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Analysis of the creativity level of the gifted students


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World Conference on Educational Sciences 2009

Analysis of the creativity level of the gifted students

Murat Tekin


*, Özden Taú÷in



Karamano÷lu Mehmetbey University School of Physical Education and Sports Karaman 70100, Turkey Received October 23, 2008; revised December 25, 2008; accepted January 6, 2009


The aim of this study is; to analyse the creativity level of gifted students.

The research group is consisted of 73 male and 48 female, total 121students of 5th and 6th grade, studying at the Ankara Science and Arts Centre.

Firstly the available data about the aim of examination is given systematicly by researching the relavent literature; by this way a theoric frame is created about the subject. Secondly, Adaptation-Innovation Inventory (KAI),scale of creativity, developed by Kreton is applied on the students, joined to the investigations.

In the analysis and interpretation of data, t-test; One Way Anova; and to measure the difference between the groups, Tukey test is used and significance of P<0,05 is taken. SPSS (Statistical package for social sciences) package progam is used to evaluate and find the rated values.

As a result of the study no important difference is found betweeen the creativity levels of the gifted studendts in terms of class variable, however an important difference is found in terms of the education level of parents variable. Being gifted is; one’s ability of creating special things differntly from his peers, from the point of creativity, motivation and mental quality and combination of all these qualities. Gifted children that have high talent, creativity and potantial of responsibility of duty is thought to be necessary in many areas for the performance of true gifted.

© 2009 Elsevier Ltd.

Key words: Gifted, student, creativity, education.

1. Introduction

Being gifted is; one’s ability of creating special things differently from the peers, in terms of creativity,

motivation and mental quality and combination of all these qualities ( Rezulli and Delcount, 1986) .

These three qualities used in the multiple criteria depiction of the gifted childen that have gifted, creativity and

potantial of responsibility of duty, is thought to be necessary in many areas for the performance of true gifted. The

combination of these three qualities is defined as gifted, when the person uses them for a performance with a special

effort (Hallahan and Kaufmann, 1991). The gifted ones have a higher process of learning compared to their peer.

They are good at relating events, they can concentrate on something for a long time, abstract subjects take their

* Murat Tekin Tel.: +90 0338 228 03 23; fax: +90 0338 228 03 24 E-mail address: murattekin76@gmail.com

Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 1088–1092

1877-0428©2009ElsevierLtd. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2009.01.196

Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.


attention, they can easily solve problems from their memories, and like reading higher level of books compared to

their peers (Enwistle,1984). Scores of tests, being good at special areas and creative productivity, evoluation of

teacher and evoluation of instructurs in accordance with the inclinations of students, participating to the studies

voluntarily are said to be the criterias of defining the gifted students.

Creativity is the effort to find the unknown in every field, being original, and developing different solutions to

every new problem, new encounters.Talent of relating the visual objects and concepts that were unrelated before.

Creative person is the one who reads, observes, listens and investigates ( Brockman, 1993).

2. Method

2.1. Research group:

The group consisted of 73 male and 48 female, total 121 students of 5


and 6


grade, studying at the Ankara

Science and Arts Centre.

2.2. Collecting data

Firstly the existing data about the aim of examination is given systematicly by researching the relavent literature;

by this way a theoric frame is created about the subject. Secondly, Adaptation-Innovation Inventory (KAI), scale of

creativity, developed by Kreton is applied on the students, joined to the investigations.

2.2.1. Adaptation-innovation inventory (KAI):

This scale is consisted of 33 expression. Rates are evaluated is made by using fivefold likert composed of five

expressions “ Strondly disagree”, “Disagree” , “Undecided” , “Agree” , “Strongly agree”.

In this research total creativity scores of the people are evoulated by the evoulation of scores in the scale.

Scores between 32-79 in the (KAI) scale shows group of low level creativity, scores between 80-112 shows

group of medium level of creativity and scores between 113-160 shows high level of creativity.

2.3. analysis of data

In the analysis and interpetation and of data; t-test; One Way Anova; and to measure the difference between the

groups Tukey test is used and significance P<0,05 is taken. SPSS (Statistical package for social sciences) package

program is used to evaluate and find the calculated values.

3. Findings

Table 1 The Reuslt Of t Test Showing The Creativity Level Of Gifted Students In Terms Of Gender Variable

N Mean Std. Deviation t p

Male 73 122,9178 27,2288

Female 48 126,6875 22,1697

-0,800 0,425

As it is seen on the table 1; no important difference is found between the creativity level of gifted students in

terms of gender variable (t value =-0,800 p=0,425>0,05).

Table 2 One- Way Anova Test Results Showing The Creativity Level Of Gifted Students In Terms Of Class Variable

Sum of squares sd Mean of square F p

Between the groups 1387,750 2 693,875


As it is seen on the table 2; no important difference is found among the levels of creativity of the gifted students

on the basis of class variable (F value=1,084 p=0,341> 0,05).

Table 3 One- Way Anova Test Results Showing The Creativity Level Of Gifted Students In Terms Of Education Level Of Mother Variable

Sum of squares sd Mean of square F p

Between the groups 796,341 2 398,170

Within the groups 76096,998 118 644,890

2,617 0,041

As it seen on the table 3; an important difference is found in the level of creativity of gifted students in terms of

level of education mother variable (F value=2,617 p=0,041< 0,05).

Table 4 Analysis Results Showing The Comparison Of Creativity Levels Of Gifted Students With Tukey Test In Terms Of Education Level Of Mother Variable

Education Level Of Mother Variable Mean Differences P

High school -2,9488 0,889 Primary school Licence -6,8187* 0,044* Primary school -2,9488 0,889 High school Licence 3,8698 0,732 Primary school -6,8187* 0,044* Licence High school -3,8698 0,732

As it is seen on the table 4 ; creativity level of the students whose mother are license graduate is higher compared

to the one’s whose mother are primary school graduate.

Table 5 One- Way Anova Test Results Showing Gifted Students’ Creativity Level In Terms Of Education Level Of Father Variable

Sum of squares sd Mean of square F p

Between the groups 80,921 2 40,461

Within the groups 76812,417 118 650,953

2,062 0,049

As it is seen on the table 5; there is significant difference between the creativity levels of gifted students in terms

of father’s education level variable (F value =2,062 p=0,049< 0,05).

Table 6 Analysis Results Showing The Comparison Of Creativity Levels Of Gifted Students With Tukey Test In Terms Of Education Level Of Father Variable

Education Level Of Mother Variable Mean Differences P

High school -0,6471 0,996 Primary school Licence -2,0694* 0,046* Primary school 0,6471 0,996 High school Licence -1,4224 0,961 Primary school 2,0694* 0,046* Licence Licence 1,4224 0,961


As it is seen on the table 6 ; creativity level of the students whose fathers are license graduate is higher compared

to the ones whose fathers are primary school graduate.

4. General Discussion

The aim of this study is; to analyse the creativity level of the gifted students. The results of the study and

commentary on them are given below.

In terms of the gender variable; no significant difference is found between the level of creativity of gifted

students ( p>0,05).

This result shows us that gifted students’ ability of creating special things differently from their peers in terms of

creativity, motivation and mental quality is the same with the ability of expressing the combination of all these

qualities. This result shows paralellism to Boilng and Boiling (1993)’s, Hirschman (2000)’s, Reese and his friends

(2001)’, Mangır and Aral (1990)’s, Çoban (1999)’s, Aslan (1994)’s, Özben and Argun (2002)’s, Türko÷lu (2003)’s,

Gönen and his friends (2002)’, Starko (2001)’s, Sonmaz (2002)’s, Ba÷cı (2003)’s, Yenilmez and Yolcu (2007)’s,

Bekçi and Erdo÷an (2007)’s, Genç (2000)’s, Pala (1999)’s and Tekin (2008)’s studies.

No significant difference is found in the creativity level of gifted students in terms of class variable (p> 0,05).

The cause of absence of difference is thought to be that the gifted having a higher process of learning compared to

their peers their being good at relating events, their creativity level’s being good, their ability to give attention to

abstract subjects and easiliy solving problems in their minds. This finding shows paralellism to the study maden by

Varo÷lu and Varo÷lu (1994), Sungur (1992), Çetingöz (2002), Iúler and Bilgin (2002) and Tekin (2008)

A significant difference is found between the creativity level of gifted students in terms of education level of

mother variable (p< 0,05). As a result; it is seen that the creativity level of students whose mothers are license

graduate is higher than the ones whose mothers are primary school graduate. This result shows us that the education

level of mothers has a positive affect on creativity. This finding is parallel to Aral (1992)’s, Özben and Argun

(2002)’s, Tulgay (1197)’s, ùen (1999)’s and Erbay and Ça÷daú (2007)’s studies.

Family atmosphere has an important effect on the development of creativity. Family atmophere which is the first

instruction of creativity, being democratic has a positive effect on the development of creativity of individual.

Individual’s having a democratic family atmosphere in which he can express himself easily makes him more


A significant differnce is found between the creativity level of gifted students in terms of education level of

father variable ( p< 0,05). As a result; it is seen that the creativity level of students whose father are license educated

is higher than the ones whose fathers are primary school educated. This result shows us that the education level of

fathers has a positive affect on creativity. This finding is parallel to Aral (1992)’s, Özben and Argun (2002)’s,

Tulgay(1197)’s, ùen(1999)’s and Erbay and Ça÷daú(2007)’s studies.

These results brings us to the judgement that parents are the ones who closely observes the development of

individuals. So the role of parents and in relation to that their education level is quite important in the aquirement of

a creative manner of children. The education level of parent is supposed to improve the behaviors that individual

develops rather than conventional ones and different approaches he creates towards the events, in a positive way.

As a result of the study no important difference is found among the levels of creativity of the gifted students on

the basis of class variable however an important difference is found in terms of the education level of parents. Being

gifted one’s ability of creating special things differntly from the peers, from the point of creativity, motivation and

mental quality and combination of all these qualities. Gifted childen that have gifted, creativity and potantial of

responsibility of duty is thought to be necessary in many areas for the performance of true gifted.


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Table 2 One- Way Anova Test Results Showing The Creativity Level Of Gifted Students In Terms Of Class Variable
Table 5 One- Way Anova Test Results Showing Gifted Students’ Creativity Level In Terms Of  Education Level Of Father Variable


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