• Sonuç bulunamadı


33/1 The Customer will submit each of his letter of guarantee requests or guarantee requests or letter of credit requests in verbal or written form to the Bank together with the necessary information and documents required for composing the texts of the relevant letters of guarantee or guarantees or letter of credits and the Bank will deliver the letter of guarantee, guarantee or letter of credit which it will prepare in accordance with the terms and conditions that it will deem as appropriate and subject to the brochures of ICC, Turkish laws or foreign law in the form of a provisional, advance, private or official letter of guarantee or performance bond to the Customer for submission to the addressee or to the beneficiary. The Customer confirms that delivery of the letter is considered as acceptance of the content of the texts of the guarantee/counter guarantee/the letter of credit submitted to the addressee/guarantor. The Customer’s responsibility arising from the letters of guarantee will commence on the preparation date of the relevant letters of guarantee and in cases the delivery to the Customer, the Customer will be liable and responsible for delivering the letter of guarantee to the addressee.

The Customer agrees to the text of the letter of guarantee issued by the Bank as it deems appropriate and that in case corrections are made on it, these corrections shall be his final order.

33/2 The Customer will pay in advance commission in the rate specified by the authorities and/or mutually agreed upon by the parties, as well as the relevant expenditure tax and the other charges, duties and expenses and all kinds of expenses and commissions which will be applied by the correspondent bank and their expenditure taxes and other charges, at times which he and the Bank will mutually agree upon, until his responsibility arising from the letter of guarantee which will be issued and the counter-guarantees which will be provided by the Bank expires in the manner that has been explained below.

The Bank is free to issue or not to issue the letters of guarantees and counter guarantees the Customer requests.

In cases where the credit is provided against cash or cash blockage is applied as the security for the credit, the Bank, at any time it deems appropriate, is entitled to take back the letters, counter guarantees, other guarantees that it has issued by paying the cash cover it holds to the addressee; bill of exchange it has accepted and signed as surety.

In case the addressee of the timed letter of guarantee, counter guarantee, other guarantee issued by the Bank requests that the expiration date of the letter of guarantee, counter guarantee and/or other guarantee is extended, otherwise requests its compensation, the Bank, without the need to obtain consent from the Customer, may extend the expiration date and is entitled to compensate immediately.

In case the addressee only requests payment of the letter without stating any reason in his payment request, the Bank is entitled to make payment by finding this request sufficient.

33/3 The Bank can change commission rates by announcing them or by notifying the Customer in advance if changes to economic conditions or increases in the costs associated with the provision and maintenance of credits take place. The new commission rates which have been changed will also apply to letters of guarantee which have not yet been returned, starting from the announcement or notification date.

33/4 In the case of letters of guarantee without fixed terms, the Bank is authorized to request and collect from the Customer the said commission and expenses in three-monthly periods at the beginning of each period or, if it wishes, in the form of an advance payment for a full year.

Periods which are less than three months will be considered as lasting three months. In the case of a letter of guarantee which has a fixed term, the Bank is authorized to collect the commission and expenses in advance in accordance with the term of the relevant letter of guarantee. The Bank is authorized to apply the commission fee which is applicable to performance bonds, to provisional letters of guarantee, guarantees and counter-guarantees which have not been returned on their respective due dates. The Bank is also authorized to calculate and collect commission in accordance with the above-mentioned principles in the case of letters of guarantee with fixed terms, which have not been returned on their respective due dates, until they are returned.

33/5 The Customer accepts that the commissions and expenditure taxes which have been applied by the Bank or its correspondent banks with respect to the relevant commission period, because of the return, cancellation or partial payment of the letters of guarantee or counter-guarantees or due to any other reason, before the expiration of the commission periods of the relevant letters of guarantee and counter-guarantees, will not be returned to him.

33/6 The Customer will be held responsible for the letters of guarantee and the counter-guarantee amounts which will be issued or provided by the Bank, as well as for their commissions and all the legal and financial consequences which might arise from them, until the termination of the Bank’s obligation to pay because of the cancellation or return of the relevant letter of guarantee, or the release of the Bank by the addressee from all its obligations arising from the letter of guarantee, or the submission of a final court order concerning the nullity of the letter of guarantee or counter-guarantee to the Bank. The Customer agrees, declares and undertakes that the Bank is entitled to request a written waiver from the addressee in case it deems required even if the original copy of the letter has been returned to it and that his responsibilities under the letter shall continue until the said waiver letter is submitted to the Bank.

Banka tarafından verilen vadeli teminat mektubu, kontrgaranti, diğer garanti muhatabının; teminat mektubunun, kontrgarantinin ve/veya diğer garantinin vadesinin uzatılmasını, aksi takdirde tazminini talep etmesi durumunda Banka, müşteriden onay almaya gerek olmaksızın, vadeleri uzatabileceği gibi derhal tazmin etmeye de yetkilidir.

Muhatabın tazmin talebinde sebep göstermeksizin sadece mektubun tazmin edilmesini talep etmesi halinde Banka, bu talebi yeterli görerek ödeme yapmaya yetkilidir.

33/3 İktisadi şartlarda değişiklikler ile Banka’nın kredi tesis ve idame maliyetlerinde artma olması halinde, Banka komisyon oranlarını ilan ederek veya önceden bildirimde bulunarak değiştirebilir. Değiştirilen yeni komisyon oranları ilan veya bildirim tarihinden itibaren henüz iade edilmemiş mektuplar yönünden de geçerli hale gelecektir.

33/4 Banka bu komisyon ve masraflarını vadesiz mektuplarda üçer aylık devreler itibarıyla ve devre başlarında veya dilediği takdirde bir yıllığını peşin olarak Müşteri’den talep ve tahsil etmeye yetkilidir. Üç aydan az devreler üç ay itibar olunur.

Vadeli olarak verilen mektupların komisyon ve masraflarını ise mektubun vadesine göre peşinen talep ve tahsil etmeye Banka yetkilidir. Banka vadesinde iade edilmeyen geçici teminat mektubu, garanti ve kontrgarantileri için kesin mektuplara uygulanan komisyon tarifesini uygulamaya ve vadesinde iade edilmeyen vadeli mektuplar için ise iadelerine kadar yukarıdaki esaslar dahilinde komisyon hesap etmeye ve tahsiline yetkilidir.

33/5 Müşteri, teminat mektubu ve kontrgarantilerin dönem bitiminden önce iade, iptal, kısmen tazmin veya başka bir gerekçe ile ilgili komisyon dönemine ait Banka veya muhabirlerince tahakkuk ettirilen komisyon ve gider vergilerinin kendisine geri verilmeyeceğini kabul eder.

33/6 Müşteri, talebi üzerine Banka’dan alacağı teminat mektubu ve kontrgaranti tutarları, komisyonları ve doğabilecek bütün hukuki ve mali sonuçlarından; mektubun muhatap tarafından iptali veya geri verilmesi, muhatabın mektuptan doğan yükümlülükleri ile ilgili olarak Banka’yı ibra etmesi, mektup veya kontrgarantinin tamamıyla hükümden düşmüş olduğuna dair kesinleşmiş bir mahkeme ilamının Banka’ya tevdi edilmiş olması nedenleri ile Banka’nın ödeme yükümlülüğünün ortadan kalkmasına kadar sorumludur.

Müşteri, Banka'nın mektup aslı kendisine iade edilmiş olsa dahi, gerek duyması halinde muhataptan yazılı bir ibraname talep hakkına sahip olduğunu ve söz konusu yazı Banka'ya ibraz edilinceye kadar mektup kapsamındaki sorumluluklarının devam edeceğini kabul, beyan ve taahhüt eder.

33/7 Müşteri, Banka’ya vereceği talimat veya alacağı hukuki tedbirler yüzünden, Banka’nın garanti ettiği meblağları vaktinde ödeyememesinden dolayı doğacak tüm sonuçlardan, Banka ve muhabirlerine karşı sorumludur.

33/8 Müşteri, döviz üzerinden teminat mektubu ve kontrgaranti düzenlendiği hallerde, Banka’nın alacağı komisyon nispetinde, bunların tahakkuk günündeki Banka’nın döviz satış kurunun esas alınacağını ve kur değişikliğinde lazım gelen tashihin yapılacağını, verilen mektupların tazmini halinde yine Banka’nın transfer anındaki döviz satış kurunun esas alınacağını kabul eder.

33/9 Müşteri, kur farkı, parite farkı, prim, sürprim, diğer her türlü adlar altında ödenmesi gerekecek tutarları, faizleri, vergileri ve arbitraj zararlarını Banka’ya derhal öder.

33/10 Banka; bu Sözleşme'ye istinaden vereceği teminat mektubu, garanti ve kontrgarantiden herhangi birisini her ne surette olursa olsun kısmen veya tamamen tediyesi talebiyle karşılaştığı takdirde; Müşteri’den izin almaya veya Müşteri’ye daha evvel ihbar ve tebliğde bulunmaya, teminat mektubu, garanti ve kontrgarantide yazılı olan şartın tahakkuk edip etmediğine, mektup meblağının hangi sebeple ve hangi borç için istenildiği hususlarına ve mektup lehtarı ile muhatabı arasındaki sözleşmenin feshedilip edilmediğine, taahhüdün ifa edilememesindeki mücbir sebep iddialarına ve vadenin gelip gelmediğine bakmaksızın, Müşteri’nin iddialarını dikkate almaya veya bu iddialarının neticelerini beklemeye mecbur olmaksızın ilgili teminat mektubu, garanti ve kontrgarantinin bedelini mektup muhatabının ilk talebi üzerine ödemeye yetkilidir.

33/11 Müşteri, Banka’ca verilecek teminat mektuplarına ilişkin olarak yabancı ülke kanunlarının geçerli olması halinde yabancı ülke kanunlarının uygulanması nedeniyle Banka’nın ödemek zorunda kalacağı her türlü masraf, komisyonlar ile bu kanunların uygulanmasından doğacak her türlü zararları Banka’ya ödemeyi kabul ve taahhüt eder.

33/12 Müşteri, konvertibl olmayan para birimleri cinsinden teminat mektubu/kontrgaranti verilmesi durumunda;

bunların verildikleri tarih ile iade veya tazmin tarihleri arasında ortaya çıkacak kur değişikliklerinden ve tazmin sırasında isteği üzerine iki veya daha çok yabancı paranın değiştirilmesinden doğacak zararın kendisine ait olacağını;

bu fark ve zararların karşılığı Türk Lirası'nı Banka’nın istemesi halinde derhal Banka döviz satış kuru üzerinden Banka’ya yatırmayı; Banka’nın, Müşteri hesaplarından söz konusu

33/7 The Customer is responsible vis-à-vis the Bank and its correspondent banks for all the consequences of the Bank’s inability to pay the amounts which it has guaranteed in a timely fashion, because of the Customer’s instructions to the Bank or the legal measures which he might.

33/8 The Customer accepts that if a letter of guarantee or counter-guarantee has been issued in a foreign currency, the Bank’s foreign currency sale rate applicable at the Bank on the accrual date will used when calculating the amount of the commission which the bank will receive and that the required adjustment will be carried out in the case of exchange rate fluctuations. The Customer also accepts that if the issued letters of guarantee are cashed, the foreign currency sale rate applicable at the Bank’s cashier’s desk at the time of transfer will be taken into consideration.

33/9 The Customer will immediately pay the Bank the exchange rate discrepancy, parity discrepancy, premium, surpremium amounts, as well as the amounts which must be paid under any other name, interest, taxes and the arbitrage losses.

33/10 If, for any reason whatsoever, the Bank receives a request for the partial or full payment of the letter of guarantee, guarantee or counter-guarantee which it will issue in accordance with this Agreement, it is authorized to pay the amount specified in the relevant letter of guarantee, guarantee or counter-guarantee upon the addressee’s first request, without taking into consideration the Customer’s claims concerning the reasons for non-payment or having to wait for the results of the Customer’s said claims and without the need to obtain the Customer’s approval, or to notify and inform the Customer in advance, or to check whether or not the condition specified in the letter of guarantee, guarantee or counter-guarantee has been fulfilled, or to inquire about the reason for the payment request concerning the amount specified in the letter of guarantee, or to ascertain for which debt the payment request has been made, or to check whether or not the contract between the beneficiary and the addressee of the letter of guarantee has been terminated, or to take the force majeure claims concerning the non-execution of the undertaking into consideration, or to check whether or not the due date has arrived.

33/11 The Customer accepts and undertakes to pay the Bank all the expenses and commissions which the Bank might have to pay if the letters of guarantee which will be issued by the Bank are subject to the laws of foreign countries. Customer also accepts and undertakes to pay the Bank all the damages and losses which might arise from the application and enforcement of the said laws.

33/12 The Customer agrees and undertakes that, in the event that the letter of guarantee/counter guarantee is issued in inconvertible currencies; the loss arising from the exchange discrepancies that will occur between the date these have been issued and their return or payment dates and exchanging of two or more foreign currencies upon his request during payment shall be covered by him; that, in case the Bank requests, he shall immediately deposit to the Bank the Turkish Lira equivalence of these discrepancies

and losses over the Bank’s foreign exchange selling rate;

that the Bank is entitled to collect the said amounts from the Customer accounts.

33/13 The Customer agrees that the Bank is entitled in the matters of transferring the letter of guarantee, counter guarantee or other guarantees the Bank has issued or shall issue, the guarantees issued as required by foreign laws and relevant brochures of ICC and practices to be applied instead of these to third persons, changing of the addressee by way of transfer or assignment of these by way of assignment of claims; granting transferable record to the letter of guarantee, counter guarantee or other guarantees to be issued. In case of transfer the new addressees shall be entitled to request from the Bank the amount of letter of guarantee, counter guarantee or other guarantees and the Bank shall be entitled to make the payment upon the first request of the addressee.

The Bank shall provide all documents and information it deems required to the new addressee upon transfer request and shall carry out an evaluation, if it disapproves it shall not accept the transfer request. The responsibilities of the Customer arising from this Agreement shall continue exactly as the same in case of a transfer.

33/14 The Customer agrees and undertakes that, in case the addressee of the timed letter of guarantee, counter guarantee and other guarantees makes his written compensation request to the Bank’s General Directorate or any of its branches other than the branch that has issued the guarantee; the Bank is entitled to accept that the compensation request has been made within the maturity, that in case the payment is made, his liability shall arise within the scope of these timed letter of guarantee, counter guarantee and other guarantees against the Bank.

33/15 The Customer undertakes, in case of justifiable reasons, the Bank shall have the right to request the return of timed of undated letters of guarantee and counter guarantees issued by the Bank; in the case of a written request, to return these to the Bank and thus completely release the Bank from its debt, commitment; if he cannot do this, without any further warning, deposit the amount of the letter.