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Efficient removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions using a modified poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers adsorbent


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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials

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Efficient removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions using a modified poly(ethylene

terephthalate) fibers adsorbent

Nuri Ünlü, Kübra Günay & Metin Arslan

To cite this article: Nuri Ünlü, Kübra Günay & Metin Arslan (2020) Efficient removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions using a modified poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers adsorbent, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials, 59:5, 527-535, DOI: 10.1080/25740881.2019.1669650 To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/25740881.2019.1669650

Published online: 13 Nov 2019.

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Efficient removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions using a modified poly (ethylene terephthalate) fibers adsorbent

Nuri Ünlüa, Kübra Günayb, and Metin Arslanc

aFaculty of Science and Arts, Chemistry Department, Aksaray University, Aksaray, Turkey;bGraduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Kırıkkale University, Yahsihan, Kırıkkale, Turkey;cDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Processing Technologies, Kırıkkale Vocational High SchoolKırıkkale University, Yahsihan, Kırıkkale, Turkey


A novel adsorbent was synthesized through functionalization of glycidyl methacrylate-g-poly(ethy- lene terephthalate) (GMA-g-PET) fibers with iminodiacetic acid (IDA) to give IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers.

This adsorbent was then exploited for the removal of Malachite Green (MG) and Rhodamine B (RB) dyes. MG has shown faster adsorption kinetics and equilibrium was attained in 15 mins. and 90 mins.

for MG and RB, respectively. IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers showed 100% removal efficiency for MG and RB dyes from the solutions having initial concentrations of 300 mg L−1and 200 mg L−1, respectively.

Desorption conditions of dyes and reusability of the fibers were also investigated.

ARTICLE HISTORY Received 11 May 2019 Revised 2 September 2019 Accepted 13 September 2019 KEYWORDS

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers; graft polymerization;

removal; cationic dye;

desorption; reusing

1. Introduction

Due to the growing industrialization, serious environ- mental problems like air, soil and water pollution became a major problem of humanity that should be controlled and solved before getting worse for the next generations.

Especially the aquatic environment which is vital for lives are polluted with many inorganic and organic pollutants like heavy metals, pesticides, and dyes. Synthetic dyes are overly used in many industrial processes especially in the textile industry and are accepted as the important pollu- tants in the environmental concerns because of their toxicity and carcinogenic nature.[1] Therefore, the removal of dyes from industrial wastewater is a crucial issue and has great importance before discharge.

However, owing to their resistance to biodegradation and durable chemical characteristics it is hard to remove synthetic dyes from wastewater by conventional treat- ment processes.[24] There are some dye removal pro- cesses like nanofiltration, membrane separation, electrochemical, ozone oxidation, biological treatments, ion-change, etc. However, these methods are either expensive or may need special infrastructures.[510]

Adsorption method is still accepted as a useful tool for removal of toxic constituents from aquatic media that utilizes a wide range of adsorbents including acti- vated carbon, sawdust, biomaterials, cotton waste, poly- meric material, rice husk, waste Fe (II)/Cr (III) hydroxide, wool, glass fiber, fibrous clay.[1122] In recent years, polymeric fibers are used as adsorbents for the removal of dyes from aqueous media because of their relatively low costs, high specific surface areas, and fast adsorption kinetics.[23,24]

PET fibers are synthetic fibers, that are widely used in the textile industry. They have excellent physical and chemical properties like resistance to mineral acids, oxidizing agents, sunlight and microorganisms.

However, PET fibers have hydrophobic character and they do not show affinity toward cationic or anionic dyes.[25,26]

Thermal and mechanical properties of PET fibers including some other physicochemical properties like dyeability, hydrophilicity or antistatic, etc. can be altered or improved in the desired manner by grafting different vinyl monomers to the fibers.

CONTACTMetin Arslan marslan@hotmail.com Department of Chemistry and Chemical Processing Technologies, Kırıkkale Vocational High SchoolKırıkkale University, Yahsihan, Kırıkkale 71450, Turkey

2020, VOL. 59, NO. 5, 527–535


© 2019 Taylor & Francis


In order to attain a polymer with desired function- ality greatly depends on the property of the vinyl monomer used in graft copolymerization. The graft copolymerization with suitable monomers may offer some advantages.[27]

Therefore, low-cost fibrous adsorbents like functio- nalized PET fibers are of practical research interests to develop novel adsorbents for the removal of dyes or pollutants in general from aqueous solutions. In our previous works, plane and grafted PET fibers were used as adsorbents for the removal of some heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions by a batch equilibration technique.[2830] It has been observed that within those studies the reactive fibers are stable and regener- able by acid without losing their activity.

In the present study, IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers were prepared as a novel fibrous adsorbent via graft copoly- merization and have been exploited for the removal of Malachite Green (MG) and Rhodamine B (RB) from aqueous media.

2. Experimental method 2.1. Materials

The polyester (PET) fibers (122 dTex, middle drawing) used in all experiments were provided by SASA Co.

(Adana, Turkey). The fibers were washed with dimethyl ketone under soxhlet-extraction for 10 h and dried to a constant weight in a vacuum oven at 50°C. Benzoyl peroxide (purchased from Merck) was purified twice by recrystallization from chloroform in methanol and dried. All other reagents were of Merck products and used as they received. Dyes were purchased from Merck. Molecular structures of dyes were given as below (Figure 1):

2.2. Swelling procedure

The fibers were immersed in dichloroethane at 90°C for 2 h. The swollen the fibers was wiped with cleansing tissue to remove dichloroethane and placed into the polymerization medium.[31]

2.3. Graft copolymerization process

GMA grafted PET (GMA-g-PET) fibers with different graft yields were prepared as described in the procedure below. Chemistry, grafting mechanism and characteri- zation of GMA-g-PET fibers were illustrated in our previous work.[32] Graft copolymerization was allotted in a three-necked polymerization glass tube. The poly- merization tube containing the PET fiber about 0.3 g, acceptable quantity of GMA monomer and benzoyl peroxide at a needed concentration in 2 mL dissolving agent (acetone) was created up to 20 mL with deminer- alized water. The polymerization tube was instantly placed into the water bathtub adjusted to the polymer- ization temperature (at 70°C). At the tip of the present chemical change time (2 h), the grafted fibers were taken out. Compound and free of the homopolymers were extracted with acetone for 24 h. The modified fibers were then dried at 25°C for 24 h and weighed.

The graft yield (G Y) was calculated from the weight increase in grafted fibers as follows:

GY %ð Þ¼ ½ mgm=mi

x100 (1)

Where miand mgrepresent the weights of the original and grafted fibers, respectively.[33]

2.4. Preparation of IDA-GMA-g-PET

GMA-g-PET fibers were subjected to the IDA functio- nalization by using diethyl iminodiacetate with two- step reactions. Reaction routes were summarized in Figure 2. In the first step, diethyl iminodiacetates were allowed to react with the epoxy groups of the GMA on the GMA-g-PET fibers and then with acid hydrolysis the functional groups were converted to iminodiaceti- cacid groups. For this, GMA-g-PET fibers were immersed in 0.5 M diethyl iminodiacetate in 50% etha- nol. The contents were shaken at 110 rpm for 4 h at 80°

C using orbital shaker (Selectra). Then, the resulting PET fibers were separated from the diethyl iminodia- cetate solution and washed with deionized water.

Subsequently, the hydrolysis of the introduced diethyl iminodiacetate was carried out by heating (80°C) the

Figure 1.Molecular structures of the dyes a) Malachite Green (MG) b) Rhodamine B (RB).

528 N. ÜNLÜ ET AL.


resulting PET fibers in 1 M HNO3for 4 h. IDA-GMA -g-PET fibers were washed repeatedly with deionized water. IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers were vacuum-dried at 50°C for 24 h and weighed. The amount of IDA (%) was calculated from the weight increase in IDA-GMA -g-PET fibers as follows:

IDA %ð Þ¼ ws  wg½ð Þ=ws x 100 (2) where wg and ws denote the weights grafted PET fibers and IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers, respectively.[34]

2.5. FTIR spectra and SEM analysis

FTIR spectra of ungrafted, GMA grafted and IDA- GMA-g-PET fibers were obtained. The fibers were cut into roughly 1 mm size, mixed with KBr, and then pressed. The spectra were recorded on a Bruker Vertex 70V FTIR spectrometer. SEM microscopy was carried out to analyze the surface morphology of origi- nal and GMA-g-PET fibers employing a JEOL Model SEM JSM 5600 model Scanning Electron Microscope.

The fibers were coated with a thin layer of gold before SEM analysis.

2.6. Adsorption studies

Sorption experiments were carried out by agitating 0.1 g of IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers in 25 cm3 of aqueous dye solutions for a predetermined time at a speed of 125 rpm by using an orbital shaker (Selectra). At the end of the adsorption, time fibers were separated by centrifugation and washed gently. The pH of the super- natant solution (or diluted solution if needed) was adjusted to pH 6.8 and dye concentration was determined

by using a UV/VIS spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer Lambda 25). For this, calibration curves were plotted between absorbance and concentration of the standard dye solutions (at pH = 6.8). Absorbance values were recorded at 665 nm. The adsorption capacity of the fibers was evaluated by using the following expression:

q¼ Cð oCÞV=m (3)

Where q is the amount of dye adsorbed onto unit mass of the PET fibers (mg g−1), Coand C are the concen- tration of the dye (MG or RB) in the initial solution and in the aqueous phase after adsorption treatment for a certain period of time (mg L−1), respectively; V is the volume of the dye solution used (L); and m is the amount of the IDA-GMA-g-PETfibers used (g). Each sorption experiment was done triplicate and average values were taken as the data.

2.7. Desorption studies

Desorption studies were carried out in 25 mL of acetic acid solutions in methanol. Solutions with different acetic acid percentages were used to examine the effect of acid concentration. The dye was desorbed in an hour, then diluted with water and analyzed as above. The desorption percent was calculated employing Eq. 4.

%Desorption¼ Amount of cationic dyeðmgÞ desorbed

Absorbed amount of cationic dyeðmgÞ by absorbent100 (4)

The sorption-desorption process was repeated ten times using IDA-GMA-g-PETfibers.







OOCH2CH CH2 + ..

OH GMA-g-PET fibers


CH2-C-O-C2H5 O CH2-C-O-C2H5



CH2-C-O-C2H5 O CH2-C-O-C2H5





CH2-C-O-C2H5 O CH2-C-O-C2H5


1 M HNO3

80 °C, 4 h CH HC C H3C





IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers

Figure 2.Reaction mechanism of IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers.


3. Result and discussion 3.1. SEM analysis

Surface morphology of bare PET fibers and GMA grafted PET fibers were compared by taking SEM micro- graphs. Grafted and ungrafted PET fibers are signifi- cantly different in morphology as seen inFigure 3. The surface of the ungrafted PET fibers are smooth, clean and homogeneous (Figure 3a), however, as a result of the grafted side chains of GMA, the grafted fibers seem to form microphases attached to the PET back-bone and caused a heterogeneous appearance (Figure 3b).

3.2. FTIR spectra

The chemical structures of original, GMA-g-PET and IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers have been analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy and is displayed in Figure 4. The FTIR spectra of original PET fibers displayed peaks owing to

C = O (at 1712 cm−1), C = C and aliphatic C-H (at 1411 and 1578 cm−1) of PET fibers. After the grafting with GMA, the spectrum of the GMA-g-PET fiber changed.

The new peak at 905 cm−1 in the spectrum is owing to the resonance peak of the epoxy groups. After IDA functionalization of GMA-g-PET fibers, the new peak disappeared (905 cm−1) and the new peak at 1635 cm−1 in the spectrum emerged owing to carboxylate ions, which is assigned to the absorption of IDA-GMA units and confirmed the reaction of epoxy on GMA-g-PET fibers with amino groups in the IDA. In addition, the new peak at 3349 cm−1shown inFigure 4was attributed to the O-H peak.[35,36]

3.3. Effect of graft yield on IDA attachment IDA functionalization was optimized by following the

% IDA yield of the GMA-g-PET fibers with different graft yields. As can be seen from Figure 5, % IDA Figure 3.SEM micrographs of (a) ungrafted and (b) GMA-g-PET fibers (150%).

Figure 4.FTIR spectra of PET fibers.

530 N. ÜNLÜ ET AL.


functionalization was increased with an increase in graft yield of GMA to some extent, but after 150%

graft yield it was started to decrease. This behavior is attributed to the thickening of the PET fiber with an increase in the graft yield.[34] Maximum IDA

functionalization was achieved on 150% graft yield PET fibers with 36% of IDA content.

3.4. Effect of ph

As can be seen from Figure 5 dye adsorption capacity rapidly increases with increase in pH up to a certain pH value then slows down and reaches nearly a plateau depending on the ion-ion interaction between positively charged dye molecules and getting more negatively charged surface of the PET fibers. Interaction route was given in scheme 2. Interestingly, after this plateau value, further increase in pH resulted in an extra increase in capacity. This increase may have been occured as a result of some kind of nonspecific interactions likeπ- π and hydrophobic interactions or other weak van der Waals forces after completion of specific adsorption on the adsorbent. This effect is observed to be more appear- ent for RB which is structurally bigger and more aro- matic than MG. After this increase, adsorption capacity starts to decrease due to increase in ionic strength.

Optimum pHs were determined as 10 and 13 for the dyes MG and RB, respectively.

3.5. Effect on IDA functionalization

To observe the effect of IDA % on adsorption efficiency, PET fibers with different IDA contents were treated with the dyes under the conditions described in Figure 8.

Figure 8 clearly shows that as IDA % increases, the removal efficiency increases depending on the increase in specific adsorption sites (IDA) on PET fibers. The best performance was observed for the IDA-GMA -g-PET fibers having a 36% IDA content that showed 100% removal efficiency. Adsorption studies were car- ried with this IDA functionalized PET fibers throughout this work to investigate other adsorption characteristics.

3.6. Effect of contact time

Fast adsorption kinetics is a desired property for an adsorbent that is important for its practical use and econ- omy in wastewater treatment/removal processes.

Adsorption time course of Malachite Green (MG) and Rhodamine B (RB) dyes on IDA functionalized PET fibers were studied to find out its kinetic characteristics.

Figure 9shows the time dependencies of the adsorption amount of the dyes on IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers from aqueous solutions. For MG fast adsorption kinetics was observed. Equilibrium was attained in 15 minutes.

However, for RB slower adsorption kinetics was observed.

The equilibrium was attained in 90 minutes. It is thought to be because of the time required to reach the bigger RB Figure 5.Effect of graft yield on iminodiacetate attachment (%

yield) on GMA-g-PET fibers: diethtyliminodiacetate = 0,5 M in 50% ethanol (v/v); t = 80°C; time = 4 h.

Figure 6.Effect of pH on removal (a) adsorption capacity (b) removal %. C0= 10 mg L−1; t = 90 min.


dye molecules to the inner accessible adsorption sites depending on-the filamentous structure of the PET fibers.

Adsorption kinetic models of Lagergren’s pseudo- first order, Ho’s second-order and Weber-Morris

intraparticle diffusion kinetic models were applied to the kinetic data obtained for the dye RB.[37–39]

Constants related to these models were given in Table 1.

Figure 10a shows the plot of Weber-Morris kinetic model for the adsorption of RB. As can be seen in the figure, for the first part of the adsorption (0–45 mins.) this model does not work. Because in this time course electrostatic interactions predominate. As stated in the literature, initially curved (as in the case inFigure 10a) or steep-sloped portion of such graphs can be attributed to the bulk diffusion or exterior adsorption rate.[40–42] Pseudo-first and pseudo-second order kinetic models fit well in this time period. On the consideration of the experimental and theoretical qe values given in Table 1, it was concluded that adsorp- tion kinetics is more likely to fit the pseudo-first order kinetic model in this stage. However, in the second part of the plot (45–90 mins.), the linear part with R2 of 0.99, (shown inFigure 10bseparately), and intraparticle diffusion kinetics is seemed to be effective on the adsorption. It is known that if the Weber- Morris plot passing through origin is linear, it is concluded that intraparticle diffusion is a rate determining step.[39]

Upon this knowledge, therefore, we re-evaluated the Weber-Morris plot of this time interval (45–90 mins.) by passing through the origin. This plot with an R2of 0.74, have shown us that intraparticle diffusion is not the only rate determining step, but, it is an effective stage in the overall adsorption process.

3.7. Effect of initial dye concentration

As can be seen in Figure 11a for both dyes, adsorption capacity increases as the initial dye concentrations increase and then levels off. This can be explained with the satura- tion of the available adsorption sites after a certain initial Figure 7.Removal of dyes on the adsorbent.

Figure 8.Efect IDA content on dye removal efficiency.

C0 = 10 mg L−1; t = 90 min; pH = optimum pHs.

Figure 9.Effect of contact time on the adsorption of MG and RB dyes at optimum conditions except C0= 10 mg L−1(for each dye).

Table 1.Parameters for the kinetic models.

Pseudo-first order kinetics

(0–45 min) Pseudo-second order kinetics

(0–45 min) Intraparticle Diffusion

(45–90 min) qe(exp) (mg.g−1) qe(theor.) (mg.g−1) k1(min1) R2 qe(exp) (mg.g−1) qe(theor.) (mg.g−1)


(g mg-1min−1) R2


(mg.g−1min−1/2) R2

2,5 1,8 0,0012 0,94 2,5 1,3 0,13 0,97 0,4635 0,99

532 N. ÜNLÜ ET AL.


concentration. Figure 11b shows the efficiency of the adsorbent used in this study. As can be seen in the figure, it is possible to remove Rhodamine B and Malachite Green dyes with 100% removal efficiencies for the initial dye concentrations of 200 mg L−1and 300 mg L−1, respectively.

This removal efficiencies show that IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers are appropriate alternative adsorbents for dye removal processes.

3.8. Desorption efficiency and reusability of the adsorbent

Desorption and reusability studies are important para- meters to evaluate the applicability and to decide on the value of an adsorbent for both removal and recovery purposes. It is desired for an adsorbent to have ease of regeneration and reusability. Adsorption-desorption studies for IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers were carried out with the dye concentrations of 30 mg L−1. Since adsorp- tion is favored in basic conditions, an acidic solution is used for the desorption. For this, the acetic acid solu- tion in methanol with different concentrations was used.Figure 12shows the effect of acetic acid solutions

used in desorption studies. As can be seen from the figure that 50% acetic acid solution is appropriate for desorption of both dyes. With this desorption agent, Malachite Green and Rhodamine B dyes were desorbed with the desorption efficiencies of 100% and 85%, respectively. The reusability of the adsorbent was tested Figure 10.Intraparticle diffusion plot for RB (a) for 0–90 mins.

(b) for 45–90 mins. Figure 11.Effect of initial dye concentrations on (a) adsorption capacity (b) removal efficiency.

Figure 12.Effect of concentration of acetic acid solution on desorption.


in 10 times of adsorption-desorption cycle for both dyes. It can be recognized from Figure 13 that IDA- GMA-g-PET fibers have good regerability and stability.

4. Conclusions

IDA functionalized GMA-g-PET fibers were synthe- sized as a novel adsorbent for removal of cationic dyes. pH was an important parameter the adsorption process and optimum pHs were found to be 10 and 13 for MG and RB respectively. For both dyes, adsorption mainly occurred on the ion-ion interaction. But in adsorption of RB, it was observed that other interaction types were started to become important after a certain pH. Kinetically, MG has shown faster adsorption over RB. Intraparticle diffusion was found to be effective the adsorption of RB but is not a rate-determining step.

IDA-GMA-g-PET fibers showed 100% removal effi- ciency for the initial dye concentrations of 200–300 mg/mL depending on the dye used. The synthesized PET fibers were regenerable and stable and can be used as an alternative adsorbent.


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