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C om mun. Fac. Sci. U niv. A nk. Ser. A 1 M ath. Stat.

Volum e 68, N umb er 1, Pages 457–465 (2019) D O I: 10.1501/C om mua1_ 0000000921 ISSN 1303–5991 E-ISN N 2618-6470

http://com munications.science.ankara.edu.tr/index.php?series= A 1




Abstract. The complex q Szász-Mirakjan operator attached to analytic func- tions satisfying a suitable exponential type growth condition has been studied in [14]. In this paper, we consider the A-statistical convergence of complex q-Szász- Mirakjan operator.

1. Introduction

In 1996, Phillips de…ned a generalization of the Bernstein operators called q Bernstein operators by using the q binomial coe¢ cients and the q binomial the- orem [21]. In 2008, Aral introduced q Szász-Mirakjan operators and studied some approximation properties of them [12]. In 2008, Gal studied some approximation results of the complex Favard-Szász-Mirakjan operators on compact disks [17]. A di¤erent type complex q Szász-Mirakjan operator was introduced by Mahmudov in [20] for q > 1 as

Mn;q(f ; z) = P1


f [k]


1 qk(k 1)=2


[k]! "q [n] q kz (1.1) for the functions which are continuous and bounded on [0; 1).

In this paper, we study some operators by taking statistical convergence instead of ordinary convergence. In 2002, Gadjiev and Orhan gave some approximation results by using statistical convergence [1]. And several authors have studied in approximation theory by using statistical convergence concept (see [3], [4] and [5]

[6], [7], [8], [13], [19]).

Now, we give some notations on q analysis given in [16] and [21].

The q integer [n] is de…ned by

Received by the editors: December 13, 2017; Accepted: January 31, 2018.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classi…cation. 40A35, 30E10.

Key words and phrases. A-Statistical approximation, complex q-Szász- Mirakjan operators, q-exponential functions, q-derivative.

c 2 0 1 8 A n ka ra U n ive rsity C o m m u n ic a tio n s Fa c u lty o f S c ie n c e s U n ive rs ity o f A n ka ra -S e rie s A 1 M a t h e m a t ic s a n d S ta t is t ic s



[n] := [n]q =

1 qn 1 q; q 6= 1

n; q = 1 for q > 0 and the q factorial [n]! by

[n]! := [1]q[2]q::: [n]q; n = 1; 2; :::

1; n = 0:

We give the following two q analogues of the exponential function ex which is appeared in the de…nition of the operator :

"q(x) = X1 n=0


[n]q!xn= 1

((1 q)x; q)1; jxj < 1

1 q; jqj < 1; (1.2)

Eq(x) = X1 n=0

qn(n2 1)

[n]q! xn= ( (1 q)x ; q)1 ; x 2 R; jqj < 1; (1.3) where (x; q)1= Q1


(1 xqk 1) (see [15]).

It is clear from (1.2) and (1.3) that "q(x)Eq( x) = 1 and

qlim!1 "q(x) = lim

q!1 Eq(x) = ex:

Let q 2 (0; 1) [ (1; 1): The q derivative of a function f (x) is de…ned as

Dqf (x) := f (x) f (qx)

(1 q)x for; x 6= 0:

Dqf (0) = lim

x!0Dqf (x); where D0qf := f; Dqnf := Dq(Dn 1q f ); n = 1; 2; :::

As a consequence of the de…nition of Dqf; we …nd Dqxn = [n]qxn 1; Dq"q(ax) = a"q(ax);

DqEq(ax) = aEq(qax):

Also the formula for the q-di¤erential of a product is

Dq(u(x)v(x)) = Dq(u(x))v(x) + u(qx)Dq(v(x)):

We know that

Dq(t; x)nq (t) = [n]q(t; x)n 1q ; where (t; x)nq =

n 1Q


(t xqk) (see [16]).

Now we de…ne the complex Szász-Mirakjan operator based on q integers.


Suppose that Rn;q := [n](1 q)bn ; where (bn) is a sequence of positive numbers such that lim

n!1bn = 1 and that DR = fz 2 C : jzj < Rg ; 1 < R < Rn;q: The complex Szász-Mirakjan operator based on q integers is obtained directly from the real version (see [12]) by taking z in place of x, namely

Snq(f ; z) = Sn(f ; q; z) (1.4)

= : Eq [n] z bn

P1 k=0

f [k]


([n] z)k [k]! (bn)k;

where n 2 N; 0 < q < 1 and f : [R; 1) [ DR! C has exponential growth and it has an analytical continuation into an open disk centered at the origin.

Throughout the paper we call the operator (1.4) as complex q Szász-Mirakjan operator.

It is clear that by using divided di¤erences Snq(f ; z) can be expressed as Snq(f ; z) = Sn(f; q; z) = P1


qj(j21)f 0;bn[1]

[n] ; :::;bn[j]

[n] zj; (1.5) similar to the real version of the q Szász-Mirakjan operators (see [12]), where fh

0;bn[n][1]; :::;bn[n][j]i

denotes the divided di¤erence of f on the knots 0;bn[n][1]; :::;bn[n][j]:

2. Statistical Convergence of Snqn(f ; z)

First of all, we recall some de…nitions and notations which we use in this study.

Let A = (ajn) be a nonnegative regular matrix. The A density of K N given by

A(K) := lim


P1 n2K


whenever the limit exists. A sequence x = (xn) is called A statistically convergent to a number L if for every " > 0;

A(fn 2 N : jxn Lj "g) = 0: (2.1) It is not di¢ cult to see that (2.1) is equivalent to


P1 n:jxn Lj "

ajn= 0; for every " > 0:

This limit expression is denoted by stA lim xn = L ( see in [2], [9],[10], [11]).

Now, we give a lemma which we use in the proof of Theorem 1.

Lemma 1. Let DR= fz 2 C : jzj < Rg ; 1 < R < Rn;q; where Rn;q = [n]bn

q(1 q) and

f : [R; 1) [ DR! C


be continuous in [R; 1) [ DR, analytic in DR, namely f (z) = P1


ckzk for all z 2 DR and there exist M; C; B > 0 and A 2 R1; 1 , with the property jckj M Ak!k

for all k = 0; 1; :::(which implies jf(z)j M eAjzj for all z 2 DRand jf(x)j CeBx for all x 2 [R; 1)): Then Snq(f ; z) is well de…ned and analytic as function of z in DR (see [14]).

Theorem 1. Suppose that the conditions of Lemma 1 are satis…ed. Suppose also that A be a nonnegative regular summability matrix, q = qn is a sequence such that 0 < qn< 1 and stA lim qn = 1 and stA lim[n]bn

qn = 0:

i. Let 1 r < B1 be arbitrary …xed. Then for all jzj r, we have stA lim jSnqn(f ; z) f (z)j = 0:

ii. For the simultaneous approximation by complex q Szász-Mirakjan operator, we have

stA lim D(p)qn (Snqn(f ; z)) D(p)qnf (z) = 0 where Cr1;A is given as in the case (i) :

Proof. i. From [14], by taking ek(z) = zk; it is clear that Tn;k(z) := Snqn(ek; z) is a polynomial of degree k, k = 0; 1; 2; ::: and

Tn;0(z) = 1; Tn;1(z) = z for all z 2 C Also, using q derivative of Tn;k(z) for z 6= 0, we get


= [n]qn

zbn Tn;k+1(z) [n]qn


Eq [n]q

n qn z bn

P1 j=0




[n]qnqnz j

[j]qn! (bn)j (2.2) for all z 2 C; k = 0; 1; 2; :::: Therefore, we obtain

Tn;k(z) = zTn;k 1(qnz) + zbn



Dq(Tn;k 1(z)) : The last equality implies that

Tn;k(z) zk

= zbn

[n]qnDq Tn;k 1(z) zk 1 + z Tn;k 1(qnz) (qnz)k 1 +[k 1]




bnzk 1 zk(1 qn) [k 1]qn: (2.3)


From the Bernstein inequality in Dr= fz 2 C: jzj rg ; we have jDq(Pk(z)j kPk0k k

rkPkkr; (2.4)

where k:kr= max

z2Dr jf(z)j (see [18, p. 55]): From (2.3) and (2.4), we obtain that Tn;k(z) zk


[n]qn Tn;k 1(z) zk 1 rk 1 r

+r Tn;k 1(qnz) (qnz)k 1 + rk 1[k 1]qn

[n]qn bn+ rk[k 1]qnj1 qnj : By passing to norm we reach to

Tn;k(z) zk


(k 1)bn



+ r


Tn;k 1(z) zk 1 r+ rkk 1 qn+ bn



! : By using mathematical induction with respect to k; the above recurrence formula gives that

Tn;k(z) zk


(k + 1)!rk

2 1 qn+ bn [n]qn


for all k 2 and …xed an arbitrary n n0: There exists an n0 such that for all n > n0; then [n]bn

qn < 1: Assume that it is true for k: Since [k]qn (k + 1) is satis…ed for all 0 < qn< 1; the recurrence formula reduces to

Tn;k+1(z) zk+1


1 qn+ bn [n]qn

!rk+1 2


(k + 1)!k bn

[n]qn + (k + 1)! + 2(k + 1) )

for all k 2 and for all n > n0: By this inequality, it follows Tn;k+1(z) zk+1


(k + 2)!

2 rk+1 1 qn+ bn


! : for k 2 and for all n > n0:

Now, we show that

Snqn(f ; z) = P1


ckSnqn(ek; z) = P1


ckTn;k(z) (2.5) for all z 2 DR: For any m 2 N, let us de…ne

fm(z) = Pm j=0

cjzj if jzj r < R and fm(x) = f (x) if x 2 (r; 1):


From the hypothesis on f; it is clear that for any m 2 N, jfm(x)j CmeBmx for all x 2 [0; 1): Ratio test implies that for each …xed m; n 2 N and z;

jSnqn(fm; z)j Cm Eq [n]qn z bn

P1 k=0



jzjk [k]q

n! (bn)k eBm

[k]qn [n]qnbn

< 1:

Therefore, Snqn(fm; z) is well de…ned. Now, we set

fm;k(z) = ckek(z) if jzj r and fm;k(x) = f (x)

m + 1 if x 2 (r; 1):

It is clear that each fm;k is of exponential growth on [0; 1) and that fm(z) =

Pm k=0


Since Snqn is linear, we have Sqnn(fm; z) =

Pm k=0

ckSqnn(ek; z) for all jzj r;

which proves that

mlim!1Snqn(fm; z) = Snqn(f ; z) for any …xed n 2 N and jzj r: But this is immediate from

mlim!1kfm f kr= 0 and from the inequality

jSnqn(fm) Snqn(f )j Eq [n]qn z bn

"q [n]qnjzj

bn kfm f kr

Mr;nkfm f kr,

for all jzj r: Consequently the statement (2.5) is satis…ed.

In this way, from the hypothesis on ck, this implies for all jzj r jSnqn(f ; z) f (z)j

1 qn+ bn



Cr;B; (2.6)


Cr;B=M A 2

P1 k=2

(k + 1) (rA)k 1 is …nite for all 1 r < B1: Note that the series P1


uk+1and its derivative P1


(k + 1)uk are uniformly and absolutely convergent in any compact disk included in the open unit disk.


As stA lim qn= 1 there exists n1(") and K1 N of density 1 such that 1 qn< "

for all n 2 K1 and n > n1("): On the other hand, since stA lim[n]bn

qn = 0 there exists n2(") and K2 N of density 1 such that [n]bn

qn < " for all n 2 K2 and n > n2("): Now de…ne K = K1\ K2: Note that A(K1\ K2) = 1 and for all " > 0 and for all n > n0(") = max fn1; n2g

1 qn+ bn

[n]qn < " (2.7)

Hence (2.7) and (2.6) imply that

stA lim jSnqn(f ; z) f (z)j = 0:

ii. Let be the circle of radius r1 > r with centered 0, since for any jzj r and v 2 ; we have jv zj r1 r; by Cauchy’s formulas it follows that for all jzj r and n 2 N

D(p)qn (Snqn(f ; z)) D(p)qnf (z) Snq(p)n (f ; z) f(p)(z)

= p!


Z Snqn(f ; v) f (v) (v z)p+1 dv

1 qn+ bn


! Cr1;B



2 r1

(r1 r)p+1

= 1 qn+ bn [n]qn

! Cr1;B

p!r1 (r1 r)p+1: Similarly we get from hypothesis that for all " > 0 there exists a subset K N of density 1 and n0= n0(") such that D(p)qn (Snqn(f ; z)) D(p)qnf (z) < " for all n > n0

and n 2 K:

Remark 1. Consider the matrix method C = (cjn) which is called Cesåro matrix and de…ned as


1 j; 0;

n j

otherwise :

In this case A-statistical convergence reduces to statistical convergence. Now de…ne a sequence q = (qn) as

qn =

1 n;

n n+1;

n = m2 (m 2 N) otherwise :

It is obvious that q is not convergent but it is statistically convergent to 1:


Remark 2. Let dn be a sequence of positive numbers such that dn ! 1 and


[n]qn ! 0 as n ! 1. Note that the sequence de…ned as bn = n;


n = m2 (m 2 N) otherwise ;


[n]qn is statistically convergent to zero.

Note that these examples do not satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 2.3 in [14], but they satisfy the hypothesis of our theorem.

Remark 3. If we take A = I identity matrix, we get ordinary convergence. There- fore when we take A = I;we have Theorem 2.3 in [14].


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Current address : K¬r¬kkale Universty Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Mathemat- ics, Yah¸sihan,K¬r¬kkale Turkey

E-mail address : didemaydn@hotmail.com

ORCID Address: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5527-8232


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