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Academic year: 2021



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ԫΕʳ ᎁᢝ࿨ᒬิ៣խԿጟ᧜ፂऱᣊী֗ࠡิګ ԲΕʳ ᎁᢝ֗ᙃᎁᑇጟ࿨ᒬิ៣խऱาઽᣊী

࿨ᒬิ៣طาઽΕ᧜ፂΕഗᔆ(ground substance)ࢬዌګᄭ۞խશ ᐋऱၴᔆΰmesenchymeαΔ׌૞ګٝਢglycoprotein(ᝰ๨ػ)Ζނ

ิ៣ֺ໧܂ࢪ՗ऱᇩΔาઽ༉ਢᗤჇΔ᧜ፂ༉ਢᙓ࿢Δۖഗᔆ༉ਢჄ ԵࠡխऱֽࣽΖ

᧜ፂ ࿨ᒬิ៣խڶԿጟ᧜ፂΚ

A. collagen(ᓄ࿭)Κطᓄ଺๨ػ(collagen)ݮګऱtropocollagenࢬ


1Ε Composition ϟ structureΚ

Collagen fiber ਢط collagen type I ࢬิګऱΖ

(a) Tropocollagen ਢ collagen (ᓄ଺๨ػ) ऱഗءิګ໢ۯΔط 3 ය peptide chain ᥚ៥ۖګऱ right-handed triple helixΖ९৫ 280nmΕ ษ 1.5nmΖ

(b) Collagen ऱ։ᣊΚ௅ᖕዌګ tropocollagen ऱԿය peptide chain ऱ

஁ฆΔױאല collagen ։ګړ༓ጟᣊী

ΰڕ collagen type I ऱഗء໢

ۯ tropocollagen ਢط 2 යD1 chainࡉ 1 යD2 chainዌګΖα

(c) collagen fibril ऱ࿨ዌΚ

z ط࣍ collagen fibril խ tropocollagen ऱຍጟඈ٨ֱڤΔທګڇ ሽ՗᧩პᢴՀΔױ઎ࠩ collagen fibril ᄎڶࣔᄆઌၴऱᖩె ( a 64 nm periodicity of dark and light bands )Ζ



z ࣹრΚࠀॺࢬڶऱ collagen type ຟױፋႃඈ٨ࠩ fiber ऱᐋ

్Δcollagen type I ױิٽࠩ fiber ऱᐋ్

(ုΚᑇය fiber ᝫױ౨ ٦ิٽګ bundle (ޔ)

Δ܀ collagen type II ႛิٽࠩ fibril ऱᐋ్Ζ 2Ε Staining characteristicsΚ

In the light microscope, collagen fibers are acidophilic; they stain pink with eosin

ΰblue with Mallory’s trichrome stain, green with Masson’s trichrome stain, and red with Sirius red.α

B. reticular fiber( ጻ࿭)ΚՈਢطᓄ଺๨ػࢬิګΔאࢪ՗෻ᓵۖߢΔ


1Ε Distribution (ᇖך)ΚReticular fibers are particularly abundant in


smooth muscle, endoneurium, and the framework of hematopoietic organs ( eg, spleen, lymph nodes, red bone marrow ) and constitute a network around the cells of parenchymal organs ( eg, liver, endocrine glands ).

2Ε CompositionΚ

Reticular fiber ׌૞ط collagen type III ࢬዌګऱΔٍܶڶࠡהጟᣊऱ collagen ֗ glycoproteinΕproteoglycanΖऴஉտ࣍ 0.5 ~ 2 ȝmΔઌᅝาΖ 3Ε Staining characteristicsΚ

(a) They are not visible in H ϟ E preparations but can be easily stained black by impregnation with silver salts. Reticular fibers are argyrophilic.(ႰᎬࢤ)ʳϡ ઎ࠩᎬ਩ऱ֊ׂऱᇩΔՕᄗ༉ਢ૞ᨠኘ๯਩ګ ႕ۥऱ reticular fiberΖ

(b) Reticular fibers are also PAS-positive

(c) ۟࣍ Per-iodic acid-Schiff ( PAS ) reactionΚಾኙ glycoprotein ਩ۥΖ

C. elastic fiber(ᐘ࿭)Κطelastin(ᐘ࿭๨ػ)ࢬิګΔᏺףᐘࢤΖ Elastic fibers provide the structural mechanism that allows tissues to respond to stretch and distension.

1Ε StructureΚ

elastic fiber ֺ collagen fiber าΔৰ֟ሒࠩ 1.0ȝmΔխ࿛९৫Ζ 2Ε CompositionΚelastic fiber طࠟጟګ։Δelastin (ԫጟ protein ) ࡉ

microfibril ࢬዌګΖڇ elastic fiber ऱݮګመ࿓խΔࠟጟګ։ऱઌኙܶ


ုΚาᆏᇖךߠ P112 Elastic fiber system

3Ε Staining characteristicsΚ

(a) א HϟE ਩ۥΔױല elastic fiber ਩ګృદۥΖ

(b) א௽௘਩றऱᙇᖗࢤ਩ۥΚش resorcin-fuchsin ױല elastic fiber ਩ ګ៴࿫ۥΖ

4Ε Elastin also occurs in a non-fibrillar form as fenestrated membranes ( elastic laminae ) present in the walls of some blood vessels.

ϡ Elastic laminaeΚط elastin ፋႃۖګऱࣨण࿨ዌΔ։ؒڇਬࠄۨጥΖ ϡ Elastic laminae ڇۨጥگᜍழΔᄎݮګं௡౳ऱભᣝݮणΔ፹ګ֊ׂ


าઽ ࿨ᒬิ៣ऱาઽΚ

1. ᧜ፂئาઽ(fibroblast)


೚ fibrocyteΖ


2. ؎ᕸาઽ(macrophage)

۩ܟᕸ܂ش(phagocytosis)Δ堚ೈԫࠄ۔៱ าઽΔఐပ࿛࿛Δ،ڇլٵऱᕴࡴփױ౨९


խऱ໢ઽ෺(monocyte)Δߗ᦬խ׻஄ּา ઽ(kupffer cell)Δխᑐ壀ᆖխऱ՛ᓄาઽ (microglia)Ζ

*vital stain ੒᧯਩றΔױشࠐ਩

macrophageΔڇژ੒ழࣹ୴ࢨ塯ଇ਩றΔᨃ؎ᕸาઽܟଇ৵Δ ڇല೯ढᥔ੪Δױאܓش਩றࠐᙃᢝาઽࢬڇΖ׳ቹᒢᙰࢬਐ๠

ܛ੡ macrophage

3. ॅՕาઽ(mast cell)

ਢՕীาઽΔપ੡ 20~30 პۏΔڇ᧩პ ᢴՀڶழᄎፖػۨ෺խऱᕸᨕࢤ෺ᎄ ᄎΔ܀ػۨ෺׽ڶڇۨ෈խڶΔۖmast cellঞਢڇ࿨ᒬิ៣խΖ،ऱ௽ۥ੡ᖭႽ ݮऱΔڶৰڍឍศΔுۯᆜೣխၴΖቹ խ֖෡ۥឍศऱܛ੡mast cell

4. ᑠาઽ (plasma cell)

ֺለದࠐֺ mast cell ޓႽΔ׊ுೣ


೏ഗּ᧯Δுփ਩ۥᔆګ clock-face

appearance Δࠀ׊੡ᕸᨕࢤΖቹխᒢ

ᙰਐ๠੡ plasma cel˿Ζ

5. ౟ौาઽ (adipose cell)



6. ۨ෺ (blood cell)

ژڇ࣍ۨ෈խऱาઽΔץਔػۨ෺ΰleukocyte ࢨ׻ white blood

cellαΔፖદۨ෺ΰerythrocyte ࢨ׻ red blood cellαΖᇡาൣݮ



Ground Substanceΰഗᔆα




ഗᔆऱิګਢ proteoglycans ࡉ hyaluronic acidΖ

Types of connective tissues

A. Connective tissue proper (࿨ᒬิ៣׌᧯) Connective tissue proper ٦։੡ loose ֗ dense 1Ε Loose ( areolar ) connective tissue

(a) ௽ᐛ੡ fiber ඈ٨งᠾΕ༄ܶ

ground substanceΕژڇ๺ڍ լٵጟᣊऱาઽΔਢԳ᧯່ڍ ऱ connective tissueΖ

(b) Loose connective tissue is flexible, well vascularized, and not very resistant to stress.

2Ε Dense connective tissue

ઌለ࣍ loose connective tissueΔ dense connective ܶڶለ֟ऱา ઽΔࠀᖑڶለڍ׊۾Օڍᑇऱ

collagen fiberΖDense connective is less flexible and far more resistant to stress than is loose connective tissue.

ࠉᅃ collagen fiber ऱඈ٨ֱڤΔdense connective tissue Ծ٦։੡ dense irregular connective tissue ࡉ dense regular connective tissueΖ

(a) Dense irregular connective tissue

Collagen bundle ޲ڶࡐࡳऱඈ٨ֱٻΔThe collagen fibers form a 3-dementional network in dense connective tissue ΖᇖךΚຍጟඈ٨

ֱڤױࣂݼٚ۶ֱٻऱᚘԺΔࠏ՗੡ dermis (టؼ) փऱ dense irregular connective tissueΖ

(b) Dense regular connective tissue

Collagen bundle אԫࡳݮڤඈ٨Κࡉਇؓऱ fibroblast ٵֱٻΔ܂



ࣂݼ traction forceΔ່ൄߠऱࠏ՗੡ tendon փऱ dense regular connective tissueΖ

ϡ ܶڶ௽௘ࢤᔆऱ࿨ᒬิ៣ΰ connective tissue with special properties α 1Ε Adipose tissueΚ ܶڶ๺ڍ adipocyteΖ

2Ε Elastic tissueΚ ܶڶ๺ڍ elastic fiberΖࠀլൄߠΖ 3Ε Reticular tissue

ܶڶ๺ڍ reticular fiber (ط reticular cell ։ࣼ)Δല hematopoietic organ (ທ

ۨᕴࡴ) ։נ๺ڍሶၴΖ

4Ε Mucous tissueΚ ᥆࣍࿇୶መྀழཚऱิ៣Δmucous tissue ਢ umbilical cord (៯൅) ऱ׌૞ګٝΖ

ϡ ۟࣍ Supporting connective tissue ڇࠡהີᆏᝑ૪Ζ


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Gomori’nin gümüşleme yöntemi ile, tüm yaş gruplarındaki ve erişkin sıçan karaciğer dokusundaki retiküler (tip-3 kollagen lifler) liflerin koyu siyah renkte,