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YDS İngilizce Deneme Sınavı - 100 Soruluk + Cevap Anahtarı 5 | 83489


Academic year: 2021

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1.-24. sorularda, verilen boşluğu en iyi tamamlayan seçeneği bulunuz.

1. Although the partners seem to be in full agreement on matters of management, there is actually a ... difference of opinion among them.

A) smooth B) superficial C) versatile D) vast E) relentless

2. The journalists asked the Prime Minister so many questions that finally he felt it necessary to ... the statement.

A) propose B) refrain C) clarify D) undermine E) exempt

3. Geological activity in this region has produced a landscape that is at once ... and forbidding. A) wasteful B) cautious C) discreet D) susceptible




4. Owing to various advances in modern medicine, certain diseases that were seemingly incurable now ... treatment.

A) consist of B) yield to C) interfere with D) stem from E) take after

5. His poetic output may not be large but, nevertheless, Ted Hughes is generally regarded as one of the ... poets of our time.

A) excessive B) prolific C) extensive D) futile E) distinguished

6. Appeals for help for the earthquake victims have received ... support from all segments of society. A) relevant B) absolute C) ultimate D) enormous E) contemporary

7. Unfortunately, a great deal of medical equipment they have asked for is not readily ... .


A) available B) skilful C) adequate D) redundant E) considerable

8. On the whole, his latest novel has received favourable reviews, but it has been ... criticized in some quarters.

A) severely B) principally C) vitally D) merely E) obscurely

9. The ... in the interest rates has caused considerable concern in economic circles.

A) loan B) sale C) lease D) process E) decline

10. He is full ... good intentions, but none of them can be put ... practice.

A) at / under B) with / on C) from / up



over / onto E)

of / into

11. When Mr. Green had nodded ... approval, the chairman moved ... to the next item on the agenda. A) out/back B) at/off C) about/away D) in/on E) through/inside

12. I reckon he'll be a great asset to the firm, ... he really does have a good eye for business. A) although B) for C) therefore D) lest E) thus

13. ... the premiums for insuring the premises are high, we have no other choice but take out a policy.

A) Even though B) In spite of C) Unless D) Since E) Because


to deal with. A) so B) more C) most D) such E) the most

15. It's ... difficult to decide who is to blame in ... cases as there are many factors involved. A) rather/such B) therefore/so C) too/much D) such/these E) that/which

16. He said we were on no account ... the meeting before he came.

A) to have started B) start C) having started D) to start E) to be started

17. I still don't believe that the minister knew what was happening; I am sure ... .


couldn't have B)


C) shouldn't have D) hasn't to E) hadn't

18. It ... that restrictions regarding imports ... before the end of the fiscal year.


had been expected / are lifting B)

expects / are lifting C)

was excepted / had lifted D)

has been expected / are lifted E)

is expected / will be lifted

19. A farmer is ... in a major city, but, with his abilities, he is ... in a small village.

A) nothing/something B) someone/someone C) no-one/nobody D) somebody/nobody E) nobody/somebody

20. A colleague of ... has been nominated for the Nobel.

A) him B) me C) his D) her E) them


A) At/between B) In/over C) For/from D) To/by E) On/to

22. Many countries in Africa are rich ... in mineral resources to improve their balance of payments. A) enough B) rightly C) often D) too E) well

23. In fact the spread of foot disease has caused ... damage that we feared.

A) little B) much C) less D) a great deal of E) farther

24. An honours degree will be conferred upon the physicist ... contributions to energy studies have proved most beneficial.

A) which B) whose C) who



that E)


25.-32. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 25. ... but also there will be fringe benefits.


The bank had employed some new staff B)

He could have excellent working conditions C)

Not only has the bank offered him a high salary D)

We were very impressed by his performance E)

They could have interviewed more people

26. ... how they can expect to make any profit at all.


We were puzzled B)

They didn't assume C)

I don't see D)

It has already been E)

They had been denied

27. ... that estimating future manpower requirements is definitely desirable.


From the ongoing discussion it is obvious B)

We were extremely concerned C)

The manager is wondering D)

It had been under discussion for a long time E)

The committee was asked



which is responsible for the design of the botanical gardens B)

that he lost his temper at the board meeting C)

who have just returned from a business conference in Cairo D)

if he knew how to negotiate such delicate matters E)

whose son has won a scholarship to pursue his graduate studies in the United States

29. Don't you think it is significant ... ?


in case so many people would have marched in protest B)

if the resolution had been passed C)

how quickly they had cancelled all the flights D)

whether they were re-elected E)

that 26 people have resigned since Mr Fairfax was appointed manager

30. They are waiting for their legal advisor ... .


that he has recommended a similar policy B)

having called in to see them C)

if his influence has been sufficient D)

which of the proposals he favours E)

to suggest a more acceptable line of procedure

31. Everyone has been surprised ... .


what an expensive project this has proved to be B)

if the meeting had been postponed until June C)

when they have heard the decision of the Judge D)



that the newly appointed director has so much to say

32. He plans to give a lecture on contemporary poetry ... .


even if he had first studied literature B)

because it interested very few people C)

that he has published a lot on the subject D)

unless another subject is suggested E)

so as to have explained recent trends

33.-42. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.

33. As regards the high inflation in the country, no government has yet found an effective solution.


Hükümet, ülkedeki yüksek enflasyonu düşürmek için bir çözüm yolu bulamadı. B)

Ülkede yüksek enflasyon olduğu için hükümet henüz kesin bir çözüm bulmuş değil. C)

Ülkedeki yüksek enflasyonla ilgili olarak, henüz hiç bir hükümet etkili bir çözüm bulamadı.


Hiçbir hükümet, ülkedeki yüksek enflasyonu göz önüne alarak gerekli çözümleri öneremedi.


Ülkedeki yüksek enflasyon nedeniyle, hükümet henüz köklü bir çözüm bulamadı.

34. A colleague of ours, who has recently been appointed permanent representative to the Netherlands, has unfortunately developed lung cancer.


Hollanda'da temsilcimiz olarak yıllardan beri çalışmış bir meslekdaşımızda maalesef akciğer kanseri görüldü.


Hollanda'da ticari temsilcilik yapmakta olan bir arkadaşımızda ne yazık ki akciğer kanseri olduğu ortaya çıktı.


Maalesef, akciğer kanserine yakalanmış olan bir arkadaşımız, daimi temsilci olarak Hollanda'ya gönderildi.


Daimi temsilci olarak geçenlerde Hollanda'ya atanan bir meslekdaşımız, maalesef akciğer kanserine yakalanmış.



Baş temsilcimiz olarak geçenlerde Hollanda'ya yeniden atanan meslekdaşımıza maalesef akciğer kanseri teşhisi konmuş.

35. From the reading of her book, it is clear that Professor Jane Scott has a lot more to say on this subject.


Kitabını okuyunca, bu konu ile ilgili olarak Profesör Jane Scott'ın söyleyeceklerinin çok daha fazla olduğu anlaşılıyor.


Profesör Jane Scott'ın konu hakkında söylediklerinin çoğu, kitabı okununca anlaşılıyor.


Profesör Jane Scott'un kitabını okuyunca, bu konu ile ilgili olarak ne kadar çok şey söylediği anlaşılıyor.


Bu konu ile ilgili olarak Profesör Jane Scott'ın söylediklerinin pek çoğu kitabından okunabilir.


Bu konu ile ilgili kitabını okuyunca, Profesör Jane Scott'ın pek çok şey söylediği anlaşılıyor.

36. The advisory committee on housing has recommended that the low-income families should be given priority.


İskandan sorumlu karma kurul geliri yetersiz ailelere öncelikle yardım edilmesini önerdi.


İskan ile ilgili olarak, yönetim kurulu, düşük gelirli ailelerin öncelikle yerleştirilmesini önermiştir.


İskan ile ilgili danışma kurulu, düşük gelirli ailelere öncelik verilmesi tavsiyesinde bulunmuştur.


Gelir düzeyi düşük olan ailelerin öncelikle yerleştirilmesini iskan ile ilgili kurul karara bağladı.


Düşük gelirli ailelere öncelik verilmesi, iskan ile ilgili danışma kurulunda tartışma konusu olmuştur.

37. Whatever measures the Ministry may have taken against smuggling, it is essential that the public should also be enlightened about the matter.


Yolsuzluklara karşı hangi tedbirlerin alınması gerektiği hususunda Bakanlık kamuoyu oluşturmaya çalışıyor.


Silah kaçakçılığına karşı alınan tedbirlere ek olarak Bakanlık kamuoyunu da aydınlatmak için konu üzerinde duruyor.



Yolsuzlukları önlemek için bakanlığın aldığı bir dizi tedbire ek olarak konu hakkında kamuoyu da aydınlatılıyor.


Rüşvete karşı ne gibi tedbirler alınması gerektiği hususunda bakanlık kamuoyuna açıklamalar yapmayı uygun görüyor.


Kaçakçılığa karşı bakanlık hangi tedbirleri almış olursa olsun, konu hakkında kamuoyunun da aydınlatılması şart.

38. If he knew what the board had decided as regards his promotion, he would be terribly disappointed.


Naklen tayini hakkında kurulun nasıl bir karar verdiğini bilse, büyük üzüntü duyardı. B)

Tayini için kurulun verdiği kararı bilseydi derhal istifa ederdi. C)

Kendi durumu ile ilgili olarak kurulun kararının ne olduğunu bilmiş olsaydı, tayin edilmeyi kesinlikle istemezdi.


Terfisi ile ilgili olarak kurulun neye karar verdiğini bilse, tam bir düş kırıklığına uğrardı. E)

Başarısızlığı nedeniyle hakkında kurulun ne tür bir karar vereceğini bilseydi, son derece sinirlenirdi.

39. I firmly believe that we must put into effect some urgent plans in order to increase productivity.


Üretimi artıracak çeşitli planlar geliştirmemiz gerektiği görüşüne tamamen katılıyorum. B)

Verimliliği artırmak için bazı acil planları yürürlüğe koymamız gerektiğine kuvvetle inanıyorum.


Üretimi geliştirmek amacıyla yapılan planları uygulamaya koymak zorunda olduğumuz kanısındayım.


Verimliliğin arttırılması bakımından bazı önemli planlar geliştirmemiz gerektiği düşüncesindeyim.


Verimlilik düzeyini geliştirmemiz için bazı kapsamlı planlar üzerinde durmamız gerektiği inancındayım.

40. Turkey's membership of the European Community will be of vital importance for the development of our international economic relations.


Türkiye'nin Avrupa Topluluğu'na üyeliği, uluslararası ekonomik ilişkilerimizin gelişmesi bakımından hayati bir önem taşıyacakır.



Uluslararası ekonomik ilişkilerimizin geliştirilmesi için Türkiye'nin Avrupa Topluluğu'na üye olması son derece önemli görülmektedir.


Türkiye'nin uluslararası ekonomik ilişkilerinin artması, Avrupa Topluluğu'na üyelik için büyük önem taşımaktadır.


Uluslararası ekonomik ilişkilerimizin gelişmesi sonucu Türkiye'nin Avrupa Topluluğu'na üye olması daha da çok önem kazanmıştır.


Türkiye'nin Avrupa Topluluğu'na üyeliğinden sonra uluslararası ekonomik ilişkilerimizin geliştirilmesi çok büyük önem taşıyacaktır.

41. Propose what they may, we are not going to accept their views on this issue.


Bu konuda ne gibi öneriler ileri sürecekleri hususunda herhangi bir görüşümüz bulunmamakta.


İstedikleri önerileri yapsınlar, bu sorunla ilgili görüşlerini kimseye kabul ettiremeyecekler.


Ne önerirlerse önersinler, bu konudaki görüşlerini kabul etmeyeceğiz. D)

Ne gibi öneriler getirecekleri belli değilse de onların bu konuya bakış açılarını kabul edemeyiz.


Her ne önerdilerse, bu konu ile ilgili olarak hiç birini kabul etmedik.

42. Owing to an unexpected delay in the delivery of the mail, his application did not reach us in time.


Postanın dağılmasındaki beklenmeyen gecikme nedeniyle, başvurusu bize zamanında ulaşmadı.


Mektupların dağıtılması gecikince, bize yaptığı başvuru saatinde ulaşamadı. C)

Postadaki beklenmeyen gecikme yüzünden başvurusunu zamanında bize gönderemedi.


Başvurusunun bize zamanında ulaşmamasının nedeni, postanın dağıtımında meydana gelen gecikmeydi.


Postanın hiç tahmin edilmeyen gecikmesi, onun başvurusunun bize çabuk ulaşamamasına yol açtı.


43. Faiz oranlarının biraz düşmesine rağmen, müşterilerimizin sayısı artmaya devam ediyor.


Even though the number of clients is still going up the interest rates continue to fall slightly.


Since the interest rates are going down one cannot expect an increase in the number of clients.


Even though the interest rates have gone down slightly, the number of our clients continues to increase.


Unless the interest rates go up a little we cannot expect an increase in the number of our clients.


Despite a slight fall in the number of our clients we have managed to keep up the interest rates.

44. Kasa üzerinde onun parmak izlerini bulamadığımız sürece, onun masum olduğunu kabul etmek zorundayız.


If his fingerprints are not to be found on the safe we shall have to accept his innocence.


So long as we can't find his fingerprints on the safe, we have to accept that he is innocent.


Should his fingerprints be found on the safe then we will be obliged to admit that he is guilty.


Unless his fingerprints are found on the safe he can never be accused of being guilty. E)

Of course he is not guilty, for no trace of his fingerprints has ever been found on the safe.

45. Onunla ne zaman karşılaşsam hep konut sorununu ortaya koyuyor.


The housing problem is so serious that he no longer mentions it at the meeting. B)

The housing problem is a topic he usually avoids when we meet. C)

Whenever the problem of housing comes up at our meetings, we take different sides. D)

Every time we meet a problem, it always seems to be related to housing. E)


46. Bildiğim kadarıyla, valiler toplantısı süresiz olarak ertelendi.


It is not yet definite whether or not the governors' meeting will be cancelled. B)

As far as I know the meeting of the governors has been postponed indefinitely. C)

I know the governors have been notified that their meeting will take place at a later date.


In my opinion a meeting of the governors should be called immediately. E)

I assume the governors have already been informed that the meeting is to be put off

47. Deprem bölgesinde bir salgını önlemek için derhal acil tedbirler alınmalıdır.


An epidemic has broken out in the earthquake area so we must take measures right away to prevent its spread.


Various measures to overcome the epidemic in the earthquake area have already been taken.


Urgent measures must be taken immediately to prevent an epidemic in the earthquake area.


The earthquake area has been hit by an epidemic in spite of the measures urgently taken.


Unless the epidemic following the earthquake in the area dies down, urgent measures will be called for.

48. Ülkemizin su kaynaklarından enerji ve sulama amacı ile tam olarak yararlanmak için birkaç uzun vadeli proje hazırlanıyor.


With the projects under preparation some of the country's water resources will produce long-term benefits in the fields of energy production and irrigation.


The projects concerning the water resources of the country will in the long run be implemented for irrigation and energy.


Several of the long-term projects now under consideration are concerned with using the country's water resources for energy and irrigation purposes.


Several long-term projects to make full-use of the country's water resources for purposes of energy and irrigation are under preparation.



irrigation, should be given priority.

49. Bakanlığa girmene izin verilmeden önce kimlik kartını göstermeni isteyecekler.


They'll ask you to show your identity card before you are allowed to enter the ministry. B)

You can only enter the ministry if you have an identity card with you. C)

You will be required to carry an identity card if you start work at the ministry. D)

Everyone is required to show you an identity card on entering the ministry. E)

You will have to wear an identity card if you are working at the ministry.

50. İki liderin zirve toplantısı, insanlığa büyük yarar sağlayacak bir antlaşmanın imzalanması ile son buldu.


Two of the leaders at the summit meeting have agreed to sign a treaty that will improve their relations.


Finally the two leaders agreed to a summit meeting which will be to the benefit of mankind.


The agreement signed by the two leaders at the summit meeting will certainly contribute to the prosperity of the people.


The summit meeting of the two leaders ended with the signing of an agreement that will be of great benefit to mankind.


At the end of the summit meeting two of the leaders decided to sign an agreement that would be beneficial to both nations.

51. Şişmanlığın başka bir nedeni, suyun vücut dokularında tutulmasıdır.


The retention of water in the body tissues, moreover, will cause overweight. B)

In cases of overweight, too much water is retained by body tissues. C)

Another cause of overweight is the retention of water in the body tissues. D)

Overweight also causes the body tissues to retain more water. E)

The heavier a person is the more water is retained in the body tissues.



The bank manager was horrified that his personal problems made the headlines.. B)

Previously, it was the bank manager's personal problems that made the headlines in the press.


Indeed, that was before the bank manager's personal problems made the news. D)

The former bank manager's personal troubles even hit the headlines in the press. E)

Prior to this, no bank manager's personal concerns have received such treatment in the press.

53.-58. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.

53. In 1929 the stock market crashed and the Great Depression of the 1930's began. ...; and almost immediately the nation's confidence in its government and its political leaders vanished.


Economic theory has never really explained how it happened B)

There was to be terrible suffering in both Europe and America C)

The prosperity that had seemed so permanent ended abruptly D)

Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath during these years E)

The road to recovery was a long and slow one

54. With the Renaissance the arts ceased to be primarily religious. The heavens fell into the background and the earth came to the fore. ... Fewer pictures were painted of the angels in heaven and more of the people in the world.


There was obviously a great deal of corruption in the church. B)

The Renaissance means the rebirth of classical learning. C)

Leonardo da Vinci, for instance, painted many pictures with religious themes. D)

Michael Angelo is a typical product of Renaissance times. E)

The trend was to build palaces rather than cathedrals.

55. During the middle ages, Venice flourished greatly as her trade expanded. ... . At that time she not only controlled the main trade route between east and west, but she also built up a considerable empire on the mainland of Italy and down the Adriatic Coast,


including parts of Greece. Apart from the Ottoman Empire there was no other power to challenge her.


Furthermore, the city was originally founded by refugees who had fled here from the attacks of Atilla and his armies on the mainland of North Italy


However. when new routes to the East were discovered, her power and wealth began to decline


On the other hand, it was ruled by a supreme magistrate, called the "Doge", and by councillors elected from among the aristocracy


In fact, by the fifteenth century she was enjoying her golden age E)

Moreover, she came into fierce conflict with the other sea-trading power, Genoa

56. There are no less than 140 countries comprising the so-called "third world" known variously as "less developed" or "developing" or "underdeveloped" or "poor" countries. There is a great diversity among them, and yet they have a number of features in common. ... . For instance, some of the oil-producing countries have achieved very high levels of income per capita while retaining many of the characteristics of less developed countries.


Their natural resources are so limited that economically they are mostly dependant on international aid.


Population explosion is a major problem many countries are unable to cope with. C)

In such countries there is a great demand for an educated and skilled work force. D)

Death rates have fallen sharply in response to improved health services. E)

Foremost among these is their poverty, but even poverty is not universal.

57. Bacteria are minute, single-celled organisms of variable shape and activity. Along with the viruses, they are classified as the lowest forms of plant life. Bacteria are everywhere - in soil, water, dust, and in air. ... . Some turn decaying vegetable matter into manure; others, within the human or animal body, assist in the development of certain vitamins essential to health.


There are still many bacteria whose size and shape are not known yet B)

Food poisoning is also caused by various kinds of bacteria C)

A high-powered microscope is needed to detect bacteria in some substances D)



There are thousands of different types and many perform useful functions

58. Vegetables eaten freshly cooked are safe. They may be contaminated after cooking or be subject to spore germination and outgrowth if cooled slowly and stored warm. Salad vegetables, lettuce, tomato, radishes, cucumber and watercress should be washed in water for not less than 30 seconds. ... .


In some restaurants a great variety of salad is served B)

Some people are not fond of vegetables at all C)

Water pollution is a serious danger that threatens the world D)

This is especially important in countries where crops are sometimes flooded with water polluted with human and animal sewage


As a result of easy transportation and good packaging, tropical vegetables are distributed worldwide

59.-64. sorularda, anlam bakımından hangi cümlenin parçaya uymadığını bulunuz.

59. (I) The acts of a single man are as a rule unimportant nowadays. (II) But the acts of groups are more important than they used to be. (III) If one man refuses to work, that is his own affair. (IV) After all, everyone stops working when he retires. (V) But if there is a strike in a vital industry the whole community suffers.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

60. (I) Actually London dates back to Roman times. (II) Greater London, with its nine million population, includes the City and the County of London. (III) It also includes the outer suburbs and much land that looks more urban than rural. (IV) There are no definite boundaries, but it covers an area of some twenty miles radius from Oxford Circus. (V) It is surrounded by a "green belt" and here it is forbidden to build.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

61. (I) A thick layer of snow on a steep slope is always liable to avalanche. (II) A lot of avalanches occur in the Alps. (III) A very small disturbance may set it in motion. (IV) The vibrations caused by a passing train are sufficient. (V) Once in motion it gains in speed and crushes in its path.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

62. (I) At the end of 1974, the prospects of the country were far from rosy. (II) To start with, the rate of inflation was steadily going up. (III) It only dropped temporarily in July and August. (IV) So were the unemployment figures. (V) And the cold winter served to aggravate all the problems.


A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

63. (I) Most children, from time to time, show aggressive tendencies. (II) This is entirely normal, and should be regarded as so. (III) In fact, children should be encouraged to express their aggression fully through creative activities and exploration. (IV) For this, a safe, suitable background must be provided. (V) Actually, more accidents occur indoors than they do outdoors.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

64. (I) There are several reasons why conventional medicine distrusts the practitioners of alternative medicine. (II) Herbalists believe they can cure a wide range of conditions with plant substances alone. (III) These people like to look beyond the immediate symptoms to the body's total state. (IV) They aim to restore health by helping the body to heal itself. (V) Their skill lies in knowing which plants are beneficial in which circumstances.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

65.-70. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.

65. You think someone has behaved in an objectionable way and you are determined to tell him so. You say:


I can't imagine why you decided to do such a thing. B)

It really was very gracious of you to behave like that. C)

I didn't expect you to do that! D)

You behaviour has disgusted me and I don't think I shall ever forgive you. E)

You must agree it was rather an odd thing to say.

66. Your patient has diabetes and you want to impress upon him how important a starch-free diet is. You say:


So long as you eat a well-balanced diet you will be all right. B)

I am afraid you cannot be treated with medicines. C)

You must cut down on all starch foods and eat absolutely nothing with sugar in it. D)

Just eat normally and don't try to lose weight. E)


67. You are buying a new computer for use in the firm. Your main worry is that the modal you like might prove too complicated for the staff to work. You ask the salesman:


Roughly how long does it take the average person to use a computer of this type efficiently?


Can you briefly give me some idea of the advantages of this model over the cheap one?


Can you show me a model that is more efficient than the one you sold me last year? D)

This type is just what we need. Can you show me how to operate it? E)

This computer will really ease their weight-load; so they'll be delighted, don't you agree.

68. You are taking visitors to the laboratory to see how your experiment has been set up. It is vital that no one touches anything, so you say:


Concerning the experiment, let's keep in touch. B)

I am certain no one has touched anything. C)

Don't bother to touch anything. D)

It is essential that nobody touches anything related to the experiment. E)

If you want to touch anything, be sure it is safe.

69. The manager of the firm you work asked your opinion about one of the new employees. You want to give a non-committal answer. You say:


It's really too early to say. I know nothing either for or against him. B)

He's the best trainee we've had for several years. C)

Personally, I can't stand the man. D)

I'll keep an eye on him if you are interested. E)

If you are looking for a new assistant, he can't do the job well.

70. Your daughter is going to Istanbul by bus. You want to hear that she has arrived safely, so you say:



You do know your aunt's telephone number, don't you? B)

Let me know when you're coming back and I'll meet you. C)

I expect your aunt will at the station to meet you. D)

Be sure to give us a ring when you get there. E)

Have a good trip! Enjoy your holiday!

71.-76. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmında söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

71. Andy:

I see they are still investigating the cause of the fire at the Chilton Hotel. James:

... Andy:

Do you agree? James:

Yes I do. But it will be difficult to prove in court.


If the wind hadn't dropped they say the damage would have been even worse. B)

That's very natural. Some people reckon it was started deliberately. C)

As far as concerned, it was obviously a question of gross carelessness. D)

The insurance companies involved are demanding a court enquiry. E)

I don't think they ever will learn the real cause.

72. Ted:

Is something worrying you? Sam:

Yes, Bob Shaw, who was in charge of work at the new dam, has been taken ill. Ted:

... Sam:

Precisely. And I don't know how I'm going to find one.


Has he been off work long? B)

How much are you prepared to pay? C)



Hard luck. He really was a capable man. E)

Well, if I can help, just let me know.

73. Mr. Wright:

I see The Times has yet another article on immigration. Have you read it? Mrs. Wright:

No, but intend to do. They are obviously making an issue of it. Mr. Wright:


Mrs. Wright:

You may be right, but I hope it's not as serious as that.


At the office everybody was talking against him. B)

And so they should. Have you any idea how many people are involved? C)

They should have done so many years ago. D)

Yes, that's how it seem to me, too. It may lead to some resignation even. E)

And, about time, too. Did you get a copy of Newsweek for me?

74. Mrs. Glower:

Will you give up your job when the baby is born? Mary:


Mrs Glower:

Never mind. I'm sure your mother will be delighted to take care of it.


Yes, of course I will. I wouldn't want anyone else to look after it. B)

Certainly not. I should hate staying at home with a baby. C)

I haven't decided yet, but I shall have to do soon. D)

I don't know. What do you advise? E)

No, I'd like to but I can't afford to.

75. Secretary:

I'm afraid Dr John doesn't see patients except by appointment. Paul:



Well, in that case sit down and I'll let him know you're here.




Can't you give me an appointment? C)

But I'm not a patient. I'm his brother. D)

Surely, he is not too busy to see me. E)

Well, can you give me an appointment for later in the day?

76. Mr. Clapton:

You are looking tired dear. Mrs. Clapton:


Mr. Clapton:

Why? What happened? Mrs. Clapton:

I don't know. Everything seemed to go wrong. But, let's forget it.


I was going to suggest we had dinner outside. B)

Really, Well, I feel just fine. C)

So are you. It must be the weather. D)

Well, I'm tired. I've had a most tiring day. E)

My secretary was back today so we got a lot of work done.

77.-82. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

77. As I understand it, the advantages of the scheme and the disadvantages just about balance each other out.


I really cannot decide whether the advantages of the scheme outweigh the advantages, or whether it is the other way round.


It seems to me that the scheme has more advantages than disadvantages. C)

If you want my opinion, I would sat the scheme has fewer advantages and disadvantages.


In a scheme of this sort, one would expect there to be both advantages and disadvantages.


It is essential that the advantages and the disadvantages of the scheme are given equal attention.


78. These gardens have been well-designed, so they look attractive all the year around.


Good garden design would ensure that these gardens were lovely to look at all through the year.


The best-planned gardens are those which look attractive all the year round. C)

Only well-designed gardens like these appeal to the public all the year round. D)

Whatever the season, these gardens look attractive for much planning has gone into them.


If you tried, you could make these gardens beautiful even in the winter.

79. He's only just arrived, so he still doesn't know what's happened.


It's a long time since he came, so he doesn't know what's been happening. B)

He hasn't been here long, so nobody thought the news would interest him. C)

As he only got here a minute or two ago, he hasn't heard the news yet. D)

All that happened just before he arrived. E)

If he had arrived here a minute earlier he would have been given all the news.

80. Owing to the poor visibility it took us ten hours, instead of the usual eight, to get to Istanbul.


The lights of Istanbul were visible for two hours before we reached the city. B)

Even though we ran into a lot of fog on the way to Istanbul the journey didn't take much longer than usual.


We waited two hours for the fog to lift before driving on to Istanbul. D)

The fog meant that we reached Istanbul two hours later than would be normal. E)

It takes between eight and ten hours to drive to Istanbul, depending on visibility.

81. The newspapers are putting the blame on his private secretary, but I think several other people are equally guilty.


The names of some of the guilty people were given to the newspapers by his private secretary.



Quite a lot of people are annoyed at the attitude of the newspapers towards his private secretary.


According to the newspapers, it is not only his private secretary who is to blame; several other people are involved.


Some of the people who are quite as guilty as his private secretary have managed to avoid getting their names in the newspapers.


It seems to me that several people are at fault, not just his private secretary as the newspapers are suggesting.

82. Much to my surprise, I found his lecture on the civilization of Mesopotamia extremely interesting.


I was fascinated by what he had to say in his lecture on the civilization of Mesopotamia though I hadn't expected to be.


Contrary to expectations, his lecture on ancient Mesopotamia was the most fascinating of all.


It was at his lecture on the civilization of Mesopotamia that I realized how fascinating the subject is.


Surprisingly few people are interested in the lecture on the civilization of Mesopotamia.


I hadn't expected him to lecture on the civilization of Mesopotamia, but he spoke remarkably well.

83.-85. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

As technological developments have altered production techniques, types of mechanical equipment and varieties of output, society has begun to recognize that economic progress involves not only changes in machinery but also in men - not only expenditures on equipment but also on people. Investment in people makes it possible to take advantage of technical progress as well as to continue that progress. Improvements in education expands and extends knowledge, leading to advances which raise productivity and improve health.

83. According to the author, investment in education ... .


has a direct impact on production techniques B)



has little significance for economic progress D)

is far more important than investment in health E)

has led to certain specific technological changes

84. The passage is mainly concerned with ... .


the question of economic progress and productivity B)

the necessity of improvement in health services C)

Long-term benefits of investment in education D)

the impact of economy in life expectancy E)

New education policies to meet technological needs

85. It is argued in the passage that ... .


questions of increased output must be given priority B)

economic progress depends largely on technological developments C)

expenditures should be evenly distributed among the sectors D)

improvements in the health services are urgently required E)

society was slow to realize the need to invest in man

86.-88. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Both as a profession and as a science, economics lost considerable prestige during the recession of 1974-75. The crisis that sized the western industrialized countries, including Japan, was of a character not to be found in economics textbooks: rate of inflation exceeding 10% a year coupled with declining production, and high levels of unemployment. Hitherto, peacetime inflation had been associated with high employment and overactive economy, while high rates of unemployment went with the recession or depression. The next combination was aptly called stagflation.

86. The term stagflation can be defined as ... .




High unemployment in spite of high levels of production. C)

a decrease in the rates of inflation. D)

inflation in an overactive economy. E)

High levels of peacetime inflation.

87. The economic crisis of the mid-1970's ... .


followed the same pattern as earlier economic crisis B)

had little effect on the industry of developed countries C)

caused people to lose faith in economics D)

caused the economy to be overactive E)

Was characterized only by high inflation and low production

88. The main subject of the passage is ... .


the growing popularity of economics as a science B)

the relationship between unemployment and recession C)

the industrial decline of Japan and some western countries D)

the unusual nature and the extensive effects of the economic crisis of the 1970's E)

How to combat high inflation and unemployment

89.-91. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

"Political crime" differs from ordinary crime only in the motivation, real or claimed, of the criminal. A hold-up, a bank robbery, a burglary, drug running, kidnapping, or murder is no less a crime for being politically motivated. In this context, terrorism may be defined as "motivated violence for political ends"; this distinguishes terrorism both from vandalism and from crimes of violence in which no political motivation is discerned. Political crime is thus a wider term than terrorism, which is an extreme form of it. The relationship between the two is that between the whole and the part.



terrorism rarely stems from political considerations. B)

a bank robbery cannot be politically motivated. C)

vandalism and political crime are one and the same thing. D)

there is no relationship between political crime and terrorism. E)

a crime is still a crime even though it may be politically motivated.

90. The author maintains that a crime is political ... .


so long as it is committed against politicians. B)

if it is related to vandalism. C)

if violence is involved. D)

Only when the end is political. E)

when drug-running and kidnapping are excluded.

91. A suitable title for this passage could be ... .


Types of Political Crime B)

Political Crime and Terrorism C)

Criminal Activities D)

Prevention of Political Crime E)

The Spread of Terrorism

92.-94. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

All of us would agree that we know a number of different things. If challenged to give a catalogue of what you know, you might say, for example, that you know the English and French languages, how to swim, how to drive a car, how to analyze a chemical substance, that you know a number different people, and so on. The list even in general terms like this would be a very long one, and it would not be possible, for practical purposes, to set out such a catalogue in detail. But one thing is obvious from the few examples I have given; the word "know" is commonly used in many different senses.


92. The main point of the passage is ... .


that the frontiers of knowledge cannot be defined B)

to make people realize how little they know C)

to demonstrate how variable are the meaning of the word "know" D)

whether it is desirable to know everything E)

that knowledge can be acquired from different sources

93. It is shown in the passage that ... .


the cataloguing of knowledge is deceptive B)

most people's knowledge is one-sided C)

people have more theoretical than practical knowledge D)

theoretical knowledge is underestimated E)

people are confident they know a great many things

94. A suitable title for this passage could be ... .


Practical knowledge B)

Catalogues of knowledge C)

Learning Foreign Languages D)

Defining the Word "Know" E)

Common Terminology

95.-97. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

The atom bomb, and still more the hydrogen bomb, have caused new fears, including new doubts as to the effects of science on human life. Some eminent authorities, including Einstein, have pointed out that there is a danger of extinction of all life on this planet. I do not myself think that this will happen in the next war, but I think it may happen in the next but one, if that is allowed to occur. If this expectation is correct, we have to choose, within the next fifty years or so, between two alternatives. Either we must allow the human race to exterminate


itself, or we must forgo certain liberties which are very dear to us.

95. It is implied that ... .


the scientist should ignore moral issues B)

Einstein seldom agreed with other scientists as regards the value of human life C)

science is not always beneficial to mankind D)

personal liberties are the things we should fight for E)

scientists will prevent any further war

96. The author believes that the only way to avoid war ... .


cannot be found within the next half century B)

is to give up certain much loved liberties C)

is to submit everything to arbitration D)

is a voluntary lowering of economic standards E)

is by fairly facing the problem of all nations

97. A suitable title for this passage could be ... .


What Choice to Make? B)

Another Nuclear War C)

Einstein and His Theories D)

The Extermination of Mankind E)

How to Safeguard Liberties

98.-100. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

There are several points to remember when buying food. First of all, larger shops sell goods at lower prices than smaller shops. As most people know, supermarkets often sell their own brands of many products. "Own brands" are, on average, cheaper than the brands of leading


manufacturers. For example, on items such as peas, beans, soap and soap powder, own brands can be up to 15 percent cheaper. On some lines, such as washing-up liquid, the

savings can be even greater. There is no reason to suppose that own brand ones inferior. They are commonly produced in the same place as the branded products. Often the difference is the packaging and the price.

98. The passage argues that ... .


the prices of most branded products are completely fair B)

people should avoid the cheaply packaged "own brands". C)

big stores charge more for basic food stuffs than is necessary D)

there is no real difference in quality between "own brands" and the branded products E)

customers should be protected against poor products

99. When buying food stuffs and cleaning materials in a supermarket, ... .


one is advised to choose "own brands" B)

one should not look for the cheaper brands C)

we must not ignore the packaging D)

we must remember that goods may be of poor quality E)

it is advisable to buy the products major manufacturers

100. In this passage, the author is trying to show people ... .


that they should always shop at the same supermarket B)

How to cut the weekly budget by at least 15 percent C)

what brands are produced by leading manufacturers D)

Why it is wiser to prefer smaller shops E)

How to shop economically



1. D 2. C 3. E 4. B 5. E 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. E 10. E 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. E 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. E 19. E 20. C 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. E 29. E 30. E 31. C 32. D 33. C 34. D 35. A 36. C 37. E 38. D 39. B 40. A 41. C 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. E 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. D 51. C 52. D 53. C 54. E 55. D 56. E 57. E 58. D 59. D 60. A 61. B 62. C 63. E 64. A 65. A 66. C 67. A 68. D 69. A 70. D 71. B 72. C 73. B 74. E 75. C 76. D 77. A 78. D 79. C 80. D 81. E 82. A 83. B 84. C 85. B 86. A 87. C 88. D 89. E 90. D 91. B 92. C 93. A 94. D 95. C 96. B 97. A 98. D 99. A 100. E


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