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Voltametrik Tayini


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FABAD Fann. Bil. Der.

ıs. 97-106, 1990

FABAD J. Phann. Sci.

15,97-106, 1990


Voltametrik Tayini

Sibel ÖZKAN (*)

İnci BİRYOL (*)

Özet: Tekrar edilebilir sonuçlar elde etmek için, özel bir ön işlem

görmüş platin tel ve karbon elektrodlarla, a-metildopa'nın asidik ortamdaki elektrokimyasal davranışı, voltametrik olarak incelenmiştir. Kaydedilen voltamogramlardan a-metildopa'nın platin elektrodla, JOmVs-1 tarama hızı

ile 2.J0-5 - 3.l0-3 M konsantrasyon aralıgında tayin edilebilecegi

bulunmuştur. Bu voltametrik yöntem, Türkiye'de antihipertansif olarak

kullanılan, a-metildopa içeren tablet•ere uygulanmıştır. USP standart yöntemi ile karşılaştırma yapılmış ve voltametrik yöntemle elde edilen

sonuçların USP yönteminde elde edilen sonuçlara yakın dogruluk ve

duyarlıkta oldugu gösterilmiştir.

VOLTAMMETRIC DETERMINATION OF a-METHYLDOPA Summary: The electrochemical behaviour of a-methyldopa in acidic media was investigated voltammetrically using carbon and platinum wire electrodes pretreated in a special manner in order to obtain reproducible results. From the recorded voltammograms it was conc/uded that a-methyldopa can be determined with platinum electrode in the concentration range of2.J0-5 -3.J0-3 M with a scan raıe of 10 mVs-1. This voltammetric method was applied ta the determination ofthis substance in tablets usedfor antihypertensive purposes in Turkey. A comparison with official USP method showed that the proposed vo/tammetric method have comparable precision and accuracy.

Keywords: a-methyldopa, Voltammetry, P/atinum electrode, Carbon electrode.

Başvuru Tarihi: 5.9.1989 Kabul Tarihi: 10.2.1990

(*) Ankara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Analitik Kimya Anabilim Dalı,






L-a-methyldopa (L-3-(3,4-

dihydroxyphenyl))-2-meıhyl a!aııiııe is an imporıant hypotensive agenı. V ııri­

ous chemica! mcıhods for ille determi- nation of this substance are available.

Chromatography (1, 2, 3, 4), titrime- try (5, 6); spectrophotometry (7, 8, 9,

!O, ll) and fluorometry (12, 13) have been applied to the determination of a-methyldopa in dosage forms and biological fluids. These methods are high!y sensiıive and spesific but involvc separation and oıher

manipulative steps. The reported electrochemical results had been obtained with various carborı (14, 15, 16) and rotated metal electrodes (17) and by hydrodynamic voltammetric techniques (18, 19).

lrı this paper an investigation into

tlıe electroanalytical behaviour of a-methyldopa using platinum and carbon elcctrodes to obtairı the experimental rcsults under optimum conditions is presented. The proposed technique has been applied to the

amılysis of pharmaceutical dosage forms in Turkey and compared to !he , USP method (20).

MATERIAL anıl METHOD Apparatus:

A !hree-electrode potentiostatic

polarograplı (Tacussel PRG-3) was uscd in the voltammetric determinations. A saturated calomel Tacussel type C-10 was used as rcfcrence and a carbon electrode (M.K.E. TURKEY) and a platinum wire in 1.0 mm diameter (Tacussel) wcrc usecl as working electrodes. Tlıe

coımter electrode was a plaıinum wire

(Johnsoıı Matıhey). Alılıouglı the

potenıials were measured with reference ıo a saturated calomel electrode ali the potential values in ıhe

text were givcn re!ative to a standart hydrogen elecırode.


The a-methyldopa used as a

sıandard was obtained from Fako-Turkey. Aldomeı® tablets

conıaining a-methyldopa (250 mg dosage) were obtained from loca!

drngstores. The 10-3 M sıandard stock solution was prepared by solving !he weighed amount of a-methyldopa in 0.5 M H2 S O 4 as supporting electrolyte. Solutions of different con- centrations in which volıammograms

were recorded were obt:ained by dilution of this stock solutions. Doubly distilled water was used for preparing the solutions. A Shimadzu UV-160 spectrophotometer was used for spectrophotometric measurements.

The platinum working electrode was electrochemically pretreated prior to each expcriment in order to obtain a clean surface which permitted reproducible results. For this purpose the clcctrode was anodized at l.45 V far 5 minutes and after throughly washing with doubly distilled water, it was allowed ıo stand + 0.35 V for 15 minutes in 1 N H2S04 by bubbling nitrogen !hrough the solution. The carbon electrode was cleaned only mechanically by grinding with a fine emery paper.

Applicalion of Tile Method

!o Tlıe Pharmaceutical Dosage

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Aldomet ıablets, solid dosage forms of a-methy!dopa, were assayed by voltammetric method. For this purpose 1 O tableıs were weighted accurately and ground to a fine powder an aliquot equivalenı to 250 mg a-methyldopa was weighed and dissolved in 0.5 M H2S04 and diluted to l 00 mi in a volumetric flask. The solution was stirred far l hour with a magnetic stirrer and a portion of this solution transferred to a tube and santrifugated. 40 ml of ıhe clean solution at the top of ıhe tube were taken into a volumetric flask and made up to 100 ml with 0.5 M H2S04.

Voltammograms of !his solution were obtained under the same working conditions which voltammograms of standards were recorded.


The effects of the nature and the concentration of ıhe supporting electrolyte and the scan rate on the results from the view point of analyti-

cal evoluation were invesıigated. The besi results were obtained in 0.5 M H2S04 with a scan rate of 10 m V s-1.

In Figure !, voltammograms of 4. ıo-4 M a-methyldopa in 0.5 M H2S04 recorded wilh different scan rates are seen on curve I the peak at 950 m V corresponds to the oxidation of the substance to dopaquinone. As the scan rate increascs thc potantial of this peak shifts to more positive potential regions.

Figure II reveals that on cathodic branch ıhe peak at 650 mV

corresponds to the reduction of the oxidation products as well as the reduction of PtOz formed at the anodic branch. This means that the oxidation of a-methyldopa and the reduction of dopaquinone ıake place at the same potentials with the surface oxide formation and reduction. With a scan rate of 10 m V s· 1 ıhe reaction seemed to be close to the reversibility.

On carbon electrode the oxidation of a-methyldopa take place at 750 mV the supporting electrolyte is 0.5 M H 2 S O 4. Figure III showes the voltammograms of a-methy ldopa recorded using carbon electrode. The curves obıained with this electrode are reversibl if the scan raıe is l O m V s· 1.

As the scan rate increases the curves become more irreversibl. It is important to note that with carbon electrode the sensitivity is low and any quantitative interpreıation could not be made for this electrode.

Voltammograms recorded in 0.5 M H 2 S O 4 supporting electrolyte solutions having different concentrations of a-meıhyldopa with a scan rate of 10 mVs-1 are seen in figure IV. A linear relationship between the _ peak currents and concentration in the range of 2. ıo-5 - 3.I0-3 M was obıained. The results of the linear regression analysis of this relationship given in Table I showed that the quantitative analysis of this substance could be made by the proposed method.

The selectivity of the method was assayed by exposing the test solution to UV light for 15 minute. A marked



decrease in the current was observed at the end of this period revealing that the method is selective in presence of the decomposition products.

The quantitative determination of Aldomet® tablets were performed also by USP (20). The resu1ts of the analysis by the two methods were given in Table II. As it can be seen from statistical data there is no significant difference between the two methods.

The authors wish to thank Fako

İlaçları A.Ş. lstanbul, TURKEY, for supply of a-methyldopa.




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Fig. I. Voltammograms of 4.ıo-4 M a-methyldopa in 0.5 M HzS04 recorded with different scan rates with platinum electrode.







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Fig. 11. Cyclic voltammograms obtained in 0.5 M H2S04 having different concentration of a-methyldopa with platinum electrode.







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Fig. III. Voltammograms of 1.10·3 M a-methyldopa in 0.5 M H2S04 recorded with different scan ratcs with carbon electrode.



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Fig iV. Voltgmmograms obtained for 0.5 M ,H2S04 contajning V<l'fious concentrations of a-methyldopa. Scan rate, 10 mVs-1.



Table H

Found by Found by

spectrophotometric voltammetric Sample No. method/mg per tablet method/mg per tablet

1 252.9 252.5

2 251.8 250.8

3 252.4 249.5

4 250.6 250.8

5 251.8 250.8

6 253.6 252.5

7 251.2 254.5

8 250.6 249.5

9 252.4 250.8

!O 253.6 249.5

Mean value Standard deviation Standard error Theoretical value

252.09 ± 0.68 1.09

251.12 ± 0.99 1.61

0.35 0.51

250 250

Difference between means 0.97

Confidens interval for difference in means 95 percent (P = 0.05)

Tab. Il. Results of the analysis of Aldomet® tablets for a-methyldopa.


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