Photocatalytic Oxidation of As Photocatalytic Oxidation of As Photocatalytic Oxidation of As
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Bu çalışmada Lamiaceae familyasından bazı Salvia (Salvia macrochlamys BOISS. ET KOTSCHY, Salvia huberi HEDGE. ve Salvia kronenburgeii RECH.FIL) türlerinin ekstraktlarındaki
However, in patients with high Sx tertile, the intermediate-term incidence of death from any cause was signifi cantly higher in percutaneous coronary intervention group compared
Bu makalede biri (DN) ozelligine sahip iki Kothe uzaymm c,arp1m uzaylannm Ext funktorunun s1fir olmas1 ile c,arp1m uzaylarmm yakla§ik -diizgiin (pseudo-regular)
Polar coding was originally designed to be a low-complexity recur- sive channel combining and splitting operation of this type, to be used as the inner code in a concatenated
As this concept in the triad emphasizes the role of abstract space representing the concrete environment differently from its actuality, debates under this category
Here, we have shown that transperineal needle placement for brachytherapy and tissue biopsy can be effectively performed inside a stan- dard 1.5 T MRI scanner with a 60-cm bore..
Gibb’in takdiri kâfidir : Abdullah Cevdet Bey Şekspir hakkında yazmış olduğu türkçe mânzumeyi Gibb, tari hinde zikretmek için nazmen İngilizceye tercüme
Çalışmada, Anot/katot elektrot materyali olarak Paslanmaz Çeliğin (PÇ/PÇ) ve Demir-Paslanmaz Çeliğin (Fe/PÇ) kullanıldığı Elektrokoagülasyon (EK) Prosesi ile