a/a12dakilerden hangisidir?

A) Elementa Philosophiae B) Leviathan

C) De Homine D) De Corpore


A/a12dakilerden hangisi bilginin de1erine ili/kin sorulardand2r?

A) Bilgi gerçe i verebilir mi?

B) Bilgilerimiz do u tan m d r?

C) Bilgilerimizin kayna deney midir?

D) Bilgi nas l olu uyor?


A/a12dakilerden hangisi Farabi’nin öne sür-dü1ü bilgi türlerinden biri de1ildir?

A) Duyulara ve mant ksal ç kar mlara dayal bilgiler

B) #lk bilgiler C) Tasdikî bilgiler

D) Do u tan gelen bilgiler


A/a12dakilerden hangisi “Varolu/çuluk”

ak2m2n2n temsilcilerinden de1ildir?

A) K. Jaspers B) A. Camus C) M. Heidegger D) J.S. Mill


Croce’ye göre sanat, insan2n di1er etkinlikle-rine benzemeyen çok özel bir etkinliktir; çünkü burada sanatç2n2n özgür bir biçimde, hayal gücüyle biçimler üretmesi söz konusudur. Bu görü/ü savunan Croce’ye göre sanat nedir?

A) #nsan zihninin yarat c bir etkinli idir.

B) Gerçekli in bir yans mas d r.

C) Do an n taklit edilmesidir.

D) #nsan mutlak özgürlü e kavu turan oyundur.


A/a12dakilerden hangisi estetik yarg2lar2n özelliklerinden de1ildir?

A) Öznel bir yarg d r.

B) Estetik de erlerle ilgilidir.

C) Mant ki aç dan de erlendirilen yarg d r.

D) Estetik nesneye kar l k gelen bir be eniyi dile getirir.


A/a12dakilerden hangisi din felsefesinin temel kavramlar2ndand2r?

A) #yi B) Yüce

C) Vicdan D) Sorumluluk


Kendinde varl2k, kendisi için varl2k, hiçlik, özgürlük ve sorumluluk konular2 hangi dü/ü-nür taraf2ndan ayr2nt2l2 olarak incelenmi/tir?

A) J.P. Sartre B) S. Kierkegaard C) F. Nietzche D) K. Jaspers


“ deal varl2k soyuttur, somut gerçekli1i yoktur, fikirden ibarettir, zihindedir.” Buna göre a/a12dakilerden hangisi ideal varl21a örnektir?

A) Derste kulland m z pergel B) Okudu umuz kitaplar

C) Yazd m z metni basmaya yarayan yaz c D) Zaman hesaplamas nda kullan lan ba lang ç



Dü/üncesinin temelinde kendi içinde diyalek-tik bir s2ra izleyen “estediyalek-tik a/ama, ediyalek-tik a/ama, dini a/ama” olmak üzere üç a/amal2 bir varolu/ anlay2/2 yer alan dü/ünür a/a12daki-lerden hangisidir?

A) F. Nietzche B) S. Kierkegaard C) J.P. Sartre D) L. Wittgenstein


Siyasi, dini veya toplumsal nitelikli bütün küresel, her/eyi kucaklay2c2 dünya görü/-lerine itiraz eder.

lerleme dü/üncesine kar/2 ç2k2/2n2n bir sonucu olarak bu günün geçmi/ten, moder-nin modern öncesinden üstün oldu1u dü/üncesine kar/2 ç2kar.

Tek, de1i/mez ve evrensel bir ak2l yerine, çe/itli ak2llar2n var olu/undan söz ederek evrenselcili1e kar/2 ç2kar.

Verilenlerin tümü hangi yakla/2m2n özelliklerin-dendir?

A) idealizm

B) Post modernizm C) Mant ksal empirizm D) Diyalektik materyalizm




56. - 69. sorularda, cümlede bo/ b2rak2lan yerle-re uygun dü/en sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.


Members of environmental groups have exerted a lot of effort in order to make people

………… of the increasing pollution.

A) aware B) accused

C) composed D) fond


As citizens, we are legally …………. to pay tax in some form or another.

A) devoted B) dedicated

C) bound D) vulnerable


Mary …………. to her best friend that she was getting divorced as she didn’t have any hope for her marriage.

A) contributed B) attributed C) surrendered D) confided


The personnel manager insisted on the staff wearing suits, but he finally ………. and allowed them to wear casual clothes.

A) complied B) contended C) relented D) surmised


According to experimental evidence the

………. of light is independent of the motion of the source.

A) casuality B) velocity C) relativity D) gravity


His intellectual pace is becoming increasingly unsurpassed. No one seems to be going to

…………. him in the immediate future.

A) catch up with B) come down to C) go round with D) get back to


A great number of people were laid …………

during the economic crisis of the late 1990s.

A) over B) on C) up D) off


believe we can jointly work ………. issues of privatization and nuclear energy.

A) off B) on C) in D) from


They will be able to remain on any premises after 2 am ……… they are through the doors by that time.

A) while B) since

C) so long as D) until


The Ertu1rul sank on September 15,1890 on its way back ………….. Japan on the rocks of Kashinozaki.

A) off B) into C) in D) from


She was preparing lunch in the kitchen. heard her ……….. a plate. ran into the kitchen and helped her collect the pieces.

A) to break B) broke C) breaking D) break


By the time he retires, he ……….. his 35 years of service in teaching English.

A) has completed B) will have completed C) has been completing D) will complete


Obviously, the nutrition expert is proud of

…………. a prize for her study on the kinds of nourishment for young children.

A) to be awarded

B) to have been awarded C) having been awarded D) having awarded


The minister touched on some of the economic issue facing Turkey, ……….. the country’s economy now had a strong infrastructure.

A) said B) saying

C) in order to say D) having said 70. - 72. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun /ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.


………….., the wild wind caught and floated her across the pavement.

A) As she pressed open the big outer doors of the flats

B) When they came back to the hall there was the fat man waiting for her by the door

C) As if she didn’t know what to reply

D) For a moment Lil looked at Else very doubtfully


But for the bad weather conditions, ………….

A) they had taken a plane instead of a bus.

B) didn’t go to work yesterday.

C) she would have kept her appointment.

D) we had to leave the building as soon as possible.


Since more and more people are moving away from the countryside, ……….

A) cities are getting overcrowded.

B) villagers are very happy.

C) more than 75% of the land is used for agriculture

D) new villages can be formed.

73. - 76. sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca en yak2n olan cümleyi bulunuz.


He stole that money. He is in deep trouble now.

A) If he had stolen that money, he would have been in deep trouble.

B) He wasn’t in deep trouble although he had stolen that money.

C) If he hadn’t stolen that money, he wouldn’t have been in deep trouble then.

D) If he hadn’t stolen that money, he wouldn’t be in deep trouble now.


Her injury prevented her from finishing the race.

A) She was able to finish the race despite her injury.

B) Her injury helped her to finish the race.

C) She couldn’t finish the race as she was injured.

D) She could finish the race although she was injured.


’m fed up with having to look after my younger brother.

A) It was unfortunate that had to take care of my younger brother.

B) wish had looked after my younger brother.

C) ’m bored with feeding my younger brother.

D) If only didn’t have to look after my younger brother.


We only have dinner in this restaurant because the prices are low.

A) If they didn’t charge low prices, we wouldn’t have dinner in this restaurant.

B) As long as we have dinner in this restaurant, the prices will be low.

C) wish the restaurant had charged low prices for us.

D) When they charge low prices, we have dinner in this restaurant

77. - 78. kar/2l2kl2 konu/ma sorular2nda bo/

b2rak2lan yerlere uygun dü/en sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.


A: Her career as an actress won’t last long.