• Sonuç bulunamadı

Aras tÖrma bulgularÖna dayanÖlarak ortaya konulan sonuclar s o yle o zetlenebilir;

Fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖnÖn amaclarÖnÖn bas arÖlma du zeyine ilis kin kritere, o gretmenlerin cogunlugunun katÖlÖyorum ve tamamen katÖlÖyorum du zeyinde cevap verdigi go ru lmu s tu r. Fen bilgisi o gretim programÖ ile ilgili olarak, bazÖ eksikliklerin oldugunu belirtmektedirler. O rnegin o gretmenlerin

%38ç i fen bilgisi o gretim programÖnÖn Üaras tÖrma becerisi gelis tirmedigini„ ;

%42,25çi Üanlas ÖlmadÖk problemlerde co zu m u retme becerisini gelis digini„ , % 45,07çsi Üfen ve teknoloji sorunlarÖna sorumluklarÖnÖ gelis tirme-digini„ acÖklamÖs lardÖr (Tablo 1 ve 2). Bu sonuclara go re, fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖnÖn amaclarÖnÖn bas arÖlabilme du zeylerinin, fen bilgisi o gretim programÖna go re yu ksek du zeyde oldugu go ru lmektedir.

Fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖnÖn icerigi ile ilgili olarak, her bir madde icin gercekles me du zeyinde go ru s lerini acÖklamÖs lardÖr. O rnegin fen bilgisi o gretmenlerinin % 78,87çsi ÜamaclarÖn dersle uyumlu oldugunu„ , % 85,91çi Üo grencilerin yeteneklerini cÖkardÖgÖnÖ„ belirtmis tir. Fen bilgisi o gretim programÖna ilis kin, o gretmenlerin % 56,33çu Üdersin amaclarÖ ile uyumlu oldugunu„ , % 49,29çu Üdiger derslerle bu tu nles tirilebildigini„ belirtmis tir.

Fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖnÖn ve fen bilgisi o gretim programÖnÖn iceriginin genel olarak yeterli du zeyde oldugu ifade edilmis tir (Tablo 3 ve 4) Fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖnÖn o grenme-o gretme su reclerinin degerlendirilmesine ilis kin, o gretmenlerin % 94,4çu Üo grencilerin aktif rol oynadÖgÖnÖ„ , % 95,8çi ÜfarklÖ o gretim etkinlikleri du zenlendigini„ , % 86çsÖ Ücevre ile etkiles im halinde o grenildigini„ ifade etmis lerdir. Fen bilgisi o gretim programÖna ilis kin, o gretmenlerin % 37çsi Üo grencilerin aktif rol oynadÖgÖnÖ„ , % 45,1çi ÜfarklÖ o gretim etkinlikleri du zenlendigini„ , buna kars Ön % 45,1çi Üprogramda bilgi depolandÖgÖnÖ ve kis iligi gelis tirmedigini„ ,

% 40,8çi Üderslerin o grenciler icin zevkli ve eglenceli olmadÖgÖnÖ„ belirt-mis lerdir. Buradan fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖnÖn, fen bilgisi o gretim programÖndan genel olarak o grenme ve o gretme su recleri bakÖmÖndan u stu n du zeyde oldugu go ru lmektedir (Tablo 5 ve 6).

Fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖnda o gretmenin rolu ne ilis kin, o gret-menlerin % 88,8çi Ükaynaklara ulas maya ve yararlanmaya istekli oldugunu„ ,

% 91,5çi Üo grenci calÖs malarÖnda rehberlik ettigini„ , % 87,3çu Üo grenci farklÖlÖklarÖnÖ dikkate aldÖgÖnÖ„ belirtmis tir. Fen bilgisi o gretim programÖna ilis kin, o gretmenlerin % 60,6çsÖ Ükaynaklara ulas maya ve yararlanmaya yo nlendirdigini„ , % 53,6çsÖ Üo grenci calÖs malarÖnda rehberlik ettigini„ ,

% 52,2çsi Üo grenci farklÖlÖklarÖnÖ dikkate aldÖgÖnÖ„ , % 52,1çi Ümeslektas larÖ ile is birligi yaptÖgÖnÖ„ so ylemis tir. Fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖ ile fen bilgisi o gretim programÖnda o gretmen rollerinin o rtu s tu gu go ru lmektedir.

Her iki o gretim programÖnda da o gretmenler rehber durumunda, o gretimi yo nlendiren kis iler olarak ifade edilmektedir (Tablo 9 ve 10).

Fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖnda degerlendirmeye ilis kin, o gretmen-lerin % 87,3çu Ügelis im farklÖlÖklarÖnÖ ortaya cÖkardÖgÖnÖ„ , % 90,1çi Üo grenme eksikliklerini belirlemede fayda sagladÖgÖnÖ„ , % 80,3çu Üo grenme su recini degerlendirmeye faydalÖ oldugunu„ acÖklamÖs lardÖr. Fen bilgisi o gretim programÖna ilis kin, o gretmenlerin % 43,7çsi Ügelis im farklÖlÖklarÖnÖ ortaya cÖkardÖgÖnÖ„ , % 45,1çi Üo grenme eksikliklerini belirlemede fayda sagla-dÖgÖnÖ„ , % 45çi Üo grenme su recini degerlendirmeye faydalÖ oldugunu„ ifade etmis lerdir. O gretmenlerin degerlendirme etkinlikleri bakÖmÖndan fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖ ile fen bilgisi o gretim programÖnÖ yeterli buldugu so ylenebilir (Tablo 11 ve 12).

Fen bilgisi o gretmenlerinin fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖnÖ uygulama-dan o nce verdigi go ru s ler incelendiginde, yeni o gretim programÖnÖn amaclarÖnÖn bas arÖlma du zeyleri ve o grenme-o gretme su recleri bakÖmÖndan eski programa go re u stu n oldugu go ru lmektedir. Diger kriterlerde ise, fen bilgisi ve fen ve teknoloji o gretim programlarÖnÖn her ikisinin de yeterli oldugu ifade edilmis tir. C Önar ve dig. (2006) tarafÖndan yapÖlan benzer bir calÖs mada, o gretmenlerin vermis oldugu cevaplar aras tÖrma sonuclarÖ ile uyumlu oldugu go ru lmu s tu r.

O gretmenlerle kars ÖlÖklÖ olarak yapÖlan konus malarda, yeni programda u clu sistemin (ders kitabÖ, calÖs ma kitabÖ ve o gretmen kÖlavuz kitabÖ) bu yu k bir yenlik oldugu, ayrÖca ders saatinin arttÖrÖlmasÖnÖn olumlu du zenlemeler oldugu belirtilmis tir. Ancak bir o gretim programÖnÖn bas arÖya ulas masÖ en bas ta, programÖn uygulayÖcÖlarÖ olan o gretmenlerin, o gretim programÖnÖn felsefesine inanmalarÖ ile gercekles ecektir. O gretim programÖnÖn uygulanma-sÖnda engel olarak go sterilen durumlarÖn (OKS sÖnavÖ, teknolojik donanÖmlar vb.) yavas yavas as ÖlmasÖ yo nu nde yapÖlan calÖs malar dikkat cekmektedir.

Bu amacla aras tÖrmanÖn ikinci as amasÖnda, o gretmenlerin yeni fen ve teknoloji o gretim programÖnÖ uygularken kars Ölas tÖgÖ sorunlarÖ belirlemek hedeflenmektedir. Bo ylelikle program uygulanÖrken kars Ölas Ölan sorunlar daha net ortaya konabilecektir.


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A Comparative Study on 6th Grade ”Science Curriculum and ”Science and Technology Curriculum : Pre-instructional Views


Each country develops specific curriculums to educate students at the desired level in accordance with the general education targets it has adopted.

One of these curriculums is science curriculums. One of the targets of the science course to be taught at primary schools is to ensure that children are provided with the knowledge necessary to understand their surrounding and to develop a thought system.

Attempts to develop science curriculum in Turkey are subject to continuous renewal in line with the technological developments. In countries which have already set their education policies, various national and international evaluations are made to enable the experts and researchers preparing curriculums to understand the functioning of the education systems in a better way. The scores Turkey has taken in TIMSS-1999, PISA-2003 and PISA-2006 projects point out the necessity of preparing new curriculums.

Since teaching approaches which require active participation of students in the learning setting and structuring of information by the students and which include the activities aimed at detecting and correcting wrong comprehensions are adopted nowadays, attempts are made by the related departments of Ministry of National Education and a new science curriculum is prepared.

In the framework of 2004 curriculum reform, Science Courses Specialization Commission affiliated to Council of Education and Morality has made fundamental changes in the science curriculums of primary education

institutions. Science curriculum is renamed as science and technology curriculum.

Realizing the curriculum in the classroom will enable implementation of the curriculum in line with the philosophy adopted during preparation phase of the same. To this end, science teachers who will implement science and technology curriculum are asked to evaluate the former and new science curriculums in terms of specific criteria before the implementation phase takes start. By this way, it will be possible to obtain data about the feasibility of the program in line with the positive and negative thoughts about the program. It is planned to make another study so as to analyze positive and negative situations to be encountered during the implementation of science and technology curriculum.

Descriptive survey method is used in the study. This method is applied in the scope of the studies aimed at defining what an incident, object, entity, institution, group or a field (Kaptan, 1991) is. Study universe is composed of science teachers employed in KÖrs ehir Province in 2006-2007 education year and the study sampling is composed of 71 science teachers to have participated in ÜIntroduction to Science and Technology Curriculum„

Seminar organized in KÖrs ehir Education Faculty in June, 2006. Discrepancy model of Malcolm Provus and Countenance model of Stake and the scale developed by Sahin et al (2005) are used to evaluate the science curriculum and science and technology curriculum developed on the basis of constructivist education theory.

When the opinions of science teachers expressed before the implementation of the science and technology curriculum are analyzed, it is found out that the achievement level and teaching-learning processes of the new curriculum are superior to those of the old curriculum. On the other hand, both the science curriculum and science and technology curriculum are found to be adequate in terms of other criteria (Content Evaluation of Science Curriculums, Use Level of Different Teaching Methods, Teacherçs Role and Evaluation). However, success of a curriculum mainly depends on the requirement that teachers -the actual implementers of the curriculum- are to believe in the philosophy of the curriculum. Attempts to gradually eliminate the obstacles before the implementation of the curriculum (High School Entrance examination, technological equipment, etc) are of great importance.

To this end, it is aimed in the second part of the study to define the problems encountered by teachers while implementing the new science and technology curriculum. By this way, the problems encountered during curriculum implementation will be defined in a more clear way.

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