• Sonuç bulunamadı

1. Sex & Gender; Structure & Agency; Active & PassiveJenks, C. (ed.) (1998). Core Sociological Dichotomies.Sage Pub.2. Gender Differences in Religious Practice and SignificanceBeckfords, J. A. & Demerarth, N. J. (eds.). (2007). The


Academic year: 2021

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Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı Açık Ders Malzemeleri

Ders izlence Formu (Course Schedule Form)

Dersin Kodu ve İsmi (Name of the Course)

EDP442 – Gender and Religion

Dersin Sorumlusu (Lecturer)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selman YILMAZ

Dersin Düzeyi

(Level of the Course)


Dersin Kredisi (Credit)


Dersin Türü

(Type of the Course)


Dersin İçeriği

(Course Description)

During the course load, we will cover major concepts and principles of sociology of religion related to gender including structure & agency; gender differences in religious practice;

conversion to Islam; headscarf debate in Turkey; honor killing;

and the subject of freedom.

We will not follow a specific textbook but instead read original chapters from some sociology books.

Dersin Amacı (Course Goals)

Upon completing this course, you should be able to:

- Identify the major elements of gender related issues and recognize the many sociological concepts.

- Understand the current social problems and realize their relationship with the discipline of sociology of religion. Improve an ability to find possible solutions for them.

Dersin Süresi (Course Load)

14 weeks

Eğitim Dili

(Language of the Course)


Ön Koşul



Önerilen Kaynaklar (Suggested Readings)

1. Sex & Gender; Structure & Agency; Active & Passive

Jenks, C. (ed.) (1998). Core Sociological Dichotomies.

Sage Pub.

2. Gender Differences in Religious Practice and Significance

Beckfords, J. A. & Demerarth, N. J. (eds.). (2007). The


SAGE Handbook of the Religion. SAGE. pp. 566-583.

3. Interpreting Holy Texts

Grung, A. (2016). Gender Justice in Muslim-Christian Readings. Brill.

4. Conversion to Islam

Nieuwkerk, K. (2006). Women Embracing Islam: Gender and Conversion in the West. Unv. of Texas Press.

5. Honor Killing

Pope, N. (2012). Honor Killings in the Twenty-First Century. Palgrave Macmillan.

6. Intersecting Nation, Religion and Gender

Dunnei M. et al. (2017). Troubling Muslim Youth Identities: Nation, Religion, Gender. Palgrave Macmillan.

pp.15-55; 263-278.


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* *Thinking through Gender and Religion: Build A Religion Workshop Recommended viewing:.

During the course load, we will cover major concepts and principles of sociology of religion including introduction to sociology of religion, opinions of founding fathers of