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Si\l.l l·cn Bilin1kri EnstitCtsCI Dcr~isi 9.Cilt. 1 .Sa' 1 1 005

~ . I he UplinHlm Leaching ( ·ond ition~ nl' .'\ rt\ 111 \1 llr... e.u I ChaJcup: rite ()re in I I: pt)chloritc Snlution. D. Iki/
















, Ali





Or Nu ri 8 ayar P ri n1ary Se hoo I. c;ark Street~ Sakarya, den i z i k i z


yahoo~ eo 1_1J


-sakarya Uni versity, Faculty


Arts & Sc iences. Departn1cnt of C'hen1i stry. tn~ul te nJl' ~akar\ <Ledu.tr


-sakarya University, f aculty



Arts & ciences. Oepartn1cnt of'C he1nistry, <l~t\di n u ~nkar\'a .cdu.tr


The opt in1un1 leaching conditions or prin1ary chalcopyrite ore tl·on1 Artvin-Murgul region in T urkey have been

exan1 ined in hypoc hl orite so lution. 'The effects of various paran1eters as initial pH , hypochlorite concentration, stirring

speed, solid/liquid ratio and ternperatu re to the co pper di sso lution fron1 chalcopyrite were investigated. lt was found that

chc:1lcopyritc reacted \\'ith chlorine generated fron1 hypochlorite in ac idic pH values. pi I cfTcctivc ly decreased during the di. solution. It was detern1incd th at the optin1un1 leac hing cond itions \vere initial pll of 5-6~ hypochlorite concentration

of0.2 N for 4 g/L so lid/liquid ratio. 600 rpn1 stirring speed and it was see n that sulphate forn1at ion was over 50%.

Key" ' o r d - C ha I copy rite, hypo c h I or it e I each i n g, the opt i n1u 111 I c a c h i n g con cl it i o n s

• • • • • • •




•• • • • • •







i\rtvin-Murgul dan ternin ed iln1i ~ olan kalkopirit cevherinin hipokl orit <;ozeltisindeki optin1un1 li9 ~artlan incelenn1i~tir. Ba~ lang r~ pll'sr, hipoklorit konsant rasyon u, kan~t tnna htzt, katt/stvr orant ve stcakltg111 kalkop irit cevhrinden baktrin

c;:ozUnUriUgLine etkisi ara~t rrrln11~trr. l(alkopirit n1ineralinin asidi k pH degcrlcrin de hi poklorit c;ozeltisi ile dengede olan •

klor ile rcaksiyon verdigi bulunt11U$tur. <";ozi.inn1e esnastnda pH onen1 li derecede di.i~rnektedir. Optin1um lie; ~artlar1

olarak ba~ lang t<; pH'stnrn 5-6, 4 g/L kat1/srvt orant ic;in hipoklorit konsantrasyo nunun 0,2 N, kart$ttnna hiztntn 600 rpn1

o Id u


u v e 0/o 5 0 Li z er in de b i r s U I fat o I u

$ u 111 u o l dug u bel i r I en tn i ~ t i r.

Ana h tar Kcli me le r - Ka I ko pi ri t~ hi po k lorit I i~ i, opti rn un1 I i~ $artlan


S \l Fen Bilin1lcri Enstitl"lsli Derei i 9.Cilt. 2.Sa\ 1 2005

~ .


C' ha le o p) r it



C u F


S ~ or C u::: S . F c::: S , ) is l h c 111 os t a bun d ant 111 in er a I i n the s ul p h i de cop pc r-b car i n g de p os its

and the princ iple so urce fron1 which co pper is produced

con1 n1crcially. Conventional pyrotnetall urgica I co pper

production results in SQ~ and toxic 111etals en1iss ions to

2nvii onn1ent. This situation has led to the devclopn1ent

Gf hydron1etallurgica l n1ethods of co pper extraction as

'l.,PO~ed to the classic pyron1etallurgica l routes[ I]. . ·-... .--~ron1etallurgica l processes, not only red uce

~. , ·.-c;r lll~n ta l pollution, but also offer n1any other

"'· \. ~tin l advantages as cost of producti on and recovery

·t.r n1ctals in lo\v concentrati ons





·"' are a lot of papers on the lce1ching chcn1istry and


chalcopyrite. Disso lution



copper sulphides

I pyt ttc i~ perforn1 ed by usage of suitable

"i in the prL·~encc of ox idants or elcctroc hctn ical

"~u ch d '-l irl)Jl ( Ill ) f--l-6]. oxygen or ozone



. lid r 1]. clcctrochcnlical ox idation




hyd rogen


I 0 J . c h In r i ne f I I J. c h I or i ne g c ne rated


o tn

e dto,idc f 121. etc. On the other hand. Pu vvada

th) (2000) have studied selective precious

cttch i ng fron1 c halcopyritc in eh loride/

·itc tncdin



ri l~ IS one of the refractory and difficult to

Hdng the co pper ores


Ferric salts in the


chalcopyrite belo\v



tetnperature give a

Id n f e lernental sulphur and co pper rich

I1ides \\'hich cause a slow leach ing rate because

t t inn




S i tn i I a r I y the I each i n


of s u I ph id e

h) o\ ygen also gives eletnental sulphur at low

ure 12,6, 141.




chalcopyr ite in hydrogen peroxide in

ti un1 \vas studied by sotne researchers and , they

1 i nlcrt~lcial chen1ical reaction co ntrolled in the

n and the activation energy of


kJ .rnor1•

atinn energ'"-'y -- has a high value ..._.. in H-..,Q., - leachin~ g

~'o lak et u/. studied disso lution kinetics of , 1 i tc 1

n '"



ter saturated with eh lori ne. They nat the disso lution was controlled by diffusion the product layer and the activation energy was

~ 1nol"1 [ 111. Devi et al. investigated the oxidation ·dcopyritc in hydrochloric ac id rned ium in the

t;t ~e n1anganese dioxide. Chlorine generated frotn

~ ,~anesc dioxide was effective in the disso lution of l'ilcopyrite [ 121.

~n tne researc hers used ch lorine hypochlorite and

chlorine generated frotn manganese dioxide as ox idant

for sulph ide ores such as chalcopyrite, enargite,

·phalerite and pyrite etc. They airned to d is so lve copper

or precious tnetals, rernove arsenic, or desulfurize frorn sulphide ores or coal [ 11-13, 15-22].


The Optin1un1 Leaching Cond it ions



/\rt' in M urgul Chalcopyrite ()re in I I) pochlnritc Solutiun. D. lki1

Both chlorine and hypochlorite, strong ox idan ts. ha e

got high redox potentials 1.358 and 1.630 vo lts.

respecti ve ly. Therefore they arc good at leach ing of s u I p h id e 111 i ne r a I s. They are i n c q u i I i b r i u 111 as r c v c r s i b I e each other in hyd roc hloric acid so lution related to pH [2J.

Because of the corrosive nature and dif1icult# v in stora2:e . . _

of chlorine gas, its use has been re ·tricted so far. Today with avai lability if in1proved co rros ion-rcsi ~tant n1etals . alloys or polytneric tnaterials, the use of chl orine gas a

leaching agent seen1s to have paten tial for develop n1ent and growth in n1any specific areas or base-tnetal extraction and process ing. Hypoch lorite solution n1 eans storage chlorine and it gives aq ueous chlorine. Free c h l or i ne re acts w it h


I e 111 en t




u I p h


r to g i v e s ul ph ate .

I f e 1 e 111 en t a I s ul ph u r fo nn s d u r i n g I c a c h i n g, i l causes to

the pass ivati on in leaching. Chl orineihypochl orite

leac hing has an advantage of ulphatc fo nn ati on [2 J .


JS2CI ~(aq l + 2H.20 1, , - ~



S02Cl2(ut1l + 4H-(ac1)


4Cr,tufl (3)


era!/: 3CI2lacJl +

Concentrated ores don't need to use in leaching .._ processes, unlike in pyrotnetallurgica l routes. Pritnary ore can be used. In this study, a pri tnary chalcopyrite ore, not concentrated, \\!as used and hypochl orite

solution was chosen as the leaching agent. The effects of initial pH, hypoc hlorite co ncentration, particle size,

stirring speed have been studied.



The chalcopyrite ore used in this study was supplied frotn Artvin-Murgul, Turkey. The ore was tnainly corn posed of quartz, chalcopyrite, pyrite and others.

Chetnical analys is of the chalcopyrite ore was given in Tab le- 1.

Table I. Chcm ical anal) sis of the chalcopyri tc ( 0/o)






Cu Fe






11.1 5 11 .67 2. 10

The eh a lcopyrite satnp le used in the experi n1ents was

ground and distribution of particle size of the ore \Vas given in T'ab le-2.


SAO Fen Bili1nkri EnstitCJsCJ Der~ gisi 9.Cilt. ?.Sav1 . 2005

Table 2. Particle size distribution

Particle Size (~Lnl) 0/o (w/w) 0/oCu (w/w) - 53 5.6 1 5.55 -100+53, 15.67 .) ... . 9 .) ... -150 : 100 35.89 ... 6 _),_) 212+150 34.22 1.98 -3 15+2 12 8.6 1 0.89

Hypo c h l or it e so I uti on \Vas used as the re agent in

I each in g ex per i n1 en t s. It \Vas t e c h n i c a I grade and is used

as cleaning agent and disinfectant in tnost hon1e, office

etc. in Turkey. In this so lution active chlorine was

analyzed by iodornetric titrat ion method. Then it was

diluted fo r different concentrations. pH \vas adjusted with hydrochloric ac id solution in reagent grade.

Leaching experin1ents were carri ed out at atrnospheric

pressure in a beaker or a ba I loon with reflu x systern s in

constant ternperature bath on a rnagnetic stirrer.

Periodically Cu~"t- and FeJ, ions in so lution were

analyzed by atotn ic absorption spectrophotometer,

Shitnad zu AAS-6 700 .


3.1. Dissolution Reactions

Possible reactions in the disso lution process are given in

Eqs. (6-1 0). One of hypochlorite and aqueo us chlorine

n1ay react with chalco pyrite and pyrite to fonn sulphate

con1pounds (Eqs.-5 9-11 ). In the leaching so lutions, sulphate analysis was done by gravitnetric rnethod with BaC12 and it was fo und that sul phate fo nnation was over

50%. This showed that sulphide in chalcopyrite can

ox idize in eh lorine/hypoch lorite tned ia about copper

disso lution ratio. On the other hand, it vvas see n that pH

decreased during the disso lution. So it was concluded

that aqueous chlorine in hypochlorite so lution reacted

with chalco pyrite [ 11 , 19,23 ].



Cu~ S.Fe2S3(.") + 17CI2(c1CJ) + l6H 20 (/) _...._

2CuC I~(acJ) + 2FeC lJ(acJl + 4H1S04(aq) + 24HCl(ac1) (9)

Cu2S.Fe2S3(.\j + 17CIO.(aq) + 2 H+~aq) _...._

2Cu2+(cHf)+ 2Fe3+(ac1l + 4SO.t2.(£1Cf)+ 17Cr(aq) + H20 (!) (10)

2FeS2c\ ) + 15CI2<"<Jl


16H10 u) _.,..

2FeC l31u,1l + 4 H2SO~('"'l


24HC11w11 ( 11 )


The Optin1un1 Leaching Conditions nf A rt\ in Murgul

Chalcopyritc Ore in llypoch loritc. olution. D. iki7

3.2. Effect of Initial pH

To detern1ine the optitnu tn initial pl--1 value, the tests

were conducted at pH va lues of 1-8 and in 0.04, 0.10 and

0.20 N hypochlorite concentrations. holding co nstant the

other paratneters. The results were given in Fig.- I . It was

seen tnore copper and less iron dissolutions from

chalcopyri te. High co pper disso lution rati o continues up

to in itial pH of 6. On the other hand, high iron

disso lution was obtained below initial pH of 4. It was dec ided the optiinutn pH in wh ich is 5-6, that is n1ore

copper and less iron disso lutions frorn the chalcopyrite.

140 ~---~


0 ~ 120 LL -::J ~ 100 c 0 +-J ::J 0 80 Cf) Cf) · -0 60 40 20 1 - 0.04 N Hypo(Cu) A 0. 10 N Hypo(Cu) • 0.20 N Hypo(Cu) - - 0 - · 0.04 N Hypo(Fe) - - -6.- - · 0.10 N Hypo( Fe) - - 0 - · 0.20 N Hypo(Fe)







----fl·- ·1:1 --- ', .. .. .. ~\ ' - --D - - -0- .. _ ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 pH

Figure I. Effect of initial pi I(SoliJ/Iiquid ratio: 4 g/L, leach solution:

0.25 L: time: 5 min: stirring speed: ROO rpm: temperature: 293 K)

3.3. Change of pH During the Dissolution

It was though that pH values in the pulp may increase or

decrease duri ng the disso lution depending on the

reaction with chlorine or hypochlorite in the equilibriurn .

If chalco pyrite reacted \Vith hypochlorite, pH would

increase accord ing to Eq. ( I 0) because of H

-consutnption. However it \vas found that pH during the

disso lution decreased and this decrease was dependent

on tern perature.

On the other hand, pH decreased less at high

hypochlorite concentrations due to hypochlorite/

hypochlorite acid buffer so lution (F ig.-2a,b).

An advantage of using hypoch lorite solution the leaching

is the fact that hotnogeneous and aqueous chlorine

fonnation. Hypochlorite so lution provides hotnogeneous


~~\C Fen Bilin1leri EnstiUL li Dergisi 9.Cilt. 2.Say1 2005

3.4. Effect of Hypochlorite Concent ration

Figure-3 presents the disso lution of copper frorn

chalcopyrite related to ti n1e in 0.02-0.25 N hypochlorite

concentrations. The other pararneters were held at

constant values. The optin1u1n hypochlorite

1:t1ncentration was 0.20 N for I g chalcopyrite in 0.25 L

le~ch ing so lution. If chalcopyritc quantity changes or concentrated chalcopyrite is used in leach ing,

hvpochlorite concentration should increase or decrease

11::?use of hypoch lorite consurnption related to ..:opyrite or pyrite quantities.

Effect of Stirring Speed

·r-4 shows the leach results at stirring speeds of 0,

200, 400, 600, 800 and I 000 rprn (rotating per .. ~) . It was seen that the settlin g in the pulp occurred

• stirring speeds (0-400 rprn). At high speeds (600 -rpnl), tnore disso lution was found due to Teneous distribution of particles in the solution. · J5so I ut ions at 800 and I 000 rpn1 are lower than

600 rpn1 because of chlorine loss frorn so lution.

est results for stirring speed were obtained at 600

) ,---~ 0 - - G - · 0.1 N Hypo ---tO 0.1 N Hypo+Chalco - - -6.- - · 0.2N Hypo -~tJ 0.2N Hypo+Chalco - - • - · 0.4N Hypo - • 0.4N Hypo+Chalco - - -A- - · 0.6N Hypo A 0.6N Hypo+Chalco (a) ' \ 0 ~.0 4---,---r---r---~---t 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (Sec)

r·igure 2.~l. pH changes during the dissolution in different

h) pnchlorite concentrations.

. .


The Optimun1 Leaching Conditions of 1\rt\·in Murgul

Chalcopyrite Ore in Hypochlorite So lution, D. iki;.

7,0 ~--- ~.--- ·D~.---- 283K Hypo 6.5 6.0 pH ).=' 5,0 4.0 3,0 2,5 ----lO 283K Hypo+Chalco - - · ~- - - 2 9 3 K Hypo ~ts 293K Hypo+Chalco - - -• - - - 303K Hypo r---- 303K Hypo+Chalco - - -A- · - 313 K Hypo • 313K o+Chalco ....__

_____ _

_,_ .. ) ,





, , c : • ' t ~ - • - • -- . , -- -- . - . - - - ~ - . - . -(b) 2, 0 +---,----,----,r----.,..---r---~ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Tirre (sec.)

Figure 2.b. pf I changes during the dissolution at different

temper a tu res 100 ~==============================~ ~ 90 0 ~ e_ 80 c 0




70 0 (/) (/) 60 0 50 40 30 - · 0.02N - - G - · 0.08N - - • - - · 0. 14 N , , , , , , , , ' , '

, , 20 I 1 10 0 0 1 , , ---tO 0.04N - - • - · 0.06N ~o o.12N 0 0.25N A 0.10N - - -6.- - · 0.20N



-- .. - - -0 -



--0-- - --0 , ----, ,



- -








-, 5 10 15 Time (min.) 20

Figure 3. Effect of h~ poch lorite concentration (Solid/liquid ratio:

4 g/L. leach solution : 0.25 L: initial pH: 5: stirring speed : 800 rpm: temperature: 293 K)

3.6. Effect of Pa r ticle Size

In exa1nining the effect of particle size, it was found that the finer chalcopyrite was to be tnore suitable for high extraction, naturally (F ig.-5). Particle size is effective in the d is so l uti on of copper frorn the chalcopyrite.


·~. \C' Fen Bilimlcri Fn~tittisCI DLr~ i-.,i \) Ctlt. 2 ~ ;1~1 200~ ·~ () -11- 0 rpm

100 rprn - D - 200 - 0 - 400 rprn --. rpm ~ .., -- f r -- 800 rpm 0 _)


600 rpm :::J


1000 rpm ... c 0 .30 +-J :::J 0 1/) 1/) '5 0 ")() l5 10 () 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 T1n1e (rnlll )

Figure -t. Fl'l\:ct


~trrring speed (\olrd lrqutd ratro IO !.!.11 . kach

solution: O.'S 1.. rnit1rll pi I 5. ~~~ puclllnllll: CtHlCcllllittrun () 2 N.

tempera tun~· 193 K)

3. 7. Effect of Solid/Liquid Ratio

Different initial quantities of chalcopyritc in the solution

of 0.25 L were leached to dctenninc the effect or

olidl liquid rati o on the leach ing rate. 'I'he obtained

result \verc give.._ n in Fi' -~.-6.

lt \\'a found that hi... gh di~so lution occurred at lt)\\'

solid; liquid ratios. Thi · shovvcd th at to dissolve copper

fro 111 t h e c h a I c o p


r i t e re q u i re cl t he so I i cl I i q u i d r a t i o o



g L for enough hypochlorite concentration. I he hest

so lid liquid ratio to di -~o h c copper rrorn chalcnp) rite

\\'a at 4 ._ g L. ..--.. ~ 0 70 ::l u ...__.. c 60 0 ..., ::l -0 50 (/) (/) · -0 40 30 20 10 0 0 -D- -53 pm -t:r- -150+100 pm 2 4 6 - - - -1 00+53 pm

8 -212+150 pm 10 Time (mrn.) 12

Figurt:' 5. 1·1'1\:ct ol parttck ""~ (Soltd lrqutd rattn 10 g I . kach

"olutton. 0.15 I . tlltttal pi I. 5. 'trrnng "~PCed 600 rpm. hy pnchlorttc concentration 0 2 '. . temperature 293 1\:)


I hL' < )pt11lllt11l I L',tL·hitt~ ( t) JH.Iititlth u l'/\ rt\ in \1 u r~ul

( h.tkup: I l k < >I L' 111 11 ~ pochlnrrtc Sulution. D. i'ki;. 60 ... - - ~- - · 4 g/L ~ 6 10 g/L 0 :::J - - •- - · 20 g/L

40 g/L


- - G - · 60 g/L ...._ 0 80 g/L c 50 0 - - - · 160 g/L

240 g/L ... - - 0 - · 320 g/L :::J 0 400 g/L -0 (/) ~ ~ (/) #-- -.fj.--- -l:l-

-0 40 , f:l • • I 30 I , I 20 I - - - 0 - - - 0 0- - - -0- - - -, - - - -


10 - ...




-0 0 2 4 Figure.· 6. l'lkct ul \l)ltd ltqu1d 1· pi I 5. o...tlltlll!l "pccd ()()() 1 p111 lr tcmpcratut L' 2<); ~~ 3.8. Effect or ·rcrnperat ut 'J'hc effect of lellljlL'I ;tl

ex<unincd and the ohLtll ll'l

13 ccausc chlorine in cq tt tl I 0 () s c d <l t h i g h t l.' Ill p L' I l I t lll lo\v tcrnpcrat urcs. lt \\ ,l i 11 C IT aS e d h -V i 11 C r l' <I '-; j ll


L' { l' I I le ~ s l.' I Tc c t i v c i n t ll c d i " " l ) I t ~() 2 X ~ I



; 11 'l I 0 ::l 0


10 c 0 -... ::l -0 (/) (/) ~() -0


20 10 () 0 5




- -


- -


-- -


- - -



.. - -6 8 10 12 Time (min.) eh solutron. 0 25 L. inrtial 1tc concentration: 0.2 .

) the disso lution was

ts were ... given in Fi... g.-7.

w ith hypochlorite was

tests vvcre carried out at







ure but ten1perature \vas


293 ~

--6:-- 313 K

0 15 20

Time (min.)

Figun· 7. I l k ct nl tcnlpcrattlll' ({ 'nnd1t tnns: lnittal pi I: 5, Solid/liqutd

r:ll1n 10 !.! I kaL'h "olut1nn (I 2~ I . stirrrng speed. 600 rpm.


1 t\. .

~~~ jHlLIJiotiiL' L'Oil(L'Il(lill ll)ll. ll- 1 '-~)


~ \l·. Fen Rilinllcri Enstitusi.i Dcrgisi 9.Cilt. 2.Sayt 2005


Ra ~ed on the forego ing e;....peritnenta l re .. ult , the

roiiO\\ ing COnclusions tnay be dra\VIl.

a. rhe dissolution reacti on occur betv·;een

chalcopyrite n1ineral and chlorine generated fron1 hypochlorite so lution. . h. Sulfide in the chalcopyrite can oxidize over 50 o/o tn

a~reernent with copper di so lutions to give the




co rnpounds in chlorine/hypochlorite n1edia.


ln general, high disso lution ratios (40-80o/o at different con cl it ions) \V ere obta ined in periods of

5-10 n1 inutes. This is in1portant for fast proces es.

· i ; H: opt i n1 u n1 I each in g c o n cl it ions were d c t c r 111 i ne d ,

~ ilich initial was pll 5-6, hypochlorite concentration

.. 0.2 N for 4 ._ g!L so lid/liquid rati o, stirring speed

_ ~ 600 rpn1 and ten1perature was. about roon1 perature. Req uired hypochlorite concentration ends on cha lcopyritc tnineral quantity in the

1. At hi ~h te 111 perat urcs n nd high stirring speeds.

r ne lo:s occurred tt·on1 so lution. ·rhercfore it

11 d be stud i e d at I n \V t c n 1 pc rat u r c s .


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in Kure



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nHt. H .. Avvakura. Y., Iliroto, T. and Tanaka,

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chalcopyri te in ferric su lphate

i )JlS. Canc.H.iian Metal lurgica l Quarterly, 24(4)

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r u










h uric

a c

id 111


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