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[ An assessment of the jurisprudence of the Turkish Constitutional Court in. comparison to the jurisprudence of the German Constitutional Court ]


Academic year: 2022

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60. Hellers Kritik an der Staatslehre seiner Zeit, Seminar von Prof. Dr. Dieter Grimm:

„Weimarer Staatsrechtslehrer , Wissenschaftskolleg ”erlin, .-21.6.2015).

[ The critique of Heller on the Staatslehre of his recent time ]

59. “lman “nayasa Mahkemesi Kararları Işığında Türk “nayasa Mahkemesi’nin ”ireysel

”aşvuru Kararlarının Değerlendirilmesi, V. Kamu Hukukçuları Platformu Toplantısı “nkara/ . .

[ “n assessment of the jurisprudence of the Turkish Constitutional Court in comparison to the jurisprudence of the German Constitutional Court ]

58. “nayasa Mahkemesi'nin "Mobbing" ”așvurularına İlişkin Kararlarının Değerlendirilmesi, “nayasa Mahkemesi nin . Kuruluş Yılı Sempozyumu, (Ankara/28.04.2015)

[ An assessment of the jurisprudence of the Turkish Constitutional Court in mobbing cases ]

57. “nayasa Makemesi’nin ”ireysel ”aşvuruya İlişkin İki ”uçuk Yıllık İçtihadının Kısa ”ir Değerlendirmesi, “nayasa Mahkemesi nin . Kuruluş Yılı Sempozyumu, (Ankara/27.04.2015)

[ “ short assessment of the jurisprudence of the Turkish Constitutional Court in individual complaint cases for the last two and half years ]

56. ”ireysel ”aşvuru İçin Eğitim Programı Hedefleri Nasıl Oluşturulmalı?, Avrupa Konseyi Çalıştayı “nkara/ . . )

[ How to create the training goals for individual complaint? ]

55. The constitutional complaint as an alternative way of political conciliation. Selected examples that show how political cases are solved through the AM, Research Lab Keynote Speech: Constitutional Politics in Turkey, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin/Germany (17-18th April 2015).

54. “nayasa Mahkemesi’ne ”ireysel ”aşvuru Hakkının Türkiye’deki İşlevi ve Sorunlar,

”aşkent Üniversitesi Hukuk Fak(ltesi ”irleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları G(n(

Konferansı, “nkara . . .

[ The Function of Constitutional Complaint in Turkey and Problems ]


53. Rights based or State protecting Court? An Attempt against the Myth on the Turkish Constitutional Court, International Conference on Constitutional Politics in Turkey , Humboldt Universität zu ”erlin/Germany -10 October 2013).

52. Grundrechtsschutz in der Türkei, im Rahmen der Konferenz „Nationale, Internationale und Globale Werteordnung der Grundrechte am .-31.05.2013 (Frankfurt/Oder, Germany) (31.05.2013).

[ The Protection of Rights and Freedoms in Turkey ]

51. Anayasanın 9 . maddesinin “nlamı ve Uygulanmasında Karşılaşılan Sorunlar, Ankara

”arosu Yasama İzleme Merkezi “nkara, . . .

[ The Meaning of Article 90 of the Turkish Constitution and Some Problems of Its Application ]

50. Asker-Sivil İlişkilerinde Türk “nayasasının İlgili Düzenlemeleri ve “nayasanın Ruhu, T(rkiye de “nayasa Yapım S(reci ve Sivil-“sker İlişkileri “rama Konferansı , TOBB- CENSTR“D Ortak Konferansı “nkara, . . .

[ The Military-Civil Relationships in the Turkish Constitution and Its Spirit ]

49. The constitution–making process in Turkey: Between law and politics, Turkish Area Study Group Twenty-third Spring Symposium (Cambridge/Great Britain, 05 May 2012).

48. “lman Federal “nayasa Mahkemesi’nin “nayasa Şikayetinde Temel Hak İhlali İncelemesinin Konusu ve Sınırları, “nayasa Mahkemesi ”ireysel ”aşvuru Hazırlık Toplantıları-5 (Ankara, 10.04.2012).

[ The Scope and Limits of the Constitutional Complaint in the Jurisdiction of the German Constitutional Court ]

47. Anayasa Mahkemesi’ne ”ireysel ”aşvuru Hakkı – Ceza Davaları “çısından Önem Taşıyan Hususlar, “nkara ”arosu Uluslararası Hukuk Kurultayı, “nkara, 12.01.2012).

[ Constitutional Complaint – Special Issues Regarding Criminal Proceedings ] 46. yılı “nayasa Tartışmalarının “nayasa Uzlaşma Komisyonu’nun Çalışmaları

Işığında Değerlendirilmesi, Nasıl ”ir “nayasa?, “tılım Üniversitesi, “nkara, 30.11.2011).


[ An Assessment of the Constitution-Making Process Regarding the Work of the Conciliation Committee of the Parliament ]

45. Geschlechtergerechtigkeit als Herausforderung in pluralen Gesellschaften: zur Kopftuchdebatte in der Türkei und in Deutschland, „Studientag: Gender und Menschenrechte , Hamburg, . . .

[ Gender Equality as a Challenge in Pluralistic Societies: About the Headscarf Debate in Turkey and Germany ]

44. Hukuk Devleti ve Özgürlüklerin Korunmasında “nayasa Mahkemesi’ne ”ireysel

”aşvuru, Çatışmacı Toplumdan Uzlaşmaya: 5zg(rl(kç( ve Eşitlikçi “nayasa İstanbul ”ilgi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fak(ltesi, - Mayıs

[ The “ssessment of the right to constitutional complaint in the light of the rule of law and the protection of freedoms]

43. Yeni “nayasa Mahkemesi Kanunundaki “nayasa Şikayetine İlişkin Hükümlerin Değerlendirilmesi, Uluslararası T(rk-Alman Hukuk Sempozyumu – Anayasa Şikayeti ”ireysel ”aşvuru , 10.05.2011, Isparta (Bochum Ruhr Üniversitesi ile birlikte).

[ “n “ssessment of the provisions on constitutional complaint in the new Law on the Constitutional Court]

42. “nayasa Mahkemesi’ne ”ireysel ”aşvuru – Yeni “nayasa Mahkemesi Kanunu Işığında Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri, “v. 5zdemir 5zok “nısına d(zenlenen T”” Paneli, 24.04.2011, Ankara.

[ Constitutional Complaint to the Constitutional Court – Problems and Solution Proposals in the Light of the new Law on the Constitutional Court ]

4 . H(k(met Sistemleri ve Yeni ”ir “nayasa , Stratejik D(ş(nce Enstit(s( Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı “nkara, March ,

[ Governmental Systems and a New Constitution , Institute of Strategic Thinking Round Table]

40. Statement on the Turkish Judicial System and the Law Reform regarding the EU- membership process for the peer-based assessment Mission to Turkey of the European Union (Ankara, January 19, 2011)


39. “nayasal Vatandaşlık , Stratejik D(ş(nce Enstit(s( Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı (Ankara, December 26, 2010)

[ Constitutional Membership , Institute of Strategic Thinking Round Table]

38. Verfassungsänderung und Verfassungsgebung als Machtfaktor in der türkischen Politik, DVPW-Themengruppe „Verfassung und Politik , Tagung „Die Macht der Verfassung , .-27.11.2010, Universität Augsburg/Germany.

[ Constitutional amendments and constitution-making as means of power in Turkish politics ]

37. Social Rights in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of Turkey: Social Rights as Unprivileged Human Rights?, The Legitimacy of Constitutional Courts and the Influence of International and Comparative Law (Lucerne/Switzerland, 25-26 September 2010).

36. Geschichte und Funktion der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in der Türkei, Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises für Überseeischen Verfassungsvergleichung, (Regensburg/Germany, 2.-4. Juli 2010).

[ History and Function of the Constitutional Review in Turkey ]

35. Çoğunlukçu Demokrasi “nlayışına Karşı Çoğulcu Demokrasi Modelleri: Normatif Düzenleme Olanakları ve ”unun Sınırlılığı Üzerine ”azı Düşünceler, Kamu Hukukçuları Platformu -6 Haziran 2010, Ankara).

[Models of Pluralistic Democratic Structures against Majoritarian Democracy: Some Remarks on Normative Regulation Opportunities and their Limits]

34. “nayasa Değişikliğinin Eleştirel ”ir Değerlendirmesi, Devletin Dön(ş(m(, Emek ve “nayasa, T(rk Sosyal ”ilimler Derneği, “nkara Haziran .

[A Critical Assessment of the Constitutional Amendments 2011]

33. “nayasa Değişikliği Paketinde Yargı, T(rkiye k(ç(k Millet Meclisi Mayıs 2010, Ankara)

[The Judiciary within the Constitutional Amendments Package 2011]


Etmektedir?, “nayasa Çalıştayı, “nkara Üniversitesi Siyasal ”ilgiler Fak(ltesi, Ankara (12 Nisan ve 27 Nisan 2010).

[What does the Constitutional Amendment Recommendation 2011 mean with regard to procedure and substance?]

31. Yeni Bir Anayasa Mahkemesi, “nayasa Yapımı ve “nayasal Değişim. T(rkiye de

“nayasal Değişim ”eklentileri, T(rkiye ”arolar ”irliği Uluslararası Sempozyumu, Ankara, 20 Mart 2010 (19-20 Mart).

[A New Constitutional Court]

30. Demokratik Paradoks ve “nayasa Reformu Tartışmaları, “nkara ”arosu Uluslararası Hukuk Kurultayı, “nkara, Ocak .

[The Democratic Paradox and the Discussions on a Constitutional Reform]

29. Hukuk Devleti İlkesinin Uluslararası ve Ulusal Hukukta Somutlaştırılması ve Olası Yetki Çatışmaları, Demokrasi ve “nayasa Konferansı, T(rk Demokrasi Vakfı, Ankara, 21- “ralık .

[The concretization of the Rule of Law at national and international level and possible competence clashes]

28. Die Rolle der Religionsgemeinschaften im normativen Rahmen des Sozialstaates in der Türkei, Religion und Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit in Europa, Workshop des Exzellenzclusters Religion und Politik , M(nster/Germany .-28.11.2009).

[The role of religious communities within the normative structure of the social state in Turkey]

27. Siyasal Partiler, “nayasa Kurultayı, “nkara ”arosu İnsan Hakları Merkezi, Ankara, 07.11.2009.

[The Political Parties]

26. Çokboyutlu Hukuk Düzleminde Temel Hak ve Özgürlüklerin Korunması Meselesi, İnsan Haklarını Yeniden D(ş(nmek: Hukuk Teorileri, İnsan Hakları ve Anayasalar Sempozyumu, Maltepe Üniversitesi İnsan Hakları Merkezi, Haziran 2009.


judicial structures]

25. Türkiye’de “nayasa Şikayeti Kabul Edilmeli midir?, “lman “nayasası nın 60.

yıldön(m( dolayısıyla d(zenlenen sempozyum, “nkara Hukuk Fak(ltesi, 18.05.2009.

[Should constitutional complaint be implemented in Turkey?]

24. Das Kopftuch im türkischen Arbeitsrecht, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (Hamburg) (25. Juli 2007).

[The religious headscarf in the Turkish labour law]

23. Türkiye’de ”ir Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Kurumu Kurulması ve Muhtemel Hukuki Sorunlar, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Kurumu Ulusal Semineri (25 Haziran 2007, Ankara).

[Establishing a Gender Equality Institution in Turkey and some remarks on possible judicial obstacles]

22. Türkiye’de ”ir Rejim Sorunu Olarak Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimi – Karşılaştırmalı ”ir Değerlendirme, Prof. Dr. Tarık Zafer Tunaya yı “nma Toplantısı, Aybay Hukuk

“raştırmaları Vakfı Ocak , İstanbul .

[The Appointment of the state president in Turkey as a regime problem – a comparative assessment]

21. Türkiye’de ”ir Rejim Sorunu Olarak Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimi – Karşılaştırmalı ”ir Değerlendirme, Cumhurbaşkanı Seçimi 5ncesi Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sempozyumu, T(rkiye ”arolar ”irliği -13 Ocak 2007, Hilton Oteli).

[The Appointment of the state president in Turkey as a regime problem – a comparative assessment]

20. Comment on Michèle Knodt, “ssessing Civil Society participation in the EU. Three models of involvement , 23. wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung f(r Politische Wissenschaft „Staat und Gesellschaft – fähig zur Reform? , an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany, 25.- 29. September “d Hoc Group European Civil Society and Multilevel Governance .


Stellung der Frau im islamischen Religionsunterricht , . Juli 2006, Alexander- von-Humboldt-Haus, Universität Münster/Germany.

[The prohibition of the religious headscarf: The last castle of Turkish laicism]

18. Rechtssystem und Rechtsreformen in der Türkei unter dem Aspekt des EU-Beitritts (23. Januar 2006 in Bonn / 24. Januar 2006 in Münster, auf Einladung der Deutsch-Türkischen Gesellschaft Bonn und der Deutsch-Türkischen Gesellschaft Münster von 1916 e.V.).

[The judicial system of and judicial reforms in Turkey regarding the EU- accession]

17. Justitia’nın Gözbağının “rasından Görülenler: “nayasal Eşitlik İlkesinin Devletin

“ktif Yasama Faaliyetiyle Hayata Geçirilmesinin “nlamı (6 Ocak 2006, Ankara

”arosu Hukuk Kurultayı: -6 Ocak 2006).

[What we see through Justitia s blindfold: The meaning of constitutional equality with help of the state action]

This speech and my answers to the audience s questions are in a revised version published in: “nkara ”arosu Hukuk Kurultayı , Feminizm ve Hukuk Cilt: , p.


16. Die Debatte über den EU-Beitritt der Türkei (2. Februar 2005 in Bonn, im Rahmen des Seminars der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung „T(rkei – ein europäisches Land .

[The debate on the EU-accession of Turkey]

15. Warten auf die Barbaren: Die gespenstische Diskussion über den EU-Beitritt der Türkei (6.12. in Paris, im Rahmen der Tagung „Moyen-Orient: quel rôle pour la France et l “llemagne? .

[Waiting for the barbarians: The haunting discussion on the EU-accessiın of Turkey]

14. Die Europäische Verfassung und „Europa der ”ürger – das vergessene Potential der Unionsbürgerschaft? (2.-4. Juli 2004 in Aachen/Maastricht, im Rahmen der Konferenz „Horizont Europa- Verfassung, Kultur und europäische Identität).

[The European Constitution and the Europe of Citizens – the forgotten potential of Union citizenship?]


13. The European Constitution and the Challenges for Turkey (3th June 2004 in

“nkara/Turkey, International Conference „Finland, Turkey and the EU- Helsinki 1999 and Beyond).

12. Pro oder Contra Kopftuch?: Podiumsdiskussion mit Sylvia Löhrmann (Vorsitzende der Landtagsfraktion der Grünen in NRW) am 18. März 2004 in Münster.

[Pro or contra religious headscarf?: Podiumdiscussion with Sylvia Löhrmann (Chair of the Green Party in North Rhine Westphalian parliament/Germany)

11. Diskutantin am Runden Tisch der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung am 8.- . März in ”erlin zum Thema: „Europa bilden. Neue Anforderungen an die europapolitische ”ildungsarbeit .

[Discussant of the Round Table on ”uilding Europe. New Challenges for the European education]

10. Die UnionsbürgerInnen – Legitimationssubjekte einer europäischen Verfassung? (am . Juli in ”r(hl, im Rahmen der Internationalen Konferenz „Nach dem Europäischen Konvent auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen Verfassung? .

[The Union citizens – legitimation subjects of a new European constitution?]

9. European Public Sphere in the Periphery? The Public Discussion on the European Union in Turkey 2002 (paper presented in the International Conference Europeanisation of Public Spheres? Political Mobilisation, Public Communication, and the European Union, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), June 20-22, 2003) (with Associate Prof. Dr. Aykut Çelebi).

8. Bürgerrechte in der Europäischen Union – Bestandsaufnahme, Potenzial und Ausblick am . Mai in ”r(hl, im Rahmen des Seminars „Der Europäische Konvent – Reformbestrebungen f(r die erweiterte EU .

[Citizen rights in the EU – state of the art, potential and perspectives]

7. Parteien und politische Wahlen in der Türkei – Entwicklungen und gegenwärtiger Stand (am 13. Mai 2003 in Münster bei der deutsch-türkischen Gesellschaft e.V.

Münster von 1916).

[Political parties and elections in Turkey – Developments and the actual situation]


6. Elite Recruitment for Europe - A New Challenge for Higher Education Systems (paper presented in workshop : Long and Winding Roads? Career Patterns in European Higher Education at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops held in Edinburgh, 28 March to 2 April 2003) (with Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer).

5. The Rights of Third-Country Nationals within the EU – A two-class System (paper presented in the European Conference Europe United? Citizens Participation in the EU Reform Process, 28th February to 2nd March 2003, Budapest; Workshop II: Freedom – Security – Justice. Towards a Common Internal and Security Policy in the European Union?).

4. Karrierewege von Professorinnen an Hochschulen in Deutschland – Eine empirische Untersuchung über die individuellen Voraussetzungen und strukturellen Hindernisse am . November in Dortmund, im Rahmen der Tagung „Querschnitt – Projekte der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in NRW des Netzwerkes Frauenforschung NRW) (mit Holger Krimmer).

[The Carrier paths of female professors in Germany – an empirical study on individual conditions and structural barriers]

3. Recruiting Elites in Europe - The Function of Universities Yesterday and Today paper presented at the IPS“ Conference Socialization and Political Education in the Time of Globalization , October 10 to 12, 2002 in Warsaw (Poland) (with Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer).

2. Auf dem Weg zur europäischen Zivilgesellschaft – Was kann bürgerschaftliches Engagement bewirken? (am 16. September 2002 in Remagen, im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Bonn

„Die Zukunft Europas – Visionen für den Europäischen Konvent – Vorschläge der Zivilgesellschaft und ihrer “kteure .

[Towards a European civil society – what citizen s engagement could effect]

1. Die rechtliche Stellung der Frauen in der Türkei (am 7. Mai 2002 in Münster bei der deutsch-türkischen Gesellschaft e.V. Münster von 1916).

[The judicial status of women in Turkey]


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