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Benzer Belgeler
Ticari olarak ulafl›labilir ve s›k kullan›lan teda- vi planlama sistemlerinde mevcut inhomojenite düzeltme algoritmalar› akci¤er kanseri üç boyutlu konformal radyoterapi
The purpose of this study was to determine the natural antioxidant content and antioxidant capacity of wild leek plant, an Allium subspecies of the Alliaceae family, which grows
In this study, fourteen irrigation treatments in four growth periods (vegetative, flowering, yield formation and ripening) of pepper (Capsicum annuum l. Demre) were constituted
Glioblastoma multiforme tan›l› hastalarda teda- vi sonras› sa¤kal›m› etkileyen prognostik faktörler çok de¤iflkenli analizde yafl, multisentrisite, preRT KPS ve cinsiyet
The reason for this temperature increase in stratosphere layer is that solar rays (especially the UV-B rays having high energy) are absorbed.. Since the ozone layer
Lime requirement for crops grown on acid soils is determined by the quality of liming material, status of soil fertility, crop species and varieties, crop management
Sema Anak, ‹stanbul T›p Fakültesi, Çocuk Sa¤l›¤› ve Hastal›klar› Anabilim Dal›, Hematoloji/Onkoloji Bilim Dal›.. Ayflegül Ünüvar, ‹stanbul T›p Fakültesi,
Genel yaflam süreleri bak›m›ndan 3 farkl› kon- vansiyonel tedavi rejimi aras›nda istatistiksel olarak anlaml› farkl›l›k tespit edilmemifltir.. Bir y›ll›k PFS