• Sonuç bulunamadı

samosata was a rich and big city during the Middle

age and it was invaded and

looted by several states.

adı Samsat Kapısı’dır. Yine Balıklı Göl yakınlarındaki mezarlığın adı Samsat Kapı Mezarlığıdır. Bu nedenle Samsat’ın, kültür olarak yaşam olarak Urfa’ya yakın olduğu bilinmektedir. Nitekim baraj altında kalmasından önce uzun mintan gibi kılık kıyafetler Urfa kültürünün bir yansıması olarak hafızalarda yer almaktadır. İslam fetihleriyle birlikte

sahabelerden Safvan B. Muattal’a istirahatgâh olan Samsat, Abbasiler döneminde sınır kentlerinden birisi olarak Malazgirt öncesi Boğa El Kebir gibi Türk komutanlara Malazgirt öncesi mekan olmuştur. Yine Diginies Akritas isimli Bizanslı Komutan ile Battal Gazi’nin

maceralarına yataklık etmiştir. Ünlü Artuklu Emiri Belek Gazi, 1123 yılında Samsat yakınlarında Kudüs Haçlı Kralı Boudion ve Urfa Kralı Josecelin’i Samsat yakınlarında Fırat Nehri’nde esir etmiştir. Anadolu Aleviliğinin yeşermesine ve kök salmasına neden olan Babai isyanı Samsat yakınlarında Kefersut isimli köyde çıkmış ve bugünkü

Alevi yerleşim yerlerine ulaşmıştır. Bir anlamda Samsat, Anadolu Aleviliğinin kıvılcımının ortaya çıktığı yer olmuştur. Eyyubiler döneminde Selahattin Eyyubi’nin Haçlılardan Hıttin Savaşı’yla ele geçirmiş olduğu Hıristiyanlarca Hz. İsa’nın çarmıha gerildiğine inanılan Kutsal Salbolt Haçı’na bir dönem ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Ortaçağ boyunca zengin ve büyük bir şehir olan Samsat, sürekli B.Selçuklular, Artuklular, Eyyubiler, A.

Selçukluları ve Moğollar olarak çeşitli devletlerce ele geçirilmiş ve yağmalanmıştır. Buna, yaşanan depremler ve diğer dolaylı afetler de bu gelişime olumsuz yönde katkıda bulunmuştur. Osmanlılar döneminde sınır hüviyetinden çıkan kent yavaş yavaş önemini yitirerek gittikçe küçülmüş ve çevre kentlerinin gölgesinde kalmıştır. 1839 yılında Nizip Savaşı sırasında Mehmet Ali Paşa’ya karşı oluşturulan orduya karargâh olmuştur. 19. yüzyılda önce Diyarbakır’a ardından da Elazığ’a bağlanan Samsat, bu vilayetin Malatya Sancağı’nın bir

twentieth of the old Samosata. It is very strange to see old door belts or columns in the middle of the fields. I found a beautifully crafted marble frieze that I’ve never seen in my life before. The leaves, birds, bulls, all of them were so intact as if it was recently completed. There is a beautiful four cornered ruin on a hill where before there was an Acropolis.” Now the old Samosata has been sleeping under the waters of the Atatürk dam.

Samsat has been bearing the stamp of Syrians, Romans, Armenians, Byzantines, Arabs and Turks throughout the history. Samsat, which was the last castle of Paulicians together with Divriği in the Middle Age had particularly intense relationships with Urfa in this period. For this reason, the name of one of the gates of the fortress of Urfa is “the Samsat Gate”. Also the name of cemetery near Balıklıgöl is called “Samsat Gate Cemetery”. Therefore it is known that Samsat is close to Urfa in terms of culture and life. As a matter of fact, the long clothes like “minta” which were worn in the region before the city

kazası olarak varlığını sürdürmüş ve 1954 yılında Adıyaman’ın bir ilçesi olarak kendine yer edinmiştir. Atatürk Barajı’nın tamamlanmasıyla birlikte eski Samsat barajın soğuk suları altında huzur içinde yatmaktadır. Günümüz Samsat, yeniden kurulmuştur. Baraj nedeniyle köylerinden ayrılan insanlar Adıyaman Şehri’nde nüfus artışına neden olarak “Bayram Tablamaları” gibi ilçeye özgü bazı kültürel dokularını da şehre tanıtmışlardır.

remained under the dam are in our memories as reflections of the culture of Urfa.

Samsat was the place of rest of Safvan B. Muattal (Companion B. Muattal) in the Islamic conquests period and also it was the place of Turkish Commanders such as Bugha Al-Kabir before the Malazgirt War as one of the border towns of the Abbasid period. It was also the place which witnessed the adventures of the Byzantine commander Diginies Akritas and Battal Ghazi. Famous Artuquids Amir Balak Ghazi was captured the Jerusalem Crusader King Boudion and King of Urfa Josecelin on the Euphrates River near Samsat. The Babai rebellion which flourished and took roots of the Anatolian Alawite was started in Kefersut village near Samsat and it was expanded through today’s places where Alawite reside. In this sense, samsat was the place where the Anatolian Alawite flamed up. Holly Sabbolt Cross - which is considered as sacred for Christians because it is believed that Jesus Christ was crucified to it - remained in Samsat for a period when Salahaddin Ayyubi took possession of it from the Crusaders in the Ayyubid period as a result of the Hittin War. During the Middle Age, Samsat was a big and rich city and it was continuously invaded and looted by the Great Seljuk Empire, Artukids, Ayyubids, the Anatolian Seljuk Turks and the Mongols. The earthquakes and other indirect disasters also negatively contributed to this development. During the Ottoman period, the city was lost its border city character; however it gradually lost its importance and became increasingly smaller and overshadowed by surrounding towns. It was also the headquarters of the army which was established against Mehmet Ali Pasha in 1839 during the War of Nizip. Samsat which was first a part of Diyarbakır and later a part of Elazığ

before the 19th century; afterwards

continued its existence as a district of Malatya Sanjak and in 1954, it became a town of Adıyaman province. It has been peacefully lying under the cold waters of the old Samsat Dam since the Atatürk Dam was completed. Today Samsat is re-established. The village residents who had to move to Adıyaman because of the Dam, has increased the population of the Adıyaman city and they introduced some specific cultural richness of the town such as “festal taplama”.

during the Ottoman period,