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An event in the history of sociology of Turkey:A Turkish sociologist in Malta!:Travel to Malta - Annual congress of the M.S.S.R.C. in la valetta


Academic year: 2021

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Adres : Adresse :

“ IŞ v e D Ü Ş Ü N C E ” V E REVUE DE V ACTION! Beyazıt, 16 — İstanbul


Beyazıt, 16 — Îstanbull

Üç Ayda Bir Çıkar


Turkish Review of economic and social sciences Revue Turque des Sciences Sociales et Economiques TUrkische Zcltsschrift fur Geisteswissenschaften

Sayı : 254 Nisan/Mayıs/Haziran Cilt : X X X I

Numéro : 254 Avril 1966 Année : X X X I



27. M ayış.1960 hâdisesinden sonra Cumhurreisi olan General C em al

Gürsel, hir sen e sonra İstanbul Üniversitesini ziyaret etti. Üniversitenin öğretici v e öğrenci zibnrelerile kabul salonunda görüşürken onlara şu hitapla bulundu:


H oca v e talebeler bu hitabı sadece C em al Paşanın yüzüne bakarak dinler görünmüşlerdi. Zira G ökalp’ı anlama kabiliyetine sahip olmıyan-lar P aşanın derdini hiç anlıycŞmazolmıyan-lardı. Buna rağm en Paşa, b eş sene b o ­ yunca sıhhati ile uğraşırken m em leketin m anevî .tıhhatsizliğine endişe etm ekten geri kalmadı.

Şimdi, bugünlerde Z. G ökalp’ın ölümünün 42. ve doğumunun 90.

senesi. C em al Paşa, 1960-61 ders yılında m ülazim olarak vaktile girip çık­ tığı eski H arbiye nezareti binasının büyük kabul salonunda o hitapta bu ­ lunan biiyiik Asker, şim di gurbet ellerde can çekişiyor. Onun tansiyonuna, nabzına, kom asına ait haberler uzak diyarlardan gelirken kulaklarım ızda d a can çekişen Cumhurreisinin Ziya Gökalp'a ait gür seslenişi hâlâ çınlı­ yor!

Tanrıdan G ökalp’a rahm et, C em al Paşaya sıhhat dileyelim.... 1. ve D.


TURKISH SOCIOLOGIST (Exiled to Malta between 1919-1921)


An Event in the History of Sociology of Turkey A TURKISH SOCIOLOGIST IN MALTA!


P ro f. F IN D IK O O H I Went to Malta during the last month of 1965 on the invitation of professor Busuttil of Malta University. On my way to Malta as well while I was there, I constantly thought of Ziya Gokalp. He spent nearly two ye­ ars of his 49 years lifetime in Malta together with the 200 Turks who were e'xiled there at the end of 1918 by the English. Hiiseyin Iliisnu Pasha wrote about a part of the life o the exiles in the journal “Action and Thought” , Number 3-4, 1934. Soon Ahmet Emin Bey will publish his 2000 page “ Mémoires” and give on account of the life of the exiles in Malta. At one time, he was assisting Ziya Gokalp at the University of Istanbul.

In the yearly administrative and academic meeting of the Medi- teranean Social Research Council (MSSRC) in Malta in December 13 1965, I submitted a paper on “The Role of Regional factors in National Development”. Following a criticism and analysis of the report by Pro­ fessor Delivanis, Rector of the University of Selonica, I added sonu comments to my replies. These comments were made in order to attract the attention of the social scientists present on the meeting to the great Turkish Sociologist. In this issue devoted' to the memory of Ziya Gokalp on behalf of the 90 th. anniversary of his birth we are publishing these comments made in Malta1.


ğımız Türkçe aleyhine. Zira böyle bir karışma olmasa azınlıklar Türk ce­ miyeti içinde normal türkçe ile kalırlardı. Nasıl kendi mekteplerimizde yapma ve uydurma bir dille gençliğimizi ifsat ediyorsak öylece.... ilh. Bel­ ki de Yunan Elçiliği metinleri T.D.K. na yolluyor, onlar da uydurma Tüık- çeye çeviriyorlar!

Bizim tavsiyemiz şudur: Bültenlerini doğrudan doğruya İstanbul Türkçesile yazsınlar, dil maskaralıklarına âlet olmasınlar, “ilginç” olduk­ larını zannetmesinler. Zira bütün uydurmacılar gibi “ilginç” olmak ister­ ken “iğrenç” oluyorlar!


After giving you a Resume of my report on “The Role of Regional factors in National Development”, I Would like to draw your attention to one matter which is perhaps interesting in terms of the history of sociology.

As the experts on Turkish social life and culture agree, Ziya Gokalp (1876 Diyarbekir - 1924 Istanbul) who not only is an important figure in Turkish History of Sociology but also in the General History of Soci­ ology and who has been a professor of sociology at Istanbul University for a long period of time, was in Malta where our Council is meeting now between the years 1919-1921. He even organized courses in econo­ mics and sociology for a group while he was here. We remember this event as members of the Turkish Delegation and we may do so.

In fact, the Sociologist whom I have mentioned lived in this country between 1919-1921. However, his residence here was not on a happy occasion, that is, it is known that Turkey lost the First World War with her ally, Germany in 1918. Ziya Gokalp was at the same time a member of the Union and Progress party which was in power at that time. England which was one of the allied powers who occuppied the fonner Capital City, Istanbul, at that time, send him to exile to Malta with 200 of the members of that party. Ziya Gokalp was among those who were sent to exile. However, in 1921, he was exchanged with some English subjects who were captured by the Turks and returned to Istanbul in 1922 and subsequently was elected to the Parliament in Ankara and then died in 1924.

The Turks are now sadly remembering the 41 st Anniversary of his death. His letters from Malta which he sent to his family are now pub­ lished. According to the recent publications on the occasion of the pub­ lication of these letters, the Turkish Sociologist was prisoned in the Military Barracks called Pol Verista in La Valetta and on the request of the Turkish exiles, he delivered lectures about the various social and economic problems of Turkey2.

Kindly allow us to remind you of the Turkish Sociologist who had a systematic approach to the economic problems of Turkey on the occa­ sion of this meeting where economic development problems of the Me­ diterranean Countries are discussed. I consider this a Professional duty of the Institute of Economics and Sociology.

2) Taking advantage of this opportunity we wish to give a bibliographical list for the sociologists who are familiar with the life and works of Ziya Golcalp.


7 —

As the Turkish Delegation, we wish to thank the Organization Com­ mittee who give us this opportunity to visit the beautiful island of Malta where a Turkish Sociologist was forced by circumstances to live for a while.

Allow me to add that during these days of the 90 th. anniversay of the birth and 41 st anniversay of the death of Ziya Gökalp meetings and seminars are organized and publications are made in Turkey. With the opportunity, of the Congress of MSSRC, We take part in Malta also to this commemorations2 Thank you!

Z. F . Fındıkoğlu :

Ziya. Gökalp, Sa vie et sa sociologie, Paris 1936.

Essai sur la transformation du code familial en Turquie, 1936, Paris. Z. Gökalp İçin Yazdıklarım ve Söylediklerim, İstanbul 1955. K. N. Duru :

Ziya Gökalp, İstanbul 1965 (2.b.). TT. Heyd :

Foundations of Turkish Nationalism, The Life and Teaching of Z. Gökalp, Lond­ ra 1950.

O. O. Tütengil :

Ziya Gökalp Hakkında Bir Bibliyografya Denemesi, İstanbul 1949. Ziya Gökalp Üzerine Notlar, İstanbul 1964 ( 2,b.).

Ş. Beysanoğlıı :

Z. Gökalp’m İlk Yazı Hayatı, İstanbul 1956.

2) These lectures will be soon published by the “Association of Diyar-bekir.”

M. E . Erişlrgil :

Bir Fikir Adamının Romanı Z. Gökalp, İstanbul 1951. A. N. Göksel :

Z. Gökalp, Hayatı, Sanatı ve Eseri, İstanbul 1964. F . A. Tansel :

:Z. Gökalp Külliyatı I. Şiirler ve Halk Masalları, Ankara 1952. Z. Gökalp Külliyatı II. Limni ve Malta Mektupları, Ankara 1965.

H. Z. Ülken :

Ziya Gökalp, İstanbul 1939. N. Berkes :

Turkish Nationalism and Western Civilisation, New York 1959. E . B. Şapolyo :

Z. Gökalp İttihat ve Terakki ve Meşrutiyet Tarihi, İstanbul, 1943. O. Tolga :

Z. Gökalp ve İktisadî Fikirleri, İstanbul 1949. M. F . Kırzıoğlu :

Yazılı Vesikalara Göre Ziya Gökalp Müzesi ve Ziya Gökalp, İstanbul 1956.


Couseries sociologiques sur la vie et l’oeuvre de Ziya Gökalp, 1965, İstanbul (Publication de L’Institut de Sociologie de la Faculté des Sciences Economiques).

Kişisel Arşivlerde İstanbul Belleği Taha Toros Arşivi


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