。選用健康的 BALB/c 雄鼠為動物模式,隨機分為 4 組,於小鼠週齡 六週時
,分別餵以正常飲食 ( 控制組 ) ,再添加低、中、高不同劑量的幾丁 聚醣於飼料中,餵食 1 個月後,將老鼠犧牲取其脾臟細胞及血液進行 分析。分析的項目包括:脾臟中淋巴細胞的增殖反應、細胞激素分泌 量以及淋巴細胞表面標記、分析血液中多核球及單核球的吞噬能力、
血清中抗體濃度。實驗結果顯示,在淋巴細胞增殖方面,給予定量的 裂殖素刺激後,在 T 淋巴球,低劑量組及高劑量組的增生能力皆顯著 高於控制組;而 B 淋巴球方面,低劑量組及中劑量組的增生能力則低 於控制組。細胞激素 IFN-γ 的分泌在高劑量組顯著的高於控制組。在 淋巴細胞表面標記,自然殺手細胞 (NK cell) 在高劑量組時顯著的高 於控制組。在吞噬細胞活性測定,顆粒球的測定其具有吞噬能力的細 胞及對於 E.coli 的吞噬活性高劑量組顯著高於控制組。抗體分泌方面
, IgG 與 IgM 在高劑量組的分泌量顯著的高於控制組。整體而言,水 溶性幾丁聚醣具有調節體內免疫反應的功能,而在高劑量組時,對於 免疫的調節是最佳的。
The effects of high molecular weight water soluble chitosan on immune response by in vivo study
The present study was to investigate effects of high molecular
weight water soluble chitosan ( WSC ) on immune functions in
BALB/c mice. In this study, normal male BALB/c mice aged six weeks we re fed with basal diet which add different amounts of WSC depend on bod y weight of mices. After 1 month experimental treatment, BALB/c mices w ere sacrificed to evaluate immune responses by judging from lymphocyte p roliferation, cytokines, subset of lymphocyte, phagocytic activity, and antib ody analysis
.The results show WSC could increase T lymphocyte proliferation in high- dose group.In the analysis of cytokines were secreted by splenocyte by usi ng conA —stimulating, IFN-γ which was secreted in high-dose group signi ficantly higher than control group. In determination of subset of lymphocyt e, the amount of NK cell in high-dose group is higher than control group. T he phagocytic activity of granulocyte in high-dose group were significantly higher than in control group. Secretion of IgG and IgM were increased in h igh-dose group. In conclusion , WSC can modulate immune response and h igh-dose WSC with significantl enhancing effect.