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Başlık: KRONOLOJİ : CHRONOLOGYYazar(lar):Cilt: 22 Sayı: 0 DOI: 10.1501/Intrel_0000000208 Yayın Tarihi: 1992 PDF


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7 Foreign Minister Hikmet Çetin vvarned Syria concerning the security of borders during his meeting vvith Abd al-Aziz Al-Rifai, the Syrian Ambassador to Ankara.

8 FM Çetin met Nelson Ledsky, the U.S. Special Coordinator for Cyprus. Çetin emphasized that a solution could only be reached through inter-communal negotiations and added that the U.S. contribution to this end vvould be helpful. Ledsky stated that the aim of his visit vvas not to table a proposal, but to understand the vievvs of the new government on this issue.

9 The Croatian FM Zvonimir Separovic arrived in İstanbul as the official guest of his Turkish counterpart. Mr. Separovic requested the recognition of his country as well as humanitarian aid from Turkey.

Mushin Dizai, Special Representative of the Leader of the Iraqi Kurdistan Democratic Party, arrived in Ankara. After his meeting vvith FM Çetin, Mr. Dizai said that they vvanted to enter into closer contact vvith the nevv government that upheld the process of democratisation.

14 Greek Prime Minister Konstantin Mitsotakis gave an intervievv to the Turkish daily Milliyet on Turco-Greek relations and the Cyprus issue. Mitsotakis stated that the Cyprus issue vvas deteriorating the relations betvveen Turkey and Greece, and added that they preferred a multilateral conference to a summit of four on the Cyprus issue.

*Initially prepared by four research assistants and revised and reduced by Özlen Künçek.


114 THE TURKıSH YEARBOOK [ . Armenian FM Rafi Hovanasian, in an interview to a Turkish daily, said that Turkey and Armenia were determined not to cast a shadow on cuırent bilateral relations because of historical events.

15 The protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations betvveen Turkey and Azerbaijan vvas signed in Baku.

18 Martin Bengeman, Vice-President of the European Commission, came to Turkey for an offtcial visit. Evaluating the developments that took place since Turkey's application to the E.C. membership in 1987, he said that Turkey had achieved considerable improvement in the realm of human rights.

21 An agreement of cooperation vvas signed betvveen the E.C. Commission and Turkey. The Vice-President of the E.C. Commission Martin Bengeman said that Turkey vvould serve as a bridge betvveen Müslim and Christian worlds, betvveen the East and the West, and betvveen Asia and Europe after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

The Greek poliçe declared that four members of the Dev-Sol, vvhich might have participated in the attack at the Turkish Consulate in Athens in July, vvere arrested and taken under custody.

23 The Seıbian Head of State Slobodan Milosevic came to Turkey and met President Turgut özal, PM Süleyman Demirel and FM Çetin. Mr. Milosevic said that Turkey and Serbia had been pursuing good relations since the foundation of the Turkish Republic and added that Turkey vvas not supporting the dissolution of Yugoslavia.

25 Albanian Foreign Minister Ilır Bocka came to Ankara for an official visit. The Yugoslav issue vveighted heavily in the agenda.

27 Majör Abd al-Salam Jallud, member of the Revolutionary Command Council of Libya, came to Ankara for an official visit. Jallud denied Libyan connection vvith the PKK.

29 FM Çetin met the Head of the Palestinian delegation Faisal Huseini. Çetin said that a just and a long-lasting peace could not be established until Israeli vvithdravval from the Occupied Territories.

30 PM Demirel flevv to Zürich to participate in the "World Economic Forum", and to conduct bilateral negotiations.



I PM Demirci and his Greek counterpart Constantin Mitsotakis met in Davos. A Joint Declaration stated that both sides should help to solve the Cyprus issue within the framevvork of the efforts of the U.N. Secretary-General and to sign a bilateral cooperation agreement.

3 The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Agreement was initialled in istanbul.

4 In his intervievv vvith the U.S. vveekly Time PM Demirel proposed the establishment of a nevv Marshall Plan to help sustain stability in the Turkic Republics. He stated that Turkey and the U.S. had been military allies since 1947, and that an "economic alliance" should also be mature.

6 Ministerial meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO), held in Ankara, approved the memberships of Azerbaijan, Türkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

7 President Özal met Mustafa Cemiloğlu, the Head of the National Assembly of the Crimean Turks. Cemiloğlu said that the Crimean Turks vvere suffering enormous agonies, and that they vvere anticipating Turkish assistance. The Turkish President stated, in return, that the Turkic vvorld had a bright future.

10 The Chairman of the Turkish National Assembly Hüsamettin Cindoruk met his Austrian counterpart Heinz Fischer. During the meeting, Cindoruk said that Turkey vvould spend every effort to attain a higher level of democratic society.

II PM Demirel met President George Bush during his official visit to the United States. The tvvo leaders agreed on improving cooperation concerning relations vvith Central Asia, on strengthening collaboration against the PKK terror, and on the continuation of sanctions against Iraq. President Bush said that Turkey vvould be a model for the Central Asian republics and added that his country vvould extend ali support to this end.

14 PM Demirel met the U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali in Nevv York. During the meeting Mr. Demirel said that Turkey vvas looking forvvard to a political solution, and not to a dictated one that vvould create problems in the long run. In a talk at the Council of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Demirel said that the Kurds enjoyed the same rights as did the other citizens of the Turkish Republic and that they vvere not considered as a minority.


116 THE TURKSH YEARBOOK [ . 15 President özal flew to Tehran to participate in the summit meeting of E.C.O.

Committee of Nations and Nationalism which works under the auspices of the Turkish Department of the Helsinki Citizens Assembly, held a conference on "Peace Initiative for Kurdish issue" in istanbul. More than a hundred politicians, scientists and members of the intelligentsia participated in the conference. They emphasized their concerns över the possible escalation and the spreading of the conflicts.

17 State Minister Tansu Çiller went to Libya to attend the meeting of Governors of Islamic Development Bank.

President özal met PM of Pakistan Navvaz Sherif and Tadjik FM Lakim Kay uma in Tehran.

18 In a speech on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Turkey's accession to NATO, General John Galvin said that Iraq's considerable amount of military force should be taken into consideration. He stated that hundreds of tanks and armoured war vehicles would be provided to the Turkish Military Forces within the framework of the " Harmonisation Programme" developed in NATO after the C.F.E. Agreement.

During the meeting of the Governors of the Islamic Development Bank in Tripoli, State Minister Tansu Çiller met Libyan leader Mohammed Qaddafi.

20 The Leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Mesud Barzani came to Turkey on the invitation of the Turkish President and PM. During the interview at the airport, Barzani said that elections, to be held in Northern Iraq in April, should lead to a local a Kurdish government.

21 PM Demirel met Mesud Barzani in Ankara. After the meeting Mr. Demirel said that the peoples of Turkey and Northern Iraq should not be put on the same footing with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

Edvvard Djerejian, the assistant of the U.S. Secretary of State on the Middle East, came to Turkey. In his interview at the Esenboğa Airport, Mr. Djerejian said that satisfactory results vvere achieved at the end of the negotiations.

Armenia reacted to Turkish pre-planned military exercise "Winter 92", and requested Russia to put its vveight conceming the issue.

26 Alexander Dubcek, the Speaker of Czechoslovak Parliament, came to Ankara for an offıcial visit. Mr. Dubcek met PM Demirel, FM Çetin, to


whom he expressed satisfaction över Turkey's considerable support to his couniry and hoped for more cooperation in the economic fıeld.

PM Bujor Bukosi of Kosova met the leader of the Democratic Leftist Party, Bülent Ecevit.

MARCH 1992

2 FM Çetin and the accompanying delegation left for Kazakhstan. A protocol was signed on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

6 Spokesman of the Greek Foreign Ministry criticized Turkey for the impasse in the Cyprus issue. He said that the "thaw" in Turkish-Greek relations could not continue.

7 In his interview vvith the English daily Financial Times, President özal said that Turkey could impose blockade on Armenia to deter it from intervening in Nagorno-Karabakh. Mr. özal added that the distribution of arms to Armenians in that region from the Russian depots of munitions could be documented.

10 French President François Mitterand received Turkish Vice-Premier Erdal tnönü who vvas in Paris for an O.E.C.D. meeting. Mr. İnönü said that he requested Mr. Mitterand to exert pressure on Armenia to provide cease-fıre in Nagorno-Karabakh and added that a common Turkish-French initiative could be commenced to this end.

During the meeting of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council in Brussels, FM Çetin said that ali international organisations should spend efforts to provide peace in Nagorno-Karabakh and urged U.S. to exert pressure on Armenia.

11 FM Çetin sent a 6-article peace plan to ali parties, international organizations and members of the Security Council to end the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. Absence of the Armenian FM in the conference vvas interpreted as refusal of the peace plan.

The PKK attacked certain Turkish consulates and branches of banks in Europe, acts violating domestic and international lavv. The London offıce of the Turkish Airlines vvas also occupied by terrorists for a vvhile. About 200 intnıders vvere taken under custody.

12 150 terrorists occupied the Berlin office of the Turkish Airlines. The Turkish Government asked the German Government to adopt a


118 THE TURKıSH YEARBOOK [ . determiııed attitude to discourage attacks towards the Turkish representative's office and various organizations in the F.R. of Germany .

The Armenian Head of State Levon Ter Petrosyan had an intervievv with the Turkish daily Milliyet. He expressed readiness to host özal and Demirel in Erivan. He emphasized his belief on Turkey's determination for keeping her neutral stance.

15 In a press conference at the Esenboğa Airport, FM Çetin, upon his return from Brussels and Lisbon, said that Turkey wanted to bring ali the parties together to provide a lasting cease-fire at Nagorno-Karabakh.

20 NATO Secretary-General Manfred Wörner met President özal, PM Demirel, FM Çetin and National Defence Minister Nevzat Ayaz. Wörner said that Turkey plays an important role in eliminating the East-West conflict, and that she had achieved considerable success in uplifting her economy and improving her democracy.

22 The PKK attacked Turkish organizations in Switzerland and Denmark.

23 The PKK attacked Turkish embassies and the Turkish Airlines offices in Svveden, Norway, Belgium and Greece.

24 A protocol for closer cooperation w as signed between Turkey and Nakhichevan.

Azerbaijani FM Hüseyin Sadıkov, in an interview with the Anatolian Agency, said that it was impossible to accept a state within a state, and that they vvere ready to give autonomy to the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh only if they accepted the principle of unity in the army, foreign policy and fıscal cunency.

The PKK assaulted the Turkish embassies in Paris and London, the branches of Turkish banks in France, Germany and England.

25 FM Çetin, in a speech at the meeting of the C.S.C.E. Foreign Ministers, said that Caucasian peace and security vvere put in jeopardy on account of the Karabakh issue.

Demonstrations were held in front of the Turkish consulates in Melbourne and Sydney. Separatists occupied the French daily La Libera-tion in order to protest the incidents in South-eastem Anatolia.

26 Germany imposed an interim arms embargo on Turkey. Spokesman of the government said that the embargo was imposed due to


claims concerning their use against the Kurds. The Turkish Prime Minister rejected the claim.

Spokeswoman of U.S. State Department, Margaret Tutweiller, condemned the attacks of the separatist PKK and praised Turkey for her wise stance during the course of incidents.

27 E.C. began to discuss the German proposal that criticized Turkey for incidents in South-eastern Turkey.

28 Austrian Foreign Ministry submitted a diplomatic note to Turkey and requested a reply within ten days according to Article 1 of C.S.C.E. concerning the protection of human rights.

30 Kurdish leader Mesud Barzani and the European representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Hoshyar Zebari came to Turkey. Barzani ıeiterated that terrorism could not solve problems.

APRIL 1992

2 The German President, in another speech at the German Federal Assembly, said that Bonn did not support the PKK. He also underlined that his country had alvvays been loyal to the traditional friendship betvveen the Turkish and the German nations.

3 During the meeting of the E.C. Foreign Ministers, the Dutch, the Portuguese and the British Ambassadors to Ankara decided to visit the Turkish Foreign Ministry to express concern över the recent events in South-eastem Anatolia.

5 The Spokesman of the Government of Germany, Dieter Voegel, stated that Germany considered the Kurdish problem separately from the terrorist activities of the PKK, and emphasized that Germany vvould not tolerate the activities of the members of the PKK in Germany.

7 Vice Premier inönü paid an official visit to Austria vvhere he gave a briefıng to offıcials on the process of democraüzation in Turkey, and on the acüviües of the PKK terrorists.

8 Husnu Mübarek, the President of Egypt, arrived in Turkey as the official guest of President özal.

11 In intervievvs vvith Turkish dailies Sabah and Milliyet, the French President Mitterand stated that France did not approve the


120 THE TURKSH YEARBOOK [ . establishment of an independent Kurdish state, and that such a creation would create difficult problems for a number of Middle Eastern countries.

15 Minister of Internal Affairs ismet Sezgin paid an official visit to Syria. He attested that the Syrian authorities had to accept the existence of the PKK in the Bekaa Valley, a fact long denied unül then.

Spokesvvoman of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Filiz Dinçmen, stated that Turkey approved the resolution of the U.N. Security Council on the imposition of the air embargo on Libya.

Germany banned the release of 45 Phantom planes to Turkey.

17 Iraqi Ambassador to Ankara, Rafe Dahham Mejvvel El-Tikriti, pointed out that the territorial integrity of Turkey w as important for Iraq, and that Iraq was ready to cooperate with Turkey against the terrorist activities of the PKK.

20 The Iranian Ambassador to Turkey, Reza Bagheri, said that Turkey had to ailow the ship vvhich vvas carrying vveapons to Iran to continue its route. Undersecretary özdem Sanberk flew to Iran to discuss the issue wilh the Iranian authorities.

German Foreign Ministry forbid the transportation of Sünger missiles to Turkey.

23 Undersecretary Sanberk returned home from Iran and stated that the Iranian authorities guaranteed Turkey that they do not support terrorism.

24 FM Çetin called the E.C. and the international public to take the initiative to stop the clashes in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He pointed out that there might be immigrations to the E.C. countries and to Turkey from Bosnia unless speedy solution is found.

MAY 1992

1 Frans Andriessen, the Vice-President of the E.C., told in a press conference that Turkey play a key role in relations between the E.C. and the Central Asian republics.

6 The Charg6 d'Affaire of Austria to Turkey has been invited to the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Austrian Government vvas asked to submit vvritten reply vvithin ten days to Turkey regarding Austria's accusations on the events in South-eastern Anatolia.


7 FM Çetin vvas elected the Acting President of the European Council.

Lord Avebury urged Britain to apply economic sanctions to Turkey on account of "human rights violations" in South-eastern Anatolia.

8 Carlos Saul Menem, President of Argentina, came to Turkey for an offıcial visit Four agreements were signed between Turkey and Argentina in economic, commercial, diplomatic and touristic fıelds.

12 The spokesman of the African National Congress, Gill Marcus, stated that Nelson Mandela refused to accept the Atatürk International Peace Prize, but that his refusal did not minimize the role the Turkish statesman played in history.

17 Minister of State Çiller and FM Çetin left for Paris to participate in the meeting of the Ministers of the O.E.C.D.

21 The Turkish Cabinet decided to provide medical care, at the Erzurum Hospital, to the citizens of Nakhichevan vvho were wounded on account of the Armenian attacks.

22 The Cabinet decided to open up a new gate at the border to facilitate entrances from Nakhichevan to Turkey. It also decided to settle the immigrants from Bosnia in Kırklareli, Tekirdağ and Sakarya.

The Grand Prize of Culture and Arts of UNESCO is avvarded to Turkey due to the vvorks of İstanbul Culture and Arts Foundation.

23 Israel decorated the Turkish Minister of Intemal Affairs for the activities of Turkey at the Madrid Peace Conference.

25 The Turkish authorities stopped 43 German trucks suspected of carrying illegal material to Iraq. Herbert Schnoor, a minister in Northern Rhein-Westphalia, vvho came to Turkey, promised an investigation.

27 The German Ministry of Jusıice pointed out that the equipment in the German trucks, stopped by the Turkish authorities, could be used for military purposes.

31 FM Çetin stated that Turkey accepted the decision of the U.N. to apply embargo on Serbia.



JUNE 1992

3 Hans Schumacher, the spokesman of the German Foregn Ministry, announced the end to restrictions to the transportation of arms to Turkey.

8 Jalal Talabani, who came to Turkey for an official visit, said that the political authority in Northern Iraq was not an enemy of the Turkish Republic.

10 PM Demirel went to Rio de Janeiro to participate at the summit meeting of the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development

15 Ekkehard Eickhoff, the German Ambassador in Ankara, stated that his government supported Turkey's territorial integrity against the activities of the PKK.

19 The meeting of the Ministers of Culture of the Turkic republics was held in İstanbul.

24 The Presidents and Prime Ministers of eleven countries came together in İstanbul to participate at a meeting of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Region.

25 The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Region Treaty is signed by the participating countries,

27 In a report to the E.C., Douglas Hurd, the British Foreign Secretary, said that to develop relations vvith Turkey vvould be to the advantage of the E.C. and that of the member states.

JULY 1992

6 Deputy PM İnönü met Yevgeny Y. Sidorov, the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Russian Federation. A Cultural Cooperation Protocol vvas signed betvveen Turkey and Russia.

7 Abel Matutes, the Chairman of the Mediterranean Affairs Commission of the E.C. met PM Demirel and Deputy PM İnönü. Mr. Matutes stated that the Lisbon Summit examined the relationship betvveen Turkey and the E.C.

8 FM Çetin met Bemard Koucher, the French Minister of Health. Mr. Koucher vvas in Iraq to investigate the situation in the northern part of country. Çetin stated that Westem humanitarian aid must be extended vvithout discrimination.


17 A Turkish delegation went to Rome for a meeting of the W.E.U. The Turkish Government agreed to be an associate member of the W.E.U.

18 FM Çetin and Catherine Lalumiere, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, returned to Turkey after their six-day offıcial visit to the Central Asian republics. Çetin stated that Europe and the rest of the world must accelerate help to these republics.

21 General John M. Shalikashvili, Supreme Military Commander of SACEUR in NATO, came to Turkey for an official visit. He stated that Tuıkey's contributions to the Rapid Deployment Force was appreciated.

27 FM Çetin met Eyub Ganic, the Vice-President of Bosnia-Herzegovina vvho vvas in Turkey for the inauguration ceremony of the multi-purpose South-Eastern Anatolian Project. Mr. Çetin stated that the Turkish Government vvas continuing efforts to bring the Bosnian issue to the attention of vvorld public opinion.


1 FM Çetin vvent to Syria for a two-day offıcial visit. In a statement in Damascus, Mr. Çetin said that Turkey sought good bilateral relations vvith ali neighbours, and that the "vvater problem" vvas not a serious one betvveen Turkey and Syria.

12 Milan Panic, the Yugoslav Prime Minister, came to Turkey for an offıcial visit. He stated that Yugoslavia recognized the territorial borders of Bosnia-Herzegovina and had no territorial claims on this state. PM Demirel and PM Panic stated that they condemn the vvar in Bosnia.

21 Turkey called a session of the U.N. General Assembly regarding the ethnic cleansing done by Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

25 Iraq's Ambassador in Ankara stated that his country requested Turkey's support against the American, French and British plan forbidding Iraqi flights över the 32th parallel.

26 FM Çetin vvho vvent to London to join the Peace Conference, signed the protocols enabling the commencement of diplomatic relations betvveen Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Macedonia.

27 Turkey recognized the recently independent republics of former Yugoslavia and established diplomatic relations vvith them.




2 President özal met the leader of the Iraqi Kurdistan Democratic Party, Mesud Barzani, and the leader of the Kurdistan Patriotic Union, Jalal Talabani. After the meeting Mr. özal stated that Turkey vvas in favour of the territorial integrity of Iraq.

9 PM Demirel received the Dutch Foreign Minister, Hans Van Der Broek, vvho vvas in İstanbul for the meeting of the Council of Europe.

15 The Security and Cooperation Agreement vvas signed betvveen Turkey and Iran.

24 The German Defence Ministry stated that Germany, had decided to give DM 135 million military aid, instead of DM 235 million, to Turkey.

28 The Pakistani President Gulam Ishak Khan came to Turkey. Mr. Khan stated that the bilateral relations bevveen Turkey and Pakistan vvere exemplary and continued to play an important role in regional affairs.


2 During his official visit to the Peoples Republic of China, Undersecretary Sanberk vvas received by the Chinese Foreign Minister Qion Qichen, and an agreement vvas signed betvveen the tvvo countries related to lavv s and trade.

4 A U.S. aircraft carrier, Saratoga, blasted a Turkish destroyer, Muavenet, vvith a missile during a NATO exercises setling the vessel ablaze and killing at least fıve soldiers.

6 Syria, Iraq and Turkey ended talks in Damascus on sharing the vvaters of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers vvithout reaching agreement.

11 Foreign Ministry spokesvvoman Filiz Dinçmen said that they considered the U.N. initiative for establishing a no-fly zone a step in the right direction but expressed scepticism on hovv effective such a measure could be.

12 Umut Arık, the head of the nevvly-formed Turkish International Cooperation Agency, said that the Turkic republics of the former Soviet Union had chosen Turkey as a development model, and that Turkey vvas forced to do its utmost to help them.


15 A foreign ministry statement said that Ankara asked the German authorities to take necessary measures to prevent further agression against the Turks living in Germany.

20 Turkey signed the Supplementray Protocol No. 4 of the European Declaration of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The Supplementary Protocol was signed by Ambassador Köksal Toptan, Turkey's permanent representative on the Council of Europe, and Catherine Lalumiöre, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

23 PM Demirel said that his government has been pursuing an active foreign policy both on a global and on a regional level since it came to power. Addressing Turkish and foreign journalists during a press conference, Demirel said that Turkey vvas aiming for a constructive contribution to regional peace and cooperation.

24 At a press meeting in Nevv York, Armenian Foreign Minister Rafı Hovanesian said that the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh could be solved after the normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations. He said that Turkey has great responsibility to maintain peace in the region.

26 PM Demirel signed a memorandum of understanding that stipulated further eneouragement of economic ties betvveen Turkey and Pakistan during his official visit to Pakistan.

27 In the vvake of a European Parliament decision to delay discussions of a report on Turkey, Ankara declared that it considered the postponement "an act that undermines the faimess and respectability of the parliament". The report, prepared by Raymond Dury, urges the Community to regenerate ties vvith Turkey.


2 Azerbaijan's President Elçibey vvho arrived in Ankara to attend the Turkic World Summit last vveek, began a five-day official visit to Turkey. In a press conference he said that one issue in his agenda vvas the signing of a defense accord vvith Turkey.

3 Turkey and Türkmenistan signed an agreement to build a pipeline vvhich vvould transport natural gas from Türkmenistan to Europe through Turkey.

5 Turkish Defense Minister Nevzat Ayaz and his German counterpart Volker Ruehe announced at a joint press conference that both sides had agreed


126 THE TURKSH YEARBOOK [ . to respect the sensitivity surrounding the use of German weapons vvithin NATO principles.

7 Interior Minister Sezgin said that Turkey and the Russian Federation agreed on the purchase of Russian helicopters, armoured personel carriers and machine guns.

8 The Turkish-European Community Association Council meeting started in Brussels to assess the tentative ties between Turkey and the Community and to stipulate measures for their enhancement.

9 A Turkish military delegation left for Armenia to hold arms verification inspections under the terms of the Convertional Forces in Europe Treaty which came into effect provisionally for four months, on July 17.

15 Turkey's associated membership in the West European Union (WEU) was finalized following the negotiations in London.

16 Turkish Chief of General Staff General Doğan Güreş and his Bulgarian counterpart signed an agreement concerning mutual security cooperation and regulating procedures for military negotiations betvveen the two countries.

24 In a majör diplomatic move Turkey has called for a "Balkans Summit" to be convened in istanbul in the shortest possible time, in order to discuss the question of former Yugoslavia.

26 The European Parliament passed a text demanding the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Northern Iraq, while Ankara anticipated the approval of a relatively favourable report on Turkey.

28 Meeting in istanbul, the Balkan states urged the United Nations to rapidly deploy forces to former Yugoslavia to prevent the spillover of fighting from Bosnia-Herzegovina to neighboring regions. The Conference also called upon international organizations to urgently establish militarily protected safe areas in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

30 Turkey condemned a U.N. Security Council resolution that blamed the Turkish Cypriots for lack of progress in recent negotiations.


1 PM Demirel, visiting Singapore for an official visit, said the two countries had to come to an agreement in principle for cooperation in economy, culture, tourism and defense.


3 A health accord foreseeing Turkey's cooperation vvith the Turkic republics vvas signed in istanbul by the Health Ministers of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgzstan, Uzbekistan, Türkmenistan and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

4 Turkey blamed poor discipline and lack of coordination aboard the U.S. aircraft Saratoga in the missile firing last month that killed fıve Turkish sailors, and demanded those responsible be court-martialed.

7 The U.S. contacted Turkey and asked vvhether the Ankara Government vvas prepared to commit troops to the U.N. forces in Somalia. Offıcial sources said that the Turkish Government vvas inclined to respond positively, but stressed that parliamentary permission vvas needed to send troops abroad.

10 The Turkish Defense Industries Undersecretariat signed a 1.1 billion dollar contract vvith the United States United Technologies-Sikorsky for the procurement of 95 Black Havvk helicopters.

15 Iraq's Ambassador to Turkey vvarned Turkey that if the mandate for the coalition force protecting the Iraqi Kurds vvere extended, the activities of the outlavved PKK vvould increase.

17 A 300-men military unit left Ankara for Mersin to head for Somalia, vvhere they vvould join in the U.N.-sanctioned Operation Restore Hope.

18 Turkey's relations vvith Iraq vvere strained further as Iraqi Ambassador to Ankara vvas summoned to the Foreign Ministry över recent explosions vvhich ripped apart 16 Turkish tracks in Kurdish territory.

23 Turkey accused Britain of trying to soften an expected U.N. Security Council action to stop Serbian attacks on Müslim Bosnians as the British Prime Minister John Majör visited U.N.-supervised British troops in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

24 State Minister Gökberk Ergenekon said that the Cabinet decided to recognize the Czech and Slovak to monitor the Iraqi no-fly zone north of the 36th parallel.

29 Turkey and Iran started a tour of high level consulıaıions on bilateral and regional matters vvith the situations in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Northern Iraq.


128 THE TURKıSH YEARBOOK [ . 30 Turkey called on the Israeli government to allow 415 Palestinian deportees to retum to their homes and backed a U.N. resolution condemning


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