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The contrıibution of literary genres to the linguistic skills in teaching arabic as a foreign language (poetry - short story - theatre)


Academic year: 2021

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International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 12/33, p. 129-149

DOI Number: http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.12635 ISSN: 1308-2140, ANKARA-TURKEY

Article Info/Makale Bilgisi

Referees/Hakemler: Doç. Dr. Mesut GÜN - Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ahmet


This article was checked by iThenticate.



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Analysing recent language teaching techniques, it is observed that various methods are applied in foreign language teaching in order to achieve the ultimate success. Apart from the classical methods, since the 19th century, several basic language teaching methods has been

developed, and correspondingly, the alteration in projected linguistic skills draws attention. It is also seen that the materials used in teaching are varied through the application of different methods including Grammar-Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method, Cognitive Method and Eclectic Method. Among the mentioned methods, being the earliest and preserving its validity, the Grammar-Translation Method is significant in that although the literature is the key element, and the literary works are the main source of the materials; instead of focusing on literary content, evaluating them in order to form a basis for the grammar rules and the vocabulary teaching required for reading and translating the literary text in its original language. Additionally, the texts in which the foreign language learners may find the samples according to the cultural elements of the target language and various linguistic structures are the literary texts. Besides, in comparison with the colloquial text, the literary text has a substantial content with respect to not only contextual words, but also language and wording; from this aspect, it makes the foreign language teaching more pleasurable. In teaching Arabic as a foreign language, this paper aims at upon taking advantage of exemplifying each sample from the genres of poetry, short story and theatre penned by prominent figures of Arabic literature, enhancing the abilities such as reading, comprehension, listening and writing, as well as bringing pleasure; and all in all, fulfilling an ultimate goal in which the vocabulary is flourished and the clues from culture are derived.



The success of foreign language teaching should be achieved by not irrelevant sentences and isolated foreign linguistic competence, but focusing on both verbal and written texts as far as possible, along with the communication ground where listening, conversation, reading and writing abilities become integrated. In order to fulfill this goal, the most efficient and advantageous material is the literary text originated from the related language. The literature never ignores the aspects of language; it supports foreign language student with the richness of language by means of accents, distinct derivations, word plays, figuratives and associations.

The literature is intrinsically original, and serves as a unique source in language teaching. (Tarakçıoğlu 2016: 177) Likewise, it creates cultural enrichment (Tarakçıoğlu 2016: 177) by enabling students to comprehend and interpret different expressions used in various social and cultural contexts of the target culture. (Savvidou 2004: 76)

Involving in all aspects of language, this valuable source can be applied in teaching of not only the grammar, but also four mentioned skills and critical thinking. Principally, reading comprehension and its supportive feature of language in a creative manner should be underlined. Moreover, the literary text consists wide range of words, dialogues and grammatical structures; this offers numerous chances in development of reading, writing, conversation and listening skills. (Tarakçıoğlu 2016: 177)

It is possibly expressed that in foreign language teaching, benefiting from literary text is an undeniable reality, since these set an example by not only serving as the basis for the skills of reading comprehension, and but also upskilling the conversation and writing abilities (Arak, 2013: 4). Narrative, novel, poetry and theatre are among the literary genres contributing to the foreign language teaching. Thus, it is possible to enhance all linguistic skills through the instrumentality of literary genres. (Aras, 2008: 99) In this study, among these genres, poetry, short story and theatre are taken into consideration.

In teaching Arabic as a foreign language, this paper aims at upon taking advantage of exemplifying each sample from the genres of poetry, short story and theatre penned by prominent figures of Arabic literature, enhancing the abilities such as reading, comprehension, listening and writing, as well as bringing pleasure; and all in all, fulfilling an ultimate goal in which the vocabulary is flourished and the clues from culture are derived.

The selected texts in order to analyse literary genres are as follows. For the poetry genre, the poem, namely “Al-Tholasim” (The Talismans or The Mysteries), also known as “LastuAdri” (I Do Not Know) written by Elia (Iliya) Abu Madi(1889-1957), Lebanese poet from Migration Ecole of Modern Arabic Literature;

For the short story genre, “Fi’l-Qitaar” (Inthe Train) written by the Egyptian author, namely Mohammad Taymoor (1892-1921), considered as the first short story in Modern Arabic Literature;


For the theatre genre, the play, namely “YaTali al-Shagarah” (The Tree Climber) written by Tawfiq al-Hakim (1902-1987), Egyptian author having published numerous works in various genres of Modern Arabic Literature.

Stating that the literary texts are vitally essential and functional in foreign language teaching, this study analyses the poetry, the short story and the theatre among the literary genres, and displays how the each sample of these contributes to the development of language by being based on the ground of four main linguistic skills in teaching Arabic as a foreign language.

Thus, the students are given the opportunity to become acquainted with not only the prominent figures in Arabic literature and their works, but also the culture associated with the learning language from different viewpoints.

Practicing on the poetry among the mentioned literary genres, it is proposed that the method of memorisation should be applied in order to internalise the words and bearing them in mind. The fact that the selected poem is convenient for the grammar rules and vocabulary teaching brings high efficiency. Moreover, it is determined that after reading the poem loudly, the exercises including asking attention-grabbing questions, filling in the blanks, completing the verses, assigning a new title enhance both conversation and writing abilities respectively.

For the short story genre, the one considered as the first short story in Arabic literature is examined; the techniques such as completing story line, guessing title, inserting and removing characters, writing alternative final, dictating, summarising story, narrating, animating are proposed; by means of asking questions pertaining to the text, drawing attention to phrases, tenses and literary expressions is requested. It is asserted that owing to the numerous dialogues in the text, the selected short story is appropriate to be animated in the classroom; and this ultimately improves conversation and listening abilities.

For the theatre genre, the work of Tawfiq al-Hakim who was a prominent figure in developing the theatre genre in Arabic literature is analysed; prioritising the act of dramatising the dialogues under favor of the features of animating and staging considered as the most functional aspect of this genre in language teaching, benefiting from the activities including reading the text loudly, repeating, taking brief notes, techniques of questioning and answering, guessing meanings of unknown words, teaching places, professions, linguistic forms; additionally, the methods containing understanding the governing idea, setting title, filling in the blanks, predicting the final, summarising for the purpose of comprehension, recitation and interpretation are recommended.

The student is given the opportunity to express himself/herself in the atmosphere where s/he can develop his/her reading, writing, listening and conversation abilities simultaneously by the consideration of that all linguistic skills are not independent from each other.


This study aims that through these mentioned activities, the lessons become more pleasurable; the student can explain himself/herself, comment on the text, gain different perspectives of creative thinking, convert his/her language and communication attainment to permanent generative and transformative characteristics; and as a result, the student becomes a focus point by turning from a passive object into an active subject.

This study states that applied as the materials in foreign language teaching, the literary genres, beyond being familiar with the literary works of foreign language to be learned for development for principal linguistic skills initially; concurrently, they may be beneficial to internalise the culture related to the language with respect to delight of both literal style and aesthetic reading.

Keywords: Foreign Language Teaching, Arabic Language Teaching,

Literary Genres, Poetry, Short Story, Theatre, Language Skills.



Günümüz dil öğretim teknikleri incelendiğinde en üst düzeyde başarı sağlanabilmesi için pek çok yabancı dil öğretim yöntemine başvurulduğu görülmektedir. Klasik yöntemleri bir tarafa bırakırsak 19. yüzyıldan itibaren bazı temel dil öğretim yöntemlerinin geliştirildiği ve buna bağlı olarak hedeflenen dil becerilerinin değişim gösterdiği dikkat çekmektedir. Dilbilgisi ve Çeviri Yöntemi, Direkt Yöntem, Görsel-İşitsel Yöntem, Bilişsel Yöntem ve Seçmeli Yöntem gibi farklı metotların denenmesiyle birlikte öğretimde kullanılan materyallerin de çeşitlendiği görülmektedir. Söz konusu yöntemler içerisinde en eski ve geçerliliğini yitirmeyen Dilbilgisi ve Çeviri Yöntemi ile öncelikli olarak edebî metinlerin orijinal dilde okunabilmesi için gerekli olan dil bilgisinin öğretilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Elde edilen bilgiler, metinler üzerinde yapılan çeviri denemeleriyle uygulamaya geçirilir. Yabancı dil öğretiminde yazınsal metinlerden yararlanılmasının yadsınamaz bir gerçek olduğunu söylemek mümkündür; zira edebî metinler, yalnızca okuma-anlama becerilerinin esasını oluşturmakla kalmayıp aynı zamanda konuşma ve yazma becerilerinin kazandırılmasında da iyi bir örnek teşkil ederler. Ayrıca yabancı dil öğrenenlerin, hedef dilin kültürel öğelerine ve çeşitli dilsel yapılarına ilişkin en iyi örnekleri bulabilecekleri metinler de kuşkusuz yine edebî metinler olacaktır. Bunun yanı sıra edebî metinler, günlük konuşma metinlerine kıyasla gerek içeriğindeki kelimeler, gerekse dil ve üslup açısından daha zengin bir yapıya sahiptir ve bu yönüyle yabancı dil öğreniminin daha zevkli hale gelmesini mümkün kılar. Bu çalışmada Arapçanın yabancı dil olarak öğretiminde modern Arap edebiyatının önde gelen isimlerinin kaleme aldığı şiir, kısa öykü ve tiyatro türlerinden birer örnek verilerek okuma, anlama, konuşma ve yazma gibi dilin temel becerileri öğretilirken aynı zamanda edebî zevk de


kazandırılması; böylelikle hem kelime dağarcığının zenginleşmesi hem de kültüre dair ipuçları elde edilmesiyle daha üst seviyede bir başarı sağlanması hedeflenmektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Yabancı Dil Öğretimi, Arapça Öğretimi, Edebî

Türler, Şiir, Kısa Öykü, Tiyatro, Dil Becerileri.


1. The role and significance of literature in language teaching

Analysing recent language teaching techniques, it is observed that various methods are applied in foreign language teaching in order to achieve the ultimate success (Arak, 2013:1). Apart from the classical methods, since the 19th century, several basic language teaching methods has been

developed, and correspondingly, the alteration in projected linguistic skills draws attention.

It is also seen that the materials used in teaching are varied through the application of different methods including Grammar-Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method (Larsen-Freeman,1986:4,18,31; Tarakçıoğlu, 2016: 174), Cognitive Method and Eclectic Method (el-Huli, 2000: 9).

Among the mentioned methods, being the earliest and preserving its validity, the Grammar-Translation Method is significant in that although the literature is the key element, and the literary works are the main source of the materials (Prodromou, 2000: 34); instead of focusing on literary content (Tarakcıoğlu, 2016: 174), evaluating them in order to form a basis for the grammar rules and the vocabulary teaching required for reading and translating the literary text in its original language (DuffandMaley, 1990: 3).

It is possibly expressed that in foreign language teaching, benefiting from literary text is an undeniable reality, since these set an example by not only serving as the basis for the skills of reading comprehension, and but also upskilling the conversation and writing abilities (Arak, 2013: 4).

Additionally, the texts in which the foreign language learners may find the samples according to the cultural elements of the target language and various linguistic structures are the literary texts. (Arak, 2013: 10) Besides, in comparison with the colloquial text, the literary text has a substantial content with respect to not only contextual words, but also language and wording; from this aspect, it makes the foreign language teaching more pleasurable. Truly, the more students are motivated while dealing with the things they rejoice in, the more their learning process become rapid, effective and permanent. (Tarakçıoğlu, 2016: 176)

The foreign language is not a crowd of words, but a living structure. Thus, the meaning of learning foreign language is utilising it in every aspects and engaging with its aesthetics. (Demircan, 1988: 168)

According to Collie and Slater, in language teaching, applying literature has four main benefits; unique material, cultural enrichment, language development and self-improvement. (Tarakçıoğlu, 2016: 176)

Taking advantage from the literary works in language teaching is crucial in terms of eliminating learning disabilities, recognising the culture of target language and composing an integrated language teaching. (Güz, 1983: 174). One of the primary reasons why the literature has a significant role in foreign language teaching is that every text has the characteristics of the related society, and reflects life experiences of the associated community. (Özünlü, 1983: 184). In addition


that literature composes a structure beyond stereotyped statements and wording features, its contribution to words giving hermeneutical depth and allegorical meanings in foreign language teaching is also significant. (Soyer, 2016: 304) The feature of literary text having fictional and allegorical structures can be considered as an idiocratical drawback; however, the fact that thanks to continuously repeatable characteristics of this text, students can directly encounter the nature of language, offers various opportunities in language teaching. (Soyer, 2016: 312)

The success of foreign language teaching should be achieved by not irrelevant sentences and isolated foreign linguistic competence, but focusing on both verbal and written texts as far as possible, along with the communication ground where listening, conversation, reading and writing abilities become integrated. In order to fulfill this goal, the most efficient and advantageous material is the literary text originated from the related language. The literature never ignores the aspects of language; it supports foreign language student with the richness of language by means of accents, distinct derivations, word plays, figuratives and associations.Briefly, the literature is intrinsically original, and serves as a unique source in language teaching. (Tarakçıoğlu 2016: 177) Likewise, it creates cultural enrichment (Tarakçıoğlu 2016: 177) by enabling students to comprehend and interpret different expressions used in various social and cultural contexts of the target culture. (Savvidou 2004: 76)

Involving in all aspects of language, this valuable source can be applied in teaching of not only the grammar, but also four mentioned skills and critical thinking. Principally, reading comprehension and its supportive feature of language in a creative manner should be underlined. Moreover, the literary text consists wide range of words, dialogues and grammatical structures; this offers numerous chances in development of reading, writing, conversation and listening skills. (Tarakçıoğlu 2016: 177)

According to Kramsch (1993:1), in the language teaching, culture and literature compose the fifth skill. (Tarakçıoğlu, 2016: 180) As one does not have difficulty in reading a text written in the native language, s/he is also identical with the text directly related to the culture. On the other hand, foreign language student is stranger to both language and culture. The student perceives the text in his/her own circumstances. Thus, s/he uses his/her own creativity, and may find out the things never discovered before. From this point of view, foreign language enables the student to learn the abilities of comprehension and perception; concurrently, adopt an individual perspective on the world through foreign literary text. Comparing his/her own culture with the encountered foreign culture, the student analyses his/her own culture and identifies his/her own character. (Erişekand Yücel, 2002: 65)

In foreign language teaching, the main objective of the study is to enhance linguistic skills by means of literary text, and to advance new techniques in order to accomplish this goal. The literature is considered as not an object evaluated in an academical manner, but a medium for the language teaching. The literature is materialised by degraded into the text for the purpose of teaching, and as a result, it is restored to a condition where the student can express an opinion. (Öztürk, 2016: 63)

In the “Analysing and Teaching of Literary Text” lessons, instead of theoretical knowledge, analysing text, developing linguistic skills through the instrumentality of text, generating a structure for the awareness of foreign culture, improving the ability of applying authentic text into course material come into prominence. (Öztürk, 2016: 63-64)

2. The methods and techniques of application

Rather than serving the literary work as an ordinary course material to the student, the better approach is initiating the teaching process by leading his/her motivation to studied subject with


various preliminary techniques. During this period, the words that students do not recognise, and the literary arts that they may be unfamiliar with are can be considered as a part of the projected activities. (Tarakçıoğlu, 2016: 181)

Accepting the literature as a source defines that the literary text should be a medium in the course for developing linguistic skills and enhancing cultural awareness of the student. (Tarakçıoğlu; 2016: 176)

According to Tarcan, a literary text in the foreign language teaching has the characteristics of a didactic puzzle, and might be applied for filling in the blanks of the student mind with guesses, images and words. (Tarcan 2004: 53).

From this aspect, one of these approaches focuses on the language. This language approach is based upon the teaching under favor of activities. Van (2009) asserts that this approach supports the experiences and comments pertaining to literature of students with the help of the activities including brain-storming, summarising and puzzling, as well as enhances the collaboration, interaction and motivation in the classroom. According to Van (2009), improving the four skills, this approach centralises the student and the process by assigning a role to the teacher as a mentor giving only technical details and encouraging the learners. (Tarakçıoğlu, 2016: 179)

An alternative approach proposed is a kind of inductive method; the aim of which is to enable the course to become more attractive to the students, the student to actively participate in learning process and develop linguistic skills, and the knowledge to be more permanent in a generative transformational manner. (Öztürk, 2016: 64) In this method, it is also possible that the courage of students is developed in using language, self-expression and commenting on a matter collectively; consequently, the students gain a different point of view regarding evaluating the cases. (Öztürk, 2016: 68)

In a foreign language lesson, the literature should be interpreted as not only a supplementary material and a medium for motivating, relaxing and playing, but also conversation opportunities in which the language learners may put forward his/her experiences.

The literary works are not evaluated by just the point the related author draws attention, furthermore, every reader also subjectively comments on mentioned work by sharing his/her experiences; this issue may be the best characteristics that literature has. In this regard, leaving spaces upon which the language learners think and comment should be seen as a requirement. It may be an incorrent path restraining them by expressing that the author exactly means that.

This approach is represented by a term, namely the reception aesthetics or Rezeptionsästhetik, frequently used in language teaching. The reception of text does not necessitate duplicating the objective of author; however, the intention of the author and the comprehension of the reader meet on a common ground. Compared to the questions of “What does the text tell you about?” or “How do you perceive this?”, the question of “What does the author express?” is depreciated. Hence, all evaluations coming from the readers are legitimate, unique and significant. Hunfeld also calls attention to didactic results of the reception aesthetics. (Arak, 2013: 5)

According to Dahrendorf, the analysis of literature means that the student is not a passive object directed to literature; instead, an active subject surveying text. S/he analyses, compares, contrasts, completes, receives and once again creates the image in his/her own mind. S/he internalises the text and forces it to meet his/her demands. (Erişekand Yücel, 2002: 67)

Upon applying literary text in language teaching, the primary feature taken into consideration is that the student is the main focus point. However, this can be achieved by not asking questions


regarding the point of view of the author and the governing idea of the text same as before, establishing an open communication between the student and the text. Instead of restricting the creativeness of student via the questions focusing on the author, the teacher should enable him/her to be free in order to receive the text, and put emphasis on his/her comments. Thereby, the student enhances the skills of the language, which is crucial, and the interpretation. Composing “What does the author express?” and “What does the text tell you about?”, the questions addressed from the teacher to the student are both narrowing down thinking ability and limiting the language of the student. What is significant in language teaching is not the expression of the author, but the comprehension of the reader, which proposes a condition where the student conveys his/her opinion. Likewise, the student neither plays a role that the author does, nor substitutes with the author. This approach secures the pleasureable and arguable quality of the lesson, as well as reveals unique comments in the same text. (Erişekand Yücel, 2002: 70-71)

It is required that at the outset, the vocabulary exercises pertaining to the text, followingly, during reading period, comprehension practices of the text, and eventually, the tests improving linguistic skills of the target language efficiently should be prepared. (Öztürk, 2016: 67)

3. Utilisation of literary genres

Narrative, novel, poetry and theatre are among the literary genres contributing to the foreign language teaching. Thus, it is possible to enhance all linguistic skills through the instrumentality of literary genres. (Aras, 2008: 99)

In this study, among these genres, poetry, short story and theatre are taken into consideration. In teaching Arabic as a foreign language, this paper aims at upon taking advantage of exemplifying each sample from the genres of poetry, short story and theatre penned by prominent figures of Arabic literature, enhancing the abilities such as reading, comprehension, listening and writing, as well as bringing pleasure; and all in all, fulfilling an ultimate goal in which the vocabulary is flourished and the clues from culture are derived.

The selected texts in order to analyse literary genres are as follows.

For the poetry genre, the poem, namely “Al-Tholasim” (The Talismans or The Mysteries), also known as “LastuAdri” (I Do Not Know) written by Elia (Iliya) Abu Madi(1889-1957), Lebanese poet from Migration Ecole of Modern Arabic Literature;

For the short story genre, “Fi’l-Qitaar” (Inthe Train) written by the Egyptian author, namely Mohammad Taymoor (1892-1921), considered as the first short story in Modern Arabic Literature;

For the theatre genre, the play, namely “YaTali al-Shagarah” (The Tree Climber) written by Tawfiq al-Hakim (1902-1987), Egyptian author having published numerous works in various genres of Modern Arabic Literature.

3.1. Poetry

Poetry is born to make the statements become permanent in minds in an artistic way during the periods which excluded the literature. This recalls the poetry to mind when mentioning rhetoric in almost all socities. Even today, the tradition of improvisation by illiterate poets is still carried on. (Medni, 2010: 84)

Having a significant role in both learning and teaching language, the poetry is a field that every teacher should have in his/her repertoire. (Roe ve Ross, 2006: 40; Kaya, 2013: 62)


Having the characteristics of that it uses a unique language and gives a speech in an idiosyncratic manner, is directly associated with music and tone, influences aesthetically, the poetry is inevitably applied in an efficient language teaching. (Medni, 2010: 85) That not only the poetry issues a statement briefly and wisely, but also structures a rhythmic pattern also supports the formerly mentioned aim of being permanent in mind.

Compared to the prose, the primary distinct feature of the poetry is its rhythm. The rhythmic and aesthetic speciality of poetry arises by means of words and tones. The verses of poetry is brief, which impresses the reader with the content composed of the verses which are formed aesthetically. (Kaya, 2013: 56)

Among the factors affecting the language acquisition process, probably the most crucial ones are the statements having rhythmic sayings. Certainly, the most successful examples of these sayings consist of lyrics and texts in poetry genre. The phonetic resemblance between statements increases the permanency level. Thus, it is proposed that the rhythmic feature of poetry eases learning process. (Artuç, 2012: 122, 123)

In the literary genres, the poetry comes forth as a substantial material in language teaching. The notable aspect of poetry in sharp contrast to other literary genres is that its length avails the teaching. Since the student faces with the language of intense expression, s/he participates in a more generative process. On the condition that the poetry uses a simple language, through the feature of saying more with less words, it is still beneficial; as this time, the student is lead to fill in the blanks and attend actively. (Collie ve Slater, 1988: 226)

One of the main points taken into account when referring the poetry as a literary genre in language teaching is that selected language for poetry should be plain and comprehensible; concurrently, it should also have a depth of meaning. Hence, that selected poems should be derived from not the classical literary works, but the modern ones favors their application in the class. In order to analyse literary genre of poetry, this paper constitutes the poem, namely Talismans (مسلاطلا)1,

penned by Elia Abu Madi, among the poets of Modern Arabic Literature. Even though, thanks to its length, the mentioned poem is in accordance with the point that Collie (1988) indicates; instead of operating the whole text, picking several parts and quatrains from the text is more suitable in order to minimise the attention deficit of the students in the classroom.

Speaking of poetry, first thing comes to mind is the memorisation. Although, this word generates a negative meaning in the senses and ideas of human being, and is disapproved in the field of education; a number of specialists believe that learning by heart actually gives the students the sense of poetry ownership. (Lockward, 1994: 67) The student memorises a poem s/he chooses due to its being pleasurable, easy on the ear and relieving effect; and ultimately, that poem means something special for him/her. (Kaya, 2013: 64) Memorised, the notions in the text virtually belong to the reader. No doubt about that the most appropriate in literary genre for learning language is the poetry because only in this way, the words and concepts become permanent in the mind of student. (Artuç, 2012: 122)

Specifically creating the rhyme in the first three stanzas, the mentioned poem constitutes rich words meticulously composed of synonyms and antonyms. (Medni, 2010: 86) In the process of teaching synonym and antonym words, this poem contributes to the permanency in minds. Proposing various exercises including leaving blanks for the students to fill, asking the synonyms and antonyms

1For specific studies on Elia Abu Madiand his poet Talismans, see: Yıldız, M. (2000). “İliyyâ Ebû Mâdî’nin et-Talasim

Şiirine Eleştirel Bir Bakış”, EKEV Akademi Dergisi. 2:3. p.99-128; Demirayak, K. (2004). “Ebu Madi’nin et-Talasim “Bilmeceler” Şiirine Bir Muaraza”, EKEV Akademi Dergisi. 8:20. p. 307-328.


of words from the students, and memorising the poem make it possible to reinforce the meaning of the words studied. From this aspect, it can be probably stated that the poetry is the most efficient tool in vocabulary teaching. أ ديدج مأ ميدق دوجولا اذه يف انأ انأ له ّ رح مأ قيلط ريسأ دويق يف انأ له ّ دئاق مأ يتايح يف يسفن دوقم ...نكلو يردأ ينّنأ ىّنمتأ !يردأ تسل Is my part of existence new or old?

Do I walk free or am I shackled? Am I controlled or do I control? I wish I knew, but,

I do not! أ ؟يقيرط ام ،يقيرطو ليوط مأ ريصق ّ ؟ انأ له دعصأ مأ طبهأ روغأو هيف ريسي برّدلا مأ برّدلا يف رئاّسلا انأأ انّلاك مأ فقاو رهّدلاو يرجي ؟ !يردأ تسل

And my path, what is it? Is it long or is it short? Do I ascend, or I am falling?

Does the path move under me or am I the one moving? Are we standing still in Time’s flow?


The question style in poetry may also use several techniques of not searching for answers and leaving an impression. At this point, it is possible to witness how the question style reinforces the meaning of poem. (Kaya, 2013: 58)

As the poem has a title of Talismans and entirely consists of question patterns, it can be applied in the teaching of question statements. Moreover, the mentioned poem embodies the past, present and future tenses, which enhances the abilities of the students regarding these three concepts of time, and enables them to learn quite easily. In this direction, the poetry plays a significant role in illuminating and developing the grammar subjects. (Medni, 2010: 86)

تئج لا ، ملعأ يّنكلو ،نيأ نم ّ تيتأ اقيرط يماّدق ترصبأ دقلو تيشمف و ىقبأس تيبأ مأ اذه تئش نإ ايشام فيك تئج فيك ؟ ّ ترصبأ ؟يقيرط تسل !يردأ

I came, I know not from whence, but I arrived, And before my feet a path lay under my stride, And I continue to walk be it my will or not, Whence did I come? And where do I go?

I do not know! تيل نيملأا بيغلا ملاع يف انأو يرعش ينارتأ ّ تنك نيفد هيف ينّنأ يردأ يّنأبو فوس نوكأس يّنأبو ودبأ ينارت مأ تنك ؟ائيش كردأ لا تسل !يردأ


What was I, before I became a man so fashioned? Was I something else or was I nothing of mention?

Is there a conclusion to this folly, am I eternallycaught?

I do not know, and why do I not know?

I do not know!

Besides, after having been read loudly and listened to the classroom, the poem and followingly related questions develop the reading and listening skills of the students as well as through the activities of completing certain verses and proposing a new title suitable for the poem support their writing abilities.

3.2. Short story

One of the literary genres, the short story, in contrast to novel, is versatile thanks to its characteristics of being short, which increases its availability in the classroom. Having a plain story line, a single and intense impact under favor of a significant case or scene, and less characters, the short story differs from the novel. Therefore, it is generally possible to come across this genre even in the course materials. (Medni, 2010: 71)

Fulfilling the demands of all linguistic skills, the short story is a genre frequently referred in language teaching. The reality that this genre uniquely functions in developing writing abilities is undeniable. In this regard, it is crucial that applying writing activities by the help of the short story improves the writing skills of the students. For the writing abilities, it can be requested from the students to establish a dialogue between the characters in the short story, to complete it with an alternative final, and to summarise it. (Erkaya, 2005) Being the text having actually the didactic features, short stories contribute to the developments of narrating, essaying, completing them beyond just bringing the reading comprehension skills.

In this study, selected for the short story genre, the work, namely “Fi’l-Qitaar” (Inthe Train)2written by the Egyptian author, Mohammad Taymoor, can be analysed by the application of

completing the story.

At the outset, the author points out his mournful mood;

لع ميسنو ,هبابش خيشلل دريو ,هتاملظ نيزحلا بلقلا نع يلجي نيبجلا عصان حابص سفنلا نع يرسيو ةدئفلأا شعني لي مهسوفن يف تبد دقو قيرطلا يف ريست سانلاو ،حابصلا مودقل صقرت اهنأك ةرسيو ةنمي راجشلأا ليامتت ةقيدحلا يفو ,اهمومه ويد تلوانت .ءيشل يدتهأ لاف اهبائتكا رس نع يسفن لئأسأو ،ةعيبطلا لامجل ةذفانلا نم رظنأ سفنلا بئتكم انأو ،لمعلا ةرارح نا . رهدلا بلاخم نيب ةسيرف ينأك ريكفتلل تملستساو دعقم ىلع تسلجو ناوخلا ىلع هب تيقلأف حجنأ ملف ،ةءارقلا تلواحو "هيسوم" ... و ياصع تلوانتو ،ًافقاو تضهن مث ركفأ ًانيح تثكم At this point, upon interrupting the story line and not informing the title of story, the activities of asking the questions of how can the author overcome this depressed psychology, and requesting a verbal or a written answers of them may be applied. Hereby, the imagination, conversation and

2Forspecificstudies on “Fi’l-Qitaar” (Inthe Train), see: Yıldız, M. (2002). “Arap Edebiyatında İlk Modern Kısa Öykü:

Muhammed Teymur’unFi’l-Kıtar’ı”, Nüsha Şarkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2:4p.45-57; Can, B. (2009). “Muhammed Teymur’unFi’l-Kıtar Adlı Kısa Öyküsünün Anlatısal Metin Yönünden İncelenmesi”, Nüsha Şarkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi. 9:29. p.29-54.


writing skills of the student are improved. In the meantime, it is probable that not only their linguistic structures strengthen by using vocabulary and tenses, but also they gain narration abilities by realising the power of portraying belonging to the author.

The intention to do so should not go after the story line that the original story contains. Instead, by means of these activities, the main objective should be transforming the students from passive listeners into active participants during lessons, and enabling them to play roles rather than to approve what is imposed before.

The tasks including depicting the events applied in the literary work from a different viewpoint, writing an alternative final for this work, inserting and removing characters, sharing own experiences regarding the cases in this work should be assigned in order to make students attend the courses more efficiently. (Tarakçıoğlu, 2016: 181)

In this sense, one of the most powerful contribution of the short story to the student is writing essays. According to Murcia, writing is defined as the ability of expressing the primary purpose of human being in the most precise and coherent way through the second or foreign language. (Murcia, 1991: 233) By means of this definition, it can be requested from students to describe the influence of the story on his/her by determining five words or statements, and to write an essay pertaining to two of these. (Aras, 2008: 101) These activities positively enhance the writing abilities of the students.

Upon linking the student to the characters in the text and asking questions about how s/he performs under the same circumstances, a setting in which the student expresses his/her feelings through verbal or written phrases can be created; which is one of the notable skills of aesthetic reading that contributes to the reader. At this stage, the activities that might be applied in teaching of reading relied on the literature are endless; however, a couple of these which lead the students to think analytically should be selected particularly. (Aras, 2008: 100)

In order to develop reading abilities, the students are supported with unknown words and their Arabic translations after reading the short story under the title of “In The Train”. These translations may be presented with the cases of synonyms, antonyms and sentences, or the methods of drama.

The other activity has a sequence in which firstly, the teacher reads the text; then, the students follow. When the turn comes to the students, they start reading the text; later, the teacher corrects the mistakes of both pronunciation and vowel point in order to lead the students to read properly. On the other hand, not correcting every mistakes is also crucial. Specifically, minor of these should be ignored. It can be requested from the students to review the text for a while after reading it several times. The teacher can direct a couple of questions designated before to the students. With the help of these questions, the clarity of text can be realised rationally. Furthermore, the technique of question and answer method also canalises the students to comprehend and converse what is read.

In addition, apart from these two basic linguistic skills, the short story substantially contributes to the abilities of conversation and listening.

The listening skill is significant in deducing from the ideas during the conversation, establishing the link between them, and evaluating what is spoken. In order to achieve this goal, making the students listen several parts from the short story in the lesson, enquiring about them, or dictating can be applied.

Narrating plays an important role in developing conversation skills since human being both listen and tell stories throughout the life. (Doğan, 2011: 198) Thus, one of the medium facilitating


the conversation is the short story. In teaching, under favor of short stories, enhancing a pleasant, fluent, literal and effective conversation ability should be taken into account. (Doğan, 2011: 199)

Within the context of the short story examined in the lesson, there may exist a couple of activities to improve the conversation skills; to fulfill this, primarily, the student is prepared to be accustomed to the short story with a number of questions. Followingly, it is read with a clear and comprehensible pronunciation, and a suitable tone of voice, accent and gesture. (Doğan, 2011: 200) Apart from the mentioned activities, additionally, in order to assess and evaluate the comprehension degree of the short story, requesting valid titles for it and criticising these should be projected; which may give clues regarding its governing idea. (Doğan, 2011: 200) Likewise, as in the studied short story, the selection for the plot as a space is train compartment, predicting the title of “In The Train” has no difficulty.

In another conversation activity, asking questions each other may be requested from students, which makes the student be enthusiastic about wishing to prove his/her comprehension pertaining to the short story. In this sense, the student eliminates his/her timidity for speaking foreign language, and anxiety about making mistakes through his/her effort on proving. (Doğan, 2011: 200)

Moreover, it can also be requested from students to comment on the short story, summarise it, and complete it in verbal phrases.

In another activity, upon animating the characters of the short story with symbolic gestures, the students may establish dialogues. The process of animation during the lesson has a significant role in enabling the student to properly use words and statements in the correct order, and developing the rhetoric skills relied on literary style. (Doğan, 2011: 200) What makes possible to animate the mentioned dialogues during lessons is that the entire short story constitutes numerous dialogues, and almost all parts of it contains dual conversations.

لاقو مللأا نم قرتحي وهو ضرلأا ىلع اهب ىقلأو اهاوط مث ةديرجلا أرقي ًلايلق يسكرشلا ثكم : دقو هدايسأ فاصم ىلإ حلافلا يقتري ىتح ةيملأا ةبراحمو ميلعتلا ميمعت نوديري ـ ىربك ةيانج نونجي مهنأ اولهج . تلقو ضرلأا نم ةديرجلا تطقتلاف : ؟ ةيانج ةيأو ـ حلافلا ةيبرتل عجانلا جلاعلا فرعت لا ًاباش تلزام كنإ ـ . ؟ميلعتلا نم عجنأ جلاع نم لهو ؟دصقت جلاع يأو ـ بضاغلا ةجهلب لاقو هيبجاح يسكرشلا بطقف : رخآ جلاع كانه ـ .. . ـ ؟وه امو لاقو همون نم ذاتسلأا اهل قافأ ةحيص هيف ءلمب حاصف : ـ نم هداتعا هنلأ برضلل لاإ نعذي لا حلافلا نأ سنت لاو ةلئاط لااومأ بلطتيف ميلعتلا امأ ًائيش ةموكحلا فلكي لا طوسلا نإ .طوسلا دحللا ىلإ دهملا .

Circassian continued reading a newspaper for a while. Then, feeling something like a fever inside, he threw the newspaper to the ground by wrinkling it up, and said:


- They intend to expand education and start a literacy campaign, as a result, the peasant will reach a certain degree of his landlord. They are not aware of commiting murder.

I took back the newspaper, and said:

- Which murder?

- You are still a young man. You do not know the useful cure for the education of peasant.

- Which cure do you mean? Is there any cure more useful than the education?

Circassian knitted his brows, and with a nervous tone of voice:

- There is another cure.

- What is it?

By shouting that caused the master to wake from his sleep,

- Whip. The whip does not place a burden on the government. The education requires

plenty of money. Do not forget, the peasant only bows to whipping because he is used to beating from the cradle to the grave.

Beyond motivating the students, transforming lessons into a more pleasurable atmosphere, and enabling them to discover the culture of language, the implementation of the short story has positive contribution to the teaching Arabic.

3. 3. Theatre

Among the literary genres, theatre is the one usually applied in language teaching recently, and emerges that it makes the language more pleasurable. The fact that it involves in almost all linguistic skills increases its practicability.

Since these texts constitute large spectrum of vocabulary teaching and sentence structure, as well as organise exclusive uses of language, they may be considered as the main sources to be applied in language teaching and learning. That touching upon the elements regarding language and various senses, the theatre totally composes all fundamental linguistic skills including listening, conversation, reading and writing gives priority to this genre. Studies can benefit from the advantage of theatre so as to develop not only just the language abilities, but also artistic and literal delight, and ultimately, the aesthetic feeling. (Altunbay, 2012: 759)

The creative drama techniques such as pantomime, behalf of leadership, narrating, psychdrama are highly influential on managing all literary genres in the classroom. (Tarakçıoğlu, 2016: 181) The theatre texts can be animated in the classroom due to their characteristics of being dramatised through their dialogues. (Soyer, 2016: 307)

Containing the dialogues, theatre works may be animated in the classrooms; which supports both conversation and listening abilities significantly. It can also be stated that the most efficient method to enhance the conversation skills is the animation of mentioned dialogues.

Numerous theatre works are rich in terms of dialogues. Analysing a theatre work arrousing interest of the students and focusing on colloquial language assist both the learner and the teacher. The dialogues in theatre play differ from the colloquial language in that they are builded up in several aspects. The language of play may consist apprehension, hesitation, incomplete sentences and interruption of colloquial language. Nonetheless, they can be operated in order to underline the precise and significant features of conversation. (Lazar, 1993; Medni, 2010: 46)


The individuals learning language, through listening, internalise the conversation of characters in the theatre play and formalise their conversation according to this, or actively participate in staging a play and develop their conversation skills. This is a golden opportunity for the students of those who hesitate to speak in front of the public and are not fluent in foreign language. Continuously repeating the phrases during exercises, the students may structure and support the language. This situation makes the theatre more pleasurable and contributes to improvement of conversation abilities. (Altunbay, 2012: 755-756)

In this study, the work selected for the theatre genre is “YaTali al-Shagarah” (The Tree Climber) written by the Egyptian author, Tawfiq al-Hakim, who was a prominent figure for the development of Modern Arabic Theatre3 and produced significant works regarding this genre.

Formed by a suspicion of murder and the sentences of detective interrogation, this play is highly applicable in the classroom by means of the text consisting of questions and answers.

The fact that the expressions causing the murder include the harmony between the roots of both question and answer at the beginning of the work, and the response of “no” to every questions at the end is considerably beneficial with respect to the language teaching. That the question roots constitute almost all names of places, professions and transportation vehicles is an extremely functional, lively and catchy method to be applied for teaching the mentioned occupational groups and comprehending the names of places.

...؟كفراعم دحأ تيب :جوزلا ...لا :ةجوزلا ...؟لاح لك ىلع تيب هنإ :جوزلا ...لا :ةجوزلا ...؟قدنف :جوزلا ...لا :ةجوزلا :جوزلا ...؟ىفشتسم ...لا :ةجوزلا ...؟ةحصم :جوزلا ...لا :ةجوزلا ...؟نجس :جوزلا ...لا :ةجوزلا ...؟"نويسناب" :جوزلا ...لا :ةجوزلا ...؟روخام :جوزلا

3Fordetailedinformation on thehistoricaldevelopment of Modern Egyptian Theater, see:Er, R. (1990). “Modern Mısır Tiyatrosu I”, A.Ü. DTCF Dergisi. X XX I II,: 1-2; Er, R. (1992). “Modern Mısır Tiyatrosu II”, Dil ve Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi. XXV:1 p. 105-122.


...لا :ةجوزلا ....؟ىهلم ....؟صقرم :جوزلا ...لا ...لا :ةجوزلا ...؟ءايزأ لحم ...؟ةطايخ لحم :جوزلا ...لا ...لا :ةجوزلا ...؟تاودرخ ...ةراطع ....ةلاقب لحم :جوزلا ...لا ...لا :ةجوزلا

Husband: In the house of a familiar? Wife: No.

Husband: Wheresoever, in a house? Wife: No. Husband: In a hotel? Wife: No. Husband: In a hospital? Wife: No. Husband: In a sanatorium? Wife: No. Husband: In a prison? Wife: No. Husband: In a hostel? Wife: No. Husband: In a brothel? Wife: No.

Husband: In a ballroom? In a night club? Wife: No. No.

Husband: In a grocery store? In a herbalist? In a haberdashery? Wife: No.No.

Containing sytax, sentence structure, specifics of meaning, phono-morphology in its content, the theatre text among the literary genres has enormous influence on extending the vocabulary abilities, enriching the mental plane and constituting the literal pleasure. From this aspect, it is a significant source displaying all fields of linguistic skills in language teaching. (Altunbay, 2012: 756, 757)


In order to enhance the reading abilities, a series of practices can be applied through the instrumentality of the theatre text. To illustrate, after reading the text loudly, it may be possible to comprehend the unknown words in a context-free method of text; which contributes to the learning process of new words. In this sense, written text of theatre are the valuable materials for developing the linguistic skills of comprehension, recitation and interpretation. (Altunbay, 2012: 757)

Furthermore, in order to achieve the ultimate reading abilities, asking multiple questions in the periods of before, during and after reading the text is highly crucial.

Before reading,

Which of the cultural and lingual elements do play a part in the text?

During reading,

What are the unknown words and phrases?

Can the meaning of unknown words be guessed through the context of text?

After reading,

Is the flow of events in the text comprehended correctly? Is the governing idea of text understood?

By means of asking a couple of the mentioned questions, performing a conscious reading act establishes dominance on the text. (Altunbay, 2012: 757)

The methods to be applied to improve the writing abilities under favor of theatre text can be executed by reading the text, supporting the students with the meanings, synonyms and antonyms of the unknown words, making them more comprehensible, and subsequently, taking brief notes and writing the abstract of the work. Summarising what is read, heard and observed by the students with their own expressions is the principle writing task in language teaching and considerably contributes to the development of writing skill. (Altunbay, 2012: 758)

Apart from other methods and techniques, the theatre genre has a significant role in language learning and teaching. Besides, due to its availability in lessons and its way of addressing all linguistic skills, the theatre is also an effective medium for cultural transmission. It is an inarguable reality that the literary text has an irreplaceable role in being informed of the culture related to the foreign language.

The Conclusion

Stating that the literary texts are vitally essential and functional in foreign language teaching, this study analyses the poetry, the short story and the theatre among the literary genres, and displays how the each sample of these contributes to the development of language by being based on the ground of four main linguistic skills in teaching Arabic as a foreign language.

Thus, the students are given the opportunity to become acquainted with not only the prominent figures in Arabic literature and their works, but also the culture associated with the learning language from different viewpoints.


Practicing on the poetry among the mentioned literary genres, it is proposed that the method of memorisation should be applied in order to internalise the words and bearing them in mind. The fact that the selected poem is convenient for the grammar rules and vocabulary teaching brings high efficiency. Moreover, it is determined that after reading the poem loudly, the exercises including asking attention-grabbing questions, filling in the blanks, completing the verses, assigning a new title enhance both conversation and writing abilities respectively.

For the short story genre, the one considered as the first short story in Arabic literature is examined; the techniques such as completing story line, guessing title, inserting and removing characters, writing alternative final, dictating, summarising story, narrating, animating are proposed; by means of asking questions pertaining to the text, drawing attention to phrases, tenses and literary expressions is requested. It is asserted that owing to the numerous dialogues in the text, the selected short story is appropriate to be animated in the classroom; and this ultimately improves conversation and listening abilities.

For the theatre genre, the work of Tawfiq al-Hakim who was a prominent figure in developing the theatre genre in Arabic literature is analysed; prioritising the act of dramatising the dialogues under favor of the features of animating and staging considered as the most functional aspect of this genre in language teaching, benefiting from the activities including reading the text loudly, repeating, taking brief notes, techniques of questioning and answering, guessing meanings of unknown words, teaching places, professions, linguistic forms; additionally, the methods containing understanding the governing idea, setting title, filling in the blanks, predicting the final, summarising for the purpose of comprehension, recitation and interpretation are recommended.

The student is given the opportunity to express himself/herself in the atmosphere where s/he can develop his/her reading, writing, listening and conversation abilities simultaneously by the consideration of that all linguistic skills are not independent from each other.

This study aims that through these mentioned activities, the lessons become more pleasurable; the student can explain himself/herself, comment on the text, gain different perspectives of creative thinking, convert his/her language and communication attainment to permanent generative and transformative characteristics; and as a result, the student becomes a focus point by turning from a passive object into an active subject.

This study states that applied as the materials in foreign language teaching, the literary genres, beyond being familiar with the literary works of foreign language to be learned for development for principal linguistic skills initially; concurrently, they may be beneficial to internalise the culture related to the language with respect to delight of both literal style and aesthetic reading.


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