The Fatty Acid Profile of Erythrocyte Membrane Phospholipid and
Plasma in Major Depressive
中文摘要 本研究旨在了解重鬱症患者紅血球細胞膜上磷脂質脂肪酸組成型態與正常人之 差異,並評估重鬱症患者紅血球磷脂質脂肪酸可否成為協助判定憂鬱症的生化指 標。本研究於台北市立萬芳醫院精神科招募 60 位平均年齡 35 歲之重鬱症患者 及 30 位平均年齡 31 歲之健康成人作為正常組,進行一般血液生化分析及紅血 球細胞膜上磷脂質及血漿脂肪酸組成分析。研究結果發現,重鬱症患者血液白蛋 白、總蛋白、直接膽紅素及鉀離子顯著比正常組低 (p<0.05),而三酸甘油酯及鈉 離子顯著高於正常組 (p<0.05);重鬱症患者血漿脂肪酸組成以亞麻油酸 (18:2 n-6) 及花生四烯酸 (20:4 n-6) 則顯著低於正常組 (p<0.05),而 docosatetraenic acid 顯著高於正常組,但紅血球細胞膜磷脂質脂肪酸組成以亞麻油酸顯著低於正 常組 (p<0.05),而花生四烯酸及 Σn-6/Σn-3 比例顯著高於正常組 (p<0.05);血 漿中前列腺素 E2 濃度顯著高正常組。此外,血漿中前列腺素 E2 濃度與紅血球 細胞膜磷脂質中二十碳五烯酸 (EPA) 呈顯著負相關,與Σn-6/Σn-3 多元不飽和 脂肪酸則呈顯著正相關。在統計迴歸分析中發現,紅血球細胞膜磷脂質和血漿多 元不飽和脂肪酸及血漿中前列腺素 E2 濃度與憂鬱症的嚴重程度並無顯著相關 性。由以上結果顯示,本實驗中血漿及紅血球細胞膜磷脂質脂肪酸組成並不能做 為輔助判定憂鬱症嚴重程度的生化指標。 英文摘要
The aim of this study is to realize the difference erythrocyte membrane phospholipid between healthy subjects and major depressive disorder patients and evaluate the erythrocyte membrane phospholipid whether be a proper biomarker to assist and judge the severity of major depression. Sixty major depressive patients (35 y) were recruited from Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Medical University Municipal Wan Fang Hospital. Thirty healthy community controls (31 y) were recruited as controlled subjects. We analyzed the blood biochemical characteristics, complete blood count, the fatty acid profile of plasma and erythrocyte membrane phospholipid. In results, the fatty acids composition of plasma lipid showed linoleic acid and arachidonic acid were significant lower in major depressive disorder patients than control, however docosatetraenic acid was significant higher than control. In major depressive disorder patients, although the fatty acid profile of erythrocyte membrane phospholipid
showed lower the linoleic acid content, statically arachidonic acid and total n-6/total n-3 PUFA were significant higher than control. Besides, the concentration of plasma
PGE2 was significant higher in major depressive disorder patients. The concentration of plasma PGE2 correlated negatively with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) of
erythrocyte membrane phospholipid, but positively correlated with total n-6/total n-3 PUFA of erythrocyte membrane phospholipid, however the severity of depression presented no correlation with PEG2 concentration, erythrocyte membrane
phospholipid and plasma polyunsaturated fatty acid. According to the result, we concluded plasma and erythrocyte membrane phospholipid can’t be a biomarker to assist the judgment of severity of depression.